Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Oct 1966, p. 11

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INNISPIL NOTES rwu wlnnlng lenml hllhllKM HI MI In or Nnvlh almmo In 1064 Hm ho Vnuy Call Clul Tmm ol llmrmnry Vnuy Ind Alan William anry drrnlnl l7 olhrr Mel lum la lulu lnp honor In the lite Compelluon Thu Vuey Club won out by Ill polnu om lhnlr cluml mm lwlllor mm Mlddlmx Counly Analhrr leh Slmma Tum lho 0m Ml BM 01 nub lhlrd In lho Heml Cnmpellllnn 1mm xmllm llw 0m duh um all Sum 1011 Ind Murray MgArlfiur In 0m SMUnn my nmpdlflnn wn Ihe Imam Iho lay nllh an mm mum lur lnu hunon Two Narlh Nmruu mm mm Mined In Hull um um mm In uulml IhnIlnl In 1M1 hum rnmpelmu run Thu Om 4H Dally ull Iulu lmn mm mm Hm Manly My Ifll Ilm huh Bum fined and out ol lho The lnlchluh Comntllllons an held each Oclnlmr nnd no open In luml or member lram the Vlrloul munllcs hmu1huul Onlntlo Tum mem hm compel ln ludulnx And ucsllunnnlrc work erdlfll ls elr prnlecl whlc may Include dilly beef lena lureury nml aleclrlnal Frollfll well In number nlhm Club ll allowed only one enlry nl luo mambm Ind lln mm of lha Iun mrmbm nr lhen lolnllml ll unle Al llnnl mm mm Ill In In Sulnn Tompellunn Ilu 0m OIl MM 0qu drclnr Mnuru mrr 10 mm lem lurm mm hrmuhmu onluln Tum mmhm Nnrmun MrKny llluhmnne Ind llny Cum MI Hum Ilny lrlulwl lhvlr Mum rm Ilnr lho mm Sulnn uh Ivy lnur lull In lll MN Th9 ZImVIII HI 5an 1ul um hf Allan lmmlII ml John Mac Dunam nl vaalo Mm Ie mm In In nmpolllmn uJva mm Ld mny om Wu the dam at lha Annual Prnvln clnl HI InterClub Judulng Congemmm ha Unlvtrslly uclph ml this Um am phased to announce Ihn 313an mu nlno Nonh Sim coa urns In Essa he first prize went to Em Cummlnn RR Thomtnn In Flo Mrs Ronald Each 0mm 3mm we result oi iha mull can be seen as one drive pas these homes and nihm who were in tho contest but did not at mm wp it bum oi llardid Robertson wiih the name Maple Wayne on tha end in sample oi he changed appearance oi an old building lhal nuw look new again The up winner for the anshlp Jack Marqu has lovely ap proach to ihe pmpcriy with layers iiilingllhe garden Vtvpa Mummish had nniy one well kept Dryhrongh RR Gllford eighth William Gibblns Strand ninth Gordon 111x Slroud lanlh my Loughced RR Ban1c elovenlh Marshal CampheIL Strand and twelllh Murray 17 Warnlca RR Barria mmn mu to the prnvlncln mmpcllllnn where the lap prize 8500 mund 00 third 900 down lo 15 The scar sheet was di vided Into palm for altradlvo Ippmach mo polnls yard Area Around house 200 mu house And Interim 750 yaw around blfil loo polnu barn and out buildings 250 palnu The turn mluee wls chaired by Gordon Todd SecMary ol the Cwmy Fedemuon Ind conslslcd of even member lncluding the ARM of lhe County Judxo Norman Synm of name lNNISFlLJIRST John Mum RR tap award for Inrdsfll with Hnmld Robertson Strand sec ond Third we Hubbefl Lclroy fourth Vccnlck Pnlmick HM anlnm Kell GNord xixlh Cimlll SIMq lggenlh Egbert able every annex to take In the cams ll um um by to lownshlps with prizes awnld ed for Iho lop COMESUInls or uch making ml mo unable to ouch townshlp group First mm winner 01 Lhc poumy lg agnun lo ggnon The best value ln long llmo for dollars spam has mm mm he Farm nd mvemem Competition for whl result have been released TM cam pelluou which wns sponsored by Iha Agrlculluul Committee of Council In cooperation wllh ai rlcullural organlzalions ol the counly had for ll abjectlve Iho cleanup pnlnwp of llrm prop enles ln propaer or bel ler nppemm or Canndnl Centennial and the comlng In lernldoml Plvwmmh The Inn wu to make the County mm turned lo vlsluns and to en nbls every tanner latent NORTH SIMCOE FARM NEWS Guelph InterClub Competition Results By ALAN SCOTT Anoclllu Al my North Slmcoc ha old hcma Ia well Farm Improvement Competition Results By cf Tul rnmlurln IMUIII ym HI lnlrrJuh ludzlnl In rlnnln unuhl Ilka Inu Iprrll llmnh lu lhr duh mun lhrnmlul urrl lrnl mnprrlllrm Iml muk In wrpnrinx mp amxurllA Hum will thank urn In Iuh Lend IWI Lhev nlmk urnIon ulm pvmlurd garlire chum KIKIMI In my My wllh In low mum Lnnl bu by no mum In my lwlal hum ln 1h ynlnnln nl uh WHIth or Ulrlr Mrunr urmrul In IMI mu and In Mr wmlnzmn 1va many um In vmlrllnl Imu mlInn In nmlnml purllu Imlum TRY EXMHNFR WANT ADS PHONE 1101i Cunurllulnllum unln la lhl winniux 82mm ul alwayl an honor and mil In Mn llminrlnl Chum lnruhlp ml know lhll ll cnu xlnl have perm lo our man duenlnl younl nonplfl the Inmu llme cunmlulnllnm la rue nm cry lnflm munhrr hum Nuvlh Hmm ltmy nun ol Hy uln lunu mm uy llnml Ilmw Inl ml would llh lu mnurnb nlnl urn ml urry Ivnm number fur Mr Ilmm man And In Inn Forestry Com palillon Hm lvm Noth Slmcoa lcnml mnehal by Mr Jack Bream Annux made an un olhtr no nhnuinu Thorn um slx tum onlrrm In me am ptlillon nnd lha llmlo Dblrltl fllUI Coluno mm leu ka Ill Suyner Ind Jnhn Alvlrrnllca 01 III Um Smlon plmd mnnd lint he Elmula Oll Fomw Huh mm of WI no Turner III Wycvnle am Min Slmkm 1m 121m nlv Hired lhlrd Call Club ram Limln llnrno and Mum VnnNoorl Ml Orillh placed 11rd Mr Wlllcr lnazcndykc nu xlnnnl Farm Snlcs Su crrlsnr or Onlnrlo Hydro coat the HI Eleclflcnl Club In he Elm ttlcal Corrule the 4H lnlerflub Compcllllons In In Cnmncllllon lhn Norlh Slmcoe Ml Farm and Home Elerlrlc Club Tuam or Mmyn Caldwell llll slunnly Buy And Dcnnll nrawn Ill Elmvnle plnml mend In lleld of nlna mm or In cxccllml xlmwlnl cams and lheVOriIlin Ml net in lhe parish hill Lay Tho South mcoe Denncr ol the Anglican Churvh held Mr All Katharina In Demon on Wed nesduy uvcnlng Tho nsslml cmnnnced th cvcnwng In the Chumh lakm by the Redor who was assisted by the IM erend Ruskin Thoma nl Angus Unflgd myrrh by glu The Board dealt wllh the Ire lnsuflnco on schools and mum dcd nearly mllllon dnllm won Insurance In Frank Oawnn Company lcnvlmz Ill bollzr covrrage wllh the Wilson Company brvken SOUTH EIMCOE DEANERY Board have mated lender that com the molingnl lha two new mom nlnn which Mm allntul to Sip orcx Company at price at $21191 or $138 per squnra tool Th Board buy at Wednesday evening November 16 the time when lhty will be host to their sin and wives or hus bands The dinner will be sor ved in lhe Stroud Communliy all This year the entertain ment will ha in charge or lhe ads which ma be factor keeping the an lance In their new Tho Board met or their sownd regular meeting or month It Stroud an Vednesdny awning pm following the attend at Adminisirntnr Frank Roll and mum Benny at dinner of the Canadian Club where they heard the Min ismr Education Wllfimn Dn vles speak of me new federal pmvlnclnl educational agree mem INSURANCE contestant Ho Tnylon RR Coldwmr wh Medunles Hm went to Beverley Wulkar 001d water We wlnnm were Gor don McAfith for Nounwasnga Ayers tar 0rllln Taun ohlp George McKay lnroro Reg McNabb 1m Sunnldalo Paar Dcrlu for Vtrn Mc Quny Io Tecumselh Etlénna Marchlldun for Day Russell Han1 or Vesprn and James Stem or West Gumm bury Mrs G1 Cherry Llsle took first Moronuo Township Ind Also uma first In the county with prize ol $75 And plnque And also engihlo or vaimm medium Sm nnd Prim or tho County went to George 11ch of 0m M1 ship $60 and plaque R001 PRICE AGREED many lmpmvcmcnl across Iha county And it unmmmme that W101 1m of all who com peted was not availahla How ever ms lime and mnnay well spent and the committee who handled lhe mix and Judging to be compllmmled Io pompaifim mulllcduh Chillman Allin um lnlro ducod panel who led ln d1 uumons nl pending Chum Dav Ian to mlmemmq It went nlonglnnd re 1nd mm came up or alt ng Not 311 member the Anglican mm wuld appoar be In clined to make Ill ha change that might be required to mako Ihe two churches harmonln in xlnzle unit as Maplo Yuur brhlnl album Mum NV all the madam mmw Onu 04 um mnl day In an cnlnr ll mll hemmt one ml mm putlmu junum mm Ill ul why or dMAELI Wedding Photography At Its Very Flncst Many lhings musi be done many ihingl must be purthaaod for ihis allimportant day You no doubt know already the necessary rouline for fire class wedding But perhaps you have nor as yet exactly decided where and when you will purchase your dress your irouueau your home furnishings and other essential liems May we uggesnhaiyou shoplocallywiih your friends and neighbors You will find good value and the service for YOU will be unexcelled PS Many of lhem also have lhe most marvellous gill items Why no drop few him around where iheyil do the most good Many of you glrls teadlnglhls plugs will soon be walking down Ihe allle to the min you love fa be his wife and companlon forever U8I0 WEDDING PAGE 1ha posibiiity oi snow lim riu in the Harris Aron loom today an bait oi cool air des cends smwud across 01 provincc Temperatures will remain cool or the entire week end with below freezing wen ther Cioudy today and sunny tomorrow or the Georgian Boy district nnile tempuratures main constant Winrb are north to nonhnnst 15 to 20 mom in 11mg tonight DISTRICT WEATHER lihér Toroer fwealher office PHOTOGRAPHY Show AndiCold For Weekefid MRS MALCOLM HONOUR 1mm poo Donna Bowen 7105494 foreoma lvw MW of 18 de lreu or the Barrie area while the oxpaotod hlgh tomorrow 50 do rm In city Thu Bunlo Exam www mid by the Mumodm mo dam at 830 today while the overnight low Wu dexreu Whilo satin lumm 1n Illuslnn nnd high heels Vllllhl AM n1 Fm Hnllnu with awry pair whim nlln Ihon old 24 Dunlap II TORONTO CF Fnrccum SynopshxCoul nlr L1 lmhlng irom 998 Wanna Slum 70 fialb WHO aouihwnrci ncrou Dniurin compnnied by predominantly cloudy tide and iaw nnow Ilurriol The cooler weather will he hm to My lean Illa wucknnd Is an Area at high pneumo Wed wim lihil hm mm at cold air ultiu mumsin over an Gran Lakes iempcrnlurcs will be mar 50 in the Iouih this ailer nonn and only In the mid 80 in lhe narlln Ii Ikies ciesr Sn urdny night boiowireezinz lum pcrnium will be general nanon this province Dupile consider nbin sumhinu on Sunday lam mlum will continue in range eimv nnrmnl Lake st Clair Lake Erin Nianrl Lnka Oninrlo Ioulh urn iiuran Windsor Londnn iinmiilan inronlo Mainly cloud and much conlcr lndny Cicnrng and cold tonight Sun M10111 by 3mm 72H mm mm mum mmmficromi mcn udy and much cooler wllh on ma Ilonol onowflurry or lhower to day Clearlnunnd cold tonight unday mainly ulnny but con tinuing cool WM norm to norm 15 to on becoming um lonlzhL flny Iunny uni continuum cool Wind noth to nunhwen 15 la jamming um lnrdlhl Tlmagnml Whlta River Coal rune Cloudy Ind cold with ac callous Inowflurrl In sundly sunny with cloud erlodl Ind cunllnuina cal Vindl northwest 15 to 20 be carplnl mm oqlght Northern 7H Ggarlhn mnmm mam Al ul 1531 Form onw anahll we mu up low on You should firm the help 01 3ch person who In In expert on hrldnl mainand who lake genuine Interval lu your wcddlnz You roqulru and should at upcrl lllllu and nllrrallom nocounry uu rhould he la la gel export rulvlcc on mch lhlnga In head decor volln brldumnlda gowm mul wmmhc rldo and from drum and even lho hundred nmlonu do all of wedding cllqurllo no north mlly rolnlcd to your lrousoau Its well Also In dcul wllh mmchody who knnua tho nnulIc lurcrl personally And need he ran nlwoyl no on tho telvphoue In hhu rlghl way If any emer Kcucy nrlm and gel lho ulmml of communal lrum Illm Youll ucl All lhlv at Sumnmr Let muranlce so far in our control llml your hlg wonder lul day II romplrlo nuccou Fulllength Bvldal gown from $4998 Mluthomlrlhotbrldn drum and cnmnhlu lllrldolmahln own Odolnmwny drum oVrlla um plom lulu ml ll manhunt Mm of More and lrylpg DUNLOP OIIENWOODI or Mum mm mm OOOOOOOOOOOOO an In mind my mum morn AI mu mm mummy god rmmu uyl Mum ow lounulllnl unit In nu dupe mo mm BRASS GLENN Ltd 90OOOOOO TAILORED FOR THE Dunlap En am MENS BOYS and STUDENTS WEAR FORMAL RENTALS Forceu lempurlinm Low overan aunrhv Windsm 30 50 London 23 Kitchener 25 50 Hlmlllon 25 BO Tornnla 32 60 Pelerborouzh 29 so Ulnlon MUkal 41 North Bay 22 40 Sudbury 12 Eullan ll 15 SaultSleJtnrla 125 40 Klpmkulng 15 as Whlle Rlvcr lo 33 Noumea 30 Tlmmhls ll chm today Oodl Smday lunny wllh cloudy period and cnnunulnz cool Wind narlh crly lam We II umnm pln runy Inmn cum KNIGHTS BIG DAY Marla 25 n5 15 cr lo ll l5

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