Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Oct 1966, p. 3

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To lhlnk nIlechdy he only My ha lrqu human ho mld Tho cuenllul qunllly that we hav human belnn lhe ability la lhlnk can only be reallted result 01 con llnulng lllellmu educnllon zrndunllnz Iludtnls North Colleglnlo we lnld last night John Thamcr panonncl lup crvlsor of llell Telenhonu of Canndn Inld In mmmcmm men uddreu lhnl lnllure to cnnllnue cducallun bolh armllly Ind lnlnrmally to deny nnul obllxnllon Ind potential to In an ellecllva and complete por Ion Every normally lnlcllllen human belnl capable or learn In haw In mm but Impris lnuly cw ever lake he trouble dcspllo drum our educn lunnl lmumlnm ABOUT PROFILEMS Slrlclly Ipenllnz ha lflld thinking poulhle only about problems and prlmo candl Ion ienrnlnl hnw lo lhlnk cllmlvely In an rm Irglp EM chl llnliwcm wukml brmnfhl nmry vajwn lo Ibo fannm mark an Muka St um nymlpz with few new item bircml filiéxil mm were mvrlllm hog11qume mm In nixx tEciiHIi hm mm ln valved one mun dIsUngulnh tween two Icllvltlu on re llnlloween drmrI mm Ilnllmm 400mm mkm 15 15 Mmnwlu 75c hut um bum wlnlar pun lrmwlou at in mil we MM 11 mumh unwi 1L mun MIMI X0 lh 73c Imxwll ze mm 25c munmu la Jx mulan 15c ml howl hr 25c Inflmlfnmll 506 Moll lemm lumlpa be up palm we ban mm in Km wnwl to 06¢ donn Int mumn lama 70c mu In DC 6001 lum linth was hi on mum ml indwlnl phi km haw mum mm uc Educatiqn Helps Ability To Think Speaker Says Feature Novelties At Farmers Market qucnlly conlmedhlnklng and duydrcamlnu In lrue minklng my awnm nus hut lherc II prnblcm to be solved form mu lo excr clse conlrnl uvcr lhu stream Ideas that came my mind In daydreamlm we simply no cap every idea or Image um mouse In Inlulmzcncc Mr Thamer told Menu really the nbil Hy In connccunn belwccn an Idea Ihnt come In mlnd and grublcm which has lo bo lul vc Thinklnu does not consist In Invenllnl or creating new Mm but rnlhcr In xcelnu lha can noclIan between dons lhnl com to us and ha problem to be mlvcd The man who knawn my llllle the man uhu lake no Icrlnul trouqu lo lncrenln hls atom Inlormnuon bolh nbou lhu world In gumml and about the parumlnr llcld In whlth his Work 1ch wlll Hmnly Ind hlm loll canmnlly bnlnul by ha Eroblnm he lncu In llh nnxl ublllly la Ihlnk ulll bu hl nbninymla Ihlnk ulfi lhumughly clipplcd VERY LITTLE Thu more ynu knnw nhoul any nun lho more Idea yuu wlll hm wnrk Ilh why In nll nlurnllon II lnullulluxu In Ichuull unl mmlu nml huslnm Hm rur rlmlum nlwny Includes hm po menu mlme or nhrrr In drummu In hn hm nml por lull In vhlrh lhnl knnulnlgo nrpllrd In nulvimz nt vrulr Irma unv mm Manny rum yimn 71mm ml man duh Aumu J0 ilfl Bl Ih la burl It le rlflmm am hrnllv Imam mm mun Tunrt Nlflfl INN Anolllrr mung rHrrlM Ihlnkinz ha n1le murllco wrr1r119varyylyryyyyyyvryrvvrrrrvryviu uvvvvvvzvvvnrvryyxr131113er Clnndlln Suva 10 Children Fund CHRISTMAS CARDS Ind DEATHS HAIR Dmlu Noth Al IAIVIN lllmfi LTD Dunlap Hill Jnhmm IDIa HELP CHILD BUY ur ll Thu only answer In how his mlnlng to be nccnmplb shed Mr ThamLr mid by Iyslemallcnlly acqulrlng Infor malion often manor of form In habit of wlde readlnz and conlhflflng cducalinn and also by mnhodlcaily wnrkhlz nixmugh problnmaolving txch 53 WANTS LEVI35mm OUT QUHIHCC CWNIKKI 110v qurllr lerrnl Ml ur AHIIII Irrm ha mount hlll In Quolzncl pmvlnrlnl Almnl Irly rnnkn might be Mulrd leno henrch mm In lonvo Hm any mlunlatlly In wcrk rulumn leu or lho Qllohrc daily LArllnn Mr Ihn quelln my llurlwm Ihnul xrnlrlnl In Um Karimr wellm mlnhltr lnr lho mlal nwnkrnan ho llrmmhl Hm rrnrlnrr lml Mnltlum ul Ilw LIInrnl pally do Ilol Illll him any mm Woman Wins Night On Town Shanty my woman has wan lhla weeks Nllhl an Iho Town conlcsl Mn Evelyn Johnston of R11 Shanty Day comdly 111anth um buslntsl ln ha mule as Couyl Cluancrl In wlnncr Mu Johnnlon trim lmlr Ilylc com plimcnu Rubys ncnuly Salon onn lndyl mun dress and onu mnn null dunncd nl Couy Qunlkly Gannon rcu lrnnsfnrlnilnn lur lhu cvunlnx comp lmrnu Allnndnln Tnxl 30 roman mm Frnleyl llnwm dinnrr for two lho Conlinrnlnl Inn Ina mu or In In View movln at he 11on Tlmalre cnlrr lnlnmml Mlcr lha mow nl Hm mHnmml Inn lurxlo 1mm luln THE BARRIE EXAMINER SATURDAY MORE MSG8 drive to collect 1311 name on peliflnn demanding ple biscite an fluoridation began this alternonn or Clvll Liber llns Cummiuce cl Burda slur cd knocking on doors to collect he slgnnlurc today and he campnlgn expected to get In lulqikxwipg Maggy Ed Jennings of Danla named temporary diamnnn of the com mfllea esllmalcd he necessary number of names would he on 1119 Edition hr nder provincial legislation municipalities are required in hold plebiscite on the quesiion petition bearing iha mmcs oi 10 per cent of he voter is prgducmi Danla CM lecrllc Comm lce Ks connected with the 0m Inga Clyll lights Assopinun hold may meeting next week to plan other phases of it nnLl ldullu Earlier am Mr Anne Burton Toronto president or the Onlarlo Civil Righls Assoc Inuon old public hearing narrle that fluoridallan mum Iclpal water Iuppllcs under mine lndXvIdunl llbcrllu and capslilulcs health hazard Howevcr Bunlo doclnn nnd donlhls unuch slrnmdy lhn tho rhcmlcal could him no harmful sldo Neda BEYOND DOUBT Thu minty 75 fluurldnflon hnl bran plated beyond doubl Dr Haircng Dr nllkny dcnlm called tha slnlu donnl hcnflh In narrla dbplnrnblo uml nlkrd lly cuuntll In Implement fluor ldnllun ha has mum to mining the prgplcm Sodium flunrldu am an Hut teeth nan dcvrloplnx Iccnnd ltclh cl thlldrm Irnm blnh un lll they nm about 11 yuan old In make lhcm more rrslslanl to meld lhoflflcplnl prafcsgion spyl Tho cum lnsln lhmuxhuul llfe reducing loolh dccny by uy ln prr crnl LONflTERH Anllvnunrldnllnnlvu hawovrr my Hm ham lmu Ion lnrm Imdlol Iml clulm In thtmlrnl uu been harmnfl lo Iumn proplo munlclxunlillrl hem ll hm hern lnlmlumL my will In Indium fluorhln mhlcd lo lhn wulrr lupply rnn llrrndn mnnl lmwrrrn Il hILI lwm rvlulul by he Onlmin Wnur Hmurm Commlulnn my rmmdl finkml lth wukl whim hmdnu ml mrmbm Ihn uenrrnl nonem Group Seeks Fluoridation Plebiscite CITY NEWS mont cummltlee Mayor Cooke Aldermen Horsey Roberts and Le Jollmu her of 10 one pclgis Thiar clvnl llbérues association cauld ablnln hu necessary num bgr ol we 10 large plebe citei But iii does noi the com mittee wiii be faced with the de cisinn whether to initiate plebiscite on its own inmth fluoridation without or scrap the idea Himmler York Unlvmlly lltulsxrm Hnwnrlh will nddrm Crn lrnl Cnllczlnln Aludtnll durlnu rammrnccmnnl excrdm at the Achool Frldny anllclnrlnn II Cnrnl Chtr rlnulnn nlnrlo Irlmlnr lml wlnnrr lnur other ncmltmlc nwnnll Mur ulmlrnll him In ln rrrrlvo thrlr tullflcnlu Uninrio Schulan nn DanIII nmney Aml Jnhn Gnu Thu pmxrnm will anqu mu llrnl nclrcllon hy lhu lmnrl nml tho pnunlnllml prlm nml nrmlununn diplnmas lo the rlnu nl STOP CLOCKS EXPERT SAYS Will Address Central Studenls At Commencement TORONN 0P When daylight lime ends at mld rglghl Saturday Hock back nnrhéur fiain an exch night Saturday Oct 29 dont turn the hand of the Stop It or an hour Instead nnd Avoid damage to thc wrks my clock expert James Brown In 1mm Io Tonom nwwu papers or Ihe mend year Mr Bramn warns that Iurn lug the hand back on striking clock damage the plus and levers whlch oper ale tho ilrike and chime mechanisms The It could be an oxpcmlve over haildl of the Whole clock be In Instead flop ha pendu him on valnnbha clock the lim huur cl unndard time he ndvhcd TOpH Hanors Shared At North Collegiate Shell Craig and Gerard Dulk shared top hnnnu at cum mencemenl exercises Bunis Nnrlh Collegiate lust ulghl win my 11 awards or academlc exgellenge Miss Craig who taking In honor art cnuxsu at McMnalcr vUnlvmuy mnlorlng 1n Hu mum She was awarded $600 13 an Ontario Schnlar and 3100 scholarship from the Bax rlu Lions Club or the highest 131308316 Kn five Bullish hls lnry and langubze pangs In additinn rho received tha Slmcna County Womens insti tute Scholarship and Board at Governor scholarship from the University or $515 year This represenls total value of $2000 year 11 she maintains an ac ceptabia standlnz JOINT AWARD Miss Craig and Mn Duiker Jointly received the anem As mlusen award or Hue highest acgdcm landing In grnda ll on min Ontario Scholar certificate Mr Dulker who taklnl an hnnnrs mathematics course at Univer nny of Wnlcflno wnn the $100 Brown award for the hith est Average on nine or mam grade 13 pgpeu He was so awarded the AF Madmen and Co Award for s50 hr the mghest nvtrnga In two grade mathematics pa perx and mathemavllgs pl was also awarded $400 schnlarshlp from an Industrhl firm and $200 schnlarshlp from the malhemallcs depart mgnt at WAIeflooflnivgr HIGHEST MARKS Sharon won lha $200 Constance Sheppard Memorial Scholarship or procuring the highest marks In grade and laklnz degree course at unlvmlly Sha was also awarded lha 3100 Major Hersey Award as Leadan Clflzen Ludggd lhesrall NM BACImR Am Add Sandy Muni 4m mmding un inmay in Inscrdmnge distance 351 Sharon Moor and band Mill won the Rotary Club head girl and head boy award ROAD CONTRACT The Ontario Highways DW mun has awmded 996534 new 30¢ for BMW and mushg unavth on Kimmy mm Sdunborgcmtw cq Alllghway TWO STUDENTS KIWANIS CLUB Next MM the Kiwanis Rub al Dario will be In nt Cammiky than at us pm Enamel Mad MP ht Mfoflnsmcoo hm mum comm um what he as diminmlm of hlatudaal GITWA CPJClnadn wfll Ace crltlcnl bmler xhorlnzn by nut lplan unlcu Iloclu um Inwtul man In nurlml turn dwnrlmLnl Ipokumnn Inld Fridny Dlmlnlxhlng of bullcr Mock wlll continua unul nflcr Gum mas Without lmWfll mm will drop kn than Mr wrck mmly 17y Am Cnnmllnns um nlml 1000000 poumh nl Imlcr day mu mnlwl Aimh under prurnl tonnumwun wmuld pa Xeu than ismmnéo pomkh hy April nnd murmlnu chnnntll alone See Shortage 0f Butter Lessening 0i Historical Ties Concerns DufferinSimcoe MP Thisloo Banla Real mm STEAKS m479c RIB 0R CLUB Margarine 100 UNION BANANAS GOLDEN RIPE LOCAL AND GENERAL BUEHLERS MONDAY ONLY Board award for tha Iludnm wth the highest Imegam In three mathmnallu and two mama come went to Joseph North Culleglnle Student Colm cl Bursaries went to Fred Cox Gum Randy and Mnrflyn Jn whila Min Jay and Mr In shared the $25 awnrd mm ha Blarrla Brunch of Canadian Lt fllL Nd Veenema won Mai oi in our awards Mae Laren prize in mathematics wm mens auxiliary In the Barrio Kiwanis Club award inr iha highest marks inG rude 12 La lin and French Barrie branch of Royal Canadian Leginn award at prniiciency in grad ii and 12 science and the Charles Wil aun award or highest mark in grade pagiish Muslc ard went la Ellen Boavls Carol Bumam and Fred Veonama Mills Gor don Bell won the 25 Inner Wheel of Rotary award or mm ODE AWARDS Kcmpenlelt Chapter IODE his tory awards were received by Fred Veenemn grade 12 and Marlyn Slnllur grade 11 who alsa wan the mathematics can test award and 25 Palrlck Wood Memorial Schnlarshlp n5 Itlrllllwflnd French iieaiey won $25 in die auxiliary in Bunla Lion Ciub award inr highest mark In grade 11 commnrciai subiecis and Lmiy Sarah Armstrong Jonus Chapter 101 awards in history and English went to Siggheqfai qnd John Wilsun MurshIn Groh won the $2 Venture Club of Banla award or proficiency In grade com mgrcIPl sweet Monday umnmmm biavffl 11mm the 1mm Jackson award went to Fmd Heughton Swphen Paln David Lees end Bill bar by while class leader In pm Clancy were Muriel Summm John Wilson Marlyn Stellar end Fred Veeneme These were awarded by June Stationery MacLennan Mn mBaxflaUrdwdAwoim 17mm ilkinn Monday but many mum will be wvcthwam NOFIRES Mamamm Lho Bards flmdopmmmtm Mmmmakmmdtym Fridxynrfuumrmm4 AQUARIUM SOCIETY Next moofinx the Dark Aunium Sodmy will be held MW 330 pm In the pub uco library hm swim1m lomxlbo mumhm My MK be pnscm Mmlciméidcs whom in Can an mm mm mm on Amid amnion Ibo nil he lam levwkl mllldam Ind em IUIUPXIL imld be mmflmd abut the mm dmmdlc rm Md dlnnnilion the hLI norm um Canal ha had lime WIdemflan Mn Mai Mid Mnlhfm wslngnuwlm munime My MMQIW Fights Ind airplnlgflonjl he rumm prlco lrmd Am lo be malnulrwl Mdillnnul mp plln wll be emndAl lhn Ipnkrpmnn Ivldtdu mllk pm dudlrm Ind diver nl mm Ivnllnblo mllk luwuu lulu Mher rmlucu luck chm ylknnd or tho butler Irmasch nml momma pound In clrcu lnllnn LI 10¢ MncLenmn and Gordon Reeve MamfloldDemnm General Ltd trophy or public speaklnl was awarded to Pat human Ienlor earls and Marlyn Smilax aenlvr yl The Nell McAnhur Trophy In junior puhllc spanking went to Catharina Cunnlnglmm Ind SIE phat Pnln Larry Richardson was the 4H Club project winner Bce lo Colllu IL Ilflll OIL Ollltl lZlllll ML IllUN Mm Imn Ilnmu Automoon humum cm As lndepmdmt Insurance agent wu make no extra chnrze for our swim We rcpmsenl aavarll strong companies and can pulcot the fight kind Irmamm or your car homo or business une company Ialcsman can foryou only the policies his company sells Get the Big Dmemneu In 1m ancel Call In noon Eco Jnck Slemr or Deon rmm AUTO INSURANCE SLESSOR Insurance Agency 19 Comm st 7mm All lines of Immune mo Imam thmuxh FOR RESERVATIONS AND TICKETS CALL Trnvol Sorvlco Wula Im Innl AllfllimIII lll Dill TIMI le he TMI ImI um umPER No charge 0K Johnson can um um lcuhnmnl Ml

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