In hmI murr va hmqu Imam my qr mm pvme my rrz Iwï¬ wk HIHJUIVI umzmlwmz In mrluwy IN mmimv er Mr HMirullflll Ht mm um um wlnl ml mm mm an mm Mn II Ilrhnm mum mum my hr mwhll mm mll man In upmxlc Li IM llmhuy ua rm mr nn my im nil luv nhln in hm Mu um lm mvki ruIy Hm to L1 ml Inc in Iqfly lu mum mu trn In the Lmmw PERSONALITIES IN THE NEWS Zraland whrre he obtained pledge of Allied unin in Vlct Nam and callld on North Vic Nams loaders to joln ln said ha in ahmd is ml bemum the scourle nqu nul dune by nlir1c CANBERRA CP Presl dcm Johnson nrrhcd In Austra lin today tn an enthusiastic wal mm and declared he is on or hapLlor pence Rut idcnl Lyndon Johnson 01 Canberra today after lhn US chief executive and party ar No Miracles Are Seen At Manila SummitiLBJ HLTIH GOIUHW gem YIar Na 244 EAGERV Austmlims roach IM IIIZLL Stdynérf m4 ulmwhy mm mnul mm nayh dmhkymuuuwy ummm llmll lmmm Ikmllmiin Hm anlwn duflar Mil mm Hm HM up um mm the bomb mm mm null llw lnvulvv Mid lull 13 Max mum Ilnghndl drva In ur mm or supply umnilun oxide mx vrm bdch the nu no Will he ml nrxhr he Mmlhl grow In Illnlnil he minim my lrmlv Mmhlcr Wink The mm nrrmrul um 11 Hvo unilimnl harm ho URI lulldlwn IIHCHDL INL ONION IIHIJIAN in nson thé rim us presi dent to visit Australia sald Johnson was grnclcd wilh all the po mp Australia cauld muster Including 21an salute and gum of honor 110 was welcomed by small crowd But hn crowds grew into hou sands as hu motorcade drave Into ACnnbcrm noble war on hunger Ignor RnCe and disease in Soulhcast sml rived In Ihe nown under capi tal mm New Zeahnd He had just finished tolling Ihc air port audience In his arrival speech that he is making his ROBERT EMS 1vale mm Yr myqu mm llw mum mum um 0mm Im II lalnrr In on m4 In rnuullwl er Inmn In HI Vlllnrr nlmul leM nullll lvl vrlmall man nluntur In pmle mm mm Mn lllwnl mman Qurulrh alkl IIIr lblhlnn Milly llnxrr III Hhrfla In IM Ilnl Mr lw flurry Irmm home lml aw up nrmrh lur pm Mr 014 Emu Mhllnll 11w mm III In he rmmml mlny Ildlill On ICIY prwnnm nler yllml ullh luur hrr Ill rHII Ilrml mm Man wian lurinu llw pionum um 54mm Mllmn Ireshlan lmlmdu 454 xmrlbamrn dry Hwymun nland Vu wwnl In Imlh Hm Soul ilml larllnmml MM Tslfcmlm 1M Muddy his hm mcklnu and In len Andria Hum Juxlun pmmm 11 Cape lnmncc Ilrml lulu Man wian lurinu llw pionum um 54mm Mllmn Freshlan Pregnant Mother Four Children Die In Homo Blaze Juillm Mmth Ithu lclsrr annmmcul that lho Roveli acmvlnl he flmlknx without rc Mrro mix will nhhlo hy llyo do cMun llc nmmlm to 11m pub ludlv he name MPH TOWN Ulculem South Alrunn uJ lnday dc oluru Hound Ts cmLIs mas nln of Prime anisltr Homirak erocnl Insane ml unitm1 hun mnmiurd ln prim inddh nllrly Mr demon slrnunn was expected nulsidc the presidonln hotel but Im dcnl leaders were reported in have Fromlsul here would be no vlo unto on he was Igrhnxuful ha he Australian nnd Amer cnn people had put their hand qugskoflwlpingto build new Aéln During his vur day An Irallnn vlsil Johnson will make Canberra his headquarter wilh short sarflcs lo Sydney MEL boume nnd Injsbunc crow of out 400 hat had braved chilly weather cheered durln lh at in his visit to Auslrnllavhe was returning in his second home This was rnlcrLncc to ho brie period he spent durlng lhe Second World War in Austrnlla as rmval Ileylenum gammandcrr Judge Declares Tsafendas Insane lhcru would be no miracles at next weeks scvennnllon Manna conference on Vm Nam but that could provide new vls lon 01 have 19 Squlhtm Am cannot say dc will mlr AP Wlm photo by caqu 1mm Canberra in lo the Manila summit conferch hm Vaters mi Mum lCIDJmnlrr Nmmn NM nq tmlay by min mm up an mmnl llwmulm IM10 MWW MANILA IlmlrIIIlhfliwlno nmllmal Ml Inlay dmlw Iqu of Nut In numer lmhm Johnon and Mill Vimmmne lmulpr Nuuyru an Ky mm Her My hm or Illa Immnl mirrova 1m VM Nmm 11w nlllrlnll MM than lmlwllnm Ir nuManlInto mm pom MAUIU AlMwlril HWIWIIKII lulny lmmmml vo rmlul uum hy 2m mum at munm an no MIMI mlorl mm Auntmlln mm lmuk la huh Premier Ky Donounco Roponed Mack he mm 11qu um wtrk lho Mme mm Lhe Cam Tuwn 501er Own did n01 dimulu llnl TAMrmlm had killed chwnl Insloml mn lemlul that mumrnlnlly Mp mlrml at UM llmc nml limp urn until plrxnl or Ilnnd ml Mm lumrlnx losflnlmy mm 010 medic11 Mlnmu lnr um mmlon ludny Judie Ikvym 51M xylenth wm not mentally be tied Momle mmmlmu wiéiza that he should be comnal In lune Dismiss Assassination Report MIMI 0mm berg achwwkdgcd lha mm lholr privnlcbyA 1bcnpd producls afe turned out by the It was one more claim for the Scnnco Commns commlueo on living costs Io absorb and wolfli in its ponderinga on the prlce at food and it Inmgued fame numbers the com cc and Dominion Stores and Slelnbergs slapped down 1m prcssive com arlsayu bawcen their own not and national brand mama dlnncd yenr round on radio and tolovklan Anyone lnmlllar with hls supermarket hna node these company names popping up on such disparate items as soap pads taco lotions Instant cof fee beam and peanut butter OTTAWA CPlFbod chains have claimed hero thl weak hatvprlces would be consider ably higher without Ihcir prl valo label products Both pamlxglqn and Stein ï¬lly Nam2 CIIulIlrdIl 151 Cuminll Dhlrch DunnN Editorlnll Spurnl Own Label Costs Less Chain Stores Report BIrrla The Examiner LATE NEWS POSTAl PORT RAPS OFFICIALS xii 394 ékhiï¬Lahr TODAY uv n7 In my um um mm ninlnm Onlarlo amide Thumlly Odobor 20 1966 Solves Cabinet Crisis Mama Ky my mid mm ninlm My You couldnt mln Mm mmme In nwcl Mm hrro Mn mm uu uml ho uuuld ha brlln purple Nuwllmul Mun donl IIVIW yullr lunbaqd lady Nu meny been waning irmzhï¬ About hnll the country 000000 moolrhfldrcn nnd unl vmdty student wcm unwed by the lockoul onlch by the nu collcdlvn bargaining board Mild has been trying 10 break It flrlko mined by 1300 ldecu OH board upokesmun mld the move wan nlmcd iorclnz tho mftdornuon Prolenlonal Assocmlons which cnvm most of Swnlcnl lrmhm and many rhu urvnnu lo call on STOCKHOLM Reulmlnm Swodlsh government lodsd locked $0800 teachersIncl 1m 0w prune mlnlslerl wile oul IxIr csz arm alllna In qu work1m nxu dispulc Wqu my Ivor Crlmp mwhawdkmg vice president 01 DamInlon Slam snld Um companys brand gcnerally Lifer cansm cm cmllml value and lower prices He muld not claim Max Sullsman NDPan 100 South ask Aumd Pl president and chairman Provost wthIer the consumer gels highest qualiiy only In na tional bramk We do not believe thb was th Mummy tow Amber dlflcrm me In the clnlnu stated by cadu chain or lhe quallty of its pflvam lubds Fail To Settle Wage Dispute Swedish Teachers Locked Out was hnt mlmtrnuon nnd production oxpensts vmuld be higher or the national product than is chamx product Anoher was hnt Production higher or ns roccmr huge at at pre did roqulrtmnnls for momhs This make or easy planning producflon rum and oven reaches down lo the vow ablu grower hdplng him db dda hmv much to plant Suv ing am sure 10 mu at every stage Ha was old that on same Items lh ood duln cén glvo Md Sub NDP Toronto Danielh said Tuesday look fishy that product from Ihe same processor could be sold vi ally hall the price in some cases name procusms who supply the national brands HERES ONE explqmwn alleer Mn Wilma Hum an mm mm lmmun Egon oh Ii an 44mean uwmwvhmm Tm Kmnvmlr Mrkl My mm IN mm MI mull In mummnm in mm Man Eumam Amonx tho lenchm locked out was Mn Mnn Wander ha Wearold wlle Wm Mlnlsm Tngc Erlnmkr who mum nu cmcrzcncy nnblncl mcrung nneuuy nlght to 11mm Hug Illuallon Mm lZdnndor II parMma dwmlstry cnditr Stock holm hlxh KhDDL The conlcdcmflon an ha cchd nn unlimllcd Ilrlko 10000 clvll servant with aca dLmIc pcslllonsmany of them In Knvcmmcni dkpnrlmwu Inrnx nm Wednesday CALM CABINET Ml TING lhrchay mum by mm cach ergdua Inert Monday An announcement described lhu satellite us No 110 In the Cosmos series This mics om daily described scientiï¬c restarth had been unmnnpcd The launching Apparently look place In the presence of radars from Bulgaria Cuba Czechoslw vnkln East Germany Hungary Monxolln Poland Romania and Iha Soviet Union MOSCOW CP fluuln Inunchnd ew unmanned space snldllle lodny with So Vtwbloc loaders mm nine run Mun rupvrlcd watchan Ihe blnslnfl lhu launching alte In mural Asia Scinbergs snld Ihclr brands an lnvnrinbxy equal in the best and we sell or Ian Thelr quality control lnbnralnrlc made checks of helr own brand wflLh nvery shlpment All this made Intermlng background for the prices mem selvcs and the commluee or dercd full range of mm ari mm to supplement the rag mentary data brought by the chainsjo the weeks hearings Russia Launches New Unmanned Space Satellite them In be every hit us good as national brands BIIIIIIIE SCOUT COMMISSIONER GIVEN TROPHY 11w two British companlu rack have forum llakc and he uncran than 10 per mm between them This cansmdum two mum companies Durmnh 011 and Imperial Chemical In dustries Imlnlnn bind Indus lrlnl common and two Americ mu com nnm 0mm DrIIIA Inn and ixplormlon or Now Or lean and Murphy Ptlmlrum whldl assodnw wiLh American Murphy Oil 00 71 In an explornllcn nru warm by tho llurmnh North 503 srqup LONDON EmmaTho IM on mike 1n lho North Sea has been made of the mm com Bduln by mmmum ol Brn lsh and American pmspcdors wan nnnnunccd today Iho Ind MIMI um ho to be tested mm It com mcrclnlly productive wnl db covcrpd 20 miles the com He says pm of the solution is boner mungement cm ployce mmmluaum mlom 10 product Mm both grpr de ï¬remaintenance ol the now organ sqlhurvlee The ma mike wu tallied nllcr the government lnlenencd In wnze dimle leaving lhe The cmmlslonen Mr Ms Illo Andre Manlpaflt of the Que bee Superior Conn arlflclm 0mm for poor hande of 5an Madonna and outmodcd nulludos about oansldering cm poyccs mmplalnm the same time he criticizes em onco reprcsuntnflvcc for ma lug some damn ex treme dmunds The report In direct mu the 1965 postal strike that shut mum service In Ontario Que bec and Brmxh Columbia was tabled In the Commons Wed xlesday by PashnmarGenernl OlrAWA CmGreater com ultallon between post ofï¬ce do panmnnl ofï¬cial and empoyv 205 and down changes In working mmdllions rccomA menude In royal mmmLulbn report into me federal pasta services tmubles Cote OFF UK COAST Oil Strike Made In North Sea PostmasterGenerél criticizes Extreme Demands 0f Men NclMunThm Iocwu cojay Page Whon drillan at depth 6730 In quantity all wu nrodumd Ilh gm In mod now 19 ha lmkumnu nld Burmah oll npokcsmnn Inner conï¬rmlnl lhu discovery said was made last wmk ll mlIm all the east mt marl mer The mu lmluslry Lsllmnlfl um by ho end at Mxt your more than mm Brilnln will be using North Sm nmural BM Several mmmcrcany produc llvo Lu llnds have bccn discov cm mud hundrul 01 miles plpcllno are being Ink win la lhu Engllah mu mid LAY PIPELINEE For three years Hrillsh American and Cnnndian oil and an pmspcclom have gambled mmhm nl dollars ddlllng hou lands Ice Into the al the North Sea Ho And olhu employee Rpm scnumvu declinedwmmcnl on much or the repcrl until my have read It IIIfly Wime Kay president the Canadian Union Postal Work said loin rommlllcc have bven tried in some centres lhey have workod nnero gostmast were morallve failed when the postmaster tried to nchllke ship captain hl 5a The mmiï¬ioner who irnv oiled ncmsa the counlry in his investigation says ha exam in one or poslnl dishing supervisors and postmaster have only vague noilnn about tho importance at maintaining good siniirclaiions key Mommcndalion 15 that John management employee committees be sci up in each post omac and on national bask to consult and negotiate all mailers affecting working condition Another mike threat has been raised by the postal unions or next month In back demands or wage Increases and other benefits Issue of work candllionslo he commLsson man we