Mu ramllulkla 301ml puma VI myqu In Inlnnnmu MMIM but We um Ibo em Mrï¬cm m1 Cnnmlna mm mum hm um Mule grim um ml Mun rmcernlng dwau slip I11 wlnlm hmnl llnflrr nll All hm nnnM any 0le lmltrrvmv Mlluml InchHr mm nl unity In 1hr pauy IMN WHAT WANTED Wm mm It In umle llnml nmmlnrnt minim WU uvhw Mkfllllp Al Imum Mrnnlm Mm pum hm lm mm rilr Imp MM 1mm dec llom Inlml Mm In Irlnllnmhlxv with Imdcr lnlm lhrlrnlmher Mr alw HM lu lu bun lnn him In nruur winclpn IN Iler III II Minn MM Mr lhll Mo poryrmnl mu ho lmd lmn Mom In llh mum of ncllnn he pany had he IIuM In rhovur nwaur wmeL ll mam Hw vnrly mm ho nllmml mm MK or III Mme Mn Cnmll wltl he willmmd or redmlnn nwxmlun prrldrm Ilm national party mvcnllun In flnwn N0 The nutlvml IC prrshlml lnM mm Conlcrcnto he Inku no mu an he rnmpnlgm In main Ml mum rim He Is mklnz advice mkywm FllEDlZRICION CF Dal 4m Camp wld Fry supper hnl born nluvm unanimnun so Imurmllvn Column llve par mrmhm who under mm ml or mum rt numva Hm party qulvr nhlp Mr Davis says Mr Sharp new haMom to be saying that Ihu rrilcrln lnr Inun dini blllly have been csmbllshcd by agreement but lhat provlntc is than 1m to develop an awlh callun 1mm Mrh loos no hnvo regard or Huml crilcrln The me dam that required each applicant or lnslnncc in application arms or the loan and lhe degree of ilcxibilliy ln cnnsiderlng appli nnlions have not been the sub 1m oi icdclnlrpravlndnl agree mcnl nnrl rcmnln mailer Individual provincial judgment and rcsponsibilil DEVI411 0WN FORM nuns mmlmr was common lng on sInIcman In Ihe Iquso Common Thursday In Web Mr Sharp quulul In Ilnnsard asA gylnu THE cdeml minlsm was cm dzcd or trying 101 Iha on tha pravinccs Support Almost Unanimous Camp mn Educn on Minister Willlam Davis also Ontarios university affairs minister snld in shawly worded statement it is who unacceptable or Mr Sham In disclaim his gnvurn ments responsibility or the un popular minus of ihe lcdml prggrnm TORONN CPI Finance Minister Mitchell Sharp was laid Friday that Ontario does nut appreciate his nticmpl in blame the province or certain unaltmclivu aspects of the Can Bmm Jamm mama do Rolhsumhi 70yearold munber at am of um wodds richwt mus and his wife the former Yvette Hume Gho quet um in me ofï¬ce Sharp Blames Provinces For Unattractive Aspects THE BARON TAKES WIFE Wflh Slmnmod flmnInu 1mm n5 NW1 runv1HK PC lowlrr NW Mumlvk lwn Mr LAmp MM he nnhlvnlly nerrnml In I0 pnninclrll mat or ml hn In winlnn nlml IN Icmlvrnhlu qumhm me wk lhlI opinion luvan Ibo th We mm New llplnvlwlc mhlp Tnvnklun 6qu Nov Ne 1st nlnul he pol Ilulily lmvmlnu cnmlhhlu or lha pany Iemlrmulp xlnnl rmuhlr lnylrfl II Mmlldmn ho nvllnl haw bran mnllrrl mmllllnl In Human Nu nol rrlovm IU llul IrIm The Conservallvo pnrly MIN lo be mmllod In 1mm mcnnlndul and ronlllllc mm with he anonal mo clnuon nlvrn larger min In mlrnlnlumuon nl pnrly ullaln ll wnl manila lhnl Um my be 2an on Icmkm MM lom nml nslï¬l Ila opinlon Mr Cnmn Ill 19 ll Wm nlmnrx cmnln Mlhl mom Canada hnd live the um and three nullmml party leader In Io ye ecc nigï¬Mm Dru ml be mi wny hm Hwy la Lilncn one of Mn Frmdx ldtm PORT HOPE CmEnglish ï¬nally the upper hmd or ward Friday In he dispuln over the language ul the sly on Port Hope new federal building Wariancn twerstd the order precedence so mm Federal numlag now In on lop and Milieu Icdmlo beneath me name of this Qrcdmzmnnngly LL Under the Canada Student Loans Act the federal govern ment agrees to pay tho Interest in loan lo university sludcnu whose need for hem Ll deter matter of ran the Ip plientlon form used In Omanin was developed spccmmfly to me 030 criteria Mr Davis says xuggastlons or Improvement will be made by Omnrln at tho tcdcranro vinclal cducallun talks Ol lawn next week Mr Davis ay he Interprets Mr Sharps remarks as an lndI callon he Ll recep llve Io chnnges In thn requirements of the Canada student loans plan ï¬ï¬ï¬s English Gets Upper Word In Port Hope Building Dispute Tm mt donull We Nl ear Mn II mum 51 1mm Go Your Clr Randy For Wlnlorl daPamis dbhï¬uwï¬mflw mmanï¬edymwrday Ihe MWZIyearoldbarumwork edflsaUaeakemumflhsl mm1heonlwahflmhy dflhilunilymrbumaflend Mum mllmy How tr um mayor dcnlnl mmrt that ha uwuld ullzn wh Ilc petition prmmlnu he um Fund In lhc xlun mld he lul mt evcn knw we wnn Mu Multan though hm nvo been pulzlisllul mm of sumo was just II mistake he mldcd bu 1m pan In why things are drifting lho handwrlllng mm to bu nn Ive MIL Im all In nor Quebec kcminx HI lrendl hrrilnzo but la have our Englhh heritage We dont nml Frrnch on puhlic buika In Dnlllrlo Anar lhe sign change Mayor Robert mmnn Mm uuys rm ivu mule 1n 1mm speak fluent French anld It ha made hlm only pnnlnlly ham and ha dam not lhink ll mm the wuncfla rcsolullon The vmrh dcpmmonl whkh ls pufllng blllngual slgm on an Ich buildings mnkssnd ll um mMnko lo put Freud on hop In lh cm Tho original lettering will the Fxcnth above had dis uflxd some resldcnls Vcdncx day the km council Mod lo objming to mum ngaimk using French at nlL lppcd all this work by protest lr Davis says his cum mcnl will cost the federal gov ernment less ï¬rm 51000000 durlng the 196667 academic year ln Onlnrla wllh all the prlnclpnl lo be repnld by the sludenla Au LOVE soccrm About $30000000 ans the world war watch smcr game every weekend In direct paymcm luvsludenl none at which Is rcpaynble Burt butaxio will make an Pulley o1 more than $10000000 mined by the prnvinclal govern ment Adrvlllnl IN dfllbr Ilvly VIAIII Im Itlnd lull llfl MI bl plvmlllrd an namlhlu In Advnllllnl nrrrplrd lur mmnu mm um In 7min rnrnnnlrn anythlnl Inl lhln lullhlul Nmpllnm with mm llnnl Ilrlrlllml In In ulnvllnmml wunld Ipyrulnlv lnnwlnl nl lull II llmlo rumlmv lilo Humhu cl flimmvm lMth Mn muan In In It In numb The llml linmlnrr nun Inollnlly nublhhn mlludlnl lundulrnl or lull Idvnllllnl AH Id vmlumrnu twin lnr pulllltlllnn nn Illa prrmln llut lhe pmdud In mvlce at he vnrr In yvnpnly Ind humu dr lulbId Inll ll Ml wani rd or dullnul mhlml In rrlflru In My 19 mt yuhllullnn 7mm MI mn laln nmrulrd till rxurmrd mmnm wan who Loo busy or kavdling membu ol the mddmg party conï¬ded AP WW by cdfle mm Pams my was niece fry Conï¬ralmnhons to Mrs Phw be Gibbons who celebrated her 101m birthday Oct 10 SIMCOE MANOR demon members 01 the Wo mens ImllMe mmnrcd Sim4 one Manor Emu mummy mming bu entertain Ihc 01k Lhcre Jimmï¬e Filulmmms led in singmg of old favorile with his banjo Mrs Ronald km was at the piano All the bu mum were wished and rent 01 Ice cmm left with hem Bingo was enJoocd wlln lhu up pancnu nnd cookies and TRAVELLERS Mr and MM Thoma Fitz slmmins spent the weekend llunlwville Sloan the Minn Mary and Llllian Sloan awn Mdey at Markham Mm 1L mum and son spent Sun day wilh Mr and Mrs Ed Pl ovrannd family at Burllngltm Ainsley Whilesldc uudcmcnl an operation at Nonmarkel hos pllal last week Mrs ac Slewaxl Mrs Jack Constable am Miss Mary VSIaan took the dwrsé In crewclcr Egoldery armored by Law 11y MRS ll SAUNTEII The conununny is nluasod to know that Mrs Eaucai was able to return to her home mm Tm ontn hospital and much im Wan Attending the area convention or Lho Womens Institute Mincsing Munday and Tuesday wen Mm Jack Constable Mrs yflï¬m Johmtnn and Mm Joe Mrs Gomon Kneeshnw con ducted the mcoilnxs Mn Co burn welcomed the 110 indie who Miendcd Luncheon was sgweg by the ladies the stcr Mrs Ru Reid and dauahA ter Mary Jane Potter lmL anon wish Mr and Mrs 0m born Mrs We at Bar rie and Mr and Mn Bath with Mr athm Gander Mr and Mm Doug Stewart and Randy and Mr and Mrs Unr emo Noble and lamily 01 Brad lord ML Mr and Mrs Ben Steers ernnd Mrs Alvin Smith and Mr and MN John mm with and Mn Council Mr and Mm Woodrow ox Barne also MN Gail H411ch and Nnncyaizal Balf 319 Eur Ind Mm Grven Kali ï¬nk Sauth Simtoe Regional Rally was held in Mon Rnbirmn lunch 0d 12 The Blame was PW mm at work In Web Annivusary senva wmmvdi unaided RemD Wdch Had Malian lunch was the Dond Head United mm Mas mm mm organism Mr AWN Elm Mr and Mn Bmedon V1 lled In Sler for be woekmi Mm Rowe nunnod hum Sunday alter spendlng am past week In Wm WM Mr dandy tat Mrs MacDonald SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS mule The 009 Is Iho penny new nddnlon to me Canada noel It has evnrylhlng greal lol should have and somul lln qulck WI qnlot And Ill dowmlghl comlauabw In fact Its last about me nicest way We can lhlnk lo gel Io Halllax You can calch the 009 ll any nlghL ll loucho down In llalHax MIG15 Itll be meal day when our 009 Jul goes on the TolonloHallllx CHURCHILL NEWTON ROBINSON OUFDCQ Jet takes off for Halifax OCtoberBOth IMm Gmrgo Imm $0M Thumduy in Osham with lrlcnds Any mm of Bell Ewart won bounpglaiami 0311 £56273 Mb Eicno nodgErZnouy 13 spending the week wllh her nun Mn Jame Orr Euchm every Tuesday night in lhc Community hall sponsor ed by the Mothers Group In sumnon Guldn nnd Brownies Miss Margaret Mnorc Co hours spending months va caLlon with her mother Mrs uh Moore Mï¬an Jim Hutchinson and son North Bny visited Mr an Mr and Mrs James Orr and Marilyn vlslled in Taledo Ohio agnksgiylyg mckcndi Congratulation In Mn Em ma Penn who celebrate her wu birthday Oct 21 She still enjgys good health Mrs An Chappel spent week in Rockweod with her daughter and sonInlnw Mr and Mrs Dag Mqtpallc Mrs lianlierai Miss Marian Heidon Toronto and Mr and Mrs Plume Richmnnd Hill at William Rulfettn Mr and Mn Rodgers and daughter Don Mills with MlL Art Chappei Mr and Mm Lou Peacock and Lemma in mm with friends Mr and Mrs Gnome Baxter Mr and Mrs Albert Cundail Mr and Mrs Doug Cimdall and Mr and lira Ken Buler nt tendd the wedding of George Baxter son of Elmer Baxter to Valerie lrene Abbott daugh lcr or Mr and Mrs Abbott in Cliiicresl Mr and Mrs Lloyd Ruiiuit and family Wimum spent SunA day with Mr and Mn William ltulictt rw 11mm 00 hour the Human ship the Mamm ImHun which was swim den the Law Wu lmveflen visited Mm Skmona pamnbs at Len mxville and waiding annL vmsary mm was staged hl honor Mr and Mm Slmwon returanip was made via Vermont and Lake Maud By M115 ORR Congratulation to Mr and M11 John Forbes nee Jkll Hig ghm who Wm married men EASTER TRIP Mr an Mrs George Shnpson the Second Line and Mr and Mrs Gordon Todd 01 Barrio havereturued Mn sunday bmlnesn Hp that look them lo QudJec CRYJnd while In lh me they vimned Chamws and Jun 131mm Mm mgmleamedmnptlmk Wynmeconcmimlom KIAEnd My crry Blgkumnn Mae semi One the mem bus name hams withahnd some hooked made Iv Frank Punt czuï¬vxnuniml Gusting 59 vi piqmgd mind the theme WWW was amngui Donï¬i Mlï¬oad and Joanne BELL EWART min COMMITTED FOR mlAL TORONTO CPlDonnld Eu gcnu Cooke 28 of Elm 0nL was cnmmlllcd nr lrlnl Thurs day on charge or noncapital murder In lhc OcL death or Dr Emma Hum 89 at 1vr nnla one of Cnnndnn oldesl women damn Reccnt visitors were Mr and Mrs Robert Johnsmne of Mot Jaw 505k and Mn and Mrs Earl Johmwne OriIlLu Mr and Mrs Mel Jamlcscna Mr and Mrs Waplcs Elm vale and Mr and Mrs llunl cl OouIson with Mrs Waik Mn and Mn Ben Junieson visited Mr uni Mu Pa Jamie son In Toronto for Thanksgiving and Mr and Mr Balm Annals 17ch Um holiday with Mr and Mm Allan Goddani 1n Kllchcncr hits Nettie Harman long time resident nl this town passed Away In Ailhston 0d 12 and service were held from Hughes hinerai Home with In lermmt in Benton Cemetery Mia Hamm we muchres Pected citizen taun when she had many irlends Among her hobbies were her beautiful law which she contributed to church and many homes Shs leave to mourn one broth er Oscar ni Torontu ltd six lerinlaw Mrs Herb iarman representation of the Cubs along with their cub master tcndod the Anglican Gun 16 and luck pad in tho service by tnldnz up the callecï¬wn This marked the Sub anniversary at the cuborganlzuon mu McAlbsler of Mllslon Mrs Robert Graham Mrs thhstor and Miss 1mm Mc Mnslfl allendod the funeral Mrs Ada MoMaMer Oct 14 ram Burton Avenue Church Battle with interment in Cook lown Cgmclery Several local larmLm landed the lnlunnflnnal Plowing match Sealorth son In law and daughter Mr and Mrs val Wood Mn Wood of Ekbm aka visiting ME andflrstmod her brotheManw and ulster Mr And MruLJndtxon About 20 ladlm mel Monday wanna Oct 11 Al Iha home olMrl Bert Murwood to bid farewell tn Mrs IL hadley helor her departure to reside In Elmvnle nuhe home of her daughter Mn Milt Trace The evening was spent In challlnu and contests were enjoyed after which Mm Olive MdNLaszer mad an address when suitable if was prerenlrd In thev guest honor Lun rerveihy ï¬lo LAA and 1711 Shaw Mr and Mn Gleam ol Tyronlo span Sunday MI gheh Those home or the past week end ram Toronto Included Misses Marilyn Glass Marjorle Eldtldxe Belly Power Jean Mc Fndyen Lynn Smlth and WEIl lace Smith and Donald Wilson By MRS CAMPBELL By wuss Manual COOKSTOWN GUTHRIE So nu Ilmo youdocldb logo to Hollloxcomo In and on no bollor ollll no hov chat with your Tuvol Mom mum 0noWoy uonomy loom Toronto omuoumhwummnmwk AIRPANADA® SOLVE OLD PROBLEM The brccdlnurcund of Amer ican and European eels In the Sargasso Sea was not klan fled until 1m special Interest Is bnlng de veloped in provldlng whala some pwgmm or lean between the ago 01 13 and 15 years at 39 This is notJust an ordin nry dance but rather xpcclal mu gram are being developed to In dude talk and novelty dance During each week ha pro vide 52 program aside from the swimming cheduie Clam am held in various mimics from Conversational French tn Judo and mm Archery Io Bas kubnii programs are stalled by volunteers devoting their skill and talents lo ha general mmbership while 18 classs are candudcd by the stall and classes by paid skilled lead mhip 1th would not olbcrwise be nvniinbiei JUNIOR TEEN DANCE uku mu held Thursday Oct 27 at 730 pm Under the leadership ol Mu Fun Ibdd Instruction will be provided In his wallz ox trot tango thumbs and the tha ï¬dm These lawns will con The regular October meeting the YI Board of Director le be held Tuesday Oct 25 pm with Comnduua meetings Med for 760 rm agmoom pANcrNa Decimber VQLQNTEEIFS IN ApllON TheDmond session In Bail AM cum 533 $5 535 flfldï¬li expected that his Club will be held on Saturday anemoan at the or boy and girl bo Men and years use Starting date will be annmme Hnwmr names are now being taken NMchlldren wilh an Interest In Ark BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1G Blyflcld SQ Eh Emmi Examinrr NEWS ammzxnmn SATURDAY Mom mu Youth Art Club Is Now Forming Commercial Mann nlv Add Hula prestige In 4your Christmas Grecflnx this year by having your Christmas Cant perim nlimi Full nlecllnn ol Chrlumu Curd lulllbla ARCHERY The Senior Archery Chub has changed it maellnl night mm nmda to Wednesday at 730 mm program continues to be held the Barrie Hm mi Information as lo the outdoor range available tram the maln desk Mug lo the Illness of our Dtmdnr the Add Wish In will not he held until after Christmas however name up now being taken or person ln termed in IN mm scptnsn pmcma 11 well no game and rum7I lion Win game room open ior ping you and table name Ind Iha pool will in nude available or awimmlng In ï¬lm it is anticipated that this muraln iron rm to 11 pm every other Frday evening WWW W11 dancing game and swimming It mind or the lamage who would olherwiso be irea on Friday evening with time on their hands and little money This program sponsored by tho illY clubs irom Central and North Collegian is under guidance oi the mi is copuny chaperoncd OPEN SUNDAY Thi Chrlslmas Send PERSONAL GREETING For he Flnnt PM TO 10 PM BARRIE SEA roons Fish It Chip In Town llndlord St Rnunmfl 72W