Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 18 Oct 1966, p. 1

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iORIllIAMVSIERv MURDER MAYOR JOHN why dunn In limncnl Inzu widl WVhiflmhmdl PUT 10 SEA Small era and Norwegian nor put to sea avold the dreaded waves whlch can pull wnlcr mm In harbor and than my maring puck Andrew nrewfin NDPJrar onto Grrcmmod mld lhc nov crnmmla one war poslporm mm tl the 54m lhc plan may mull in Iunhcr postpomu nmum HONOLULU AP Thaw sands pcrsuns evacuated low lying hnmel around the Pacific Ocean basin Monday nIghz be cause or tldal wave alert that proved unnecessary The coast guard lined the alzrl at 430 urn PDT Merl worn broadens follow lng he violent earthquake In Peru and mod nfler four hours when the wave failed to appear President and Mrs Johnson mare In Honoluhl nt Lhu start of lrlp to Pacific and Aslan counlrlLs when the alert came parade ol speak pm vcnlcd vme on second nudink npprovnl in principlean Ihe gym Mm day dobntp ddny lo July 1968 unnecessary he mldl All 11 don mmurmo npponcnu mn OTTAWA CPI The novcm mcnts muhcal me bill Mon day run afoul of Common more nnxlous la Ialk Lhan ncl on ma conlnmralnl loclal sc curlly logiglaliap mo bill nm on tho numda nggln today At Crescent Cxly Calif ml dents were ordered Ive blocks Tim was no report on lhc 115 West Coast of any unusual Ildal ncllon Cons guardsmnn In San Fran c1500 advised by tha v3 Coast and Geodetic Survey In Hnwnll M131 Ihe mm When the quakecaused wave reached Oahu Island Just allu mldnlghl IL was barely discern nblel At llllo on llnmll Island gauges showed rlse 01 our lnches Government Medical Care Bill Runs Moul In Commons Tidal Wave Alert Lifted In Pacific 102m Yelr No 242 The Hdmetown Dally Newspaper For Barrie and District flvealnnn In In dmmlmn Imvflllm PM My mnmlnx 11m flu MW we mcr the leglsInUon Hm em government wmxm pay hall ha can provinan plum hut mrcl certain mlanh Mr nrcwin salt the postponb mun decision was not based on he stated musean nn1l1nfln Ionnry nmsurcbut on lcc ch Iabbks and luck of con vlcflon on Um parl some of Ihusc rlnmlnnnl In he present gorgmmcn Monm encourage evtry provinclnl government ch min nIlcr1hu plan lo bring In parllnl or Inadequan plan JUL own cenlraw lhclr Ilro on the na lIonal health Insurance scheme whluliny may at It and water lnuril down rcs on and Mrs Johnson were overnight guests In sixth floor suite at lhe lloynl Huwnl Inn 0th Just 111 Vnikikl Beach when 51mm suundcd the alert 830 pm Alerts went out also In Wash lngwn nlm was mncdlcd nl luglon alert wn cancelled at 445 am PDT REPORT NO ACTIVITY Hnuu aflcr the limo predicted in wave was In come he coast guard reported no unusual lldal ncllvlly from San Diego northward At Canon leach and Seaside on the northern Oregon coast all the 4000 resldcnls were asked In evacualc and the coils gumd nld mos camplled golng lo gymnasium and national guagd camp 1n he Camelnu communities of King Salmon Snmna Fnlr haven and Manila nll near Eu rcka and Crescent City between 3000 and 4000 persnns were evacuated tahlglwr gym Thu llncr Bergcnsfierd loll Honolqu Harbor for deep water saying would return at dawn lo 119 passgyxmfis back mm the coast as officials recalled the March 1951 Wave that smashed most at the citys ocean front buslncss and killed score persons my mm Exam um bullll hum PM End FL Nil Immd HunMn Hm MIN mmner dal mm Al hnwvl Mn Ford was laxl Icon near sulmrban Tamnlu home My 18 mm Hcr husband lnrnu licd In 1m lcnvlmz ht propcrly nml nbout 100000 plaslcr cavcrcd sheets plywood were our lee long and 30 Inches wldo They had bean held togclhcrby anch frame strapping thch was bm en The bod had apparently been bent nlo crouched pos Illgw lo b9 plncod In we Lochl pallet nrc thanking lyildm qupply hquscs In lhu Harriebrill 11 hr In mast and 5n Iml HInchcr pollen In ormnllun olllccr mid lho body was In prclty lalr Ihnpc hand was missing and hat was anul ALI In Ihe Inndy bolom by Const Mrlvlllc Inch Hunlxvllle and five member Aqualcm Canada rom Ihe Canadian Fgcgs nl 1911 Harden Police said thu box had been buried In mucki land but broke up when lho In was raked by high wnm caused by an un usual drop this year of 13 Inches lnlhewnlcglavcl Thur water Ellwood shale were loyng purgly burlcd ollce suspecting murder feel he alleged killer may have slal en the malcrlnl mm collage cnnslrncuon II In hc Cunnlng ham Bay area when Mrs Ford owned cottage The bofiy was found about mllu 1mm her collagen M1111 and Bano polka are cnnllnulng lo muku thorough sumch ho mo and surround Ing land area to establish lur lhnr leadl Assistant Commisslnncr Hnr old Graham director of OH crlmlnnl lnvesllgnuon brunch snld would be 11 remarkable unluckynee ll It wusnL The divers aun no as box wth nbvu an inch of while plasterkc material 75 feet ham where the strangled body woman was found Sunday mnmlng The womans body had been coated with material slmllar lo the coating on the box shins any pas vuidcntificalion has not ya been made poilcn bolieve the body in be mat aI Minnie Ford wealthy Toronto widow whn disappeared during the 196 Yielgrla Jay wcckpnd Base Burden Akin divers re covered part of Flywood box Monday which polco helluva cnnlnlned the pInslcr covered body woman Innnd carllcr on the share Lake Cauchl chllll 2H4 mllc noylh flame Férdo only nun Wayne Believe Womans Body Pound That Wealthy Widow Fil llmnrn wrn llllnl ml Um um Mm dead nrvl wrrr Injuml lum WM 01 wrulurry mum llmmhvay hm mm of Mim Huan nnd IOKII IiMu hm ho hullrm Imam rllyn nu shy mam 11 wllnm nl our ham In bulk up uld In In pm old liepol bun man MIW YUHK MW1hr 0M mmmrml hulhllm In Imm lrml Mmlmltlu lrlllrmml with firm anvl rllnllng mmI Imlay In Innu Ml may hm Inmlglx mm In 11 llmnm Ilw Krmtrq Ilnrlo km Iiln In Ihn dqmnuwntn Inl yeau It rqurntlnn Thu an Inn hln wile ml nnnnu mman Mmuluy In Hmoluhl Tom llmummll meml miln nl Mumn Jnlmmn Illll Iva dnl rum Mnnlln on hll 23000vmiru Minn lrlp wan mum mm Ilnunll In New lcnlnml vln PM Im anmrrlrnn hnlrm HONOLULU Pml dent Johnson Island hop lnnhzr Ilmm lho lncmc lodny nflrr lmlsunu the Mnan tanImm will wmlum nrllhn new lllll only for llm war In VIM Nam war II lpeclnrulnr pram lor muln the limo at her disappear nncn Mn Fnrd WI described as very healthy uoman who weighed pounds nnd was nlxml ml nllcn were unable In llnd Mrl Ford la ququn her about Irr layear old lonl being In thnrzo flu nuo One Mn Fnrdn ulster vls llcd lho Atlnrncy Generala Lub oraory yesterday try and ldcnlfly the body but aha laid xhacguldnfl be mlnln Thu much or Mn Ford whlch extended lo Harldn hm can nxa Ilurlcd after her Ion Vnyno crushcd hla molhcrl Cudlllnc an Alhcrlcy Ilazul near Orlllln The loll hand being mlsslng ollminalcd ldcnlmcnllon through wmidlng rlng Na Jewelry was aunt on lha body Police lnld ha hand had just Allen 1mm lhg body Thousands Greet LBJ In Hawaii palIlla girdle brnsalcm and H16 shreds Hip The so while powdery unbalance hnd permeat cd lhu clothing whlzh wn wuah couldfiq rocognlzcd Police snld tin Quderclaxhlfiz Inund on tho body Indlcnlcd lhire ya no lcxyn muck DOWNTOWN MANHATTAN Commissioner Graham said shreds oi the fabric wilh which ihe woman was strangled were siiil around the bodys swollen neck when it was exnmlncd by he AllarneyGeneraia forensic laboratory in Toronto by Dr Fred Juiic The body confonnod In 3110 and weight In Mrs Ford but nnly our Icmh remained Tw hnvo Killings wth Mrs Ford dentist is nucmpllnz In ldcnlily saw Ihe body week ago he mallod but thought was one at those wwch you In drossshop windmvs Julius nru of Toronln who had gone to Lake Cuuchlchinz to close his collage or the Mn ler Mind the body Sunday morning seemed In me to be an nrlfliclal body Yesterday mum ing though had closer look and mind it was In renl body partly encased In plaster purl nr somelhlng like that 19 whn Mll shnro in lhe estate when he reaches ls naw serv lng sixmonth Jnll term or cscnplng custody Heth been serving two years less day Burwnsh Industrial Farm nenr bury for possessing stolen BanIi Ontario Cumin Tumhy chobarla 1966 Six Firemen Die In Blaze Icnrrh lm he mm by um mnk Min mum lramq ru nu nlmui dim uiwn rlmr Ihnmnul In lmrklr and nmnon nml mm the Inflow Mr mm mmlu Wuml 001 out windy 41 MIN Lam IQ rum mm re lwned Illh alcdu mm In 11 one mmmu int and um an lho Nani In In Ill la Inch he mm men bk Inn um Jinn mm mm he 14M mum HIM FIHI CnmmIMIfiMr lobed WW So In vln In he plow aml INUmII lhn bmlmu IM Unx mp llmnrn and rmvmnl lhrlr MUM be Unhmlly Han wllh lama mm null plucnnl holllml film from Numn nuho In um Ipctclm In llawnll Iha pmldvnt mm In dlmwmlo IIIKh hnpu hll 0d 2041 mecllni In Ihillpplnu wllh lender or nix ler mmlrm lixhllnx nlnnuldn lhv Unlled Snch In VIM Nam HOME PROTEST WAR urnu In lrkndly colorful Hrcrllnm Tim Ilnlnl Demo cran govtmur John nurm mlmalcd lho crowd Al 400000 Say undemmd ymnr um In college now mid one old friend to nnothcr wa he makan To be exact replied the lrlmd be 1511 maklnfi It Im making It and he welding Uniiei SLIM Thu US came under sharp attack from CnmbodlaMonday In the Isscmbly pollcy debate Ambassador Huol chnrgcd that no colonial con quest the last century has been as gracious as the inva ylez Nam by me The Exammer Stefan Mlnlstcr Raul non was on outline Pmmler Fldd Cislmg nlm and policies Ra was expected In press again for the sealing of Commu nist Chlnn In the United NI llom despite charge mm Pe king um Cuba slding wlUI Rush In the ldeologlcnl dispute bulwccn the two Communlu powers UNITED NATIONS AP Cuba was mocked to dmaunca US military movements from big mllllary base Gun lanama to South Vch Nam Io dny in It annual pulley mm men bolero the UN General segubly Cuba Expected To Denounce US Military Moves DllklrIS Dumb12 EdllollnlA Sport8 mums TV thlnxll Women6 qulhcrlo Commll Ann Linden1 Clly Nun1 Clnulflzdll HERES ONE TODAY Hawky IMMM Imll rulr her ml and lama Mme mu nu mu um If umnl mum nylnll Jyllpmmth Nay John lekny ml rm Cvmmmlonrr llolmt me Mdl Marylin Ankle drop mun Iooknl mm lth muth Horns omnllmn man II had lmlnhl buck mu Wm IMMIer lhn mm mm mlnlnl 14L mm MIMI humbut rflly grim hml lmn launth pm Mnrulny mumn nl Imm Ill MN lnml wlmlmu Ind Muck Irwin unud mum he tlrlr Unllx Hm mun lulu lhh 1mm Tlflhlllfll ll not rnqulmi In flcml lo the dlllln murder Mn AznlM hlm uHm Konrwn mllmony came an Iho mum dny flu lrinl mum Mm subbed Vex4 wgnl In quljnmqnl Sou The noun hcnrlnl lmllmny In lumen of leftMo tom Imllon um TmlmLu was mm lafly mm mu ho murdrr Ind lhorrhvm thank committed to monks lnstllu Hun Suprnmu Lauri ha exnmlnbd hnlcndul nllu ho nmxllrd or dlsubillly mint nul ho sum the Harold midnuo Wm mmmwm lulllclcnlly III leggd lo he cardinal la mm CAPE TOWN AmIi Kw unmcnt health olilccr instilled oday hm diagnosed Dimitri mfmdns Khlmphrcnlc inst June hm mtmiiu bolnro in Illuminated Prime Miniller mink Vervrnmi Unbnmnl repam old dead In Porn from he quake LIMA CP The ninth toll rum violent earthquake along Pcrun central can climbed toward 100 today and was ex pected to go much hlgher But tidal wave generated by the earth rhocir diminlrhcd they rolled across the Pnclilc Router enrmpondant John anrcruon reported that hund red warn ionred dead In the cutnstrophn us many Itrlcken provincial villages were not yet heard runL ilawnll whm President John ron spent the llrst night at hie Allan tour was put on tidal wave nlert with Iirem roundinl warning every hour Only mlnar wnvo reached the island Ilatou rhorrs and the Alert Wm cniicd oft nt 125 am 725 am EDT lilxh ml along tho Peruvian Sag went down dnrlnz the Airican Doctor Says Tsafendas Schizophrenic wimp koificw old my buildlng Iide Lhm yesterday after earth quake Jailed the central vast Violent Quake Rocks= Perus Central Coast PEREIVEQINS yiew damage the hrlzhl nl IM him no flumm ml Illum um Illb pm Mm and mm nurm vrm In mm mamn loam Imud maul men many this Im hmnwn Inrklnu 1n mm and rim In nxyxrn mm lrml mum lmcmm lml mull not mm Iho In Im dcr nulrn hum and In umr hm Ilrovn Wm back la 37 MINI 11 mm llmmn rrn rmxmul tllhu minivan of pa mrlnulnn mm IIM 1m Imwi nwmmtly brvlla down wall ummut Ilw mm law lwfllfl Pu Wynn rm lint 11M um4 1m mrml rlu Mo roadway and will WASHINGTON Ammm nctlm in ml wnlkuut of Gen oral HIch Cu wmkm has been mdeml by Pmldml Johnwn lha Whlm mm nnnnuxmd lndny LUION England MPJIollw bullied th EnKIIsh auto vmrkm 1m triad lo Mnrm mum office at Grntrnl Motor Com bln Vnuxhall plnnl hm today shouting bloody Ameri BMGON AWThu Vlat Cont loan today with maria nuncka rnmzlnu mm 51le the northern bordtr IIM Thu US Command mcnnvmllo announced 105me III nunclu on lho Nflcrn and flu demflllnrlxed zone Arparnlhll North and Somh Virl Nam us Com Guard 11w warncd mm mm nu mm mm hl¢ tho Qallmrnin maul hm wamen dlcd nlhuza Hon Cnllnol nldw church lcrushed dawn on tho cmwds be ow One Callno 11m was by chasm several Ice WI and in the coastal residential dla trld ernflora chunks CW all Into Um m1 pEéle Mm Eben Um the uracil sh Thuusundl run lemming Into ha umls village plaza and olhcr opbn nun ns building Ihook and crumblcd Women knoll In prayer whfla brick and wood cascadtd nmund Ihtm CHURCH CBUMBLES Tho quake 76 on male with mnxlmum rocked and Icrrorked thn coastal men or About 00 second Blundny um um mm 1000 Injured and un known numbers hommss but Ibo cupnl was In from tum LB Orders Court Action In GE Strike Police Battle UK Auto Workers Viet Cong Stage Terrorist Attacks Pen and sem tidal waves rippling through the Pacific Ocean 17 death ball in Peru was matted be chiming Adrilliul élmm Peru LATE NEWS NoIMm Thlnvlce Fir Copy 14 Pm FIREMEN MISSING mm by mmm It 10 111 mm In deuh 14 um 11 llmmn mild la Vth In Me dmflmnlu bun may HM lo Walnkhotuufllbo Wu mm In Um mr lizlilnl In arr laid Human Jnhn Donnun mu lulplnx lur ulr Ihvn Imthy lrll mm thrwzh Hm Mo Rome ol men InHNI vm up hy 1M Mar My luHirl MI MHI mhnr My dmm Ihm numm Itr lullovnl Irnpwl In In lmumm ll fill um um um Munr Inq hm um and min mllnun him um um tam AME lo Ivrrnllw Hwy unwed lr Ihc hmldm Thu quake cplccnlru was lo cnled at sen o1 Chancay laid lclsmologlsl The tumor struck just helm ho cvcnlnl rush hour cumin film tub lc Jam in Lima Ind was to Ecuador and tenth to omcm anld mnny lelmpy houses In Illmnc lhu old Indian len were wrecktd but no lrxrortanl bulldlng In Ihu up worn dcllrnycd lldnl wave teneralcd by hi 1960 Chllean earthquake bl 1h norlhem Pndflc coast or Japan lcnvlng 200 person killed or mlulng and 150000 other homelzu said all Ivaiiabie ininrmalinn on the maulva wava triggered by he qunke had been uni in Hawaiian niiicinil lie laid lht wave was building cross iha Pncliic Mennwhfle hi along the Peruvian cons wen diminishing In Tokyo lha Japanese me teorological agcnq warned that the m1 wavn mle the Jn pane Pacino com day and ngncsday Winch 31 ijgplght Hum tgmormv Mfifi 0mm ram mm hundmd mark wm 105594090 mxugpd ykepgm by 7w £652 on Pain id

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