Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Oct 1966, p. 1

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102m Year No 252 31 TURN BIICK CLOCKS TONIGHT Spring toward all back IIrs Iiiary incl oi Reeves Jewellera should have the old SAON tAPI North Viet namese regulars hurled human wave nttacks today against an tried US troops and badly bloodied them In their first mar tor action The heavy limiting tiarcd In Jungle end elephant grass coun oi Viol Noms central giateau near the Cambodian bor Three bS helicopters were shot down one at thlm medl enI evacuation chopper which had just picked up wounded The North Vietnamese launched the attacks Friday night and today US military mkesman oiliclally descrith American casualties as moder ate term usually denoting the units were severely mauled At least three companies tnbout no meat were hit by tho Nortlr Victnllmcso waves about so miles north oi Salton Gunmhnsul IIbh iiew In htltl port the US troops unloading ions at high explosives on North Vietnamese Imp camps and starring areas six rrules from the battle scene rrrr canes In another raid today it his clustch stuprried Ilnxo ramps ivmmc and ammunition stor are areas near the central coast ms LATE saw well mernorircd by the time she adjusts the entire store lull oi clocks The pill Fresh US Troops Have Many Casualties at South Vlct Nam tor the third straight day in support at U5 operation Elsewhere In South Vict Nam there was little ground action Quake Rocks Central Greece AGRINION Greece IAIiA shattering earthquake rolled through Central Greece at down today killing one person and seriously Inluring ll others Police expected the casualty total to rise They were unable to communicate with several towns and viilIges becruse oi landslides In rnla Sweden lelsm0 Inglst arkus liath raid the quake was recorded at on scale at nine This means that thIs quake developed the some energy Ir the quake In Agnrilr hlaroccc In loco Iiaoth sold The Agadir quake on Feb resulted In the death at H000 persons and Injury to thousands more It was the worst quake In the last to years rr as is NEWS it Scotland Yard Seeks Spy IONIXIN IAlil Strikier Yarrl said today that it was mul Itttt Wt tlrtrttlttt In Its ml to ttlrtltlro my may In In Ireland lvmrin prisnu line with em mama Irr immune tmk mute drat Gemgo make Hake escaped Imn Womwtrrod Ito trad hem surlng server Briton Talks With Kosygin MOSCOW tAIl Irr Willey Ilnnlxll IlrllHr lllrirlnsnrltrf tn the lmld Union met tr II lllilmtre salty with Itnict INsllfl Altset Krrsygin Iirrtldr qrdman Mid the two dienrssetl tlllrtwl Li lolwt ntlrrlitrg Arlzloikrrld rrlnltms Inn II no lulmntwer ulrltiw ltwy riiwrlml the Via Nam some Police Guard For LB Visit KIIAM trmtltlil IAlt aniy cam durum mauled the ner rt the Malaysian rnrttni tuhy nit lirrm mMmoricm tlflllfltisthltll Imdtkling tire pinning ll Irdlrl Ixurptfil try UN Irvg trims lrndilmt Julrm to due lwsc lnrrrlay Indonesian Communist Shot IAKAIITA Ilinlml lwImg Imhlnim rmlwnii wt rive In INIII try the army utetn tmng to rump hurt nature1 grunt MirArrow mural Inlay its we Seklrmen mum luv it rmlinrrmt and at the rrrrlrnnrwd Inflowinn Orrurrlrtrt larty murmurs Continuing monsoon rain storms Bdrriei Group To Clot switch to standard time comes in at am Sunday when clocks Ito back one hour Examiner Photo and generally poor weather lim had us air action over North Viet Nam Friday The US military commend said the thunderous ex lorlon In US Army errrrnunit on depot tJ miles northeast at Saigon Friday night was preceded by Vin Cong attack with great adcs automatic weapons and mortIr tire No US soldiers were killed and live to 10 othcrI were wounded In Saigon two Vietnarruso policemen were Injured today when terrorist tossed gren ade Into thclr Jeep The terrorist Cupid In othr developments US oiticiols In Washington laid the Manila surnmlt pro posai tor riIIed troop withdraw IIs Irom South Viet Nam all months alter North Viet Nam quits the war depended on the romovai oi moo to 80000 hard core Communlrt InilItratorI ills Iorne 50000 regular North Ictnamcso trvotspr trom the south in Jakarta raving Ufi Am bauador Avereit IlarrIman to day wound up two days of talks with lruloneslan attielals con cerning Vlrt Nam end the litan III summit contcrcnce Gen bu harto war reported to hav tuld liarrlman that Vlrt Nam an Asian problem that should he wins try ArIInr in In Asian manner UN Delegates Hopes Rise For Nuclear Treaty UNITICI NATIONS IAPI Delegates oxpresrcd Irriirt to day tlrnt Cirlnee Ietrrt nurlerr test may rpur IIN rnrrrrtrrrr to quicker agreement on treaty hannlng the spread at nuclear weapons There Ilro were lnriitlltllml that nunly here not hollnnr pertlculary those within ilrlnl rungs ot titles will Insist that any Iuth pact llr arrnrrrpenlul Irv gumnttrs that the hilt pow rrr are telling steps toward nu clear rttrarmrrncnt indie wlrarr lmrtlvrr have twice been under iihlnrre lrotrml altwrk In the last law earl was exported to go miller and oppose nonprnl lltrretlon part unim given ralld Irurrenrer that her own rail would In praterled Japan Inathrr potential tar III at lrklnl has Ilrntovt that any treaty nn nonprnllterrtlan rhauld nat rnrent nelInne nul rldr the tItIr tram racking rar BANGKOK OHUS Frost dent Johnson combined re newed peace bid to Item today with an announcement at In creased support tor Thailand Southeast Asia ally lacing growing Communist tcrrorLst threat Premier Thanom Kittikachorn reported US arms aid Is being stepped by onethird other sources so at 115 military arsis Iance would climb to 5600009 In liscal 1507 mm mtmrm In lineal 1966 Although the That to spoke oi the arms aid rise otter an hourlong meeting with John son other lntormants raid Wash Ingtons doeistonta Increase help had been made shortly he tore the esideat set oil on his long sw ng through the Far East Thailand is Southeast Asia Treaty Organisation oily part ner In the Vietnamese war and meter base tar as taxes It also receives sizable economic assistance from the United mics REFIEIIAIES PEACE IIID Johnson rcncwed his call tor peaoetul settlement oi the Vietnamese conflict In speech at Chulslongkorn University Queen Visiting Scene Disaster LONDON Reuters The Queen travelled to Abertaa Wales today to meet villagers mourning vieiims at eoalslrg avalanche that rholtcrcd school and nearby houses Just over week ago police and army cordon was flung around the community at 3000 to ltccp back outsiders during the visIt to the disaster site by the Queen and Prince Philip Searchers have recovered ltl bodies mostly children It was expected the llnat death toll mirth reach tho hleanwhllo Iirillrh newspa perr protested that the govern ment wIs trying to censor pub lIc debate on tha causes at the disaster This outcry was Mr tiered when Attorney General Sir Else Is Jones said in Perils ment Thursday that the press radio and television must not comment on matters to ha in vcstlgatrd by an aiticial In quiry lrlhunnl OTTAWA ICIl Itrc clylrth rtwnr tedcrllprnvlncini conr errata on tax rhrrlng ended Friday with the tent lovern nrrnt pledged to rimout not IIII It hum Tho provinces eon Irenrierl toderrl Iurvlr worth room mo In new money nut war but trwst at them hm Irked ior more llva premiers rrmerml IrustrItlan and concern Irlme lillnlrter Pearson and Finance Minister hirerp look hard line all week rgslnrt de nrarvir tor major trontor at tel reruumr Inta provlnrinl hands ttr lewrron uld he was plensssl with the Irtltttrtltr The provinces were irwrml to IliillflltY he said II had trial in rIprnIItI an unhappi rmr tire rnntrrmra allowed the Million AIM tMt nt melting over portion at indent re smnm tn the pmtmrr hut rrntm Ilalnlt Ililth tram the unclear powers Barrie Ontario Generic Saturday October 291966 say to the leaders In liaaatz Let us lay aside our arms Ind sit down together It the table oi reason Johnson said The North Vietnamese leader ship has repeatedly rctected past us otters oi unconditional peace discussions and there was no evidence that It Is ready to change Its pcultlon Johnson emphasised to tho thsl leadership his pleasure at what he raid war Ihai under Viet Nam Lauds Red China TOKYO IAPI North Virt Nam continued today to praise Communist China tor Its ruc cessiul test at guided missile carrying nuclear warhead An editorial in the Commu nLd rty newspaper Nhan Da call the Cldneso test lreat source at Inspiration tor the VI etnamese peoples tr against US aggression and an extremely great stimulus to North Viet Namr army and people Astatement by North Victna mesa President Ila Chi IIIlnh lhil Itm there Appeared to he Ilitiemue lriday described the event as great contribution to the rev alutionary struggle to the people at Viet Nam and the world against Imperialism headed by US Imperiallsts and great stimulus to the cause at preserving world peace The Examiner TODIIY Ann Lendersd ti cu Nmr CIIIrIltedIt is re Comicsll haunts Deaths4 rt IrIdItarlIlJ SportsI0 nrertrH Womensd rv listingsII WeItherll ti fizz2 Fiscal Talks Come To End prrrorals crime In connection wit program Ottawa her tlrmly riecldtxt to abandon It had planned phase out pay ments nl mroooooo In or rhrago Ior llr rrtrret trmn grants to tlnnnre tnhnical and vocational schools tirlr tlgure wrr doubled to woman lot the tirrvermnrnt reivrwd In rat conrlder Itr departure Item the scheme tirtrr rrancy tiNW000 at It In the next Iiscnl your aim went Irrin cqunliullon payments under Inunvl new tornwrlr Ar pnrt thn unn out at um acc andrry MltOttl level and into higher turntlm trderal eup porl tor universities and her rollmantis tnstltutlrmr has leased try not memo thtnwer gNert tar rerrnurl remlard Intact In line with Mr tthanre declaration that they rmer he maintained to mengr the emrny New pro vimInt mrmrrttrnrntr must he ml with higher lull lerIM iv the rmiocoe on their own book nonhmstordrmoitleld stondinu oi the need tor ace eek Vote On Fluori Johnson Renews Hanoi Appeal nornle and social measures to hei Thailands people particu ler In the undeveloped north eastern provinces where the red threat Ls greatest But he said Thailand war wise to recognise early this need to meet the Communist threat there Reporting on his govern ments struggle with Commu nist ucrrllla forces In the nort eastern art at tho eouatry Thnnom sod Cammu nist activity had decreased In recent weeks while detections trorn their ranks have In creased But the Communists have not given up he cautioned in his rcs ease Johnson Mid South VIet am Is only the iirst target at the Communists and that they are looking at South east Aslaes whole It Is Im portant to rtop them where they are he added Report Burma Peace Peeler MANILA tAP Neutral liurma was reported today to have altered Its capital tor nil AsIan talks seeking to end the Viet Nam war IIut the Itangann government has declined an otter oi the Philippines to act as media tor reports carried by three hlanlla newspapers say rokesman tor the pres dcntlo palace would not com ment on the stories other than to say that they were unottlr clal as yet The reports came two dr ntter President Ferdinand Marcos disclosed to reporters that he had launched new peace InlIlIlives In Asia HERES ONE ludrrc shall have to give you to days or $20 Prisoner Ill take the no Judge QIWJIIC enmtrn Dilltkl Mm tonth with Prime Nan Inter Im seen Mumaim Not MoreThen nosanrsumrsii HIGHER raxanon dation SEE PAGE THREEI Uh item Examine Ontario Premier Unhappy litter Ottawa OTTAWA CFlPrcmler Ro berts hlntcd again Friday that Ontario taxes will be Increased and described the week tang federal provIncIIl tiscal talks he had last left as an exer cise ia IuIiIity Ill go home and run my province the aromlcr told re porters as he ett the spacious West Block conference room Itc raid an Increase in movie cial taxes Is decision Ill be faced with htr Roberts said the tax rharing agreements reached at the talks with the icderal gov ernment will mean to Ontario total gain oi $70000000 year for the next two years The tedcrsl government re leased estimates Friday that show Ontario will receive this Iircai year werooooo trom 0t tswa This Is the sum or univer sity operating grsntr at er caplta adlurted and captal and operating ronlI ior tech nical and race anal IrIIaing South IIIrica Stays Silent IOHANNESBURG AP South AirIce maintained oitleial silence toda on the UN Gen erol Assemb yr decision to take over Johannesburgr control oi SouthsWest Alrlce the cabinet declined to eon iirm or deny that the South West Airch Issue had been dlr cussed It Friday meeting Foreign Minister It Ittullcr who cut rhort his stay at the United Nations to hurry back to South Airlca arrived In Johannesburg today but bnuhod put reportcrr without comment The main SouthWcst Alrican newspaper The dvc rllser rays in In editorial that history had taught that wherever the United Nations steps In chaos Iollowr The only Indication oi govern mcnl policy so Iar has come trorn newspapers which con Ilrtcntly back the while Soth Airlcan government All oi them have made It tear that South Alrch Ie unlikely to give up caniroi oi SouthWerI Airlca without struggle rial altitude whirled their untilrm tatt on tternl an at him Emmet on has rolled railso Drscussron The university grants are be ing replaced by transier to the provinces oi tour percentage points at tederal Income tax and one at the corporation tax bath adjusted Ottawa estimates that under the new arrangements the tax transfers wiil be worth 8105 700000 compared with the mow paid the province now under the t5 percaplta grant system An additional $40000 000 will be paid during 106168 In the phasingout oi operating and cepltai grants tor technical and vocational training On paper this means bene fit to Ontario oi ammo but as both lttr Robarts and Edu cation Minister William Davis hove pointed out Ontario al ready has used up much at the vocational and technical money to which It was entitled un der the scheme now being Icrsppcd Under the phasingout scheme the province will be able to draw on additional per capita at the rate ct so per cent at capital costs but the premier has said 1er would very soon be used up PM DIEAGIIEES Prime Minister Pearson did not agree with Mr Rroarts claim the tires talks were tu the wouldnt consider 3100000 ooo tutilc the prime minister told reporterr It press con tcrcnco at the conclusion at the talks The Ontario legislature last session approved an Increase at tour percentage points in the personal Income tax now cot Iectcd tor it by Ottawa and re batcd The legislation received royal assent but date ior It to go Into elicct Is yet to be announced The province now receives it percentage points oi the per ronrl Income tax This will be increased to 18 under the higher education taxtrnnslrr deal and to 32 points It the provincial lav on the book now to put Into op cration There are doubts In some quarter that Ontario will raise taxes tor several months The sales tax was increased to live per rent from three tart April Also provincial general elec tion Is especial within year

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