Your lndéan Summer Li almost over The wcnlhcnmn is not promising oo mum in the way sunshim fcr mmow The low molded The Examiner ofï¬ce last night was 36 degrees The unpcralurc at cm was 48 demu Synopsis tr southerly winds will sweep warm air across this province today as an intense storm nver Minne sota moves toward Hudson Buy This stream at warm air is relatively dry However some cloudinnss ls likely across non trai and northern nrnns during the day Temperatures should reach the 603 in most regions tu day but cold air is pouring southward behind the storm and will swing across the Grant Lake tonight Sunday will be mainly cloudy with few show era or snmiflurries in northern region and partly cloudy else where Oppoxfllon Lemur lllrlen lulur welcomed the move hu snld Ilmilar ussurnnm had bun Rivtn Mm More by Mr llnhkhnufl TORONTO CP Forecasts lssucd by the weather amen at 530 nm kc Eric Lake Huron mum ern Gcnrglnn Bay Lake On an0 ngarn Hnllbunnn Kn nlue Windsor Londun HnmSL Inn Taronlo Mostly sunny Warm lodny haw cloud and chants shower lhls evening and lonlzhl Sunny wllh cloudy Ecrlodl and uoler Sundny Vinds taulherly 15 lo 40 shin ln to west 10 lonlght EXCEPT or Smithun 0n tmio and Quebec the we Ls cxpcdmi to be cooler today am Sunday min is mt Parliament At Glance By THE CANADIAN mass nynAy on The Common to asldc lu Icnulhy dchnlo on he mcdlcnl insurance bill nnd upon the day on Ishcrlu dcpanmcnl wlnmlu Fisheries Mlnlnlcr In blchnud mld new rogulnllunx In um work lu rurlnll crurlly hy aml hunlnn In the Gull or St lmvrcnte 1NDPanl murcr IIIulI rnmplnlnml lhnl blustlnr lar now hman lun MI was musing munan In lhe lnrllnmcnl buildings Postmaster Gemml Cm prumlsml ulnltmIm Monday an rrpurln lha ml nlflcc plan to rllmlnnu use Iv lho Cann xllan coal mm MEYNIMY Och Thu nmmnm mm In In mums 1n nlchm on medlcnl rm lnlurmwc The Small Mull munurnml Nuv DISTRICT WEATHER 1uuu Hanna um not My ha MMHM winNM ï¬lmawn mm ll Iv um umpir Inmu mill mm 0qu yum Manly lllflll Ivom MI bum kM wlklvllm Cloudy And Showers Is Sunday Forecast ago Northern Georgian Bay Ti magnml Algomn Saul Sle Marie North Bay Sudbury Vnrlnble cluudlncss wlndy and warm May few showers and turning cooler lhls evening Sunny wilh cloudy periods and cool Sunday Winds southwest 15 lo 40 shining Io west 25 this VEEIFKM White River Cochranc Van ablc cloudiness windy and narm becoming mnlnly cloudy with showers this nflernoon TORONTO CPIA proposed gradeless hlgh schnnl in Ihe clys west arm will be wel corned by Um Onlnrio depart Lcnl of cducallon even though It would be contrary to exisllng regulnllons the chairman of Torontos bumd of education predictch Frldnym Barry Lo said the dam men will either change ulauons or dcslgnmo me school expand lo open in pi lot pmij me lo make It own mics for Bnflsh Cammbia and Nwlhcm Ontario flle Harman mm Will Wélcome High School maimfclwéy ï¬nk flit HONG KONG LISBON FIJI TOKYO OTORONTO HONOLULU LIMA WINNIPEG hm vl uh uh mumu Mum my nu Um munl mun lnm Tmmnn mu nu nunUm my 1mm Duh muum Iw mmm Muir wn mll numhvv in In mm 11 um In mm um why Mm rIn hum nunm In me he ymvhll kn n1 urn my ml In mmuwn Umlfll NM Ilwll IVIIMMIII llml ridJul In NAIIn Ilamum lvnvhul oulm no mnquhI snuhy hmmlm uh An mm lwmllu Plvpany III In mun rum MIN rum nm mth nd mum la QueHm an uuw nuum Immu mu mum at mn nux Luml up mm Na mu II ulrrd common mm mm Mun yml mm nu muI mllrh um mHum Turunu Imvmmlllo uuu Imm In rnlr mm or ml numnrn nu numlm vmnm In Hum In nn In wuvldul mm npwmnn rlly tum Mun yum lo nlnwn mu rnlm In mm ul mm re 01 um mnKI mm mm mm um mm lllh m1 Im mm In nmmm All mm um Mm nuan ma mummy mm munhm Tilnu um mum IMvruvl lx yum um mm IulIVIlIIY mum um IIVHW Nu rvvlnlwvlulrlwl IHI Imvonlltm qu an In mum mm mu MATCH THE AIR MILES FROM TORONTO TO CPA DESTINATIONS ll II FLY CANADIAN PACIFIC AIRLINES SUPER DCB JET EMPRESSES In The Air To Everywhere KONG ITO LIsaoN TOKYO HONOLULU WINNIPEG SANTIAGO MADRID SYDNEY VANCOUVER MONTREAL BUENOS AIRES ROME AUCKLAND CAL MEXI SAN AMSI CONTEST RULES II II an IV Ill Ml Sunday cloudy and much cooler with lew ahnwm or snowflur nea Winds southwest 25 4o ï¬lming lo northwest ml eve ng Forum lempernluns Low ovornlglfl lllgh Sunday Windsor 38 58 st Thomas as 58 London 31 55 Kitchener 38 58 Mount Forest 35 51 Winghnm 52 Hamilton 53 SL Catharl 58 Toronto 58 Polcrboro 55 Kingston in Trenton 55 Killnloo 52 l7k0ko so North Bay 48 Sudbury Enrllon 45 Snull Sle Moria 45 Kapuskasing 40 White Rivflr 4n hlnosonce do Timmins 10 Oltawa region Mainly sunny today Sundny sunny with law cloudy periods Wnrm today Conic Sunday Winds light he coming southwesterly 20 with gusts tn this morning and westerly 15 Sunday morning Mmï¬me sunny and cod Flgums on the map Mica expected high WIN at today 01 WW MATCH the AIRMILES BARRIE EXAMINER IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ENIRY rim mp mm Inflmfll Inn1m FORM WEEKEND AT EXPO 67 For Two lucky Winnon Wilh $5000 Exponxb Munoy Each Huh umdcrlul clmnco in win the wlnlu holldny lnr luv you haw boon wnitlnx lar No other wlmm will vlsll Expo 01 Thu major nrim will Wm luv lucky winners on Clli Supor Jel Empm mm Tomnio lo Lislm Portugal Mm IImOOUI ml lrlmliy lImpmu main my will be booked inin liwir hotel ml wand All any in Lislxn ally of mlmxrlul Cnulrnyl They will Ilny lvm IlRlllrlflllfll nun vlsll qunlnl llsiilnu vlllnzm minimum Muskie am and lho Iavny hill mm at Smirnl me mini mir vncuiium will mil to Ibo mnxlcnl hlmklrn lwinnih whom lhey will lixkl wmld ul lwplml splmduur llcro ilwy will have Mmmmmlnlinn brnaklnsln ml lllnmn woiinmminlal Mel ml llmlr limo will in llwir mm in ulnmuuiuly oxplom lhh umpoliul wondwlmul um ll lnnlnlllcml ml ennlc mry ml nonrprï¬cd rllmnle Tluvc nu qunlni ï¬lmman Elam whom hey rnn Imy vmrlil nammu Mmer lace llw nlmll lilo All yum m1 mi hr with minim dining nml dnncluu The in wlmwn to Expo will fly Vin CllJi Sup IKJI lrri pm llILM Tomlin in Mammal Emil will molvn In cndi lirllv if mioy llwlr unilan luminy leil ln hnmlnn mml wimixlul ciiy mid lixpn liwy wul mum Mmï¬ via CIRi Mnmlay momma lirmklau Mt lo Tnmulm In Illnplo la am Just mu Hm MM mlm lull In the wiry lunn bclvw Ind ml ymr entry In In Harrie ï¬xnmhw hm lucky winw lmm Hunk will flnll Elm ml NW Mimi 1mm anie MI novmul mm mm om will Ium Hm nmxrflunfly 111 uxulvl mu vwmn lur hm ludlllnl and Manu CPA Sun Tour To Portugal and Madeira Isles HOLIDAY FOR TWO Wonderful 15day luxury Muir my mu Kmn Mwu Ilmllnlvl meum Mml rrnl By SUZANNE FINLAY lhe past week as well be 1113 short pm due lo Du WWWin Monday has also beenwlet Men the mfl Gmduadm Em cises and bag wakeId the student my has settled down once again and day brim us elm Eel in the weeks spams adiviiics the boys sow earn Wed in bliingwwd on Wednesday Md mwed an even hatch far that team the mi being 141 lie Ta wind up in week an senior My malletgm the teaching ac uity to balmban gum Fri day Mimi inked this went wili go dawn in the maisd Elmvale High NMH Swre Staii sum mp scorer im be MI Mr Hawk cya Hmdiey wiih xo mu Top mm for up studmh was Gadw Eliiut WW minim 1m 0m Oiub ibis year is well Imdwwnv and is pmvinx wpuinr organizaï¬mi wiih the capable mm being given by ML Ramon Mr Rassd and Jim Dyce is addi tion to he exitedmicuiax activ iLiu and ha iota of uxirtyqï¬ne mcmben 1119 United Nathan 10 BARBIE EXAMINER SATURDAY OCTOBER use elm gNaVanber INDUSTRIAL DIES PARRY SOUND Ont CF Vlckor Green 63 chair man and president Tridnn Mumfladurim Md Burllng on died In howiml mmduy Mr Green was taken Marital 11 after suflorlng injuric In Iva mr head on colllsinn near Parry Sound In which his wife Isabella was kfllcd prutgosas rga 1m per cm 13yearold llam lllon boy hl llle an lnquesl jury was old Thursday Danny Gallo arrlvcd at school Oct wlthout the pen and dashed home an hls bicycle ll enl lldcd wllh car and dled ln huspllal WOULD DE DRIVEN OHAWA CPD Premier Daniel Johnsnn oi Quebec said Thursday night that ii Quebec ever withdrew irorn Canada ve muld have been driven to Ii In tho hear of every French Canndlan mm is no real ltnllnn of telling Into ghetto Mr Jahnsnn said In answering mention on lhe CBC television program Nenly Million Ques ilnns Teachers Defeat Students In Ball Game At Elmvale ENTER NOW ENTER OFTEN MATCH THE CPA AIR MILES AND WIN WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF Travel Contest MONTREAL BUENOS AIRES ROME AUCKLAND Club an to an Inlmflng mm far the menbu have plan ned nflalknmem dance for the evening of October 21 with he costumes dcplcflng peapla of other lunch or men Fhm To Ourbu Magazlne Cam dimly wlth the student My mum mu marl of its $241k quota in £2125 Thu Student Cmnmil had pmmisu tree am the gum was reached and not we came so dose pumps key will still consider it Cmgnalflaum to the Gmde who Bl tamcd be highest average saies Imd as their mweï¬d Hwy will be Imam next wk will an fleu cream ï¬esta at which they will be given all the ice cream they can possibly It lhe dass with the lowest average involuntarily washes Ihe dishes mum will tell wheer or ml the two dassls éunvlve Vibe olden TRUSTS SPEAK UP OTTAWA CF Th Trust Companies Association asked the Mcml mavenurnch 11mm day to relnx some the cur mnt mutations on tum com panies concurrently with rev 52 tbs Bunk Act The assw cintlnn representing flrms hun dllng more than 95 per cent of the general trust business In Canada said law amendments are needed to ensure that the trust cnmpanlcs can compete effectively with the chartered bank RESEARCH BACKING UP OTTAWA CPIThe aniunul Research Councils support ior university research conilnucd lls sham rise in the room lis cnl year the council said in its annual report tabled Thursday in lhv Commons Universliy re search support which totalled only 51900000 in the 195556 lis coi year Increased in $21900 000 by last year up 4700000 rum lllo previous year BUSINESSMAN DIES PITTSBURGH 1M Roy Arthur iiunl who dlrccicd the giant Aluminum Cor oi America as resident or 23 years dlcd Fri Jay at the syn nl 85 CALGARY MEXICO CITY SANTA MARIA AMSTERDAM By CAPTAIN JOIIN WILDEB The heart The Sllvnllon Army gospcllhls tha Pr 411chp my heart 21 with all diligence far out of nre hp issucsrol eff Eds Hows your heart right wllh God It can be For God in Iovml tho world all the world lhnt He gave Ills only bexmlen Son that you and andnll who bellow in mm shall Inherit the enlcrnal life or which Ila created us OTTAWA CW111m prom inent Canadians will receive honorary doctorate hn Upl versfly of 0mm all convucm llon Sugdgy Mr Justice Emmett Hall of the Supreme Conn Cam ada chairman of the 196M myal commisslun on health Services will receive nn hon TRY rui Pelleuer dlrcclar ol musical education In tho Quc bu rnlnlslry cullurnl affairs and lormer muslcal dircclor the New York Metropolitan Oparnr will receive an honorary dnclornle in music Ottawa University Honors Canadians WEEKLY MEDITATION pcrsunnlili ï¬hlih GM MERE no and Mill lhémblï¬ï¬ï¬‚gï¬ EXAMINER WANT M351 be thing at hcnuly and usslnn Is made unlo snlvallon PHONE 7231414 joy forever All human sln Romans 1010 IPELF WITH NM Hows Youf Heart IlIIIIE CHARMS FANCY 7507350 FRESH SLICED Nil KOUNTY KISJ TENDER yum WHITE GRANULATED LBJMG FRESH SLICED PURE WHITE GRANULATED Jges fwdw Mo flayAv MWa Ram 1mm JERRYs 234334 WW FRESI sLCED ll rm Bah Mas Progrmlvu Elmronle Service Cnnm We employ rmirtlified and cerLifled technicians the best he of Toronto TROUBLE WITH YOUR or HlFl All 726055 The heart of lha Glrlsllun gospel that Chrlxl Jesus cam lnlu the world to snva slnncra And We are numbered nmnnï¬ these for he best 01 hnvo mm and have come short of flu anry which sham In tho Illa our hard Someone once said that Gen eral Willlnm BnoLh the Found cr nl The Salvation Army preached lo bring the lens and the lusk and ha laws of the 105 la hl Lord lhn He might rodeun them mm their slns last and the moat stalwart among men It would drag dnwu the most suinlcd human and he loveliest child and we most prnmlslng youth Sln Is lwisuuz and dislofllng uul of its proper shape human pcrsunulily which God deslgucd to be thing ul hcnuly and joy forever All human slu But Um can never uncom plishcd until he lndlvldnn soul surrender to 0mm Jesus In cnnlrillon and repentnco mak In complete about lam In which Ihe heart will to ï¬nd HIE nndxerve wry agwnxs Sin he most deadly thlng in all lhu world or it kills be yam lhu dcslmcllvomwer of anythan cjse And sin the most conlnglnus thlng In all the mrld or 11 touches even the puns and lainlstgeg Lhn mgst Ipslrous soul CAMPBELLS snï¬go 4mg¢ on of the helm lho Bible remind us are lhe Issues Illa It lhcrclore remendou Iy lmporlnm to keep our hem with every possible altar and avery saltguard lhat wflhln our power The work aln In our heart can nlsu hlnzo up In to what put Jim on tha cross Jesus reminded us In the ulnry he lost sheep that ho sheep was not Inst becausn ll got caught Inlh9 ghlcket but seem so much wma In consequences lhnn In 1L5 lnlen Wm syn causu It had been swamLa from the Shepherd Agaln Jesus mndu ll chu lhal every kind wickedness bcglns In our lmagmnllons They are higlden when no hu man eye can ever dsccrn them But our Heavenly Father know even these lhlngs or the helm gamma pshoud be £3111le nfler hour and day after day are born in our lhnughls Dont let vullum Hm mesh lug place In your ham to bring onh IICII young Give your to dwell In and rule over and lo keep us he would have It alwaysLTar wiUI heart nn bellgvglh unlu righteous