Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Oct 1966, p. 5

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MlfiflS mm fill um um considerably advancud thls all large part 01 119 Mm area has been levelled for park and multipleuse canscrvatlon puma Weller and Dam may of Toronto are carrylng out the contract with mostly local help Alnley and Assuclatc NEW LOWELL sum Cc mem work is proceeding at the $10500 Notlnwasaga Conserva tion Authoriiys New lnweii dnm project which has been considerably advanced this inli uunnernemunn qumowa Cement Is Poured At New Lowell Dam vllvfl proccmw Ina on mstmunn of dam at New well part Not covsmucr 0N js pfoccrdw Plus Award unmet Hegnunn Inn nan fig Imam wmumuu Ei manualu SKATER DAEE Fulnrcllo In Color cncrnics cv 0V bins and cryonc Match other hun comm wucmvu nmmm nnlmiflflumlm mMMmpm mufinfirmmn Desi scheme he Nouawasngn Aulhurily 111 plans call or the restoring and developing of mumpurpose mmrvoir It lnlondcd to Large new signs cull alter lion in the project which invclv ed the acquisition oi ihn iormcr pnnd area and adjacent land WATER SUPPLY Cullingwnod consulting ginccrs loukcd alter he necring Consclrvatlpn Aulh uwmga conservauon Aulh multipurpose reservoir orilys river and park project amlncr Photo Plans call or development plumd in ml um mom ga rmmnullnn cmnpnnv NW4 nu mm rumlnu Mn nhn pm mllnl palllnl an and Krnnody Emanue lml leilrv flank HIM nut lha comm nr he Ichva whkh IIuill damn mule no rm be mlnrgul when Maury flu mum nu nhm Illuhlll Slam WWI In lmwlinq mu nmiy mm plrlnl lwvrllnu of Inlnmmmla raking Arm mI mlwr mm In lwn mnwllna he now munml mm Mir Mm nu hmnanl ind In tmmr HHCHMOHIG Slam flinqumuk 1w Level Ground At New School In Creemore mm In pm on nnd Mldmflo mm IO ml Soon hm wil be more AH Hm when Honehm anlry MI FL null and nth mum nra nponnl CHy vlnllnrl mmlly pa In mm on the mnlc hm um 00 ny route Irralnl nu no name highway lllldllt Imlcr through wuk lay with In lum bering ml bmlnm Mlvlly lvw mlle Inrihrr knlghum an nnthuo mummn which ntlrnd lflli rnllud nmullnn 17w minim hem Ham engi nu HIMIKIHIK Wflkl Imnl midinu toll about many compliments visitors lull vlcw lho lake can be men from hill of highway Visitors Enlivén Lake Region 01 LAKE 15mm Extent or wcokcmis when same cullfW are about his husy tum motUm rlnygmllnd I1 rrlmlvc ly quid vimhm mnl bolt fimprmxod with the pic umquo soul mo sunlight hllnot Into Min water Whlle lhe dam work ls pm cccdlmz lhe rlvcr flow has been diverted one aldo to open Illa way or the construcllon We no ccrlnln lhla pmlecl wlll mbnn much our com munlly snld ML llucslls one at numcrnm mldnnu New Lowcll vlm spoke In pmlso 04 he developmcnl vauvn prulLLll Tu nyeighl municipaiiiiea wilhin he Authority conlrihulo in the remainder with Sunnidaio Township in which lhls com many is locaimi paying 12 and nhail pqr cLni uuuryedl water supply ruervolr policy Normally the cost is shared lo mas Cnnscrvallon projects mm mm Tho new cement dam will to place an old dam uhlch was in cxlslcnce or years not lur rum ll old New Lowell mill Under the pulley followed 75 per cent of he linnnclng be lng done by the prnvlnclal gov ernment under In three ea water supply runrvnlr uuuvymulih An devnlnpment this area will be ior multipla use conservation Including lurcslry and Wilder management wlso land use to mlnlmizc alltn tlon and pollution of the men volr and recrcailon iur hi people of the watershed of 50 ncrcs was llsicd for water suriuce area with storage cup aclty of 30000000 gnllnns REPLACE OLD Mn NM 12 war pointed out it xhould Increase surface water supply or domestic use lire protection and agricultural and communl gevulopmcntu malntaln and Improve graund water supplies In control sut ace runntfnnd reduce duwn stream Handing said fin pointed out by Dan Huestls New Lowell who has been wart mi onl the projecl the Mmo 31w fili II we him 104 our mhunl any or Owlt II became our lull MA mam lo mm mm In helnkl The man klun the cow fmncn lvwfiqu wrummlm lrmmm tkmnlnallonn Cunmllnm Ihem thh ml Human ahnlk ub erm us also Mlmunl Urnlmv In lmkr IN am 11 mt llnlla Maul FAMWII Md Ibo Mluldllfl Mr Innth II MM HM pymnuntlun Ina uwulm film ask paramount Im mum Thu emuumr Nan Invalva Inr lolrrunrr mm We mrmm llllhl THY EXAMINER WANT PHONE Mum wrhhpm nln rovlvnl In cvunuellnn mo when he 14 mo clmnh In flwnvlwflna In lragk cm Man In an luldrm la IM openly nulnn um World COMIC on anngrllun Wmlnmlny huh1m Id Unlm ho nuA prrnnlural law 01 Gal control mo mm mm my my be on Ibo vrrio wrlMlo rial war looman to Him HDIIHN Inuum Amtr lcnn avnnnollq Illfly Grnhnm ha culled an chum lender nun I00 minim lvr ndlnn Io prevent global mlnl wmu Ex Graham Seeks Action Against Racial War MacAmmr and GI 5mm r11mean 0m Heel Club stood third in their mmpcuuon Tho Misses ka III onba visited lhclr slam Mu Gray In wok did 60 well is judging mm Guelph Inst Frida Roy and MM JUDGING Congralumfim lo the Judging am 01 Nonh 51mm 4H 60 well be nmvlnpinl Mm an mu Pm Wllllbo made after evch mm lmnnnx chair will be Mad by MRI Dm Farm St Andrews hunt Banlo the evening service 2031 directed by Arddoacon Min 01155 mu Mn and Rev Walnu King the ma pde an un tory of siméoo County why1 Wm nvw subdivision in Lha noth end has been zoning attention and the subdivider Ken Ruthie has sold some cf thp lots Judg in by the considerable Mares 51mm this subdivision will he he scene of mate building as well as others Our mcmhanis shared in the increased wrist business in Iho area said Reeve MaAulcy who had special part in tourist Irflde promoan as chainan iwrism and publicity comm ee 101 Simon Cmunt council me mm mentioned new l¢4 book Ukytraflnxfiw anxious to see Elm vale go ahead and am Kind 50 do what can in hcip said Reeve McAILl stating he was willing In confine his service if the wish or the eiectors Eimvaie has seen nev develop ment Ibis past year which has increased the popuinunn to over the 1000 mark NEW SUBiliVISION The annual nomination meet lug to be held Monday NW 28 at 730 In the munlclpal hall with the clerk Harald Nash in charge Namlnatlons wlll bu no canted between 730 and 830 and then andldales will heglven an opporlunlty to speak If an elec lon ls nmsary will be held allflaflanday The efiurecollnzlivhlch also lndudes Councillors Alex urn1e Norman Crane Kenneth Knox and Dr Patchel has med to stand again NQMWAHDNS have Increased our of sum pnfldng area loo seM Reeve McAIIley stating some of this has been lighted and is um Mention an aid more lights We also have lumroved street lighting as well neeva McAqu said merch ants teelthat Hue present sys tem of regulated parking with out metersla Lbag or enur mm Wmtvx InnInes an bung mm mm visitom ELMVALE Sm We havent pafldng meters and are not In flavor of them said Alex McAuJey nnnounca Ina he would he candidate or reelecflnn to mm lerm head the council for 1966 SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS Nd Pdrking Meters ForVEImvale Village GUTHBIE CAMPBELL In under wwmz Bod mnvmm rend mm on ugrlmrlwe dram menu were suns by the Mean EUCHHH CLUD he first weekly chm 010 Mason wm hdd nl Sunnldala 00mm bmnmlly Centre Wed May ol hm wok lmm tables nl player worn present Mr and Mn MCEMIM enjode motor to umlcm nnJ munm Omar mus mm Uuio and Mm Gordon Rule The owner nad an mtho In km Ina with the mono Servimz lg 5mm ML MAInun 111 II lilo homo of Mrs Gordon Me wlm clam ladle mum urinal tum was the meme 01¢ pm mm oonv Mru Darla mm fly MR5 ROIIEM BATES Wl Mus Coal Raven LI mug 0am wed with hot damn and sonhhw Mr om Mm An ledger In New Bmmwlck The local Homemaking club with 15 lmmbera Ilndcr the Imdcrship Mn Mm hm mmpldod live meeting of is unit Am on Amman niim scqmemn waa in 1mm lad week MacKay and mm nannumxay mm mm Noun pay 1m weekend SUNNIDHLE CBS yymmuu r1l hospital is progressing favor Womens mnup mg umqu to lhla pm renulm umlluu mad ha been paved for some llma tremfllzhway 1210 mu Guard rail hnva been laced In danger mm of the wdenad mud giving drivers more sense of teemfly Mon lhese but noun hnvg begn painted mu Naw boulevnrd grass and sod has bencmud ram recent rains and mm is rim pine In relorestcd area Add to Ula picturesque acme paldeu lax1y around Horseshoe Valley Sk 911 lift in 7011 The pan mam 27 to due to ba reconstructed with in lho nexl year or two North 01 Crnlghum where there was about mlles reconstruc llon this war It be re runrlnced prlng good Shana rrom Highway 25 through FlosVespra border cummunlly In Highway 27 but there are washbaard paL In the stretch ram Ihere to Craig hunt It WA Shawn by an KnA spsfuon just made ANTEN MILLS sum Slm4 co County Road 22 is now In good aha rrom lyfiwyy 2a hrmmk mu THE BARRIE EXAMINER THURSDAY OCIVJBER 27 U¥ County ROad In Good Shape Anten Mills Area The main thing lhe Elmvnle council has tried to an L1 In follow sound economic policy 00 keep taxes mm soaring 00 mm This in self was good promollon or Elmvnle In an era when must munlclpnlillcs have laced sharply increascd ha may next sprlni We have 5009 being published and wn are hnpglul need demand he slid upresxlng the opinion thry would do much to sflmu 151a mom tourist Imam In the am muster NEWS Mcnnflmo no council Ind Mh er mldenu nu giving ntlcnllcn to plan or abmvmce ol Cm ndn moth blrlhday nul ycnr Flo Jolnrd MU Elmvnlc In nnw rlnk floor lot in union nlnl projocl Flu and Blmvllo nlm cooperate In Ira prom 0n and other mouuru Hum ank Coupan Arm len Mlllx will remaln mm wllh Lorne Gnhnm dopmyl om cr mcmbm Ron Ulhcr Donald MncDonnld and Earl Ellloll ELMVALE sum with the council having been eiccitd ycar ago lor luvyour term here will be no municipal elec tion in Flo iowmhlp unlii De cember 1m Inailan Ior municipal niii this viiiago or 1561 an 958 v11 be received on Monday Nov 73 and it an rlectlcn is needed it will be held on Mon dny Deal with Chester Mar tin clerk the chic returan officer Reeve Earl Brandon with chairmnn the countys special legislative committee which proposedwidtninx regional novamment lm stated he not candidate or reelection He has been reevo for three yarn and previously was school trustee or Former milinr Jack Leth crby Councin Kenllnmllton and Councillor Margery Smith have been mentionad as possi bilities liir Atherby is Inn cl LION Lciherby MPP mem bcr oi the Ontarin berlslaturc or East Simme Council Flog Stays Unchanged COLDWATER 51am Inauan lor municipal U11 vfllaxo lnr m1 LOWE Council Terms Adopted At Goldwater Chairman Simcae Cnun roads committee Reeve Fran CuuKhIIn of Fine has am here Other member oi the committee include Reeve Gar dan Watson of Oreemore Reeve Fred Baxter oi Adiaia Reeve Melvin McKenn of Coilinzwood Deputy Reeve Douglas Hail Tiny and the warden Reev George McCalue of Alliston More bcenmumue mad improvement work and re building in various parts of the county IiIi past neasan which county road project was the largest In excellent condition the xpgsglpn showed Mes if Eu as4 on we mill nu gave been replaced with copper when required and other Im wvemenu made our whim us Iested well be Id The supply has been luch lhal Elmvnle did nut hm to apply summelfime remaking us did fame Sim County munlclpll am his pulley has been com mended by numerom ratepay All era in Emmanwm him5 Jnmutmms HUBHUMMHS INEKAMUHEEHEH mmmomm JIEKIEANUIIHEH GARY CLARKE CHRIS NOEL HAL WI SHIN nm church Fawn SUPPER DEMON Ska Annual bwl supper at Ihe 11mm Chum Woman Baton will be held on Wednesday Nov he chum mm appreciated The Fins Azricuiiurnl Sociely proud oi its high hiandard ul exhibition Mr Bernum men DISTRICT BRIEFS Mun muid be In so they could in submitted In the num ra iur consideration Ha said qulesiion given lilo secretary rs Mariano Tinney or him uni wnuid bu nnnrnrinlw Mr Bertram said Im Annual menu will be held In January lb cenlennlal proposal be In advnnlm so Hm ELMVALE sum Wa would welmma practical qu cation to give our Mr un tennIIl atmnspheru In keeping with Canaans birthday nnxl yur nld Refllnald Ber lrnm president he Fla Agricultural Swim Hos AgriculturaljSocietf Seeking antennial Ideas HON mmm MOWIYID UNIVIIML mm STARTING TOMORROW Wo mlghl cnmbinu our Infill nnnlvmnry wl Ih Canndnl loath birthday in mm sull able way in said stating hoped next years Flo lair would be omelhlng spacial Vlcbprcsidenl Alvln Green lnw and George Graham and director and assistants cra praised by Mr Demam We have one of he oldcsLHm In the county ho mid slnllng has been his ctropcrallvu ef forts of executives and olherl whohave made possible Mr Bertram nave credit to 110 many vhnse emuls hnvl helped lo mnku lhe air here an loe has In Slmcnu County Favorable weather Impor lnnl It was manllnncd and was Mr ran Inlo rain which al leclcd nuendnncu snmcwhaL Miller to encourage man commercial exhlblu will be dlx cussed by lllo executive pus llbly at the annual meellngl would be blg boost lo an In Mr Bertram ohserved lnllnn he hoped to see lhla pecl elven more allunllun Dnnclnu un On stage In an Tet NIGIITLV FROM GOGrd soNéé EM

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