Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 24 Oct 1966, p. 1

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St KillediInCctr Accident Toll Climbs To 140 In Wales Coal Slide AEERFAN Wales CF Mnrc Ahnllcrcd hodlca were pulled ram the 0010 he Abertnn disaster wdny bringing the knvwn dead 10 10 All bu war chudrcn nu uhoal WM dcflfld but STOCKHOLM lMulorfl Swedens blunt labor conflict in 20 yum deepened today mcn 25000 suckers and 10000 rlvfl scrranl Itarlcd lhrccdny Alrika lo mullnlc ngnlnsl monument lockout numbtr of lcnchm Montreal Voters Return Drapeau Vllh rrlumu In 1mm Mfr of Mt pally Mr llrnlwnu poflnl MM WIN rnmmml ill 4m nr hlu nraml ylvuL HI lml Cram 11 rhlmmnunr lllu lmlm lmnl an nuumn lug IMolr Officials csllmaled that mare than 50 olhcruwcro 5111 under tho waste and slim lhal de Mendcd on he vl1lngc schonl Friday from the manmade mnunialn of coal mina rduu Miner and vnlumccro Ilrux gled lhrough he nlghl nhnvel llng nwuy tan wnslo mm the Ichool and 18 nearby houses Many In dvll setvnnu be lanz to ha Irnchm union 01 Hm 15000 cmhm an nlrlke 20500 have nlmuly been 10cm out of lhrlr dunmml by chdhh mule tollccllw hnrznlnlnx board alter bunk down In lnlkL The lockout Wm onlch 1m mk lo lry la break Ilrlkn nrlnfl bLmmy Um langlql Del ll 11er VIHXKQIIVIHC udu MM lZrlnndnr furyPMOM Drnwnu vnrly men Include Frank Ilnn my Inmnlrrr or III Inclnl lulllulu rrxierml 11 cngmcug 4n mu Mrflnwenu 50 law wn mklni NI loudh ltnn Drrlla hnlm wenlher only Illnuly man An 50 unl lmlhrml In rm MIMI nlum In Illa mayor In hlnl mn muliu mu Duve km 300 0G7 HEIDI atm lluIHyHuro lllvlc lnly am dulaln Ir mmrml Ivy IIMIIIIIMI MI lmt lhm nlh mm muyear mm In lhc my Mxflnylnunlflpnl 45 MMIUN mnml Ru munlflpnl MK In In no I6 102m an No 247 YOUTHFUL demonmlm carried these signs nsthey kncll on me around Ioday near all hotel in Manila at Swedish Civil Servants Protest Govt Action llm ALI BUT CHILDREN mumII memhrrn nnl Pbllié pcrsons are he Hcved null Inside lhe crushed houscs PRAY F011 11 DEAD Prayer for the dead and be nuved were laid Sunday In churches throughout Brltaln In Time Pope Paul asked pilgrims in Peters Squaw to pray or Ahcrlan In Abcrlnn one little girl nr rived or Sunday school but there were no other children Iur the class M1 were dead We of Prlmu Mlnlltar Tngc ligand lens 17 chfldrcn are still mlsslng believed swept away byfiuup avnlgngbe thn the lhrceduy mike end at mklnlght Wednudny lhn nrlilnn Irlkcrl will cnmlnuu the ncllon together wilh 2600 lb clvll xnrvnnh ha wnm auLlodux dbpulu uancd whm enchcn ell unable lu nmpl banrd of cducnllon dcmnnd for lancer acndcmlc ycnr or wmnmmlm waxes ngmmcnt which would hnvo xivtn ln tram of 15 per cent command wily 1m mlnrlu Grammar ool lcnchm earn bdwun 39000 crowns MOD and 41000 crown 9200 yum Unlvmily all Im upward of moo crown $00 when Mr Drnpcnul pnrly Mn nll mu lour mundl null Mr Icy tpn Imml he dlllllcl Anne Iur an yum um rcrlccml Ihr In mm In mm lllm lnlrpcndmn lo Mn lho llm ll Ll mmuwmrmrnmrr he lime Presidml Johnwn was in the building Johnson is Wing in the hotel during the sevmnallnn Wet Nam coalermce The demonstra In mum1 nu Nun2 lwul ThuluI Emmil IV lJIllnuIl latherIO lllllllrIJ bulbI mindF hullIMII ll omlull The Examiner TODAY any 1H task will be decide what caused lhu disaster and whclhcr villager iny local government and minlng nulhar Ills Ignored complaints that he slag heap was dangnrous 0m mm was hcavy mlnlalL Thm nlso was an underground spran In he hem of lhe slug hcup Ruben Prlce chic geolo gm of the national mnl board salt the wmr npparanly built up and emplcd llko water bomb Davica was to meet today with dewyn Hughcl gnvcm men mInder onsiblu or Wnlu lo decide la lnqulryl nature and hen will xlnrl The vlllngcs lupus prenclm flcv Kenneth Hnyc conducted hl mornlng service few hmIrl alterlfindlng the crushed body his 10yearvld sun In the blackened ruhbh public lnqulry will open mun under Lard Jusllu Dnvlcs the Welsh Judge who cnlcnced Um gram lraln robbnry Hung Scollnnr hm hm Imlnl wnlch on night Communlsl Ihlm nl lmulan plm mu an Cnmmunlul embnulu mu 70m munlu 4mm HIIHIIUOHL Hm klmlm nnculnlnl 11ml lllnke 1m been ullriml ml of Hrluln wllhln hour hl urnpu lrnm Wormwmxl Scurlv prlnon INDON AP poman Ilorm descenle on Irlme Mlnlllcr Wilson lodny am he utnpn muskr my Pearce mm Saturday night mm Inmlun nil hm wnl mv lnl he Inuitst Mom In mm nrn linxlhh Inlslmy onsmnuve lulllalnn unml nnllcn lhcy will mk In NH Hm unvernmcnl ur Inu lnn la km Illalu xlouhln ngrnl umler clam mp1 Sen mm In mm mm 1m um mgmm my 1M pollMr yenrl he Mn lull wlfluml umclnl Itlllrlly In ml mm mm rhzhl Ava AINme hm Men mmln lhln iuirlke llllwnrdmhll lune um Khan Mm lnr nlno Man at npylnl or Imuin uhlle huh LIII ybumé how mm on were arrested later be cause police said they kackcd apomfillomarwinlmmo mqmfol Wircphow via raaia Ham Istanud mnhmn mlml In man WW ulrlr IIMT mum llw lumlmn llllil upon uflmlun Auk Hwy llrwnn 11m Iluov Howard um HI Mil lhmlflflnlly lnwnt rim Bul yul1n4l mu ml 11 ma IN BRITAIN Spys Escape Sparks Storm HERES ONE an where Pmsidau Jmnson and other ddogelim loadcts mtmding the SOVQHN than Vict Nam summit confer are staying mum 1119mm sham km prom ognlmdghg gnu km lwo mums were wounded one man In the nch Some aywilnessea claimed may had seen policeman Wm Hm The shouting started alter hel malcd police and maps film in rifle buns charged about 000 students who fought back with stones and other missiles Members of dclegnlluns lo the summit conference puckcd the wlndow and lubhy 01 the hole President Johnson was Inside warm chain of icy hey LBJ how many kids did you kill today changed lo screams of panic and anger as poiiu clubs and army rill bull xinmmcd mm the bannerwav ing slunicnisi Let he bulllcs Hm world knnw lhnl whm 1th do attack their neighbors lho friends heir neighbors will bu then In mlst Johnson said Johnson combinrd hc themes of defence against aggression and dcslre ln nchlnvc pence Iul Iolullon In Viol Nnm Kn talk at the Md the in dny closcddoar ncsslnns In tummrru7umvncfl iIhu liwil from the Johnson toid the leader at the Manila summit conicmnco lodny that their unity shuuid provide nonw nailing um range pm hn wnl cmplnycd by lho onInn ocho Ills lrlnl was mm but rrmrluj that Ms arylnl mulled In tho dcnlh nr nlxup warnnre or 1cm Vuum nucnln In Emlem Europe and he Mlddln Elm INTHUTH Qua Ull Ivlvm mull mm min mly Imlfl be dawn of but AMI mm of mum Ayml 1m Mum Mm In xkvumdmm urnmu may hurl Mckn ml Inn élvmm be mm 0mm 11mm mull unit firl E1 nrnmuu 11m Dnlly Skclch manned lhnl mane mm Hrllhh alln now are Nullan the rate 10 Mrk Throw mum primi yrl unnnmnl vnnLuhnl odny tom Inndunl anll wnrlh 1M rum uhlch any HM Emu Tmlnulobmry nun any lwo yum nln LEWMM IAII Julio lvlly called ll 60 ltpm Mlllvwhfl my hu Admit it mllmlu trig in 1mm Ml 3th Km wand any that with lo IVmilml MMI flunk flnmh Karo HIM ma tho man W0 ll wm 11h ml INH him Wit 11m Barrla Ontario Canadn Monday Oclobpr 24 I966 AntiAmerican Riots Are Staged In Manila Post Guards At Quebec Residence North Koreans Oppose Tour Iudgo Sees Sheppards Lawyers MANle AP Fashion Unity Should Provide Fuel For Peace LB Tells Summit PM PLANS MORE EDUCATION LATE NEWS and driveway In holdballad into fury knots chum men ung gifls glazagpurtcd tram club and none wounds Police stopped command truck um Iludenu had brough along with them and dragged them out through doors and windows demons or assembled earlier In Iran of Manflas pres Idcnlln palacashartJy alter ha um days session of the V1 Nnrn summit canlercnce ad 1091101 The student rcgmupcd oul side lho hole and hall of rocks and aster pole whlsllcd throng the air Thorn alsn were struggle he lwnen he dcmonstrnlars and orelgn newspaper man whom hey uccuwd helpln In gen ergm he trouble On mites Lhc scsshm lhm mun lawn the our en but he had came an equal among equals was able lo sum up hat he portrayed as this our main principle which had load out In tho talks 01 than preceding hlm Eariier the Philippine Na tional Press Club dcnnunccd what ii called poiice hmlniily in breaking up amWIet Num nickel Sunday night in iron the Maan Haiti NPC President Tim Rod commute Bill Mayan Whlla llagso press sccrclqryhggyn NEW DBL CPL1M NV munch hid ol India Yum IlmLI and KM Unfltxi Arab Ill pubflc mllzd any or In Pm mcdiale halt to the Amorlcan bombing North We Nnm mum any we mmm and mlewnl all for clun mm mm VIM Nam In lhdr closing wmmunlqm he balm 01 the Him non allan mmlrk nlno mid par lldmllun ll VM 00ml In my peace Inlh wnl rmmlnl or Ibo Alla lo be Immiul nxo mmmmlqut wm bumd by Indin Prme Mlnhm Imllra nmflll and Irflkknls Tim and Gnmnl Mild anur nmr our Lun nl la Nations Seek 13 Withdrawal From Viet Nam my mld Hwy mnvlnccd lhn hwlemrmullon ol ho IN 66an narromcnu and um willflruwnl ol lurrlzn 1mm uwld 1ch pvnu Jamison was the Inst lhnse vFno riguez said the puilca behavior is indicative more fascist stale iimn oi democratic cicly which lolernte dissent and ire slpleech odrign thawed that ha policelusnd nighi sucks Sunday on ihc pickets shoved lhem and even mowed no respect or women among the pickets their misplaced enthusiasm to please ioreign visitor at the expense iundameninl civic rights Thu number oi antiVial Num pickets was csurnalcd at 50 my were rcpomd In hnve l7ch ukcn awny In police wax pnllcn cordon protected the mllnssyg gm on the mall The Red Guard were ranged on the other side lhu meet and the entire MN had been plastered overnight wnh slogans dcnouqclng Sovlct PHKING APP Thousands of Rad Guards nnd alher youni people put on massive demon sthnn amide he Sovlel Em bassy today chanting slogans In prams scams ha llusslnn ex 115m Oan nudan mm lhu Soviet Union mm which was re named AnllRcvlslonkm SlrecL nLlhe helghl or the cultural rnvvlqun hm my 5mm nxo and 0m nfiilcml Human 77 lhc USSfl to expel Chincsu sludcnls Anuncviulonlsm sum wns lorhlddtn la fortlznm nnd lho oniy way Sovm diplnmul lhclr vlsllors could get In nnd out the nmbnssy wn lhrnugh Ildc doon qpcnlng lnln alleys FACE IIOOTING CHILDREN FanInner hondlnu or lhn ¢mbnsly mn by the Ildn mule had In run he gauntlet hook lngchildrgn monlly under 15 Red Gugrds Stage Massive Protest Tun mum um lulu gm 945M meg lnhgul 3231mmme vcry Vtinlur Eurnpénn np crease 1n Mere ald towards higher education and an ex panded Adult retraining pro gram run by Ihe federal mun powcr dopaflmcnl am belng proposed In the province by Prime Ministerszon In policy statement pre pared for the opening today ol the federal provincial fiscal conicrence the prime minister Jay the government is pre pared to 1ransler to the provinces our parentage point at per mal income tax and one point of corporation incomu tax to pay hail the warming cost at Iii post rmndary educational institution geared behlnd the grill oi iho embassy gateway he was den cned by poslilve broadside ol roared slogans from the lied Guard ranks mos the mad MANILA lflmlom Tho dcnlh In in collhiun twn uhlps Mnnlln Buy rose la lodny nmr the Phulpplne nnvy gnvc up ham or lludlnu 11 miss Inx pnsscnxcu The mlsslng Emmi nrn bc Hum lo have run lrnppcd In cabin of me fillIan lnlcrlslnnd passenger bunt Ploncrr Mylo Mulch Innk alter bclnn In 11 cal 1an ullh lln 75mm Amtrl can lrelghm Golden State Mn 16 person were rmunl nllcr lhu ml collldod nhorlly nllcr mldnlxl Sunday nlghl Tlm Golden Stale had Mn 161 pc mch an the sh nhonly nucr mldnh nlghl Thu Golden only mlnnr damage Ships Collide In Manila Bay 58 Are Killed of dvln warm Inn mm In lilyulna Out In nu um cl Mud cn blg 1g 4111 scheme would replace Proposal Includes Expanded Adult Retraining Program Nol Mon Thin 10 Per Copy 14 Pan Thu mmmm was Issued Sunday mm as he provlmm premier were arrivingln he capital The weaklong confer ence win dzal with cducallon and federal pmfinclal 31¢ sharlng arrnngrmcnu Sesshms are In guy 2130 In EDT The federal ucauon propo sal which Involve Flash out the prose Iechn cal and vocational tn nlnz prognm would bring um provinces lax transfers betwegn $330090 and $1000wa In the am your TOPS STUDY moroslgm lcdtral contributions mlme on unnatan costs Mend on both warming and cupiul cosh the Moral proposal was some vrhct bcymd the rmmmcnda Hans of recent Imlversllicuy palmtd study The complex prowl con lnlns pmvislon or cqualiullon plux special equallzauon pay mcnls The prlmc minister mld ptov nccs disman this mums cauld hnvu an allmallvo om uh that wuld commll the cd nral ovammem In nayLnl abau in per cupiln The so per cont opornllni costs technical and vocnuona minim Ottawa now pay will be uHuwnd expire next Mann Mr Pranon said thI cost xhnrlnx gives provlnco stranger lnccntlvu la build technitnl school than to extle university nrcnme omo ruvlmfl bl not yzl luktn Idvnnlnn ma lcchnlcul and vocmlnnnl grunts or capllnl costs mm wlll be phnud out Immn um yrar and W71 Tho cuflnllmcnl than two granu Fromm mm account of Ike mm In Manda mhuol populallon mm pow Karl bnhlu mach univtmu vn all cxlsling aid pmgnuns 1n cludlng capital grams 4an lull rupnnslblllLy or aduh mlmlnlng by pnylng Ill naming nllawnnces payinl nub inslllullons and pr vmo Industry or opmung Ihc courses and helping out with the caphnl com In volvmi Om In Him Dunn SEE PAGE NO

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