Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Oct 1966, p. 16

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Speakers Siréss Vocation Guidance FOUlflALL SCORES In unmu against Banting Memorlnl Alliston the xenlnr mm mended 1t chaln of vlc torles bxvdnrglng The de By DWIGHT BONNEY The music club is bigger and beiier this year with lull qunla of slngcrs Their its perform ance at commenccmcni allow ed by banner in Decnmbcr There is some spzculnlion ihn my my compelu in the Toron to Klwnni Mule Festival haw ever lhls ll not 11 posilivc un dcrlnidng Dun lo the success or ihn Serum nnmhor Gil I7ch and Sullivan mum nudlgore is in the planning stages 1cm Mm Llndc cmploymmt sup crvlsor ol the llnrrle and DI trltt Bell Telephone Cvmpnny also spoke to lhose students who were lnlorustod In her topic rsonality ln Buxl Mrs On Thursday 0d 20 Ihe stu dent of st Josephs were hon ored with tho presma of two speaker who nflcrcd assIsIrmcn In lhe Held vocatlnnnl guld Mott anM McQuald Tor onto lawyer who had previou ly graduated ram Enxlnecrlnz at tho Lnlvcrsity of Toronto mtrcascd the Importance of know Ing precisely whnt Held on want In spcclnllw In Ware on Irrlng unlvtrsIty He sold he found through personal exper lanceY that when one In In course one Is sultcd or ho will know It merely by Ihc more and care wIth whlch II car rlcd out He also stressed thnt rlght now In the Ilme Inr sIn dents to dcclde and the best way In decldo In do some serious thinking with the hulp of zuldnnce teacher ques tlon and answer perIod followed BARBIE NORTH Music Club Plans Event cmmd cvomhifig ifiifn 711ch Mlimm mVoVn BY MARY BIEBY lntermuml voUcybnll be gun couple weeks ago and an cxclllna contest mountlng among mnlg slqdcggs 1m famcm Bands mm Girls Illfln Club known all aver the province preparan or new mason ahnrpshoolIng polnls which wan the first scur lng against North The Junior wcn by two points In clan battle lhal ended 2018 BASKETBALL BEGINS The basketball coaches an de termlncd to have wlnnlng cnm thls your prucllces began last Mk have lo we Improved boys lenms 1115 season he glrls did well but there was wwknm In tho malo dimt Gmw ACTIVITIES I45 BRADFORD ST On Friday Oct 21 the Gr sludenlg elcded Glenn Krclovc rand Blll McUndm as their sundant Council mprcsenullvcs Mom with those Swollen speakers the students ol lcrod the ofiwnunlty lo vlew film on pcrwnnl exper lence social worker Pro duced by Iho National Film Board and shvwn by the Chi drcna Md Socicly realistic portrayal two can hlmrlea alruck the hearts of all who saw methods of applying for lab to typo of dress and language sulmbio or business ELECT bovchL VIEW FILM BARRIE ONYARIO II QUII TO WATCH TILIVIIID ¢ANADIAN FOOTIALI LIAOUI DIM Ill L0¢AL LIINNOI POI TIMI AND HANNEL Under mo Wimp of Ur Ys Mens Club 50mm 40 young boy have been enrolled In our mm or housclcague baskcl ball program on Wednesday cvcnlngs nl Connn1 Colleilnlc The leadership suprrvlslon nml coaches hnve been supplled by The Board 01 Directors has nnnounccd lhat the swlm mlng pool will be open on Sun Lcmoona 1mm 200 pm to 500 pm ior six weeks trini period irom November bill in December mil The purpose thin program is to provide recreational swimman for fam ily group and all children un der 13 years must be accom panied ivy an adult it is not necessary in be inmily mem ber hrIwcvcr children will only be ndmiliod ii accompanied by parent and whiio this program will be included on special membership benciii nonmem bers will be ndmiued at nom lnni ice providing they can in accommodated Aiisr slmcek trial per iod the program will be evalua ted with ilw him that it will be come regular ongoing activity ihmughaui ha winter mnnihs With the pool open or ihrce hoursrn ls cxpeclcd ilrni many will nvnll themselves oi Sun day ailcrnonn dip in tho poolv ngsxzmpu LEAGUE On Saturday the St Joe Jun lou Ith Lflub meycd to Toronto and came ham wllh honors 6W Anlm Michael Brown Ind Steva Tierney all won honnmhle mention rlb buns In Mm first at tho 196667 Pmmn swim The debut mob uuon was Resolved that we Farclgn Aid Fromm of he Unl ted State mould be limited to nonmllllary assistance NEWS Sunday Swim Program At ALAN HOPPER Exiiullvo VDrliercioVr Barrie hnwcd DEAN MYERS MOTORS LTD Under the leadership Mr and Mn Ton Masha pwzmm L1 curlshm ln the village or lllllsdnle program Mlered to boy and glrl every rd mornan ln crnlu and gym and Tuesday afternoon Squnro dancing held at he sahanl judo pmzmm Also offered on Wednesday nnd Thursday evenln and per iodical speclal event he lllllsdn memberl hike to Bar rle far dip in the pool JUNIOR ART Boy an Iris to 15 your mom Frldny 430 commcflng Novrmbcr 11th TM is Junior Art program Aan lo mem bers under the leadershlp Roanflne Kuchern Healslrntlnns nre now being acccpwd at the main desk The Executive Director from mo Mean YM YWCA In southern Onlnrlo will meet Xn Barrio over the weekend of No vember lo discus ndminslrn $11 and program altered by tho Thn Swlmmlng Instructors are planninx Family Fashion Show at the on Monday Novcmh cr 14 730 pm The courtesy ol Walker Stores Vlntcr Fash you uuvhovlnd Bold dtaln Aulhorlud Ponlllc Dulor In 8qu IIILLSDALE PROGRAM FASHION SHOW the Mon and Inflnxctlon or the novice will be under me dirncllon Bob Scrum CONFERENCE RICHARD BERRY ImMI minus won hold Sept ID Ior Rlchnrd Berry who fled In Royal VIclorlI Ho plm Rev 11 Adams minimal at the mva In SIcckloy Fun urnl Home and burial was In MamIIeId Cemclem Mr Entry wu born In 1m and was the Inn nl the 1119 PM Up And Margmt Berry Mn mur Towmhlv Ha was employed by lha Bell Telephone Company or 55 yea He Ia Iurvlvtd by hi wife Clara nna dnu mar Mn Almn Den Ban and om non Victor alto Barrie Two In ten Mu Minn Prlmxla Cum mm and Mn Gladyl Prlngla 1mm and one brolhcr Tru man of Terra Nova alga lun ITUARIE anolhnr first In Barrio Mr Booth was born In 1902 and was thn on at tho Into Jo loph Dom ml Penhmah Win Ho 11M mm his Wu on arm an the lilh con cnulnn Innlsfll Township and in 192 he married Nancy Phyl 119qu whousurylyca The appointment is mndn by the Miami Council Phylicni Emmam Cumminm oi the YMCA Cnndidnlos an prrson who have parsed ihe Senior YMCA Life Saving Test within period of one yvar and huvo been an native Aqunilc instruc ior Thin appointment is bund on the recommendation of hp mi and president like Board My Directors Th men is at In two ycar period Aside irom outsinndini swim ming and Instructing skills mn lurlly and Judgmm or cs soniini qualiiies an Examiner Tiny are persons whose winnn and decision is rcspccltd by quauC instrucipli nmi Sini ions or thc whnlv family will be showm mrcshmcnls will be mvcd and proceeds will an unrds the pumhnso of 11 board Thcwbllily of Examiners to air knowledgeabln about the tests and rcqulmmnll And min about passlnx standard ls more Important han ha Exam Inggx swimming skllls On Tuesday October 25 Mn Evelyn Mosler was nppolnmd an Aquatic Examiner Barrio YMYWCA lhll ls Iho first Web nppolnlmcm In rrl slncu opglnl molnpw lemlngyopl Hulda his wile Booth mrvlvcd by two daughters Muriel Mrl Ray Usher of Elmvale Haul Mrl Hubert Cownnt of Strand Onu Ion Mer vtn film or Stroud 0n brother Mom of Scarborough and Iuv IlLlflllldEhudlEfL viva Ha um survived by gfgychfldmn and menlvmnd mum were Immenco Jno Brodie Norman Whnnuy John May nndiémnw Blnckmura ALLAN LLOYDBDOTH Funml Icrvlce were hekl October In drama United Church Strnud or Allan Lloyd Booth whp died at home on Sep tember 29 MV Jonn Huntley conducted tho mvlm nnd burial was In St Cemetc huL Paubmau were ndnuld Ength Brugo cha ahn Mnr mmsai 1mm 1w cooéi allow and Parker Pnncuck Hnn CFanfEAnesl Cirr Frank Cn won Gnrnld Knnwies Harold anwlea and Gordon Mason urbgry Pallbearers wore iohn wnn Ernest Carr Frank Cn MARTIN ROBERT MILLER hmcrn Icrvlccx were he at Doollllla Funeral Home Orlllln or Martin Robm Mule who dlcd Octobnr 14 nov David Enflwuod of Mitchell Squaw nnpuu Church Ornlln conduct ed the Ioncu and burial was In 09m MONTREAL CPDTh9 CPR rcporlcd Frldny lLs net railway prom tor Scptcnmcr wero $346916 an increase cl 28 comper wuh the sum month in ms The figure In clude n1 government rcjgh ml nllqwams Ralfwhry ournlngs from Janu ary to September mm mm 251 compared wlth 3235241957 or the Kama parlor in me the CPI uld Barn in 1043 nilMiner was the sun or Mr and Mrs Rn cg MMlller Mfllhnvun Ac mdualo or 01min new DQVry Institute of Eludnmlu Tqrynlg SEE MIDDLE EAST 1m number Iorelgn tour ist In Israel rlslnz at 20 per cent may Mr Miller lurvlvcd by his parents Him Ma Mn Bum an Sharon both Tor onm and Patricia at homo Two brother Paul and Murray hath nthpno also survlvn Pillme wen Dwglna Am demon Wm Bob WV Larry Roe Guam Lanxmnn Thomas Mould all lrom Hawke Ilona and John Read at Slrnud CPR Reports Profit Boost OPEN SUNDAY For tho Flnul PM T0 10 PM BARRIE SEA FOODS Flnh in CM In Town nrudhrd 5t nulnnnnt IGTHE IMIIRIE EXMIINEII SATURDAY OUIOBEII 29 136 It you would like to Inspect this attractive property modern kitchen with eating area Choice locationclose to public separate and high schools White brick split level with attached gab age Main floor has bedrooms pleco bathroom largo livlng room and dlnlng area with Thermo pane double doom leading to pauo Family slze Ground level features beautifully panelled den with natural fireplace tn stone piece washroom largo double closet and separate entrance Also large basement with washor and dryer connectlons Exterior has just been painted and large lot 15 tastefully landscaped plonsu phone 7281073 or appointment Private Priced at $20500 and carries for $12500 monthly princlpal Interest and taxes 26 Lay Street OWNER TRANSFERRED

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