Barrie Northern Advance Oct 12 1011 Sir Chancellor Ford presided as judge for Simon County Fall Assizes in Barrie court house Ernest Dmry of Crown Hill was jury foreman Principal case involved charge of murder against young man but it may he reduced to man slaughter Evangelist Jefi McCombe in Collier St Methodist Church denounc ed posters in town as obscene advertis lng The French Maid stage show com ing to Grand Opera House This news paper could find nothing objectionable Fred Salisbury employed on farm of county treasurer was shot in foot while coon iunting near Little Lake From Ottawa Prime Minister lion Robert Borden announced personnel or new Con servative Cohinct Board of Educa tion discussed plans with architects for proposed $45000 addition and alterations to Barrie Collegiate Institute on Blake St opposite St Vincent Park Increas ed grandstand sealing accommodation is great need at Barrio fair grounds also better bandstand llariies artesian wells provide the best drinking water in Canada Engine No 1660 in charge of Jesse James left rails while passing over threethrow switch at Essa Road GTR crossing It was some time before traffic could be restored Deer licences may now be obtained at Advance office from Samuel Vesley Dreamland Theatre will present Mutt and Jeff in new style talking pictures Young Peo les Guild of St Andrews Church helt social cvenlng with llanipton Jory as chairman llr llrcreton llev Dr lllc Leod and lid Longiuun gave brief ad dresses Town Council received deed for property purchased from Mrs Slrathy or proposed new lla side lark Joe West champion 10ptn howlcr of world will give ex ilbltlon in lroscs llarrle al toys George bill will star in The Squaw Man when it plays next lrlda night at the Grand Opera llnuse il lie added that no other mode of trans port has proved as economical as tall In moving over long distances Canadas ma jor raw and finished products and fore cast growing and expanding national economy with an ever Increasing demand for efficient transportation want to emphaslze the fact that freight tralns run over the same tracks as passenger lrnlns and confirm that many 01 our improvements to roadbed and slgnals have been primarlly to en able CN to handle the nations commerce more efficiently and with greater dis patch he sald Speaking at the annual dinner of the Upper Canada Railway Society Mr Gon der also deï¬ned CNs oiicy on asscngcr operations Our polcy view that in specific areas there is market potential 55 YEARS AGO IN TOWN Super trelghtways created by Canadian Nntlonal match the dramntte changes tlxnt have taken place in rail passenger service nnd more lmportnntly serve the economic llle of Canada which ls in very large measure completely dependent ur onlow cost fret hL transportation sud Douglas Gon er vlcepresldent Can adlan National Railways Mary Bunwlm Dulpnu Mlulmr Hrllycr nwl IM Mumsl llmulnn hal nnnw In Mr Hellmn lymh In Walla Publishel Dramatic Changes Odour In Operation Of Railways Mi Myra gigmam Published by Canadian Nowspapm Limit 16 Bayfleld Street Barrla Ontario DOWN MEMORY LANE BIDS FOR MORE WOMEN McPhuraon Managing Edltor TUESDAY OCTOBER ll use Phum Tmmln la Haynl nnarllm Mr Fom Wmuenn Dlvlulnm nm mlnIIn Ill 9mm uhcn he Ialrl Ml Armament Those words slip ed out in an unguard ed moment but my revealed what the man really had in mind and indications are that many thousands at the strikers and their sympathizers are the same mind The meaning in these words is that in the minds of the strikers the value of their labor is not the issue in His dispute that the purpose is to com pel the taxpayers to supplement what ever wage the railways are able to pay This means that the people were being deprived of railway services in order to compel them to submit to being taxed ter the benefit of the employees Any wage lncrcaso the rallway men gain ln lhls manner will have to be taken out ol the carnlngs of olhcr workers or the government has no money of HS own to give to anybody and many of those who would he lam or lhls purposo are onrnlng loss than the rallway men who are domnntllng such assistance There is nolhlng air or just nlyout ralslng was no In 1111 lny and he unlons should ho he first In ancol lo ll NATURAL PRICES ARE BEST The Printed Word railway trainman and another man were discussing the recent strike The View was expressed that the cmclal lch llon is how much the railways are ab to my To this the tralnman replied To mil with the railways let the govern night pay it He warned however against overlook ing the less obvious efforts that CN is exerting to move mine forest farm and manufactured products Passenger busi ness represents less than seven per cent of our total earnings he said About 85 per cent is from freight service and railway management is very much occu pied with meeting the ever increasing demands of industry and commerce for the highest efficiency and reliability at lowest cost the harem skht prevail asks contem porary ExBarrlclte wrote objecting 13 payks bgnrg plan to eregt dnmin Queens Park or urpose lormlng miniature lake ome attendants at local church on Sunday were surprised to hear the announcement that lib ernl collectlon was looked for One man asde if it was for the funeral ex pcnscs of the late federal government Thmiore when and where rail ser vice cannot be justified CN will seek to discontinue its existing service Where no suitable alternative service exists and the operation is uneconomic CN will seek compensation for losses in providing services deemed to be essential In this context CN will do everything possible to develop its passenger service as mod frn lefficient and pleasant mode of rave in Canada for rall passenger travel glv en good servlee lnlelll ently priced However all areas do not ave the same potenllnl and in some other modes of transparlnllon are more appropriate in telllms of tlme convenlenm or cost than ra Other Editors Views 11 Wllsbn General Manager mum mm mm ummn flnpnm or Mm bun he melwl mm mm when lurnnl In In mva Inlrurannulu nun MW lawIrv ed 1mm ICI Wlnphum Thu lhlrd area and um mm mmle on lnvnlvel tummun lcnllun hntwun nulhnrlllu lhcmsclm and bctmn he uulhorllm and all ma rent man uovcmmenl wllh whirh lhey mull don In on My at another Thll ll lho Ircn when the ammlllu mm need lho help of what mlm bu Mlltd cmmmor unlwn clam who knnw lhclr My throw the Junk ol Hovernmcnl da pnrlmenll mumm proculum and Jcnluullu MANY DKIAflTME TH VThn nulhvrlllu mine under Iho camrvnllan nulhmlllu The en mus commun lcnta In three broad areas Flnl an Inlormallon must Ind In way up from member lo cxecu llvn and lens Impor tant Ilnd ll wny bark In mm the largo Aulhnrflicz munch nI representative cum ylnln melt executive corn mlllca dont tell them enouzh about whull gain an Consid ering that mom munlclpnlillcs may bu lnvalvcdV this underllandqblo 11 not excunble Th lharlllu must also In form lho general publlc In lhelr areal Sam at the mullet nulhorllle huvu clearly dons splendid Jobs 01 mm lha people In lhelr water mm nlo lhelr conï¬dence When that hap pens pm lend In return con Hdenm name lho lnrzer nulharlllel have ellher been In Allflcrenl lo lhll nlpecl pub l1 rolnunnl or hnvn been unable In female Iaumi pibkrimrorl pufllc lppgmnllon But the machine donl heip much within groups oi peopis when tha human elementovu rides the mochanicuL Ii law at modern locicty letrm Io be The larger tho gmuv ho more diiiicuit lhor communication TORONTO Never In hlslory have lhu mean communism tlnn been so cxlcnslve accume and uwlll Consmnllui nulhorlues Eblda by this lnw And many the troubles urn mu ll IN THREE AREAS Elle flurrlr Exumlnrr Sulmuixflm mm dnfly by rarrw 15¢ moldy ymrly 5mm win lav lly mnll Inky $1110 yearly mmiu nut mm Umde mt MM om MM nulmln In your ml Ihlo numlm Unlidl KIWA hum yrnr WM ran my II rar 11w Ummllm hm rhniwly mmN lo Hi we vaIlicaHm MI m1 IIIpawn In Igl pam ml Aullmflud ml IIIJI mall Ius1 0mm mpmuurnl Oils mm or payxmn mm In cndl Daily Sunday and blahllmy Holiday rxctptrd mm Unlvmllly Ann Txmflv M0 MINI Mutlml WM Imdvv Vmuwm II Mmle 11 IM Omaha any Nowpmw lulrllxlml uwlmhm Ila mdmu mu ml AIhl mm lnulalkfl ONE OF SERIES Communication Factor In Conservation Work By GWYN KINSEY nun daily by new win Uh lly Ho yearly IDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECTS MM In Ihm MM rm vmy llllrlh Mid MI Mn MD Ind Ihpn hp Ilumh Ivth lnmvln On II mutu um mum Hill ï¬lm runny lull rm lhn KIM In my nvmlw Inml Annthrr KMUnn ha been lhnl lho num rmrmnln In an Inrle Iulhnrllln In de crenml wllh he nemmry nd gm okmlng pow hlln Imnllrr nuthudllu Imv law ymblom wllh unmmlnlrl llon My hlll much 1an jvmllrllll mm flmmm Th vmnrlnl pmlltuu may he Imvruv MI by he crrnlluu one nruo nullmrfly mm In or mom will mm but IMI HIM III IranI numlwr 01 rpm Irnlnllm and mlnllumlmllvn nrrunllnuly Immnu mm In AnInm amplu Ihnt Irgciol MIX Some of lho Iclm mmmlueu mamberl wrru lncnnm lo lllllo Innhrr lhln ha Imhorny thnlnnen wllh ho mldlllun In the mnnrrvnllnn branch per mm Mme lob ll muld bc lo hrly clcnr lho rommunlcnllonl cllnnnrll In novemmrnl on we lido Ind lu lhe public on UN thr Mdt 1m Icktl rummluw lbw turn may mummrml m1 mlly ml mm mm nullmlllu he MIMIIIIIIIMM lml Ilml munrm lullnn on In nuflmrlly It Some of their scheme am Ilucd lntn the MBA mum and ARM In the anarlmcnl Agriculture when they not Into tha park buslnm In ca Icrlean areas they bcmmo valved wllh the Parks Inleln llun Board whlch ls representa llvn Icvcrnl dcpartmcnla Raulu concern he Department of Highways Illslorlcnl Illa coma undar the Dcpurlment Tourllm and lnhrmnllon Rm zlnnal economlc devclopmrnl concern lho Dcpmmenl Economic and Develo menl Conservation school lmo vs the Dcpnrtmcnl Education CllAlnMENS IDEA their brch to lhu Idecl commllm on canscrvauon IUUI orluu Um authorfly chnlrmen rccoxnhn name he Ihorl cnmlnxu Thy qdmjl Ivr ox objccllon lo Inlhorlty project on Ihu part municipal mum1 mun more then In nllrlhuled ta lholr lurk or Inlormnllon or Ihilr mlxInlormnuon thin to Iny qthnr reason They lunoslcd loo lhal lhe deparlmem In mmullnuan with lha Dcpnnmcnl ol Edutnllon dcllno the role nulhorl lIu In mnscrrmltm nlurulinn Iml llnelop zuldullnu or mm to fallow FKWF MEMBERS Their mommenduliom are many mm the dhmbuflon of all nulhorlly mlnum to All lulhmfli mambtrl Ind rcgular rLporu munlclpal ronrmnlm llm to halt countlll 10 mal er minimum on publlc lnlcrmn llon prolrnm by In dcpngb mam wllh Ihe Depurlment Land and Forests partlcularly in the management of onle They he coma lmolvml In zonan and plannan mnllers and lo wllh Ihn Department Municipal Board branch thn Dcparlmenl Energy and Resources Manua mcnl They are allied 1m tha Onlarlo Wncr Resources Com misslon which under tha Inge dgpnrlmeql BIBLE THOUGHT ix brain expcmlva 9111111 uuxLZzxzzucssm unmummmum 7M le may null Hu llml ho provl Mn mm In mun mm or Knuthu ll mud In dllmnl color AIM and mu vi rum1m wwï¬l ht Al lo Jud hm mud ll lwvlnl dollar mnnl In bun Mon mum mu Imvmilml And In Inbdlal lunny may pm But II um um mink Mum mg mlre TH ï¬lm In NI mluluun mm Ila nrm bowled he tumu mrvl lwlnve woulan or HIM In In manually lur not loulnl lhu mmm Hwy runmt And lrlcd 10 make up or lb lmk nl monry wllh Inmnlhmu ml Ingrnuuy FIJNNFMONHY PLAN It mu Winn lo an early In hll ltnuro III mln Mrr um hl mlmslry mm mm In be Iluuln more with lot lruntrnl on Ind ufllclam or alum year ntlcr ymr hn would kup prouan the emmrm In mnlu hnnl IV Mrlo la mort optfllflrl Ilu know me we no dumu all woule mm but ha ten Mummy Iudl leum mu nmN Al Lu mm mm In km loamy TORONN Thn unnlal younxmr ry nlhrarl dmppm by lho Mher Tho mm tum mlnluer who wu member hare or nearly 10 yuan Ind mlred In 311 look 30 yam younger Khan he Actually II pluth Um 70 mark Mulch upendlnz departman had In balm 11 um way jusl to keep lhulr hold than with 11m nocmuy Amount ol man cy lo do lokon Job and little more wan liven lo travel and Public by the mu overn ment Brylln Cnthcurt was um mlnlslcr N0 PROMOTION Me wan no Hope or Inr scale promolkm or he lnlllM us which marked ma lrlvol bush non in Oliver mlufldlanl Nlvnnhrlcu he knpl hll mm Ind did pmbnbly we anyone cnuhl In Mm thnl had lo work wlm Ila ghm In ruman Mos oi the authorities asked lhn nnvemmcnl int regular publication which muid not only keep hem nhrcan oi conserva tion mum in general but muid inform them oi what wax being done by individual authorities The deparimcnl aoma time ago replaced 0m VAiiey with less eiaboraie publiwlion W14 tershcdsl it was done appur cnily to save money But the commiitco my head the plea oi the luthorilies Ind recommend that ihe Km and lvnn alWa imhcds be extended and im proved ndluslcd along with VMIIIK pow QUEENS PARK Former Travel Minister Calls ll DON OHEARN Bi PATRICK NICHOLSON UHAWA It Would of mum not be true say chm our €th Inme 15 dylns comm ly lml ll Ls being nlevously Win the dcy so closely hale mad with the automaon ln dusiry when else can ll work ers ï¬nd my The Dun lw plan by three mllc away mlghl emplw law Elm mch away L5 MIX More pelhnp so Imall Industries might ï¬ler aw Jobs CITY wnn ONE BASE Iovm problem hm been laid on the dwk of Labor Min ister John Nkzhobvn nbly pro Mï¬ed by delegation comm lnl 01 Mayor Lyman Glflord cxmavym Alderman RnBUM Mamas and Aldermen Gifford Pilkcy and Richard Donald Tney were accompanlcd by an dJm mm Hon nuke Starr former Lnbm Mlnklm Today Brylnn mm my with winkr In Florlda and lame communuy work at home In the Sum ma hgh school cannot now get the WIN Jobs at GM which used to absorb much the grid tin class Then there was nnmr Fro mm In which Canadian var dollars were wk our tour reception mlrcs 17m was another big lumen 50 luccmful the lcdcrul govern ment uked ll be callcd or as was mnnlnl out cl Illvcr dul an LOCAL COLLEGE OPENS TORONTO CI Onlnrinl Ilnl communlly tollcn opcnnl Monday In 500 Iludcnlu In Inh urbnn Scnrbvrwzh whhoul book In lho library nr equip mcnl In he Inbormorits om tlall uh lho book and lxlum be Inuncd in about um um nl he Centennlll College Applltd Am Ind Technology flushy Ila chic emplmr General M000 whose payroll In been my as 18000 The next large Elmle hlcludo Onlqu Steel Products Couue Mnmlaclurlng deallle Indul lrlas mm of Canada and Flulnz but each nl which our play perm 500 mrkm but all extent 1m make parts Mauromohlles Oshawaa wellwld worker mosuy live in modern Milly houses 90 per cent of which are nwnero le They have Imam lrnm ocsl suncs M1 range fumlun cm TV sol Md other household equip ment But now some 2600 GM mark an mostly unplaycd since 1961 see their Job In jeopardy It has been suggested that hynfls may rke as many as 3500 and susde that this In part the result of the Canada US auto pm The prospect of larguc ale unemployment is mm or Oshawn merchants Md the displaced workers want to mova ekwhcre In search mark their prospect of selling thck houses Lr not bright or here are mm some 700 empty apartments in My whose resident mm the hlzh avenge family inwme of $5719 But 0mm depend ath enurdyon Hy yumml U0 El m3 ï¬ï¬ dluulï¬d Ongarlopmgql WEDDING STATIONERY 112 IIkuri Examturr COMMERCIAL PRINTING OTTAWA REPORT Evcn0hawa 11x1 legvlpg Maya city which 34 16 BAYFIELD ST 026m On00cmm nImocmm 02ZU mm OOx EHme OPOSTERS BILLHEADS PROGRAMS LETTERHEADS lNVOICES ENVELOPES PRIZE LISTS Layoffs May Come For Oshawa Workers BLACK AND WHITE AND COLOR OOFFICE STATIONERY ASK FOR IDEA OTAWA cm Transpofl Minister Piukcflljfl Nan day 11le I0 Cnmdiun public mm In rmmlcma lo Mm Icll or the dqman lmnsl mu melodious comrm Improvtd may measure nl INKH rnllwny crossings in mom in lho Dnmmmoru Iol mm Mutt ulflcism by Ann yum monumc IFlmblmm nl tho lnqulry established by hls mm Inln Ihe Dork minim crash him wk lhl llves 20 young people out Oshawa pemap facing RIF employment on larger numeri ell scale than any other com munlw which his been hit by Ihc baddash the auto pad But the steps being urzod on OSMWal bean and Mlko Starr tell that he will ken on worrying the governan help his clly mny provide some suggesihxu Ior other On tarla communan hit by that pact Ml uh mmmflï¬es amid bendllfrom more generous hmmuon of the TAB en uucmem and am more so mm belnz able to fer new in dustries the tax exemptions him mo only envaed by designated meat It may be laugh bat tle wflh the Min govemmom but the vam elng mznd on bohall Oshawa um may IL was wodumd by he tmmenwwned mm nzcncy un dtr sponsorship al the national htnlh depmment pmmou Interest In nmalmr warts or Snlllng and Mlca Milosevic Yugoslnvll for Hockey to lnl of ï¬lm from 17 coun triu was enlcrud KRANJ Yugoslavh AP Lame llm pmduccd by National Film Board Can ada won spade dipboma 1n the caoznry Al the ï¬rst Yugoslav International mlval short ï¬lm Nd ended hem Sunday Tatum mi prize In the leslenl wrnt g9 17m 79119 flolland The Badman color Illm vm dircdnd by Doug Jackson And was shot last year In the But normal1y Mnmtmlly with one large continuing em ployel cannot receive um con cessions men1y because 01 par lal layoff by Ihnl one big cmw player haw eve considerable they are himsell and sllll Oéhawaa can nrvntlva MP Jack Nidnlsm is slimmi bu kindly man He plan to make atheilc presenlln lien 01 IWII cm in lha cabinet within few days AI an initial slop it is hoped loi establish that the layoffs Ire direct result of the aulo pact This tho menu prenqulsllo Io claim for TAB Inmiuml ll wmebincflu vzhlch are mm so 75 per cent of he individuala former wages Alternatively those laidv of my receive the lower SUB iuwlmmmry Wowmm beneï¬ts Gumwise there an only ihe more meagre unem ploymmt benefits of maximum or $16 per week SOUND DIVERSITY more Important step mm Mr Nidtalmn being asked Lo sponsor to give Oshawa tho taxexemptlrm prlvflozes ot designated area so that other Industries might be attracted to locate there would tend to the diversification or Industry In our motompolls ï¬lm would be Oshawn best possible long term mom protection GUMMED ABELS BUSINESS CARDS NF Sports Film Wins Diploma BROCHURES 7266537