Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 26 Oct 1966, p. 4

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Ki Walls Publisher Mosl authorities agree that the man holdnd the wheel is the chic cause of car accidents Few will question lhls but there is growing awareness of the danger of operating mechanicallyfiaulty vehicles danger was underlined last week when the Barrle Police Department car ried out spot check at cars Fortytwo cars were found in such poor onditlon that they were ordered off the road and presumably most of them will llnd their way to the scrap heap In all 412 were put through the satety lane and no less than 240 were found with defects Some of the shortcomings were minor and probably had no serious effect on the safety of the cars involved However the fact that more than one of every two vehicles examined was found want ing in efficiency points to the need of greater police vigilance Cpl Ra Berry of Barrie Police said the department Is no longer interested in voluntary checks Many of the can in safe condition go through the lane and WAR DAYS 25 YEARS Barrie Exanuner Oct 23 1941 Barrie War Savings Committee announced that war weapons drive would get under way next week with objective to supply Canadian Army with two universal arm oured carriers per month Roy Mc Vittie school inspector is chairman of campaign Murray Mills acting superintendent at Allandale transferred by CNE to North Bay as superintendent of transportation Sgt Norman Hoo er former advertising manager of Barr Examiner until enlistment with First Battalion Grey and Simcoe Foresters has similar osition with the Range finder ottimal publication of Cam De bert Nova Scotia Thomas ward McKee Minesinix commissioned as oi iicer overseas enlisted as private with Princess Patricias Canadian Light Infantry in Winnipeg early in war Pilot Officer Maurice Bryson Barrie re eoveringln Calgary hospital after flying accident at Claresholm Alta LAC Gordon Roach is home oncmbarkation leave prior to going overseas Lt John Payne who has been stationed at New market training camp transferred to small arms instructors course at Long Branch it Simpkin announced that lnnisiiis objective in war weapons drive would be one blitz buggy per month Roy lioughton principal of Le ray school is chairman Mr and Mrs It Wallace Mary St celebrated 00th wedding anniversary Leighton iiap Ernms Barrie electrical contractor ieit to coach for third season Omaha Ncbmskai Knights of American liocke League Itch Sinclair superinten eat at Barrio Tanning Limited for many years died in 815t car Landing field at Camp Borden RLM being resurfaced Aircraft transierrcd to iiagcrsvilie until job done Barrie Badminton Club granted use of second floor Town liall again rejecting request oi Johns for dancing Victor Knox spoke on behalf Spbt Check Ggrs In City Good MioVeyByqurie Police mumummmwuufln Imiuuxnmanmwxmusml Mudle Hamlwul mlnn vlm Non Imfll tumlrr 0w fulmlwlwmchl mm Mudllnuxu um um Robn mumn DISCUSS FINANCING AT CONFERENCE Published bycamqian Newspaparh Llrnlted 16Bayiuld Street Barrio On DOWN MEMORY LANE HMcthon Managing Editor WEDNESDAY ocmnan 25 ms PAGE thévjecksam kept awaiy by qwnérs for lobvlous masons From now on police will conduct spot checks torclng drivers to through the lane and giving them lmlted tlme to rectify defects Such an =manylent should have both practical and psych ological effect motorist will nevdr know when he may be hauled off the road and put through test And per haps for this reason alone there will be greater elfort to maintain cars in flqtop rtlnning 0rd Most of course are conscien tious about the operation of their cars They have their vehicles examined reg ularly and if something is found wiong between such checks they have airs made promptly But there are ohers who are satisfied as long as they have wheels to get them around The take chance and in so doing they en anger their own lives and other neopigston Ponce have madga finé star nrtheir campaign to keep mechanicallyimperfect carskoff the road Keep up this good WOT of club deglation at town council other members ing Mrs Smith and Norman Claljke Shoriage feed concerns local farmers Bob Delaney won mile run at inletfaculty track meet Varsity Stadium Don Bowen and Har old Red Jennett slgned to playsenior hockey with Mike Roddens Reliance Air craft Co team at Bellevine James Harvie KC Orillla lawyer swqrn In as judge for County of Slmcoe to succeed Judge Wismer Barrie SERIOUS BUSINESS Toronto Telegram Theyre conducting an experiment in Vancouver which if successful should be agiplauded by me birdbeseigcd every ere Havm been unsuccessful in scaring the starlings away from Vancouver air port by fusilades of shotgun blanks they propose to reinforce the attack with smoke bombs Aclua ts serious business Flocks near airports are hazard to aircraft tak lng of and landing They can be sucked into the jets and clog or break off blades TICKETS FOR NOISE Montreal Sin Director JeanPaul Gilbert the Moni mi Poiice Department has begun cam paign to cut down the noisy motorists in the ciiy Orders have gone out to pollch men io ticket vehicles or drivers who make too much noise the city seems to reach crescendo The driver who leans on hls horn and Mont rcnls drivers seem 10 rellsh this sport more than drivers in other cities or the car without muffler makm more Impression in the summer than the win cr Other Editors Views Wilsoh Genaral Manual OTTAWAProving that Pm Human L1 not all play and partisanship Voodslockl MP Wally Nesbrm has Introduced plea cl commonsemu lex islallon And when ha ducussad lnbrmally with ho Solidior Genera berry Penneil he won ram him the high accnlnde Why dldnL lhlnk ha myxem Wallyl prnpolal Lu an amendment lo the Crlmlnal Code Did you over cal loo uddlcd to continue your homownrd drive my nflcr Ihe omen Christmas Jtu or your buddy blr day you puil Into the oldo of this road much on the car cosine put the key Into your pocket and not into ha back or 111011 aleep you are drunk In chum ol mnlor vchlda wlxclher In motion or not my Articla of the Crlminul Codi Thu 11m Mienca will probably Mdl you levcn day in jail and yearl suxponslon of your driving licence So ha drunk has an immlivu to condme driving and hope In zci mmy with rather than in pull up and risk convicliani Wain pro pom simpiy and sanciy limi an cinusu and lhnl pcnnlly slmil uni apply ll lhu rayllmr hns refrained rom puuinz hi vehicle In mouun or has lapped lho lame Ahnkeuv nul IN ruhume within the cnbinfl Jmuco Mm mu Cumin vunll ln rulun and seek an mlmmmt In Im bamdur Fnrmrr lunlltc mln lllcr Guy Iuvrcnu mm to Ilgn Ind bl Ippoinlcd lo urnmmrm an The manlnu origin and um nerd rmlvu rnlmnlnlng Ind mtmornbla mnlmcm In lhII now book by two mum 1n lha Idrnm 01 words To In mm your vncnhulnry an lhv mcnnlnl of new mrdl In wur mlml you In mlvmd to dchk 03 dcrlvnllan Inf pon int he demibed Idhhini nonpollllcal comlmcllve Ic llvlly CMIINET 1m Solldlnr Gennrll PcnmIl has nnuml Wally lbnl Ms bfll will he mod lo wmmllm Than Gilt Burrlr Exumhtrr Inrlilmcni iiiil ll buzzing upon nu immlncni makeup Mi Mi ruiiume within the cabinet Jmiico iiiin imr Cnniin Mill ln rulun and seek an mimmnt In Im bamdur Fnrmrr lunlltc min lllcr Guy iumnu WMIII in Ilzn Imi bu Ippoinicd lo Aullwrlwi ml clan mm PM 0le Departuwnn 01mm and lot pnynmm pum nah Dally Sunday and Mnlulory Holidays mud Mhmiplkln mu daily by amtr we new mu ymly slum mph me fly mnll Ilmlc ma yoavly mm mm uimdl yrnr Mal out 11 Ontmlo UN WM ML lids CmeI rde in mm yum Ufl And mien mr PATRICK NICHOLSON Wle Unhmfly Tm 10 mimmn rm non wm Iumkr meum Mom CamNan 1me Nellpmw luldiinn AuerlI hp nrwllnn lnl In All will Uranium T1 Omrvlm Im 1x ellMl Mal In ar millxlkdkll at mu in WI papa Imi Me In or flu Ammd Im at MRI Ind Ibo 1M km new mldlnml InMn Offers Amendment On Drunk Charge LOOKS LIKE SLOW TRACK mufflw vacancy Jud on me Quebec Sugujlo Co lnlsler Rablchaud has Ill eyes set an New Brunswick vacancyln flu Senale Th1 wnuld open In way or Maurice anonlaznu return to the cnhlnel Thu other Quebec vacancy mould deservedly no lo Bryce Macknsey former chalrman at tho Liberal caucus he mlxhl be blocked unlalrly and unten Ionably by the archaic concopl lhul Franc Cnnndinn blood rather than Ibfluy Is he uali Icnllnn fur Quelgec calnc aypolntment But 0111 MM toha andNew DrunsMck am now repreunled by French Canndinns In tho cabinet so why should nnl Irish MncKaiey rcplaca French Flmau New Brunswlck Rohlchaud likely lo bo replaced by an other chh Canadian Jenn Dubs Who will be honnml by lwoleen an ymldznl 01 ha NATO pulfhmenlnrlnns for lhnlr mcellnx In Purl next month Transport AUnIJa Jnck Pick P909149 ask It the Bank Pub lic lera or books on many whde MM requma have muutd In Lhe purdum OHM flowing ncw books ALL ABOUT WORDS In Iliuk nwroadx la vncnlmlnry building by Mnrxcll Nurnbern Ind Mor nosmblum mvln lho ma ol lhm words In lllmlm null mwwnpcn llull In mrlllml uml In lhe book chllonnry de llnlllmn lud lo lmlnnllnu Icn venur hunts lrom on vmnln lo IIIMIIH lhrnulm Ilmllnr lflll Inlrd IIHIVIIIMU Endlmu cullnl Fun wllh unnln Ive umd name In match In mnlulnl In urll Mulch Ilrllunnrlu uwl llm Oxlurd Enallph Wd nu Ntw lnlunnllnnnl lln abridged both Immd ml Ullrd nmlonm ml Wduml Nrw Inld Dldlmmry nI ha IlnmI un Mummy rlmprr bradlnu mvrr numlml wurnlu mm old myllu mnnnu plum vulrm llnmmm mllm an nulllm ohl wnlu ml new In tnllun lynuny lulu nune lIerI lnwlvmlml Ivy ml will llvvnnr Ill lmll lulu nm In who lulu In rmk um mu nl duly mu rm wIIh plum and wr qmly 111110 OMMN PLAY ING by Hunk uluwn lflh Illlnn Th1 Inm mun Camill wum ol lnMnnUon 1n omn rlnylnl with uumu mumHana ml mntnhl on um Ind Mervinluv nl mi oun mm muuk Men WW mlnlnl ml mqu In in limo an In ml In run plum 1m mnhor MI pull WI lln MIMI In man AT BARRIE LIBRARY Here Are Some Of The Books That People Have Requested an 11 ha been tumored see immediate nthamen from tho cablnet bm he will may at least unm he has com pleted hi rcnrganlznuon our transport policy WANTS BENCH JO Sollcilor Penn would like to resign and be appointed to Ihe benchbu lhh wfl noznhappen Jug yep mmcr Um nyenroid nepsan oi British Cainmbial farmer lieutenant governurirnnb Russ iic emerged from he re cent Liberal conveniinn with lubslnnlini lupvon in dnr ling nnd the hero of line young Liberail 70m big pramnlién In the caplpel chqu willful Iolhu Johnston the new cleclcd Social Crcdlt MP or Oknnnxanncvelnoke has Just returned Irom two weeks spent us an observer wnh the cum dlnn dalmatian ha Unlled Nnuana Ho hm brought back lame pcxccpfivu View on lum MleIAl anal and Canadn ro unis and lnr manuals Ind nl havo been Ielcdui or elr mnlcal vnluo an MI Ihclr pcdnxoxlcnl vnlur Ind lndude mm from 1451 to the pmonl II has had lhlnylivo yum cxpadrnco leather of or yummyinn at me Enxlmnu hool of Muslc lb Univer Illy Hochmrr PIAYPRODUCTIONFOR YOUNG PEOPLE Kennflh Nulml wrmm or mun pa In 1mm Ihe In of mm to my deal filh lho or anlmtlm of dmma imp sunny KMIM collurm pro pertlcn and In IdII hr lrl and prndlco ol Iran ml pra ducllnn lncludlna mavemenl wrrch Ind mikeup mm In nlw bdrl hunry Mn lhonlu lomy of mm mm ml 1m of piny hr nmmur group ll glvrn In lho mwmllx Mambo or Any 1va drama Imp any club or my Inumnn In on Wm wlll llml mm In arm Ind YOUTH CLUII MUTE AND MUN by SM Mm nnoiher mm book or nmnlwr bmficnlm TN II 1921109 human Id wllh NM or ma puny animalrv maul Md vnrldy slum ltmvl mm lml mm Cu 5a and KM us 601m ol the Menu uu lmrmnkr or rm mrd My mu nlaphd hum ollvhlom Ilml or ppm firm qnmpIc new mm the Embrme nmullmrn bum lhll mum man II dim ml NM ly men huhk Ind An IrrM neulnnn dwnm to mm by II III Ibo ukuIl Ind look ll mva Kn mm hy MI rhnvl lvm lbomlml um um nwrnnm IN man 11an him Now llmMny In ou 1m book hu nu Ihlnl hr nlmll my run lldulvlwmvl pMmlnmcnh qr rmy mulénnml uni lal ML ny non BOWMAN mm In Indium lurch or the Northwest PM gage beau lg Mumwhen Joly de th Hm voyage lo Cantdn He wu numbing or mm mule Minsk chlnl However who know when the Norseman we trying to to when they landed In what beliwed In be NovISeouI abpuuoooAm CANADAS STORY In my one the 59th for 111 thwest Passage condu until 1550 It great expense and loss at llfe whm It wu Iocnzéd It took Great mu nun dg lg Cumin Ruben McClure the noyu Navy discovean tho Northwest Fume Get an 1350 Men he was narcth or Sir John Frlnkflnl 10 uon HQ Ind urvcd on the Great Lakes In um young ofllcerolthe Rm Navy al though he had already made vnyaae Into the Ardlc male or In Terror In Slr George Frnnklln had the Terror and the Etcbus when he was Mt In 1M5 1nd It look 14 year of watching before the N11 sinry THE LIGHT TOUCH my better than money Uke money It can be de flnmi as medium or ex chnnzu and measure value An measure of value memory beau mom Partl cularly paper money because most monetary unit buy less as Ihciezrow older But mem ories In the true current the hem become we more llmo goes by DIII wlthoul hllh II II Im pmlbll Io plane him lnl ho hut camel In God musl ht lleve III In II 1H he II reward of mm hut am may mk Mm Hem llxl man he truly walk by mm wul not run Iha risk be mu3annm ave ailh And youre richer than Croesus yvu can look back Jud remember when The replacement the Mn lashloned cash drawer by the cash rcglsm made It mom difficult or dlrk raise 0M buy om he hos Memory Beats Money As You Gfdw Older Acres Nomi Amerlca dim wasnt single waxUna dual hmna with machina In the kndlm that could make It own Ice cubes Mathew wanted their Ion to get me collar Mu he mamflnwomauflla collar not paid morn than one who we blue collar BIBLE THOUGHT Capt McClure Found Northwest PasSage By Al BOYLE NEW YORK AP Mem OLETTERHEADS BROCHURES INVOICES CENVELOPES PRIZE LISTS BlLlHEADS PROGRAMS ll ynur unlu km ual nrvlud hy Mn plun phunl THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS And Copy Wu Dcllvmd To Your llama by mm BLACK AND WHITE AND COLOR CARRIER MISS YOU 7282433 the tragedy wan mm It wu revenlcd than from records Fman had clched nzPoint Vldory that he had discovered the Northwest Purine belora be dlcd but Wain McClur hrd Ilready been given the chh the hated Was WM In McClureexpedluun en tered the Armin lrom lha Pn dflc in ship with lhe approp rm mm InvullgatorIt fled through Prim or Wm sum unlll 12 was blocked by Ice MeMlle Sound In 0cm her 1350 Captain mom made bl my on loo lo lhe nnrgheul Up of Bank 151ml nnd was Me loJook moss lo Melville Bland wulhc Northwest Puma However wu miller our years More Medure and hL1 crow could buck lo Brlloln They were cauzhk In the loo or two yam and finally made sled um took them news Mc Cluro Sixalt Io Wluler Harbor lllclvllla Blood In the sprlnl 1353 lth murdxcd norm the lee to Dooley Island where they lound shlp the Resolute and spent their fourth consecuflvo Ardlc wlnter there ume Ha liked to hiya thelr daddy m1qu dim tho paper band on than made wonderful make be Have wuidlng rim Younl men mu used In greasy null on lhelr hair In res emergency they gonacilnpqs em lucked DARNED SOCKS last thing Mm dld balm tlrcdly climbing the min to bed was lo dam lapM of flu chlldml slack Inuor patch them an kneehole were too blg Every school desk had In lnkwell and ll the glrl who tat rent you had long curb your maln soul in 1110 an to dunk one of bar cm One of the hem places to hlde money was In ha Imlly Bible because nven he torn mid mid be too cm chutestricken to lake mm there You knew young lady wan min I12 when she lnslslcd on rmov rom me lnmlly Mbum the photo her baby mauled um ckxhu nnr blanket 51 mall 11 had dw em Itching pus sbut nuno hag pgflgnz Imef Every boy curled mile hls most chmMed possesslon ued bolt low In th panu by piece at strlng no he wouldnt lone In his poem youqu nkoflndamdluck penny he had pm on firm car truck lo be muhcd by tho trolley Those were the days Rev minim OBUSINESS CARDS

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