Springqte The Oldest Bookie In College Play He may be he old man In his cammalu hul Sprin gale Mm spreads 100 pounds am his sixAloolcno ram carries weekly ark load lhal wauld discourage most Farlunnlcly or him hl Job at public nlaliuns oIlIccr or he Ikmrtmcnl nllaws hlm some flmgtble Iqulng houu work muslly nflcrnoon and night shlm he snld forces woman PR bureau Sprlnmlc 1an 51 nannld TDuNn ls mpnnslblu or vnckly TV shows on pwlico ncllvlllcl 1n Frtnch and Eng llsh spol rmIIo programming and Informnllon In news me Ila canrrrnlnn such hlngx lrnfllc unmmlona 1m VMrGlll Iéxl lu 1an opcncr lo Qumls Iowan Ind 1846 on Springalu Only eight the buy an lhls cam have previous Inm cnllnglnlc expcriuncn and the halo uroup am so youn hey call me lhc old man lréshmcn The sergeant has on cilnllons far bravery nnzl ouslamHnz nrrcsls in nine years on lhe farce any MONTREAL CP The kicking cup of McGill may already have set one mark in he flcdgllng Dnlnrloroucbcc Alhlcuc Associntlnn football season Rcdmcn clalm hes the oldest IDoklc In Inflowfly league history Hes mycar nld Sgt George Springnlc fulllime policeman and law cm and on lhe aolhall SGT GEORGE Springau 28 ninryoar veteran nl the Montreal police me also law Mudcnt rookie kick pnrHlme kicker nmi my end KICKING COP MM and Ixmm yer lnulallnl whim mlh man Mm IMM lmmylrnlnul mm II on hand Al any in cum all qumlnm Till Down rmzm FREE DITIT 10 ALL The U5 mm didnt place In hn event and dropped Mo mo and flare with poinu lYnnk Unnpot my US mend In lhn Imnvldual compfllllon with Iï¬pqln The lnIsh by Dunlap 15 of lvronm movnd him into ho lead for ndivlduzu riding hon or wlu 18 points nmnd In mm mm In mm smndinus with 14 point Hallo mile has ix Mortal rode Now In second place In the Km Itmaflaml Jumping IaaI and an even at the Pcnnsylvanla Nallonal Horse Shaw Wednesday mm and moved Canada Into ï¬rst place in the loam sland Inga with in pokms Canada Leading lumping Event Munney Hays glm hls squad they lacked last placcmml klckcr got aspecinl tnr making mare mistakes than any alhcr offensive and In league history mld Sprin gnle Ilh rudul grin was behlnd the quarterback count at the line Also It seems like missed my Mock ng assignment da illnmever lhl didnt spare hlm mention another 5an my cqach Turing 9y accounted or 10 point an three ï¬eld goal and cum vcrL er Ind offensive end on the 1ch Rcdmcn foutbull team Sprlnxale has earned 01134 ions or bravery and outstaw l1nmnqnc Pa cgm Springale samchlng smsuna BEAVER LUMBER co LTD In nMnrumn mum DoIlYoursell School Springnlc said he crowd rcamon doosnl upset hIm He had it bclore playing scnlor toothIll locally with echel on and SI Lambert lle plnycd with St Lambert last song 91mm lrcshmnn Mooney said Sprlugalea presence bad lent same mn lurily tn his hexperlenccd nk they tho crowd enjoy lhu uniqueness of lhe IlluaUnn mid Sprlnxnle He related how when ho ï¬rst appeared on wzrkly TV show Police In Acllon he alwnyl had polka hum with him One day was havan bad day on he Held at SL Lambert and Indy In ha and kept yelllnp Coma nn Sprlnualo whercl your hum llnnlly caught pass and went 65 yards or touch down On lhc way back In centre iclxl mpm by lhn mud and laid um Indy lnnll ougd my hon Mlfl lhnl Mk Ile in Mont Hesmol us at and hm hes got probably lhe best pnlr hands on tho team to catch pass the coach uld at least he gets lhe ball 31 and through the bal Iip posts DQFSNT BOTIIEB lllM The boys give him hard llmo and call him cop but they still look up to him be cause or the work load hes carrying Sometimes the crawd gel on him but It doesnt mm In bnlhcr hlm lug urresls policeman He enrnllcd at Mch Univer my last year alter graduating from Sir George Williams University CF mom nl McGllI WETWI Eigzvï¬gï¬ï¬thÃ©ï¬ Only on Olympic record was broken duran the anllre week llomuld Klln the Soviet Unlon Ihmw the hammer 710 ml IV lnchu Almost two eel flamer than lb winning was at Tokyo Proved prlilmlly in swim mlnl when marks 200 metre Ind aver were far lower lhan the host the act wax emphasized In the track Ind Held campellllon MEXICO CITY AP The experimental Ila Olympics close hm loday with most of the doctors Ind experts appar ently mend that people and thing my fly farther lhrnugh ha th alr of Mexico Cllyl Illamile high altitude On In round and In the water how ever tune and performance Iufler In any went requiring any degree of endurance 51d training will be under the direction of Robert Mare former mvmber of Canadas na tional helm TORONTO CM1h Sank dlan Amateur Sld Association announced Wedmday but an manual mm pmng or the wetland leamwm be Eyed this you at Shem Co operating in the new pm mm which is on oneyoar experimental bash will be tha Unlvemhy oi Sherbrooke here Fremh speaking skiers wï¬l tako classes and Bishops Unl versky 1m English speaan ildm similar pm mm here member 01 Cum ll ski tum numdcd uulversnylnd conunv mud on training was mod Xen an alt N91305 30 REGINA CF Frank Boucher commissioner 01 the outlnwed Canadian Major Junlnr Hockey League bald Vedndsdn he wvrklnl an hm tq arm national junlor ockey assoclaunn noucher said In In lnlervlnw he has receivedJequmu ram all pam 01 Canada to arm new and independent Junior aa Amman Robert Iugere Trains Ski Team Little Olympics Test Endurance Bqucher Asked To Form League have worked on the or Private Stock is the 29whisky whisky great aged whiskies are gently blended into every drop of Adams Private Stock INDIA ADAM mum TWO Dont spill drop However Ralph Boston Nashville TexI who share the world man in he broad jump mid he like to jump In Mexico CM 1mm Lolly the alt ha nfd He Non hkavini In 26 rent Ma Just out Icu than his world mark 0n the 0er hand only two men In Held at 40 was lb bmk lou mlnum in the 1500 mom uials Where the listed world record is Huh 01 81356 Clechnslovaklan Hnrak Aarmlr said Ihe 20000 metre walk Ind he hmmelu rum put severe drain on th athletes No other lest was In high enlnz he laid 1119 men who run and walk the Inn dhtnncu nuller mat main It would Iva them an 01 parlunlly to work out an agrw men with professional loam Interested In slxnlng pluyerl mm the assoclaunn All plnyera In Illa new um clnllon would he signed to can tracls Ilmllar to those now uud by CMJHLclube Pllyera would not be ï¬lmed by new ame menl Illnwlng the NHL to com alder all xraduntlng junlnra in universal dull Puncher quid The new association would pm operalion or lunlar hockey the hand of tha men whn Ipend time and money In losb erygz the 3mg he said ih mallon of junior aasnclaunn lor mm Hun year end when the Canadian Amateur Hockey Alsnclallan declded the CMJHL could not be alllllaled with it nrxnnlullon the need for such an Inaclallnn became even mnra abvlous Formallnn oi the inde endenl associliiun would open way to secnnd national junior in he salduCMJHL club Bra in eligible in comper in the Mr mnriai Cup incl this ieuon Bouchur said spatialnan has ailertd lo donated Centennial Cup which would be Up inr an nuni competition nmuux mm inihe new Inocintinn lumclent team or Iaaxues are Intemled tha flm alman adn playafl or the Centennial Cup maid lake pllca In lha spring our mnunnlnl year D155 worm APPLY BALL 1h Punch have Another striking banuly ln Claudine Cros three Imus winner the French National Haiku Annie an Inm dxot post graduate mm with wall full of dogma has had Mexican mm drooling Swe dens Brim eruman medical gymnast beauty as am Mexicos dark And muy Elena do Larralde Bu mudal Jacqueline Exam and Ger Man Steegmnn Get On The BALL Goll has mama to 60 will lL You see lot allls who play gall all their lives who never lose their femlnlne me and appeal Also rwreswllnx Canada are Marlene Stewart Skelt cl Fem lull ML and Gayle Hltdzuu ol mezver Mm Davis Wells lhe former Anne Quast of Mt Vernon Wash who at 29 stlll look llke sdmol ald died the French captaln Le Conlesse belly de Salnl SauveIu case ln 1m commshe mm be in her 40x and shes absotutdy lovcly said Mn Wain Sic has been leading European 1° MHz The but wmn Wt 20 ers of the warld 51 them mm 19 nations are here or the Would Tournament surï¬ng day at the Mexico Country dub Gay Harvey Moore hmmyed leaohar who as trouble getting her hm School male students In Vancou ver to cementum on book doesnt LIIan 01 makes her masculine NE LOSE MEXICO CITY APlDant tell ha girls cnmxmlnz In the womens uvrld golf team cham Iomlp here they lose their emInlnily when they take up Mmamam 1011 You may get gig ball rammed dmm your mnl Certalnly we hear it all the time said statue ue blonds Marina War on think It ridiculoua we werent laying soil we would be phy ng Iennu watersth or dolnl mm em Mala Ragnar and her mum loammate Mum Tndlnl In their 70 have hem encouraged by Mend to enter he Mm Unl veue comm think m1 naturally Iemlnim or she Isnt ex pmm Mu auracuve Mn Moore Lady fGolfers Lose Identity ALLONT Tho Norm T0 Ivlld On or has In and lmublelren aper IUon Nomi to Mar outmal hu go wmnm IO WINDOWS AND noon ANN ST an be purchuod for Hm Hero II the ulflmnlo In Aluminum ulflslorlnn combination window Tqunck mmlrudiou tor 0mm lent ull Marina Xu Aluminum wlndwn rumitu comuudnd ALUMINUM STORM WINDOWS AND DOORS Cold weather and snow not loo IM oft Now in mo Lima 10 an 81mm About thou m1 moon lion around ï¬lo home that will keep out lbw cold wimor Mad Md km In tho warm oomlon ol W0 Will 80 Plund To Give You Free Enlmunl Do It Now And Save WEBSTER SALES AND SERVICE RR STROUD ONT PHONE mum WEE Tononm CHTh mm Canadian Go Aucclnflon wed nesday Innounced that the 1m Canadian Open will be Md Tornnto st GeorgexOoIl Club Dates ware not Announced The announcement was mad as Cunndln ourman team left for Mexico City Ind lheworid team champiomhi mini next Thursdny 0n learn nrc Gnrfflownn oi Kitchener Nick We ock of Burlington and Doug Siivnrbug and Keith Ai exnnder both at Cnizary BOSTON AP Futon Red So of Ike Amerlcln League dropped elm player and no 11 m7 Cnnadlan will be played 1n Montrul mum on In prim pram Human nuw mmmmmumnwmml Undunmh 11 I181 MI mm mm Ibll Momst Ihll wlnm whiny wph My on Saw an no mph winuun your lun Mm mmm Canadian Open Held In Montreal Réd Sox Begin Early Trading Join the CO LTD PlANING Mlll CO LTD rmumvtoomm In an szIIgloWEEK 11 newcomers Includa 1n ynar old Billy Conlgliaro younger braille EM Sax out ï¬elder Tony Cumullnrn Bmy was an omfleldcr this year wllh minnow quIred mma newgomm Wed nedny To make room on the raster the Red Sox granted outright release to veterans Lennie Grean and Eddia Kasko Said outright to Toronto Ma ple beat of the International League were pitchers Dick Stir man Gerry Herron Dave Gray ljaul Dawd nnd catcher Owen Righthand Gary Waslaw lkl 15 Voted Most Valuabln Player In the International league join the Red Sox record was 1341 with the phi champion Toronto Maps um MORE Julia SoulhBaw Bill Short was snld outright to Columbus Jets of the Inser qona League MANLEY In SONS LIMITED 15 Lesmlll Road Don Mlllx Onurlo Plum and ma 1m by mum mall full colour llumum an MOTOSKI peopJe PER WEEK PHONE 4mm