Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Oct 1966, p. 5

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Eco mo ed cspm Horticultural Sociciy has been making wmhy con uibullon Lownrd lownshlp hem filicnficn it was slaed here by Maguirc president The weuxnown Mlncslng busi nessman said we HorUcuHural Society itself maintains gardens at he Midhurst Muscum in mdhurst communfly by Lhe new VESPRA llorflcmlural Society 1111th are busy with plans or their annual all banquet Door Pvizol Vespra Flower Group Plans Fall Banquet Snow Valley Ski Resort MINESING sum 111mg BARBIE TEEN TOWN nl Ihe EMBASSY SAT OCT 22830 pm wiryr groAzzfiNG Music BoNANZIg THE CITATIONS Doors Open 820 Drau Cuual Dee and the Yeomen OCT 21 TEEN DANCE Music by THE FOUR MANX Noxt wank 09 29 foaming at the STARTS TOMORROW this weok featuring 1m mum CIM VIJIlKlnuwsbusnm mm mnsmlea ANNUAL BANQUET C1rrcnllylnc flu inlcnsl in the Vespra Horlicullural Sn icly ccnlrc nrnuml arrange mcnls or the annual banquet which is hr held at lhu Minc sing Communin Centre on No wmbvr 12 Mr Vtml Maguirc ix the CDnHml In charge and Hnrlnoll FIlllS has bccn Invited to speak The annual cledlun 010 iccrx ml be hold then People ho are conscinus or hnmo beaulllicalion are boiler cilizcns snd Mn Mnguim Mlh more leisure time people should have urcanvc in crcsls and gum gardening is snmclhim which grnvldcs wnrlhwhilc hobby ich is general hmclil he stated Sprinqwmcr Pr on Park In Midhurs vimmly was an ln spiralion nnd wuid be factor lhc mnsldvrable Interest We have many beautiful pri vate gardens In our township said ML Mnxuire giving the socloly same the credit this not only lncluds llnwcr garden but also shrubs and rccsl Hui lar more Important is our cncouragcmeni oi private gardens said Mr Magulro stating he Vespra organimiinn was unique in being an entirely lawnship group it has num horship of 130 soniur mcmbcrs and 245 junlnrs AN INSPIRATION lyngn ani on Sun Valley mad They hud bean frequently prais cd which pleased members 01 Lh clcly be held at Minesing 00m munity Come on Tuesday Nov 22 prcsidmt rail Drou Casual in mm mum 11 LM H201 IIMO APPOINTMENT Appnlulnmnl mum llnr rl ur multnck xlclmly rn unlinamr ur mmmnry Mm mm cha ho rounly hm hm Unrrlo was llmmwnl munly rmmrvl 11v snmlng 51 my In he 105nm year with an Vlrllw of km climbn January WI Minute 11 gnmml the manly mm mrmhrr 4110 mehmk pm lice Irpnrlnum fur I3 mm Mr llnrrls hle Hm rank nl rur pnrnl II has had Imrg may pmqu in melm Orlllln Tmmshlp HM Tum Jnslln an 1de by Elmvaln llccvo Alex Achuloy In uocom lng he lnvilnlion unll Warden chrnc Mchxuc of AIIlslon 115de Deputy llccve John Pat crsnn 0r1llia Tu mm Nuirmuu mnlingcmlu In dlmus lrlnlls nlonl wflh coun ly clerk Fm Humor lo lime and trnnspurlnllnn Former wnrden mm llunlm West Gullllmbury old of Ike plum Ilmo had by leilon hm ymr 1m IXMHNIIH WANT5 IHOHI Some membcrs and their wives signified their lnlcnuun mlnndimz he laur Mich Includ vlsll lo synagogue In Toronto An invllmion by Imm Or lln Dcpuly nccvc Louis Fran oz be hl guests at nur ul Tarnnlu and lunch on Satur day Octubor 29 has bccn nc cgmcd by Simone Cuunly Coun Moulth mccHngs are held the bird nlllsday of Ith month unless nlhcmlse arranged at he Mldhum llclornshy lunch room at pm Mrs lean Monny immediate past prcsldcnl was member the puhllclty cummiucc along with Elsie Monlei Associate diredors Included Mari Frankcom 51 Money Ida Wallwin Jim Dchlrofl Mary McLean Elsie Monlcilh and Marlha Mason Mrr Maguirc said he would like In give du credit to his executive lnr extensive cflurts in making this an active year for he society lThcse lncludcd Charles Day and Vera Magulrc vkcvpresldrnts Mnry Russell sccrctnry Gladys Noble junior convencr and Winnilrcd Fra Iick Junior nsslslanl as well as directors Alim Slcwarl Jean Mllltr Mnriun Harris Marlon Orsor Maude Jackson Lsahnl Nash Marian Thompson Lconn Shell Hazel Foysrun and Mrs Dmitrch County Council To Visit Toronto Christmas decoration comprh ilion will be dlscussed Sid Mali oy is the convcncr in charge oi the Christmas lighting compel iiinn and ruler require entries to be made In the secretary Mrs Lynn Russcii od Midhursl by Deccmhur 16 ACTIVE TERM Help Kln Thurs 0cl Zfllh pm Progressive Juckpol 250 Wk KINSMEN BINGO 01H FELLIIWS HALL Mugulm of Mlnulng ad mlrlng plants the society pre sented the Womens In stilule Examiner Photo 10 gum plu than Iho wullh COUNTRY DANCE BRADFORD Slam Arv rnngcmonu are proceedan or Ihe somnd annual munlry dance lo be held by the luxury Club hero on Hominy Mixr 24 on Mcym Country lake and their Hunk Boy MI npplnl nl lhu undlom shlpl new 050000 mulegnu SCHOOL ADDITION MOONSTONE 5mm Ma donle Township council hul giv on its approval or ii show oi ho $117000 midilion lo lha new Coldwoinr and dislrlct public school mldxlion Modem child ren in the ma around Cold water nilcnd lho lchool COUNTY HISTORY Payment of 3691410 to Rich ardson Bond and Wright of Owen Sound for rcproducllon of 20M coplcs lhc hlswry Simon County by Andrew Hunter was nuthorllcd by Slur the County Council yLsmday 0m Ilccvc George MncKny chalrman finance said his commiuu recommended lhat lhtsr book be said $150 cnch In the hrrpe that it wil reconr all or In most 1hr money ii tho taupayer want to re turn council for second term they can do so through accla matiuns said Reeve Monkman stating cuuncii here has not dopted twer terms because it was cit leaving the power with the ratepayers wac mm satisfuciqry Th marl la bellcr enn llaulty lhrough longer term but many ratepayers llke the right havan vollng annually ll Ihey wlsh ln lllh way ratepayers can grant hwyear terms or longer by acnlnmalloas COOKSTOWN Slam We have been sticking in annual ei ncilons snid Reeve Louis Monk man oi Cnoksiown discussing arrangements or the coming village election Nomination meeting will be held late in No vvmber and if an eieciion lm pend it will be early in cembcr 11 BARRIE EXAMINER THURSDAY OCTOBER 20 ms NEW TINY BUILDING PERKINS DrTlny New legblafion would be asked by the county council it it adopt sd lhe mum slnce theta L1 no Some councillora ma lose their seats Inn the will gain from better etflclcncy said Reeve Brandon in reference in his report rmmmwdlng vision of the county Into 22 wards with direct eledlon counlx councillor for ouryear terms ton We realize Neal autonomy vltal In any raglanal or counly gavelmum in democratic munuy said Reeve Earl Bran don dealer chalnnan Simcoo countys legislative carn mmen He Was anwfln on special rcpofl Ms legislative committee tabled at the comb or session of County Council Im IIufllcr study until the November meeting Annual Election Policy Is Favored For Cookstbwn Local Autonomy Vital COldwater ReeVa Says SAVINGS ON THE RAMBlERS DISTRICT NEWS AT VIAU MOTORS Help Klddlu 66 DISTRICT BRIEFS 110M mm Awwwuaomwmuu vmuWfiEMMmlmmunmmwmuz £Ja manual BRADFORD Siam Special lighting will be erected In Brnd am for Cnnndax centennial lo cm the Lawn mforlul ntmm Iphcrc Maya Joseph Maganl snid he wan pleased avcr he food rccaption glvcn lhc pm pm by count is expected In have he lighls In lime or Gurlslmm munlclpal buildlnz which was officially opened recently has been impeded with much Inter ut by ratepayers Reeve Mon calm Mnuncn nld 511000 of the cost had been ruallzod 1mm other lhun lax sourccs Clu Cookstown is being given the largo mad rccnnslructinn and sireei implvvrmeni program fliu provincial gnvernmcni re building and paving highway 80 through Caokslown known Io cnily as Queen Street with um village council paying or curir ing and extras businessman man village councn are Camp dllors Arlhur KiddMurrny Mc Dowell Gordon Lcmmon and John lloughlun Douglas Mrlh who was appointed clerk onrller In the year is proceeding wflh nomination nrrangemean in pre pngnuan nr the pdmlng glycllon progrés being made he work and he Imprnve 1119 ha been commended by We represent the ratepayers and are trying lo do am but foypcm sahjl Rcevg Monkman lJ waLLaCii mum GlliFFilll mflllfllflfls Bowen is our feeling that land in not air way he said illregard to raising educational costs Rme have been many ways suggested and we would Add on more on per cent government subsidy met by snip tax and 20 per cm met by esldes lng to he pvwar of counly council Mild has al ready taken over assessmenl and wellara administration from municipallllcs lie report also mwmmends regional lmrd cduuallon to cover both public and secondary mm In the county regional gwernmcnt manager and changes In Ihe lnx syfslenr provision in present lecislalinn or most of IL sweeping changes lorstreamlbnlnz county 10mm ment ASSESSMENT BRIGHTER BRADFORD Plus Audumy Awud Winning meam SKATER DATER 1161an LEMr In flu flunk Arl Cluh muylny In Mix siblc to only one master said Reeve Brandon who held the prmcnt system of having reeves and deputy reeves represent their mmhclpamies was outmod ed The new system would ro vldz for more equal and rm representation In proportion to taxation assessment and pcvu Iatlan an example at the unfair ness of the present voting aya lcm Reeve Brandon cllcd the most extreme case in he wan ly Maldlcdash with fewer than 1000 yearold population had county representation and or illia which will have nearly 20 000 with new annexallon can no have any more Ihnn lwn under cxsfing lcglslalicn rcglmnl manager would an addiuan la the clerk The committee eels regional man ager mindsIve lee and be of great value lg said NOW SHflWlHfl Deputy ReeveLlwncl Dion at Penmanxxflshene Dcpuly Reeve Edgar Qurie of Nntlawssaga Deputy Reeve Eugene Smith Essa Deputy Reeve Louis Pram cc of Orillla and Warden Guam McOague Mllslon Wei believe fin dlreu elec tgnn wpuld bqst because lha This Is lntandcd basis lm further mnsldcratlnn sald Reeve Brandon other members min cgnmmmgq ulsoncluda DIRECT ELECTION Amalxamutm ad mailer lawn ships and villages into larger more cconomlcni mnlclpallilu also was man the auggcsiion In UN report Selling up of regional planning board enlarg ing oi tho counly eniinicring service so it could be made rvniioblu to all municipalities and mat separated lawns and cities be included in lilo region 81 system were also proposed Residential commercial and induslrlnl property would thus be relieved of taxes for schonl pur pms this Mm Um microf taxing prapefly for property ser vice andlaxlng people or peo ple service he said éECILB MILESLMIHEIEijWPJANDims mm mm mm WMSDN ammo mm mm tux NEW 577 TEAFE founly Ievlnd special Industry quro up 630 905 SATURDAY Mnlnu up 100 NOW PLAYING BASE BORDEN Stall Ar rungemcnls are proceeding or the annual 1111 ball the Mr bome Electronic Technician whoa which will be held at the 13x Combined Mess hall on Frl day OcL 21 Dancing to aim at 930 allowing dlnncr Some 135 mem bers and their wives are ex pected to allend County Itoad 11 runs through Fins irnm Cratghurst to highway E9 mm was six miles of re4 construction in 010 this past roadbuilding season and it is anticipated tho Fins section lrorn Highway 27 to Craighunt will be given attention next year This depends on county council do cision but the project is listed or early extension The On sec tion lrnm Couisnn to Craizhurst is to be hardloppcd next spring We have had vast imprnw men in our road during the past iive years said John no crisnn cinrk after discussion of he wark with Mr Wicklum Stmcoa county took over the 9th ltne ranv trom Elmvalc to Orr Lake and It anticipated there will new construction here next yearr Another ml at aumcd by the county ts nine mtle stretch along the 15 and 16th stderonds from Vespra to Fla and more Improvement ts expoctcd hora shortly Plans Completed For Ball At 13X Among the most important new construction recenliy hava been the town tin road between Flo nnd Tiny and the 10th concession mud to Wasaga Beach and bath oi thuse have made appreciated improvements which ve brought much invariable corn mcnt io road superintendent George Wicklum and his stail ELMVALE 15W F105 Whlps milderaMa road im provement program has been continued lhh pas seam to make total 39 mun of re construcflon duran 1h past live yearn Tender for snow removal have ONE SHOW NIGHTLY AT PM SATURDAY AT 1200 00 AND EM SUNDAY AT It 780 pm New Construction Exteiids Flos Road Improvements lastesasgnndas gund Hum should Iasiééisguudas gum Hum should Iaslesasguudaé gnnd Hum should Fins council has placed Ilse on record as supporting ms olulinn from Elmlm which ask ed the provincial gvcmmcm la yssume 80 per can of the cast of schools Rev Frank Cnughlin of An ten NIH and members 01 he council wen aimed for lwn year term year ago sa there will be no electlon his cumin December bnen called and hm will be dealt wilh by the F105 council at an early meeting Dnuclnx on our stage In he Terrace Road Mange Nuw appearing Um Mr Illaul mud or QUEENS HOTEL direct frémv Man real Meal Your Friends when the AcUan NIGImY FROM ML 51mm stock Mnlulal Ind hmmlnu lIunAv ANII snunnlu our 2le mm mm yum 5mm In Mn GOGO Min 31 mm um ANNUAL Clearance Sale THE SPYDERS FABULOUS FORMALS LTD uAmua

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