Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 26 Oct 1966, p. 12

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The two Torontn men Ire charged wilh dclrnudinu Mean sumo belwml Jun and May 15 ms and obtulnlna mom cmm Onlnrlo Supreme Conn Tuesday turned two hm on Iwo lrhud charges against Eli Yussln flabbhh AZ WNW at Lho new ddund nncan tho Copy Corp and Kenneth George Isn nlo 51 who meccle mth ucompnny pmldcnl SUDBUIIY CHJohn SIC Man presidenl of Kidd Copper Announced Ncsday four mk slrikc by 35 mcmhcrs he lmnrnafional Unlnn nf Mine Mlll and Smelter Workers 1nd has ended wilh 01 rati fication at mwmr muad Mr Sheridan said Local 598 cl lha uninn has been given he mm In act as bargaining nutn or no man at tho companys mine All 25 miles was of hen Mr Sheridan said the Mr trad offer mmnabla 1n crensa In wages Immediately Ind lurflwr Howrch misc next your Betum True Bill lone board mcmber wp porllnx the students was Calder Mn saId the board had no nulhmity to Impose the short hllr rule The request was made 06 In by Grade 13 student Steven Jovannvtdx who IM delegm tlon at So students tn the board 0mm protesting the word sportV The board med In favor of retaining he word shun from schoal regulnllnns Whldl Lay sludcnls hnlr 111 he cu slur and nut Strike Ends WOODSTOCK CF Thc Woodstock board of education mcsday rejected Nqunst that students be allowed la delch mine ha lenglh of heir own haircuts PRAGUE RancidA Cana dinn Wde delegation headed by scatfleiy Randall Ontarius min fisher otrxvmmios and Lime lnem erafwd In mu Czech cap ill mnsday During i4 fiveday stay the umenflm damnation will be guest the Cmdmlwak cham Macklay was armsch 0d In Meridm on molar whlda vlolntion charge later dropped Ills mm Wmlit him In the woman or federal au lhnriles leading to be illegal Ilien charge HARTFORE Conn AP hnadian charged with enter ing the US illegally switched his plea to guilty mesdayniusi beiore Ihe sum of his lri US District Judge Joseph Biucmfield said Donnid link Kay 51 mi Pcierborougil Ont 11on ha sentenced sum lime 11le month MncKay pleaded zuii to vlqiation ol Um imm gradon llws He was indich on charge or being in the US ii legally after being deported in Canada from Tampa Ila May at m2 Reject Requésl In Czeflmslovalda the Cana dian vhilm wlll meet repro untuum ml Cudmslwak for Izn trade enterprises and av number of plants ber of cammme Th delegation 15 making our 01 Euwpaand will also visit Aueria Yugosravla Hun uyy Russia anc1smen Changes Plea NEWS ROUND Trade Délfegcitiqn Arrives In Prague Tho guests mm many nnUoru Jnlmd In clappan hands and tlnginx lamp 1mm ho ham land an seven lummk load erl 10an CI GM and Mail my $223600000 ur ban renewal program that ill prmdo 000 now And rehab aux homing unlu has been MANILA APITo tha show lune IIeLIa DoIIyI also known as IIrIIu Lyndon Presidcnl Juhnson danced with Imelda Mums Mk III PhIIIppimx medmt amId chm n3 IO Manila lummil conIcranrc and up In blue 01 exdm mrrjl 11m fiesta in Pmsidcm FcrdI Mud Marcov Yum Nusdny nlxhl beat nnyth n1 many of the 000 nests had ever run Urban Renewal Mr Butts Lnder Mm lnaflnn dld not that ha shortage of steel 10d Do the col lapse said the me Wshl npcrnlive until the mncrclo around it had gained summit llo blade Iho cullapse on men tomcat and premature slrlpplng of terms OTTAWA ONA structural engineer testified maday lhal here was shaman of steal minfmini rods In the construc lion of building that collapsed hare last Mam 31 and that ho was unaware of It at me Ume Ernest Bum was testifylng Mm Magistrate Edward 0m ler during the second da hearing charges mm breaches of Ihe Consiruollan Salem Act mam Allied Con mle Forming following the mmnwflme building col lapse Whlth killed one man and lnlured five others Summit Dance dLsmissal union menfoer About 300 M61 want ldlo mhcr employees rcluaod to cross their picket Hm Members of the Operative Plasllmm nndCcmenl Mnsom International Association war on strike Monday against BM Conshudiun Go over file NORTH BAY CmA team union official was Io mm today in Tlmagaml so mllc north of here to nezoflale on diam that has tied up cm snjudlon 0300000 Iron Steel Shortage mine far lilo daié fraudulent dedll valued at 150649 from Hanan bcuvccn Thu mung oonllnuu today To Hold Talks STANLEY RANDALL Fivs Millhnvcn rmployeu woro mnnndrd la Nov an charm lucmpfinz to com um damage and rduslni la al low Employ lo cnlcr Iho urlk bo hut The chmu lo comm dam age worn 1nd mcr null or brown in mm which Iry lngklo mm bo plgnt Tho lszttk Ilflko by 750 mtmbcrl Local 9670 ho Oil Guaman and Momlc Work in Union mind 0d The charge wan laid after pm vinan polka conlbcnlcd volvu from Dyan during Mrlko Mlllhnvtn Fibres Lll nl Baum 0M 12 mile cast at here mun was man suspended unlenco and plnmd on mm Hg fol three mqnlhs NAPWEE OnL OMHir old Ryan sergeant wflh Do mastic nnd Industrial Promo llon Co but at Toronlo wan convicted mmday having an unregistered firearm In plus other Ihnn homo ur bmimss the voflnc ago rmalu II he MM Onlnriu wil1 have 3500 ndJilhnnl vow or the next election ex pcacd Iomcfima next year Nelson Castunzuny federal munkxloncr of clulornl boundaries 01d Ihe common that lwwalni the Age lo 18 would mean about 175000 more digihla voters in the next pm vingln Median TORon cmm loud tux0s Meet committee on dw lion law was old Tuesday thnl reduwon the voting age lo 13 from 11 would 3M about 270 300 names to the Ontario mm Man Convicted TORONN CHAnne Ding wall of Oomwafl dccidedo ex elude her niece And naphews from her 3500000 will arm puriod of lndwklon lawyer represele Dr Snmunl Mm told the Ontario Supreme Court Nesday Hm will$4500 of Mulch was 12 no DA Aber 53 her substitnta physlclnn in Cornwall ls bean oonlested by five nephews lhreo aim and brgllher ans Dlngwall The relaum am Irgulng against alumnus of the will Mlsa Dlngwall as signed In no pilal July 31 19M She died last Voting Age It spokesman or Canadian Forces Headquarters Mld as day that qup Capt Hollies with lha judge advocate xen erala office here tar same Im left tar Europe several day an Delmca Minister Heller told the 00mm Monday an om cm had been sent abroad to In yestlgala nllngallnn that Cana dian omes W01 involved in the death of the German 5mm wholiad been mm by ll Ge mon com mayM and shot Contest Will In copyrle story me 173 per says the Ifryolr program would rcqque the acquisition 7400 dwflllng and 110 Indu rla and commercial sructum for demolimn OTTAWA lowGroup Hallie has been Idonm as Ihe Canadlnn 0mm sent to Europe lo investlgntu the execu llun of two German sailors aflur VEan recommended for Mempalitnn route Probe Execution ma mmld 5v Iarks quiEiiiiifiiéiiifiEs 5AdVépturjérlngeliéved Lost Seekingyold Ottawa Friend WMWA CPan wind 33 Prlnee gemgs whosb MUTE paucrcd canoe waslwnd on the shundd lhe Ottawa River Mondayyis not mlzslnz after all paddling trl Io Montroai qmfllomamngm late The tiny Adar ending upon iii 11 we the abject police search Irrlvod InOltnwn Sunday eveninl about sovennclock and benched the cnnaalfl he aald In an lmervlvw Than ha proacch tn look up an old school mmd Tha march got under W3 nfler his canoe was found by mrkman the edge he 0t Mr Woordowlm whn Ien Prince George In June 1866 on rlp 1p flanges Sena buxury loam quiltrd mul lHoLI lnnmprlng unit Onhn sup port mnslnldlm rclnlorcod also fulllml cushloninl lot mm mm mm Seth Polluu Supnme Quilted wilh foam mm and 515141 posture mum eracllvo dumblo 10ml licking Openingg Celebration MATIMZSEIE 4975 nnoummg 59 SPECIAL SPECIAL Commencing Thursday Clarks will inéugurate distribuflon of Lucky Green Stamps with every purchase For the 5day event you will receivadouble the usual number ofslamps These stamps are redeemable at Loblaws Thursday is the day when the newly enlarged premises are offl cially opened For this event froln Thursday Oct 27 to Tuesday November lst inclusive you are invited to see Barries largest brightest most modern Furniture Store Very special price reductions are being offered on large number of Iterns large and small Of Their Newly Enlarged store CLARKS 5DAY STORE REOPENING SPECIALS nmll lnr MIMI load HIM comm mu known mam Ilwwnlu nla IDNIII Imm lawn five ac beaéh on the dlyrwes¢zm outskirts Mr Womnwlmv said he finned to confine hls trip to anneal Wednosday and ex pectgd lo lulled hi desllnauon lnfabouc eight da WWW He has Ilmnéod My trip by working at odd Jobs NW1 the way Toughest stretch ol hla Ion lrlp mm the WatCoast was shoreclinglnl crossing of Luke Superior which Wu quite rough ID500000 pie llve wkhln 209 we ol Unilad 5qu bar CLING TD FRONTIER About penfey 93mm HECLINING CHAIM Clarks DAY The 1mm nlcalon ovar Good looklni pmdlcnl Imnruy Mylcd dinauu Many hem Mn In lcmtlnu and unusual dem that um hem decoullva appeal All Ilm AH colon nblona mind or oval lawn As nallonnlly Advorllsed 1111 Sam Odho bux mallml glvu llrmnm plus comfort Excluslvo smooth lock conurudlan emper cd alcol coll tprlnu Ion wurlnl heavy wovm cover lUCKY GREEN VSTAMPSI 68 EEMA DRTIID LUX mm MIL lvlud Irvin 39 39 SPECIAL MARKS NRGEVENT OITAWA CHA Iymbol National Research Count ac tMtlua mm Italnleu steel Iphm lna mm diamem vol of waterw mumbled ere Tuesday to mark the coun dll 50th Innlvemry Nmfln Ant lulu bark mum mauled lurth color 11 mm lulu yd nnormmn armu 495 If mu Sullnmm nlunml nylon lowly man in mm In FlOPENING MIMM 59a 11 will plnln Munanm WM 40 Illn nu ION morsz IXZCMI 895 French lmvlutll Bedroom Sum Graceful curving llnes beaulllully styled triple dresser 7d lenzlh with larle mlrror drawer chest Ind lull rlze ribbon bode Ecauly and value are well represented In Lhir rulla Free Delivery Tndolnl accepted gonwom valuallan Courtuldl Ougllyl Cup Reopen 5mm nuhlony Imam filled nmflar IN Howell Ill and Lulu 399o lPu Bldmom flulm mm 00 mm run unwind nu III exlremely mm suite And In real barzahl Modern Bedroom gull Burch Includes drawer triple drtuer IIJI rlply mirror 35 drawer Nylon Carp Nylon Cup Myenll Speck 298 BED PILLOW 26900 xum pmfimmm wgnNmKY ocronmiu 1m mm mu simmer mow MDT Inleulous Macadam kill The 50th Alrlcan plullc In flow ooo unawuaoonoru the world have the dim 000000 Invested Down In home from very color you can think of Rania Modern Canytrtlblo Chukrfleld Bed SmutW amain convert mmlarldble bed filled with mod wringmled mamm lieopenlu filmla box Iprlnu km 1111 mm mlxmalded oulli REDUCED AS MUCH Odds and end la clear reduc lam up to 01 Mlsmalchtd Con llnontal beds30 80 Tlnrr Mu Nylon Puma heal IM mu nylon Ion harm loop mu Im hoavy mm huvy Ilqu Mo haanl min vellum mothprml mlor lax nnulu ML yd M4qu JIMl 11 ll 1an lwII uch Mnllrm Ind Box Sprint MTIN TOM CUEIHOND Mllchlu Clulr 000 159 CARPET mattresses and 111171le Wflfid will

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