Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Oct 1966, p. 3

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CITY NEWS Dr Rynard Much Improved THE BARE EXAMINER MONDAY OCTOBER 1965 OHAWA Special East Simon MP Dr IL Rynard spent very restful weeknnd and ls very much lmpmvcd in hcnllh his office reported this mgmlnz Dr Rynard entered Ottawa Civic ilosplinl last Thursday or condilinn described as gnstm inlesiinal trouble and lunch or cardia But in com pieie examination over the weekend including two olecmr cardlograms shown no tracts of heart lroubio and his condi tion now dcscribcd in corn binntion of influenza and tirad nm UM an In Mull uumu Inqu hmmmmn In In wk mm bony mm nm my um lu nm mm WW Im kml 1o Um ilkr of umWI 10ml Luke Cukiudulnz 03$ cm of mm rinuun IlOUSEWIVES proltsung food prices oonUnutd helr picka of area supermarkcu Saturday Alter plcmlng at fin Io mun mm nL nm In ml um min Ammo mum AUTO INSURANCE my 7357 CONTINUE SEARCH IN LAKE COUCHICHING Swedish millluucr ném $185000000 wanh ol ouslnm year He will be dschnrgcd mm hospiml Tucsdny or Wednesday and plans In drive back lo mm wilh Mrs mud on Thursday or Friday mwrma 3340 nu ma mm The Orlllln doctor Is expected to remain lnhospual or uno Ihcr day or two or unhel res and lo shake 1h lust bronchial cold which he hnx bum sulfnrlng ham or number of weeks m4 Fihuofl hdphq um M4 Wm Invnj mu mum mm luVly mu mm Md uhc um rm lMuIWnn Mt rm mm up nu umhu mu MI vmdmnw In Ilvwl lan kn No naggingj backache Bnrria more Friday night Um dozen wumen began opuh nunm at Aulston Angus and Camp Borden ABOVE Mm Marshall of Barrio discus nlo Fm uiw Human over In um Vklurin Day wk ABOVE IAIN nlndnw MCI HM llevdkl In It Krmnll mu Jmk Mm flak Hum mma lmn mduh BUY IT BY MAIL One US Navy rccunnnlsxunce Jot mm the carrier Constella lvn was shut dawn 111 north and two crow mmbm were llslcd misslng was lha 4cm US plane reported lost In ghe ah war against North Vlel Nam but the war for the must DEN conunued In lull Thun dcmmms he nortth mon soon again cut heavily Into US air blows Again North VIel Nam SAIGON AP Small scale lighting lured Monday in lent tcmd mien South VM nflfio 22 miles narih at Hue klulng 15 South Vietnamese and injurinc 20 Thu Vic Cong made morlar attach on our 50th Vlclnn mm outpost In the central highlands and two on Amnrlcnn position In the northern prov inces Ammlcan casualties were dumbed as light Viet Nam War Reported In Lull 5° with passer Met Graham while one ycardd Ronnie Gmtmn seems mora rammed with the cam era man hint filmy wnlm In hack gnmll 11 WP malnlrlo Dev HI boat mmflm swan Km hi wt 92m LONDON CREAM The ncddcm thh occurred Sunday at 1150 am muhed in datum rammed n1 $500 harm pending i113 disgfilnlod houiewive wm phased wIIh the encouragement they received fmm ma rem an memw am Provlnémkollc 0mm mammi one sluflrvchlcla clzicn over gm rwcckcnd Vylo David St Willow dalc was Admlued to Soldlm Memorial Hospital aumfina head and Dream lacorallans uflcr the car he wns drlenl smashed Into number of guide post on Highway 12 Just of Wilmington Slmcoe North MP Hebe Smith will Address members ho BarrieBorden Consumer Prom Msuclallon Al public meollng to be held at codrlnu lon School Thnnday at MIL Housewives prolesflng the high cofl of load look forward Lhexpecuncy to Mr Smlthl talk awkuman said today lhe local MP cunentiy ll Ung on John commonsenue Onngnmee studyan llvlni CM Following Friday night pIc ket by dozen hwsewlve It Dnrrto supermarkets the wom en transferred their attention to main store in Alllston Anna and Camp Bordon all dny Sat ursnv We will be koepln close watch on thI typo of activity Mg Burns ltrcssed Tho local association was formed almost Ihm weeks ago followlni the Initiation of limb lnr groups lhrougllou Canada locallyo the group boast 500 suppormrn An nuto operated by Gentle Woods 1m Guelph find parked car wmed by Carol VlthalL ElmWale on Queen St at 40 Except Mllslnn Micro cool reception awaited them nssaclaflon resident Mn lvy Eumi of nyp Borgia lald In to Mn Burns Who acude some supermarkets raising the prices 01 floods just balm pay day and lowering them EWNQ 21yeamld Elmvnio man was charged with iaillnu i0 al low hall the mud drlvlnl wllil no licence having liquor in pinco other ihnn residence and driving with no insurance iollowing twocar collision Saturday mulling in an minty W750 9m Charged William Hubbard whose car muck andher driv en by Brian Voall Midlunt an Highway 21 one and he my nor Phlellpfiofk Helga Veal wile ol Brim luslalntd lorehoad and arm 12 ternlians whllo lwmyearold Inn Veal rccelvzd bmlxed Innhead Both wm released allowing Irenlmcn Elmvala Thu mishap occurred at 645 mama mover amnion in Elmvnle Saturday resulted III 50 damage and Guelph man ch moles dEMnK RICE Ele HOMACIIB Thu work conlumu about 000000 mu rite yrnr Hebe Smith To Address Protest Group Four Charges Laid Against Elmvale Man Tha wng wll pegln com thlnxlonHnroid Tnl bun chlcl cdllorlul curmu In or tha Scflppl llnwnrd Newspaper Alllnnto or more than lo yum grade In Barrie Norm Co lezlale nudent handle Jer mey 11 1m Barrie won tho Eatona Canada Junior aluminapr trophy he Em Slmcoa Branch of me On arln Plovanenl Association Lyal Gmyl tam nn Concea nlon 11 of Medanlo township nt Endy Saturday Mlemoanl lllls Jamey who placed WI out 23 median In on class the lnlemauonul match Sealorth recently received her trophy rum Itohlnsan ol Toronln lnr ha Eaton 03m gany The lflrnvtlva dark nlred Enrrlu Colleglala slud ent also was congratulaled nlonz wllh other winnen by Min Lorna are of Toronto brad olllce the Ontario Plowmena Amxflallon CInterhnry Eugllnd Dr Howlsl Johnson 91 the Church of England farmer Dun nulcrgury Aand flow as lhg gnu ann tor hh Bunch GILLMOURE ml Shoppan Dlm lunch WIOLE Mam Weepresident the East 51mm Plowmenl Branch Don Bell Coldwaler presided ballun held may United Gnurch hm Awards were pre Ienked Saturday nlghc Mam bers of tho UnLch Gmrch Women headed Mn Oar mnn Roblnnon urch teem my calemi or the banquet RunneHm ln Ibo mlllly class was Donald Bell of Goldwater wlLH Russell Maw 01 llllneslnl third Len Wellmnn of Queen villa lounh and Jlmmy lhum on nl Orflll Wayne Slmpson Shnmy Bay and Howrd Saga cl Anlen Mlll lollawlng In order named ball player wllh llloun Al ben Mala David Smllh 11 of anemvllle was runneruni the 0pm mounted plow c135 wllh Allan and Frank Jelly ol prlllln lowmhlp lhlxd And Vlnner numeral maldlel In lho county In um past Rus sell Maw 01 Minean mm the Inlarnnlltmal Ilnrveller mount ed plow utlllly class will mm or morn plan Illa Ion Iany 17 Who placed levenlll In the Iunlnr class at the Inlernatlan Al was mnnervup The wcn trnmr class wan won by Danald Bell wellknown Goldwater 4H Club leader wlm George Armstrong oI 0r llan mend and Inward Sage of llIlncslng Ihlrd Warren GI lcn Mlnoslng wn fourth Ind Earl Gllfen IIIIII lllllhnuhnay Afihur Hunt pmldent ha Aluminum Cm America for 23 yam PhllndelnhlnEd Delaneya 56 vnimn Iporllwrllcr wllh he Phllndcl In Evening Ind Sun dny Eul elm THORNTON WINNEIL Anoiher Amlmber In ternational mulch competitor to comma Bill human of Thomton placed nm in bofll the ulfllly and mounted plow clause to Mn hm prize and also receIVcd the Em champ Ion M101 speclaL HI wfle Mm Alwyn Thomas wan the mounted plnw cm or palIons not prevlam winner at Inter nallan mawhes Senlonh recently MOUNTED PLOWB Barrie Collegiate Girl Receives Plowing Trophy DEATHS Live Royally start your minkforher Prcsfidln will be Imp rhrz Ihr mm vad Mm Dimim mu dogma uvrk lncludcd Roy Christie Barrio II Flemm lnz 0mm Wilson and Stewart 51 Full Assembly of Barrio Lodge Pcflccflon SCdAhh R102 be gin tomorrow avenan In the Mum Temple comlnulng on Wednesday chrm from to 10th Inclusive will be conlcmd on about 10 cnmlldaln find Jlm cum Anlm Mills am the youngest munch won tho novicp class mm Stem Aldenson of Cold waler second Runnerup to Mb Jermcy in the Eaton trophy clan lot lun lor compallm mm East Sim coo was Harvey Aldcnson Goldwater Vnynu Simpson Shanty Bay was lhlrvL Lodge 01 Periection Assembly Opens Tuesday Masonic Temple Presidlni wuLbe my Olly Full 71555 Flu Depl 72H Ilolnllll VII5 OPP 72M PLOWING CHAMPION JEANETTE JERMEY EMERGENCY NUMBERS savings now THE FUR STOLE youvo dmnmud of lhublgvacntloncolourTVnnyottho ood lhlngs In lllo You can have them saving or mum Stall now by eponan Savlngs Account at tho Royal Bank lnlomsl wlll fallen ll up And the Royal Ia lho convunlunt placo because moms bunch near you ROYAL BAN Suyncr Glen bales Em bridge Milk Nmnark Gillix Shelbume Tho launch dome will be presented Wednesday evening by 0mm and Past Oflkm Lodz Permdan asslslcd by Honorary Members of Supreme Council Scoulsh Ma Freemas onry Dolnn Jenney of Ban10 RE smemvtroasumr of the East Slmcoe Branch tabulated the results Tha good plowing was prabcd by My Thornton of Uhthofl veteran plowman ho was winner In other yearn Former Madonlo reevu Albert Orton also Joined in the welcome to the plvwgnen The union 11an will be held In nlnity Parish Hall at rm Vcdnuday Candidates wfl molvo luncheon In tho Enshrn Star Ila um day CARTODNIST DIES WASHINGTON Ml Hur old Ml mm 11 Who Icmd chle edlmrlnl cartoonist In Sulpps Howard nuwmupcr alllanco lor more than to yum dlcd Sunday of cumr Tnlhurl rcliml In 1961 beam of ill hcaIlh The annual Bmle Home Show has been wt for January $6 toil inchslve it was learned today Comm chalman Ides reported that nil monge menu for thy show had been mndo and all booth space had been sold The 51va is Joinlbnsponaxed by lhe Bmlu Winter Employ mm Cnmpnhm mm the Battle Jaycecs In what shculd be done to explicit Barrie as wlnlcr tau Lst convention centre Md was suggested bmdgurc be impar ed to give Informaum regming facilities the city hm to affix Gmu We mum at tho Manpower Cam in Barrie potted that tho city omplaymem xlmtlan was in good shape present wilh pgrsan placed In 59b in Svplunlm Dates fire Set For Home Show VINNIPEG 1C Price were easier in opening trade an the Winnipeg Grain Exchange today with somu activity in nil leeds Egg verage weighted prlcn mholwale to retail in one dwm curtnns exlrnlnrge 597 Mme 674 medium Axmall 483 MONTREAL CP Agricul NLa department quqlgflorgs ifs nee thungw wmtivu Slime mans Tour Spain Portugal Morocco for only 575 down Yhnll EM 375 Ill you Imy for 21 any horldly mund llvu Iunny Mndimmnunn Dulunco In 24 mmllhly Inllnllmanll $257 Lowell hanklnlIIuIL Tuurcolllwm 325 lncludn ICGHOMY alcuulon vulum IM mm Townta hullll IVfihlsnomq lflmfl mm Ruhlo lTSflflb you Tuval Afiunl or Idlln mum IIIvl FARM PRICES Ive inst looked over my calendar and know On lober LI nu Lha mom or Santa But mud be who to look me the Chum Ao coun plan Wool vmrthL Buy your nuts and charge lbyoull ind it bright er Cnrlsmus this year FOR RESERVATIONS AND TICKETS CALL Inhup Av AIRLINES DOWNTOWN MRME 0K Johnson WOOLWORTHS Tnvol Sovvlco WM Aunnlvn Am um um FLV Pardon Me Folks Alf Pic

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