rCampbell Gives Hope To Brewer worked out formula that wfll perm Carl Brewer 21 the lnrmzr defence star with Tar ontn anle Leah to Join the nmmur club the American and Western Hockey League urea in It Only than at lbs 16 club In thou leaguu are baged ln Canada 17 dc the comment lollawlng meeting of NHL lov ernorl hm but would nut haz ard an nplnlon on how long will take Implement Ihe Inrmula or exactly what ha lurmuln Is He laid the governors have dulled revised concept of voluntary retirement to cover this Ind mun me phycrn who maÂ¥ nun be good enough to phy want leave pro fessional hockey lur amnlcur ram aqsraNnan LEAFS nwnced hlx lnlcnllon Io Aln Inslammenl us an amn lenr In order to play nr 11 na llanal tum last month Thu leak Igreed to 1m tha unspen llon th lha xllwlnllun that he would remnm their prnpmy il he Iver decided to return In prglesslgnpl hockey ll coulll lulu mnnlhx could possibly be done In we or three dlyl ll yuu get all the Klan people In therlghl plnco ll he rlghl llme lla cxplnlncd llmt the minor um oppoxlnu the lormuln would hnvo la hava case olhnr NEW YORK CH Can chance holslerlng lu nuanal learn or thu world um Iteur championship nut spring rests mainly wllh the mm of United States bued minor pmlesslannl clubs Clarence W1 president or the National Hockey League Id nxgrsgny lhnt lhelengug Brewer waiked nut of the anle Leafl mining camp 1965 and wu Inter suspended by my club and all slx NHL club are unanimously agreed that the concurrencc the AHL and Will is mind they are prrparcd to put It lnlo cl lack WASHINGTON AP The House chrescnlnllm mun thy granted lhr anionnl nnd Amerlcnn inothall lmzuu he Inlllrust lmmunlly they wanted no lhcy could go ahead with Iheir maracrwnln nnn league ln approving lhn mcrxrr lhe House lurncd down ï¬nal wn lut by Hcprcscnlnlivu Eman uel Caller 1Dtm NY rhulr min of he Judlclnry cman In ha wnnlul lnmllunlo ll possible mmculslom cx temlvo headr Ml 5mm npprnval herded lo um lhc mcnsum In tho Whit Home bul that will he lormnllly The Sch III mdy hm pawl ma Irmnlnlinn Campbell right gnva hnpu in night 10 Carl Brewer lormu Muple Len star de lonuman Camplnil Md Brown that the minor pm esslnnal hockey leagues um House Of Representatives Gives Assent To EFLNFL ï¬ll RESIDENT aarench Avold Iho mlh and order your Aluminum Window nnd Door now In hulrm ml Dam can In punluwl 11 law 250 par wuk PLANING Mlll CO LTD Am IL Lu Ut leI You FREE EIIImII DO IT NOW AND SAVE He said ununrm action needed rum all WlIL and MIL club because under the ex ing rulu n11 promslnnnl learn must waive their Hth In Mayer berma he can apply Iur mmmm as an ammeur thz think will hn pen that the NHL will any at any playar who all nut two years vdll uutumaflcnlly be relaxed by ha lanm own his profu 310ml rights him they make Dramr an cmMion because ol the one year he hnl already In wnnt happen He said thatalthough Toronlo Ind Montreal Canadian may have sentimental reason or al lowing Brewer to play or the national team he couldnt nny reason why the our loam hascd in the United Slum nhnuld haw The only olher league ln mlnor professional hockey the Central Prolexslonnl llnckey League ls not lnvnlnl because ll club do not own he plny mower who moved ram TaroMo VLnnIpu whm the nullannls at based has Mapped practicing with the amateur club unlu ha illuauon lnlvcd Meanwhile In Tornnlo Alan Enzlcson Brewerl lawyer said ha cstnlh over the NHL nllilud Eagleson 11 had lhmnlnnbd counmrlqu the NHL mam He has already been dared by he Inlcmnflunnl lea Hackay Fulcmllon lo pzay mum be relnslalcd than the act lhay wan Brewer play or lhum WONT HAPPEN No mlnor league club will bu Able lo get Brewer You can db mLIs lha Iamclhlnz that lo release Drawer wld he now will wnlt unlll Gulslmus balm taklng nnalhcr luck at passibla coun nntlon Brown rclnslllcd as an amateur Imlnre March 1561 lmmcdhllcly wfll become cup to play for Canada at wgrldfhnmplunghigl 1n Vljennl lete ununlmously Ind nver camu Ccllrrx nppnxillnn by lnrkim It on In an nnIIinflntlnn bill rcquultd by Imhlcnl Johmon NAMED ASTHOS COMII GUM AW Inï¬ddcr Huh LN 36 mum at nlne mxnm major leaguu ncllnn win named mnrh Inf he Hmnhm Mm Imnlmll duh Thuudny In outlined by tho lemu hm June the mum phn call for oxpunslnn rum lhe present loam lo by me wllh Boulny lwa mum lrnnchlsu lo nwnnlnd bclura mum nclunlly complclcd In mo their agreement he would abla Io regain his amanur mu Brewer 1m camp lelnndlspmovimm ugumem He wishes to be able to May on Cnmdnu Naï¬mui hockey team 7mm mevust uï¬iAllgiwsiaxdey doubful 5an Salugday 50mm has crashed the all mom Icene locally with expan IIon new Ind announcement of allflat Idectlonx The Barrie and Distrk Softball ï¬rm will grow to six clubs or Lhn 1W1 uasgn ï¬gural aging Mnawwhlle Ihn Candlerv de fending league and 0m champions wfli be wllhou Mt wingers Gllles Trunblay and Dufl or both week end game exalta um rejuve nated Boston Bruins other weekend games have Detroit Red Wkngs Ind Mango Black Hawks in Wynhome series with the Hm visiting Daron Sauwday night he club then travel Chicago for Sunday mm he Hume Inf Elsa have Another pmbhm Ind that hat our key players have not yd lined centred or the wn Funk Muhuvllth the N3 WI winger who scored 32 goal last much scrimmade Thursday and rantad we ribs didnt bother him and that he would ho ready to pflay Satur dxz ll 11 3101 9013x191 By THE CANADIAN PRESS Mb mm Mlpk heals an Montreal Canadians Ire laced with injury mum on he evt their 1W1 mum Hockey 1MP nla Leafs have Med live Player In mum marten or Sammy nights game against New York Ranger In Town Ind also be without the player or Sundays return en gagement against tha Ranger In New quk mm 1119 Deals have listed centres had Mly Ingpolzhdfogii anrl Kelly In nunIng grain Jury vmlla Balm has broken thumb llld Pulfnrd has nan BRING ARBOUE BACK In an on to put some streth bad on Ivromol blue line much Fund Indad has called delmm Arbour mm Rochester Americans mingle League fh vie unglï¬ud Leilxare Pullord Eddie ch and centre Dnvo Kean imam lmlach hu no comment to make on Tamninl comma Youll ï¬nd out xth bu yigpcd 9nd who CLOSE BALLOT Hubs Leafs Start Injured Sénidr SOftbdllf LOOp Picks AllStar Squad When It Comes To Heaters Were Full Of Hot Air lhntn this your My nddcd healer umtor bumln not added on It In tho Mlh lml Air Inter and keeps it that way lhcnnosmlcally 65 Colllar Ever hear nnyono mmphlnlng about how long It takes 1mm to get going 1n Volkxwagcn The vlmlyhlchll flood nml clear bemusn Hm healer lxmstvr pumps warm nlr hmugh lhc cmMcr tflLl loo the idea Owning has left 301 mum mid unlll now why not mm In and see Mm wnvo dono or WATTS MOTORS We havol No matter what gm on outside hmldo 67 VW In good nnd warm We think will llmw you ouL Whllo throï¬ï¬‚utï¬nnd mound lenlor allstar lquuds were an nounced the row of Ihe vole mmhhy Mmd Ammu kth an exhlfldon lama In Manual Wednesday night against Qum Aces the ABL neqrbla absence from we Mom4 9m wm mm be funh ume Ln 11x nelson flu he has not played the cm plate Wgnme schedule Dufl will misc ch weekEnd contest because 01 knee in E7 pickai up Monday in cal wn with Dlvs Balm durlni prim 1119 injuries have ho Gann dim WM onLV Halon Ind John Fmon Mgular wing Jean Guy TIM may moved up mm Menu 9° The Brulns will be looking or their second widow the young season Mn they mod the Camdlen Sammy nlzhL Vim Bruins downed Lhu Red wings In their Initial game Ihe season and marked the ï¬rst am Man has won 1L9 WE PF mu The mam 63 lasers to Chl caao Wednesday night have 1on at musdo on their club but look as though they wili have In rely on some nddfllonal waxing puqch lmvp Emile Geoflrlgn loo accepted the entry of Im Ezstnmn wimurl of be Barrio Intann to noflbafl playofl lnurds for he past two copseguliva Iguanas in healuw Raf auxin ImEmva on their last place In scum GET FAST START The Hmu one two scoring pmch left winger Bobby Hull and ceer Stan man up peam to be in or amer good season In use lndlvhhxal min Mud who has won the am lng championsz twice already fending lhe rm win our points on two soak and two dsL which he picked up against Wmflywbï¬‚ï¬ Hull the Iabulou wlncu whn stated Mord s4 gnah and p7 pointy Lug 3an netted 1m 1w Wings Appear to be In need delcmcman to bdl 51c lhclr Hue lino toms paloxoah Ind 5130 ill3w an mm Icr three points TM 11ng suï¬md two lose at that position when Bill Gadsby annang hLv retire men during Inc of mason And When Doug Barkley was mod hockey by serlous eye for three Individul award were nflsn mum My Adams perennlll oumInd Ing permmar or Gram Mflu Barrio Plaza duh onca Inln blfllghl hmpqthajuk nlhonorl In the ulnar voting Adams was at Iheld of all plAym with 40 votes Gary Keel ul Elmvnla coflecled nine votu or shamlap and was chosen for the second loanL Bill Ramalt and 117 Wood who coached and mad sm urfs to the playoff uLla wen bath voted to the flu Aimr gum by gondortabja marking brnvngh hymn bulk Al hone inner Bum er trophy flu league butting champhm or flu second year In row Adams Wu 1110 chow the Must anuahle Player and wax runaway winner show xtognn the figst lyingjam Buyd was rewarded for NI strong mowing In poutunedqu actMly wlnner of tha Nelson Troph or Lhe Outstanding Play ofl Pay Dan Dyhlu who pikchcd or Barrie Plan was mynexjup will Ma Ienlar 1001 also mud nun plans for lhelr lusonandlng soclal gnlherhm and Iwuds nlghl The Annual pm wlll be held Saunday November 19th 13X wt in Ann Duh dug mm pm with mldnldlt balm flipper Adam roduced Mn torn as pllla In over he Mum chedulc or mug 441 He edGEvnlu in the MVP action to win iho Mumy Ridmdaun Memorial Trophy more Linn Numb ket idler Dale Pen Butch Boy liar piicher for pine champion Stewarts Gm VII the only oiher playar nywhm ngr with 07 vain nu cum from hr hlnd to defeat North Bay Trap pm 75 Dlve Sundxtrnm Ind Tim Morris led 1h Comblnu with lwn goal aplcca Mule Bmcn Vllsnn Norm Grmon aridHohhTessgqr as gag qua HE picker up one the Most vulnnhla Pfldlu couecung 3d palm Ho wu 15 vote In ton of Boyd In lhn gentler lb Permow Pipeline FAWNBRIDGE Ont CF Gama Falmnbrldu Com bine moved Into mend place In lha Nonhenl Ontario Hockey Asocial0n Junqu lelgpg Thursday idthwiih rich 15H lullth vlglpry 1mm Reynoidl collmed two goals or the vlsiflnl Irappm while Randy Prlor Dou KI kmpvlqy qnd John NI mllh Cdmbines Take Second Place 7283577 Basement Heating Kit my n14 mu lluvy nun plnnmd that InclL All mllnn lo Idd um bunch mu Mn 530 mm mum thpm vhfnun ml and pal oh vim mumn yny hm minimum ml my mum WM i7ï¬ 21 14 than Hm wuim mmuna ma mm AULKING am my PLASTIC STORM WINDOW KIT WE ARE OPEN DAYS WEEK FRI NIGHTS TILL PM Hot Buy nomvoUnsaLw 99 105 Meet um diam your mun problem with man who know humhim expert will on hand All day to unwer all question mmnoonmmmoommm HEATING BILL mmmmnmmmmxm Save Money CO LTD BRADFORD BARN BEAVER lUMBEfl ON YOUR lloltYoursell SChool GIMME GAII n11 mvlnnl Ocnml Bled Wml 10m dhmelur Gulvnnlxcd mum swam ALL MITAL 29