AFL DolphihsOlqtqint Star FullbackiGilchriSt In exchangz American Foot ball no presidem um Woudard mled Lhn Miami mm given Dawn It mm and ï¬lth my ghqu In January MIAMI Fla AP Cockle Gllchrlst who collect old award or hobby and has noedlml lmnl 0mm 5mm Ton onto to Denver lo yuan as prolesslonal loolball player has been acquired by Mloml Dolphlns The abyurold controversial fullback was snapped up by the Dolphlns Monday Alter Denver Broncos put hlrn on outwit The slxfootlwo 250 pnund Gilchrist was on lhs Bron coa reserva the begin Mug the season after Denver lemded mt he had relused Mr Hunmus said lhe applica llnns ml be processed by Nov when the orgnnlzlng commit cc will make it mandala 1iun lo the fedora physch lil ncssicouncl In Dunn and naIWIo Health Mlnlslu Allan AIMEthn Gilchrist ho lives In Tor onto was unnvnilnhle Inr cam ment Ila played or ï¬ve year In the Canadian Football League helm moving in Buiiala Bills of the American Football Lcaguc IIe enteml Canadian pm foot ball with Hamilton Tigercats In 356 The Tim traded him In Saskatchewan Roughrldm for $5000 In 1958 where he stayed only one season He played with Toronto Argonnut from 1959 In 1960 In hls ruling Woodard said MONTREAL CmNine Ca nadian cums have mind to be in site he 1969 51ch Games John Hunnius dull man the Game organiflng sommluee or Canadian Amateur Sports Federallon said here today ILONDON OHL Cl nurmlnun and IN convert nualnu Mrulll Insl Snlunlny Iwyd Imq mum mmml norinfl Ivnd In Onlnrlwucbec Alhirllc Assntlnlion onlbnlL Canadian Cities Bid For Games Vamcwvtf Calgary Edm nn Winnipeg Sudhury onw Hamilton Quebec my and Halifax submiucd applch tlans More bidding closed Oct Mr Hunnius said um Dwr Alla submith II 12d bid aymg that an Alb city was made lhe ll vm help lake um um visitors 111$ Summer Games an he qrpnsilo number he Whiter Game In behdJ in Induce City lhis year umjoatm indoor ï¬umcs wrll as rudflonnl winter such In kilns and skming BOTH FOR AMATEURS Both cvcnls no or Cana dian nmnlcurs and ill um um llaphics and gold and sil vcr mcdnl mmnls In wlnnm of lnlcrprnvinrlal conmcflunns dont care what has hap pond in the past and Im not even Interested Miami coach Gemz Wilsmn said Id like to lno com 15 MPH Thls is thgbegt tying HIAI Taylor Ihr Um rmln quarteran who ha pm qnu weekend lmrnmo lho cul lnz lcunucn ulelmo Icorlu lmrlrr now has point In mun lml yrnrl lnu Murrr All Frnrw nl Vulrm hml hll llll Ivu Mulllnll GMT clxlnl MIHIMI The Ionlnr hum Klulwnrr lnnln Ill nnHr In IIII Qurml 12mm Iml Snlnnlny IIM umwr Mn II MIMI our Inur mmm lram Mm In NM In lho ltnzuan nIIHme nmrlnu II lhl mu hlm polnll nhend nmnmup Mikn mum at Turuuln and Doug Conn of Our Tayloix amrlnz mm lhll made up or war lourh dnwnl ll cmurru and one Hrhl lvwnn and Ilnhnm hum Huh Irnml lmlr louthllnum to UI Tnylnr In llml tltpnrlmcnl MIME KMII luv Iln um nunm Hwn llamh nrlnml mum Srvilvinle Ifuulrfl ever happcnailo he Broncos salg coqdl Ray Malaan Two lrnuuu lnp Nu cqlrllrn Mm lllwn nl Toronn nml Larry Ilnnrlu Qurrnn mm In Hum lhrre anch xluwnx libcn ml 0M nuulml MdHll llul ï¬nlhrdny and llnnrhe Mn In Qurrnn uln mrr VMrrn lIqunlllnu Illa lmlrlnlwn ml II bfn nmlr llnnrh II Nun DIM Garland who lml vvrr ll lvllmk Illa Mmlmvul Mum lury lvmldln MI Injuml In Hvo llrnl gnnw lhn Irnmn Taylor Incteases Scoring Lead he den pleased ho ancm TIH HI Mr Ilunnlus said the sum mer Games wlhl came 11 sportsmost at them in track and lipid Mm than 1000 Ith Iota have already awï¬ed or grams he said The Gm In swam by the Iedml Kavcrnment Much pay hnspilnlily and mrveUinz xpenses for the ulhletu and by ho hast muMclpamy and prov 1119 which pay nr he mu Gilchrist rac kenddle naflve gained more than 1000 yards or the Bill in I961 In 1003 he gained morn lhan 900 and again more than 1000 jn 1964 Salk Winnipeg Edmonhm 912am Joint ouldny on Quebec My Wlmer Gum has rlsnn In mom than $3000000 Mr Hunnlus Anld Joe Rabble an executive at the Dolphins who had been negoti ating fur weeks Ilne deal or us It will strengthen our bull club and that liter Ill the lmpomnt factor wmoo mus DEAL The Icquisiiion wn also hailed veiemn middle line baciger aim Mplznniel or Ed Hal ha gnod nnLv the gm evidence McDaniel muved his helmet Ind xhlblled showed leftenr molds did this me He hit me so hard he tucked my helmet and lmpahed my hearlnz Natonly can he run but hes ha has blocker In leggy qrln U15 niherpn Cookie lulled lo report camp July so and whnn Denm put hlm on reserve huould not he regdwngoq to play on lh dqb merly with New York Jet IIId my 21 lh lphlqsu FOOTBALL STANDING By rm CANADIAN inmss Vulem Conflrenu a4 EXCELSIOR LIFE FOOTBALL So Iln olmoua val you now some addnfonal vcmemonl Incomn And llmlu whom Hm xcuhlm Lvtn Lnn ha 01 suvvmo mennml mmml lulu humancn nccumulnlea donm undm you own Lonlml money lo supnlo lncnl mourn Iulum uuvmnmnnl honnlll You Inml xcomor Lula mnmonlnuvo wull mount luv you Illuopum in SoCIme WM ran nmun ynu an advaqunlo Mmomnnl Imomu in botInna wuh your pvmnl lwmp nlmulnnls Cuulau lmn nuhl away youll be glad yuu In cmnso nol Ycl when you mach 05 and quality in HM Cnnadu Pension Plan maximum mmmo 510417 monlh all ma Old Age Sncumv 51600 monlh 541 nhnul what you wnl hm ouch week UMNLMS IHOM LOASI IO LOAN LAHAUA thinkyou could live on $4154 week WLT FAN Howe 38 his thinning hak showlnl ray signed Monday for record 21 NHL xenon with the Wings and cofld look bag on 0ng 689 goals My only disappointment that coach Sld Abel muldnl give me Humeyear mm Huma hurt his knee in pm scasnn exhlbluun game And was of he in or 17 days But he scored one goal and two mists durlnl wankend mlon UBEL SUIT OPEN SAN FRANCISCO MIN116 $0000 szl mu Ll flu base mun Orlando Ccpcda at St Louis Cardhan against mm Nblisflnx Co as maul or an article published May 21 1963 opened Monday More US 171mm Judge Stanley Vdgd 1110 article wrlum by spans writer Tim Oohano In book Mugaflne relencd lo Cg edaa holdou brlaro signing contract with San Bamboo Glanfl thI ha lmded In Den vot 1n l9 Gfldmst Mend Howe signed or Mm may be record salary or hockey player insulary or he 196661 Mason whichopen Wednesday night at Boston an esumlted mplns miss about Askad haw ha eels About um bug or cord am lemn How grinning lmlooklnz orwprd with 22nd While at Buflalo In 1963 he set an alltime prolenlnnnl one uma mark by gain 111 yards Ron Stewart ul 0mm Roux Rlder established Omanin FoMball beam alum nme nuth record or 101 yum gsoalnsl Montreal Aloneuu In DHROIT AP Nany yam ago Gordie Howe mud ï¬rst National Hockey League goal In launch curegr with Demlt Red Wings Just having flown orlhe weekend game made bi dll mm In nur club We dyed MAKES BIG DIFFERENCE GORDIE HOWE Veteran After More Records ï¬gmn f3 When Wu younger used in Ice good nearly every game BU Gndshy who retired from tho Red Wings last spring and Di Clapper who Mimi tram Boston in 1947 were thu nnly nlher man to play 10 years In ism our two best games manur congh Algal said Thu blz dï¬ierence now II that dont eel as good on Ilqwe said Howe beams the ï¬rst new In season wan mm lnsl NHL ï¬ninglo in 5552an ln cagbln nadirseason and we ha ï¬nished among the NIILI lop ivo scams or 17 consecuflvo seasons Includlnl Int reason when he mud 29 you and 46 aulsls plan six times Most Valuable Player le times an AllStar 11 times goalscoring loader Iva times 2mm mm times mgaal scorer times Ind 4003 man Imu umes Ila has played 1529 games cored 624 rezulumcnson goals allied 812 assist Imd accumu lnlcd L436 pawn all NHL rocords FROM All POINTS SERVED BY GRAY GOAGN IINES TO ANY WHERE IN GANADA AND IISA VIA GREYHOUND LINES GOLONIAI GOAGN lINES AND GRAY GOAGN LINES He in hem sumin Ian xIx times Most anunhln GORDIE HOWE 21 Sum travel bargain EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 1966 SAN FRANCISCO nnucn LEVI Cumin Pmn spam Editor ROCHESTER NY AP Jne knfler general manager and conch of Master Amsr lean of the American Hockey Magda tnld Monday nlght fnur playm have been suspended from Una club or refusing to dgn their gonrrncu Cruxler Identfliepl them as centres Mlke Walton and We Joya goalie Gary Smith and rim wmg Bin am All except 10an also were cuad or leav lng xrglnlnz Amp ho ugh 0mm nld they would not be reinstated umll they ulxned lhelr contracts adding that be my madq his Lu ofley He mu not reveal the An nrlas 1M oldwu were mini but 3er they were very large raises Crnzler said ll was the ï¬rst Ilme ha could remember hold out aller the Amerlcnn uarlcd rckulnr leason play Oonoh TM Bllkon ma of clutlon mtwmwmlw Montreal Ccnadiem no In Voted Mill first In In National Hockey Dengue or 111mm km in 1Q yew Rochester Bars Four Players 11 NHL goes 1M0 IL gowen jubilee season Wed nesday mm as siMeam lugne for Ihe nst lime bo lore mnmung to divi squl emlmylng nqlub Montml in pick of he glopbul balm mamm ng can appen KO mood mend last yrm fol Bum Lave Cmth Pm Iporu um an luured ll mhlutclmm I1 Nhwunockcy lama luml an In Ihe ardu ol lb led on annim lonn NHL OUTLOOK PreseasdnPredictin Puts H0135 In Frth mes Stopovers and hotel accommodations arranged atyour request TICKETS AND INFORMATION AT GRAY COACH LINES tllp CHURCHILL Julmnl Oumnl Slorl Phonl MIDI STROUD lablnu Oonml 5km 4363030 sample trip luwnd In order by 1mm Delmh Boatun Ind New York And this mason amid end up the mpgway lleiéJexT mnnlafly up glubs qrq su ckqn will Injur le and key relIMnenla and mm at the rum alsoram on robulldlnl and minimal ptomyu On pro season form the NHL cmqu wlnd up the name admins m1 way Mmlrnl Dundim hockey club whlch won the league dumplonshlp and Stanley Cup 1m year iron mm the ward line rlght back to Ohnrfle Hodge and Gum Wonlei the Vulnn Pwlnkln gun Chlcuo lch 1th thong team built around such flyers as Bobby Hull and Sun Mlkita km wmmut the key gonMcndinz or that Glenn all Ind missan Blll Red Hey ma Delroli Md Wings Tough on backchecking cm In the league but mm with ma re tlnmenl defenccmen Blll Gadshy and Doug Barklw Ganï¬e Howe begins 01 Ill age Wlnzs could drop 1mm Maple Lem Starl lnx the season wllh key in jurieg but club with good veterans Ind promising new cnmm Il calla Johnny Bowtr holds up mls depth could carry them mum Brulu Wank It cnnlre and 10 wing hut with good strung legs on deform wunllng haavlly on Bobhy Orr lHytarold Junior sensu than to lift the dub mad he lounh playot spot they missed by 20 points Ins sea gang with an average weight of 151 pounds Rained Bernie Geotlrion should make dil imnce especinily on the power piays Conch Emile Francis is combining experi once with ynuh and the un is on hitting heaiLhy nod Gilbert could change New ifqu lhnxm town FINAL RETURN MARCH 15 1861 lhrrlo Bud Tumlnll Byrnu Amt Mbplc ASImcoq Sll Tolophom 718557 TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 72524 mammdwumwa last by one pain in Ibo spring mrelom newqomhh lhe NHL lth yearWWI Harry Slnden uke Torontos George Pundl 1mm Sin den nevar made tho bla league auplnyer but showed El organizatlypnlupqwgn In Al 34 he he mngea com on the lLst mum no going lmo he with season vflmgdelu nflnmon ed more ohmydw my league glnmplnnuup and Stanley Next year the league ex panda aka Kn Philadel phia Plusburgh St hauls MinneapolitSA Paul An lzerlneis and San mmoak inzw vonx SKIERS llud um Thu nunlnmenl Ml LG ll ovemockeu wlm yu um kl ulpmenl To Illkl room or um ucvl Nub mem my need um All uperlllnl And Maud man alllllly To Iccomplluh Hill in In lell In thfl Ilulllly Iqulpmem up per cm on th 1m pflce TM menu lmmndclll VIM In lo will In men Hwy 400 Ext MO 51 LaullRtL 18 colorful mllu north Barrlo Mocmionu 11W OPEN DAYS WEEK BRAND NAME SKIS BOOTS POLES SKIWEAR up In 25 OFF rplus exchange Mt St Louis THE MIME EXAMINER TUESDAY OCTOBER plug Pick Blayldck To Boss Chiefs Lsylxéqusm NJ Ari uuulnvuau 411 Gary Blaylnc tomaan pitcher with New York Yankee and St hauls Cardinals was named Mondly to mating Syr Icusa Chief of he Internaflbnal League during lhe 1967 baseball season Biaylock 35 played In lhq 11310 1950 and been manager the Yuma organlzallon sinus 1962 Syn cuse has wnrklng agreement with the Yankee BONS nu ma PullMax HUI Ina Dznury Free Mice and donuln while your val15 being mlccd Get Your Ca Ready For Winterl 19 Bradford St 7250681