Barrie Examiner Oct 17 1940 Dr Morgan principal speaker at Commun ity Life Conference sponsored Simcoe County Federation of Agrieu lure at Camp Rawley iort Severn favored lsmall amii farm Jack Ramsay awarded setolarship in Biology at Queens University At Camp Borden work was proceeding on emergency houses for families at soldiers who had been living in cabins and crowded rooms at Angus ltinny buildings used for war purposes were being converted Three young Canadian artists presented concert at Barrio Collegiate auditorium Mary McDonald pianist Bernard Millions harmonica virtuoso Frederick Norris baritone John Silver manager re ceived word that Barrio Chamher oi Commerce had been awarded honorable mention in health and safety contest sponsored by Canadian Chamber llev Reginald llowden of Trinity Church elected chairman oi ministerial associa tion liert Gosney reported to Lions Club on past seasons activities at liLi bathing beach on bay Simooe Pres bytery of United Church petittoned 0n tarlo government to bar all kinds of liquor advertisigg Adult ilible Class at Collier Unit Chumh heard address 207YEARS AGO IN TOWN Chances areyou wlll rush hlm to the emergency department of the nearest hospital And when you get there you wlll no doubt flnd lots of other people wlth assorted aches pnlns culs and birulscs all wanting emergency atten ton If your child wakes up at am with bad chest pain what do you do Call doctor Not likely says The Finan cial Post Local schools would suffer terribly it their administration was gathered into the grey stone buildings at Queens Park In practical financial terms the switching to tho province of that large portion of education costs now borne by local ratepayers would entail complete renovation of Ontario budgeting In poll tlcnl terms it doesnt have snowballs chance The sad pm of the resolution is that It points to collective state of mind in the OMA that it is unwilling to get down The real and pressirig problems of mun lclpal revenues will not be solved so eas lly Elementary and secondary education clealgf parallels local government ltsel In er of importance Most of the ar gumcnls that support the relatively in dependent exlstence of munlclpalltles ap ply as well to education The Ontario Municipal Association was out in the wild blue yonder when it con cluded its annual meeting by calling on the provincial government to assume all costs of local education Mmlnl In Hut Eul Mountmuen mm mm III 0mm Dmlxlu rm nh Jr war 1er mm lwm ofl mum In fldd Uqlv Walls Publisher Hospital Emergencies Keep School Direction Local Hands For Efï¬cienCYT 11 Eranw harm YEARS AND HONORS GROW DOWN MEMORY LANE Publlshed by Cnnmflan NewspnponleItod 16 Bayfluld Streak Barrio OntIrIO MtharIan Managing Editor SATURDAY omoam ma PAGEI Model Mrn ml CflMlm dml Fmï¬m Wm 11 Sullnn Ilm Rum Finland The mmnlnllnm wm mm In mm after seven years as missionary China Capt Gordon Eurrell talent ed pianist who directed Auxiliary Ser vices at Camp Borden and overseas has been appointed orchestra leader and dir ector of entertainment or Barrlea Club 70 cabaretrestaurant Barrie Soroplimlst Club celebrated 25 years oi founding of international Ethel Cross land Eastern Canada regional director was main speaker Mrs lnger Aarson played two piano selections Mrs Llewella Maclnnes gave interesting craft talk Open House held at new Bar rie plant Canadian General Electric Mayor Peter Sinclair oiflclnted at flag raising ceremony with Barrie Collegiate Band playing Coach Ha Emma put Barrio Flyers through still rill nor to opening exhibition games vs omnto senior Staffords Among layers look lng good were Paul Meger ram Selkirk Manitoba Whit Mousscau from Pawns rrm Red Pavelo from iimmins Joe La trance from North Ba and Gerd iieale of Sudbury nay Ga epy looks like top defence prospect Toronto Varsity golf club wen trophy at annual inter collegiate tournament held at Kingston Emerson Creed Barrie club champion last year had second low gross score VFrapk Muir of Shaqty Bay gauged This growing use of hospital emer gency services reiativciy recent phen omenon the Financial Post writer says is tilting severe pressure on hospita iac lities and staff Al next weeks 42nd annual conven tion of the Ontario Hospital Assodaflon in Toronto the whoie emergenc prob lem is due or thorough airn leadoff discussion at the meetin ihe titled appropriately enough mergen cics How Do We Cope The tragedy of the OMA resolution ls that it is aeanscleneesalver The dele gates were able to leave Hamilton Wed nesday night with the feeling that they had done thelr blt They hadnt The solution to the cruel munlclpal cost squeeze lies in redeï¬nition of the local government function and of the sources of revenue nvallnble to it to the brass tacks or what muuléipalitles are all about and what education is all about Certain area now devouring local iunds like health through roads and others have deilnite and obvious pro vincial relationship So does weliare It may very well be ar ed that these mailers should be localy administered but the money should come from head oiiiceln Toronto The same isnt true of education Par ents today are divorced enough from what is hnp enlng to their children from the age of months onwards One link sometimes tenuous admittedly is the fin gmlal responslblllly on the local tax wrath mmnwuuzzzmu Wllnon General Manager commml In mid 01 VFW ml in home nl Amer Mn llmnn lnul MIL wmplwln by rahlo lwm 14m don am 11ml Exumlmr mend In lighting and In high levd wmmand Yet while we have new hm mm young as to yuan nu we have bMUeunlncd brass huh young 49 Ml on pcnlkm Those not worn cliched nun question nkcd In Pur llnmml by 10mm ddonco min In Dough mnm or mcr coioncl and Mnncr oUho szï¬n Muinl or nnllnmry Ind other MP5 Irmr cdxtlan hm are our Iloul Defence Minlller Hellyer II dl boo young Cnnndlnmnnew yrnlned Ind qullmod 111 pllou after two year count him In uld On Jun last year Canada PM brass hall the rank nnvnl commodore ur my brizndm alr Imce nlr com modore and above Since that data no loss than 70 ct lhmc hm mlzmd lhmgh dinner mm with olq mumm Hellyerl pond or have been mired More than hall than have Id the urvlm prema lurely even yvunuer than the waldwlï¬ow cmukorym Irtmem am mu mania like 55 pct cc cl our mmndlnx brnu odd new 1L9 Juh uni MK uwwwexr UITAWA Parflamcnt Hills No topic Ioday nelï¬m lho medical In pufpmn maul nar Hm mantelin boy cott not even he harm and Conservative lendershlp crises Despke tho fmpomm these topics away in parllamemnry circle now is primarny cmlrcd on the MM 01 Canndn de Ienco Moos NEW TO GRADE Cauld fluid at war day II we had to cur one would almost ccrtnlnly be palhellcally lncffcdlvc mnklng dlssllmm mlsukvs and iuflcr lng appalllpz losses 11d must be conclusion from the Min proportion In txperlcnczd brm huts recently momma lo tho lop UHWIIHI Im nlmlvNy INN III we hr mmm cl mu dlllmidn In It pm n1 Authorlud noon chm null Post Xflm Dwnflnml 0mm and or pnynm mac ln cmh Daily Sunday nnd Eululory deyn rxmptul Submptkm rnlu infly by oarrm tic moldy 5310 yearly Smulo mnim Inc Hy mull mks 12m ymly Marla ywl monk ammo Ix ym Mail m1 IMO WM Ill ylw 0H Ihlq mmda IIrMIIh mm mm yum UEXA ml min WI yur Oflkg uni Unjnylfly Airflinwb Whitman Movtmi In West lmhv meum 1H Manlw lhq tnnalmn hmly NowMN humam Antrlmhm mwflm mg and mm Ilmuu Clnuldkni Hui or mAREKMJI PM at new In Iln Ilu Ion Mu mum lbrmn OTTAWA REPORT By PATRICK NICHOLSON Mps AreWorried By Defence Forces an LlTTLE CRUMBs mmim van MUM lune hm rmmlnly lelrer unï¬tIan In lervrM myynlnn In lho puï¬tlplflm QM lll ï¬n That is 10 Umss whai It £051 In min In badlyneeded mcdlcal doctorYb lhcso pllots mre thrown out rcdundnm Mlny of them look lhclr expmslvcly acquired skills to tho United Slate where such reg banan za was nIckl snapped up to clv nlrl erl And Canad nn taxpayers are let to shudd er lhu hm fur $125000000 which their wasted training cm GJIEEIY UNIFOMIS MeAlec drawing board ex periment um progressing on the subject of Alandarcuzed uniform to replace naval dark blue army khaki and nlr arcs my blue The favored dedgn LI rmncd la bu man In color and leflnr to he unilorm now worn by cola delivery mom 111 has given rho In tho par liamentary 11qu that he ura posed Ulla or Canndnl unfllcd delcnce one CCC Cnn ndlnn Cola Omsadm In mlditlnn Ill unlnmm nln Inclultnx Urrumrl In my mm he rnnvcnllun lelhy nnucml by mm thumb lmnulnllnn Ankh Ilm pally Mrumhy hml ulun Mnndny lo mmmmmu ymdml uva dnyl rnrllrr on mullrnl cm cunqu mm uhklu hr hnt mrn NI rnnwnu llu nllnltllr nl Irmummlan Jun Mullhanll taMM In munln In hln mm mm nr MmM In III Ilulmu mumiam we Iran Ilmmlh 11 NY yldun nl Hm sultan lmulor Nr mul 1h mnrnle Qmlw ddan MN lmuly MMNI ml Hm ue cud3v km Mmhiulit ï¬nlwu up htin 11m lnlcrvrnuon of our rop menlnllm III In debut mu lhln Ind maraan me An Invcml mania explamllony jinn llï¬ nun to have cost the staggering sum of $150030 MIDI From the pain View at particlmuom hm hm Il lrncml numuan In my ncllvo ml nl llrltmlu lrom lhu Wm Ind ho letblo par lclpnllon drlozalu rum 0W group amuml MIMI pan lflmflm of mem Merlin wukl mnnally rum bean nr anlml vm wimoul Iowan mm AIIMK Mr III FAV mu ho Mï¬rlnl Inner Is intently hml HM xlrkinlel mmmmmm In any MI nurmnt Tho delegalu partlclpnled In urge numbm the flud uglom Ibo quality 01 de buts oflrn rrnrhcd In very hlgh level dnmngogy was nvcldwi Another lnlcmlma lad he dmocmllc dualarm Hm work At no llme win It felt lhn with an lnvisibln nulhmlly WM Mug Smpwvi 11m II ultcllon or ad dorm on cumnl Ioplu lrmIkd mm ht French humus pm 01 CHI Monlrul Dnvnlr 11w canvtmlon Hm bmuxht 2000 Liberal munr 1n Dunwn was Imm many point of vlow rmrknblu mum Wen rho In tho par Can as hit be 11qu that he Dra wrong7 And can prwloully ro ar Canndnl unfllcd Ind bras hub who mm to ca CCC Cnn be unanimously critical also Ill Omsadm bu wmnl QUEBEC OPINIONS Ioplcl anch In ml my and rm thl p0 In In ummmt will our muulm Manl ml Mull Mr Clmm IImwn Ilm um MIMIIM mp mmmirul alum Fum muklnl 1m gum Iwme IM mom lly It lhelr mu mum lllrMiflan mm Im mrmm lem lbm ll mmloymenl Emu In In Mn nl Munlrul m1 cw Quebu lhg mm LI gnunmnlrpuy minu Whiin mm was universal ap proval in Parliament and in he urviccs to original step of integration or command sun lura and elimination Ibo wnslelui irhorvico committee lysiem and cheer for lbs in tezmian common mpport crvicca web as as chaplains and medical servicen an MP grow increnimiywrried by the npcdacio of minister innoring the conddered Idvice ol his senior pmicsnlnnal Advisers nggimt innuicauon Bu nullonal dclLnco hud quarlcn has on hand morn thin enough unllnrnu or lha present design In qmlp eve N00 Ind below with corn e14 malts nae Invemory price of thI stock L1 Arhaund Wamhmtl this be anal nr expensg payer whim will be wasted 11mm 037 1mm haw moro IPIMIW policy but ll Ihu mm limo an upnnllonm wllvy kn Mrlmlnllnry ml many Illml Hun provlomly Irvmu ll Impmu no midr Hnn thnnmr color urunlr ulhfln rm mar All or Hle balm um Inlnlnru llh Quebm In mlnd lho lnlnlmr lcclnml hq amn mm drlarmlnnl In re alm mum all menu It SI maul lanuun MA Into Amunl immlln Iu Richard Ml Jmmlfrl Uen mlnhler In lhu DMcn baker cnblnal hulened In my Canada wuld not hnva gmwn no nut and would hnva dopde null or emuam dllmu 11 ILI lmmlzrulon policy In In pm hld re ntrlded en lo Iorclmm with admin 1an But In lha prmm Mtunlbn mm mm In Industrhl Ird urbln mldy of In mommy nub chal In uvdd compdlllon nnd ohllnd lo InnMu lhl love III produdlnn cor nlnnUy Mn Mmhmd wn rlshl to deï¬ne dmrenl pol lry Dnc lhu Invvn lhq entry of madam him or It lust pawn cupbl ndnï¬lnl lo modem ethnol Mnnlrul Pmn Ex pamlomt or roltrlcllvfl More dlwdmlmuory or In dlmlmlnator7 Mm liberal or llbcr questlvn of choosing 1m mm to mm be lha Inlreu oplnlon nmoni lho contrndldory ï¬cwu exprrmcd about ho uhlto paper on Immlmallon whlm Mr Jenn Mmhmd mldn public Friduy uork flu canwnflon €llufla Ilyln Ooh ll Th mulufo mm the So phia Was Just lime to fly goodbye Wu goodbye or IL them when lho bodin were movmd It was dbcover od um mm woman had $30 mo 1n bllh mm Into her dolh In Another pmennr hnd brcn carryan 340000 number lhcm had gold dun whlln nun passenger had dlamond and rubles In ban lied to her nrck um wuw Tho Sophia Molmed through thu night commandrd by Capt Lou Locke Iornmly of No va 5M5 Suddenly he 5111p hidden rock mm Vanderbilt Red and began lo list badly The US Ccdar and numlm mall boats mpondad lo ha 506 but they could not like all lhledpzunnxerl owing to high Suddenly About live In Ihe ormon we Sophll began to mulat CapL lock uni out II nlml For Godn nuke cums Ind lava ml The Cedar trled In some time but mum no¢ make It on nmm the wlnd and cumstorm um reduced vxgbnlfy til When the Sophia nailed on 22 1916 there were 34 people on bond going outside or the winter They were happy cmd cl travellm and shunted In the lounge Iha Sophia to sing the 0H Klondike dancn hull sang and swap yam about huh ex periences One of £113 story lull crl Ilu WHHum 5mm 5er 10 who had hoisted the ï¬rst bucket 201d KIM at Mada Crick 20 gm palate Hm was no panlc The Ion Around ha piano cnnllnuni wk Everyone hoped um um mind would moderm And this wriMr doubts the Front 11 chlrnclefldic of the usually tamed charmer ol Mr Manme philowphy Emmet Mr Whlte who $335953 3° 35 Tme qu clmlo Mr Roma And we 1mm accept he must have check edhls statement whim belom mnldnz 1t POLICE BILL hi view of Ihe nilcal chum amwty lnvalvgd you ex Alumna Lha Klondika gold rush began when George Wash inmon Unmet struck pay dirt Bonanza Creek In 1696 there were still many coloflul char nclcu lcfl In he Yukon and Alaska In 1918 Occallonnlly they wwld go south to Vumuvrr and San Francisco for low monï¬u and their lnvorltu routs wn by CW sleanuhlp kn2way vomit leaderng WWW Plrty whip John lee Md moths oi Tvry unlveuuy Itu mu Premier Robamtav on Mp review every two yum me oliwrlï¬ng Mr but hlmsell hadnt conllmsd HamillW reluounce on the part of awnship even ugrea to It Under the pnswt circum stances It would appear hm must be noun beyond mu appear on the mm 10mm Nov 11 9w goumuivg are by Fromrcpérih the meeflnz Whlto agqnp lo havejmjccgi 112 flarzir Examtnrr QUEENS PARK CANADAS STORY nib My lunhar bum 16 IAYFIELD 51 BILLHEADS BUSINESS CARDS PROGRAMS GUMMED lABELS POSTERS OFFICE STATIONERY TAGS CATALOGUES CHEQUES HAND BILLS DRAW TICKETS WEDDING STATIONERY Ozonmm 0mzmrowmm 022 ma OEmUm Casiam 950m LETTERHEADS ExMiners Drown When Ship Sinks Leadership Review Favored By Piemier By DON OBEARN By BOB BOWMAN BLACK AND WHITE AND COLOR COMMERCIAL PRINYINO lhm no uuwcr Chrln will turn Away pinup nevcr Mil ngaln It Hlm lhrauxh ha door cur troubled and Ill510 ridden ile with Mk peace that pumh all underunndlnsz hut lho world cnnnot um nclth It In ny nzhald mad II me am And lunch ll nny nun hm my value and wen the door will mm In to him and will Inn with him Ind will Inc nev Tho mowed cnnnun man and other Ihe nrchuolnnlsu em in llnd I001 win be tho but lnr reconslmcllnn of can non nsllinns at lha fork new and historic Ille OTTAWA CPI Federal archaeolozhu hlvo unbnrlheJ lwn cnnnon racer Installed ha nrllbh In me at Fort Well lngton In Prescott Ont wan announmi Thundny Cannon mm are all Ill an In mnlclrcle to help llnu up lho mm In this can my were aimed squarely mm the SL Lawrcnco hn lawn 01 dqmbu For Vclllnxlnn navnr law no llon aner It wu rebth In 1339 but British troops crowd lho rlver lrom Um Illa In Fcbnmy wish in occupyï¬zdemhurz pm uqu me ï¬nhuoltowwam Since then the PC caucus has been much more active and tho Ewemmenk has mportnd In it dew With this now having become mm the pmuco amount abLlLty to the puny due not ap pear to be such An extreme change mighbolherwlsa have btcn 115 how far the PC will to In this dimwm wfll be mom clear In Ihe mar future annual meeting of tho Ontario pm Monday 01 31 OTHER OCT 22 EVENTS lawWilliam Phlpu tanned down river alter mm to cup wre Quebec lawMadame do Verdun began her heroic defence against Imquob masms tderraph company formed lo urva Throw Ham mnn Ind Mama arm And the most Hwy malivu wwldbuqeslnanflwpmol he provincial Iendmhlp to zlve an mist Mum any public mum to the pram Inme to 1H of John chfenbmn as national leader Also of course Mnnobam has been mount brokenln lo the pflnclpla mutability delemlhePd ramps gamma mutmmnmmmï¬s move lownnixncmnlnblllxy shmld mm at mlsmewng and mm English seller lhaH Amado 11 My 19 Tye Harbor we in as that time the Ounmluva caucus nlsed storm because it had not been oulklenuy cun sulled on the purine Mr 11 bnrupmmked member that yo ymld mode to their wishes BIBLE THOUGHT Cannon Racers Found At Fort BROCHURES 7266537