Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Oct 1966, p. 6

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Little Relief Seen From Wet Conditions Mm VAI Knmynhmv nnrvrInry vl rrnlml uvm mum In Ukulne Cnmmu um lnly fiefifim Canada girédictcdm pamol AT WEWTKTCFWW ma bu the nirwifl be ably dry hem Ontario am mum km mos ml ho mat rul luml mvnlullon JIM hm ihown 01mm on uryluMe 0M pow niMy unrcllnmo nUy hr llunoL VISHEI RUSSIA Mm lbeso dovrlopmcnh rnmo ohvlmm Ircmlm Ihnm Van Dam Norm Wrt Nam and Mn delan minister aflly vlelul the Swift Unlwn uLtnlksAtn Aume Thai be 5m Unlnn trim twin of bIIMernl Mk with III EN European MUN Iluvy mfl nlhnlnntu llxls week In Snvlrl Mac summit mer in 31mm lrrhnv um rm to not may Mala In May that HumI wulmw of dovth mvnla lendluu he mm nnwmm mmnauv nnnlynll rnnnd Im mm hm hey am lnw Irlzlml tbnsc Omnmunlst position have bum IMcmbln long MW mum possibio mnncdhm with two rmch Ibpmcm wmumu nunnu Ma 1m Henry Augul 1mm If ulllluy upon him Invrnlwi Ihu Hpuumlrr rill nun In 1m and Intmluml Ilm llnlnu null alum inn jnlhllflln In mo llrmlm llrvlwl havhl nldpphw mnan um um lmmnly lmlrnmu nl UM Hm no nrul ll In dip plnr rwmmuy Mullen How an IIanM Polkh commnlqul In rellcrulud Hanan mg pod Uon dating luck to April 1965 1th lncludm demand or 11 of 175 air raid on North Vic Nam an American wer dnwnl from Scum W1 Nam and long rangu mllcmmt mm by to Via Gong lhiu positlon MW 147 Washington Innlpagi mm umuhv VIN pmilmt xi mm Im Aunrnnro nwnlfinma Huhmu nlrflo Ilnnlwur Mvmlmul alum ml nmm They are the checking com unlit oflgnslyo MUM south But his Im from mm the other extrcme he mm could be Intended nimpy tactical response American statements lacking any deeper significance Clues pointing ths way be read into speeches 1n mm days by Leonid Dmimcv Oom munist puny general seenMary and Marple Aqu Kosygin TAKE TOUGH STAND The no sigxglliqnnt change ANADIAN MOSCOW ANqu of em phnsls In LI Saviet position on Viol Nam are being studied by dxphomnu hero or hints ol Kremlin willingness to try to range pancn Taken at their most extreme inicrprnlallon Ihe shins migxt mean that the Sovlcl Union now Is moving cautiously toward sot Iin up settlement with Nam Vic Nam gmeaL TORONTO CF Forecast issued by the woather offlcé at 30 am Toe weammnan is predicting that cool cloudy condition will oonflnue today Cmdmons should clear tonight and expected that tho tampemlurc shmdd tnke plunge tonight Some sumhine mm on hlesday bu1 should cloud over early in we Momma The recorded law last nlght was 40 degrees The compelalme at 930 mm was 42 degrm Moscow Brass Study Red Moves spin oi W1 1mmA tho DISTRICT WEATHER Synopsls Cloudy cool weather PF mm Wcmfiwfl W1 DEATHS nu lmlny llNAO lruldrnl Bllm lmh Golan mld lhu nuodnllnn will tunllnlm In nstlslnmo unlll ho dispqu rmolvnl Twcnlyour nurm lhn llnnrm lenly mimic hcnlth unll mlunvd lo hark dunnan llml lhn counly rmunlzo Hulr Ilrlmlnllnn mrualnlnn unl TORONTO CW111011 cm Nurm Ansoclauan 0n lana approval Samrdny plnn Io provide financial Assistants or publlc hcnhh nurm who ro gjnnul mm omnrln unlu 10ch xovetclgnty and Ierrflo ml taugnu at 041m countries nindipooplcs so time Bow lava cautiously slow mman hm analyst dalm hmbe K05 1n oftened clue Ho oak that tho Vict 111mm war would have been stopped 11 China had movem cd with Communistaid gum Brcdmcv in Saiur dny said that In mmm Iho mnln Made better Soviet American rclaLIona he Unllcd Slates mm stop nIr nlds an Nonh VM Nam 5409 the nx massivo war gulml the Viet namm people ream not In vmniq but In quads momma oiixr bmmmist countries to Hanoi flue North Vimmcsu government decided lhn sob uninorm would be bcuer man continuing absorb losses Hanoi decided um war canml be won outright With China boLh unstable and refusing lagifim aid de1ivcflm ram But any ms towaxd mi Ucmmt would weaken um Com rnglst negotiaflng posing my Lake SQ Clair Lake Erie Lake Huron Windsor London Mainly cloudy with law tent lerd showers and continuing cold goday Clearing 10mm Some of them suggest hls tentative mammalian L1 expected to conllnuu today Wllh graan clearlng this am nlnz or tonight and few scal turd showers are llkely durlng the uni Tuesday will start out sunny cloud will spread lntn the pravlnca as new disturb ance approach the Great Lukas Temperatures llesday should run llllla higher than May but still remaln on tha cop slde RENO Plans To Hid Nurses Ollawn raglan Becoming sunny with cloudy period dur hg the day Qufle cooL Winds WNW 21 My sunny with some clnudy periods and Im pcmlures nnar normnl with light wlnds Forecast Temperlures Low overnighl hlxh Tuesday Windsor 55 St Thomas 56 London $5 Kitchener 55 Mount Fares so Vlnghnm 50 Hnmllwn 55 St Catharine 55 Toronto 55 Pdurbomugh 23 51 Kingston 51 Truman Northern White River Coch rane Claudy and cold wllh low mommaflu May chafing th evening Tuesday mainly cloudy and lmla warmer wflh ghgwmror snowflurrles Tlmagaml Algoma Sault Ste Marie southern White lllver North Bay Sudbury Mainly cloudy and cold with few showers or snowflurrlca clearing tnnlght Tuesday sunny and mile warmer clqudlng over in the mornlnx Wlnds llgln today southerly 15 Tuesday Wlbiia Hm today mummy ié Tuesday Tuesday sunny clouding over In the morning Almle warmer Tucsdny HEM winds Niagara Lake Ontario Hall burton Kfllalae Georgian Bay Toronto Hamilton Mainly dandy with lew scattered showers and continuing cold to day Clearlng lonlghl Tuesday sunny becoming cloudy In the afternoon lltua warmer Tucs day Light winds th Worldly we nrn bmusc we feel just nu much at home in Accra in Londonln Singapore in Limain Dclhl as in Zurich And no wull you whcn you fly hcrc wilh Backed by nlmosl halln unlury of xpcricucc we and our mocinlcd nirlinu oflcr you mviccs to more than 100 major world unlm Thall why we my All our lhu world HOAC mku good care of you IIOAC in more jcts morn places more oflcn Ilmn nny nlhcr Airline Well lnko you lo Inmwny In Snulh Afrim omnmic plum like Jammie muting plum like Jam 50 before ynu plan yuur mp no your DOAC Imvcl ngtm nnmlu ovmm Amwmg culwonAnuu WHII Am CANADA Insular were not BOAG lawnm Un mum Asked what Calnndns policy toward nod China should ha Mr Ronnlng mid Canadian neednt be Lihamod Can Edntn present policy in 015 Pm ll Ilul 51 61 he asan today In muting Rod China admission to ma Unlmi Mr Banning annex Cana dian High Commissioner to in dia who now act as special envoy to North Vic Nam for tha Canadian gavemmcnl said most mums agree it only matter of time before mainland Cilia1 i3 rcgrcsenlcdi However he said without diplomatic and pnmlcnl mog nmon and the undcrsmnding Communlst China our lrndlng relnflons nru based on precari nu sands 112 said Chlnn con be deal with ulcctivcly In the um Nullons but wnmcd than wl not be any miraculoul changes between relnliom of tha Wes and China he latter were ndmilwd lo the UN TORONTO CF Chester Running round diplomat sald Sunday that Communist Chlna should be admitted to the giftd Nation us soon 51 ledchlq on China BRING mflACLlIs The survey does no Include Industrial or natural deaths lmawn suicide or slayings 1115 Ontario dead SUNDAY William Morgan 21 wmdsor Duh when struck by car on the MacdonnldCartler Freeway near Chulham Mr rflonnlng as acting as chairman the null session of Unlvvrslly Tornnlol In Alberta Lbree persons dled an the mad and two we lulled in plans crash Manl lobn had two uaflic laulltles and mum Columbia reported one In traffic and one drownlng Saskatchewan had one highway death and an acdduntal shoot hug In the Atlantic provinces Newfoundland and Nova Scoua each had one traffic death and one pelson dled Prince Egyvnrdi Island Hre New Erunswmk was he only agilityfree proyince Hugh oNoaie 27 and Alvin Johnsun West Indian students living Montreal when their Dnlaxiemepoued 12 dead he eluding eight on the roads one drowning and one by fire Twn boys suffocated at Bracehrldge when tunnel may were digglng collapsed Quebec ad seven We deaths two drowning and three manna mamm survey 3y The Canadian Press from pm Friday to mldnlght Sunday local times also include four drowmngs three hunting fatalities two llwdealhs and live mlscellung eogfieglhs Addams resmud Ina lens 38 deaths ncmss Canada durlng the weekend 24 of them In traffic mumps Should Admit Red China To UN Ronning States Weekend Accideme Claim At Least 38 nu CANADIAN Puss Parry Sound about 50 mil magmas ol Orwiu we choose to allow the policy the Unlted Shite tea ognltlan of the Red China tmlaéa our awn business he Hanover us mm to toe ognlzu Red China based on lhe complemy lallacious anal sis but the people maln und China will rise against their gnvcrnmcm he said democran rim the llma has coma for change In he party Dalton Camp president of the Progressive Conservative Asso slallnn of Canada said Satmu ay about the muntry saying Now Is not the time he said They eel they must take Lhelr orders and light the will of the party male than support It Nations 11 escalation of the war ln Vlet Nam conllnues Chlnn will enter the war as surely as the dld In lha Korean War Mr Running said Canada completely responsible for Its own Ioreizn pollcy WhEn the prcsidgnzwo infin tinnal Party cgn be blocked 172 Mr Camp who has called or reassessment of the national leadership of John Dielenbaker Nell Pendergast 19 Exam ville 0nl when car stmck tree near Exanvllle 25 mile nqggpast of Pembmke Party Renewal Needed Camp car overturned on tho Maodnn Cartier Freeway near Belle mummy Edmund Erickson William ford 0111 drowned when boat Evaduxngd Mqrsh Lake near Wllllnm Dechmm 24 Pm broke In in in bi home Cecil Thomas McMartln 16 Salem Ont when his car skidded or wet pavement about ymmnwo no In cm My gegrt goes out tq those Its Candy REG REG 67 lb Chocolate Toddles Chocolule Burs phonolule Drops FAMILY PACK ROWNTRBI 10 IMIB 89c Rog anw 00 McCORMICKS DAIRY MAID Now 57c NOW The resolutlon at am deal only with the lodernl leader ship but provincial leadership was lncluded alter John Whlte member of the legislature or London South told dalegales Premler John Rabatu had no abiedlon it may be purged as other have been but probably wont be the last one be said has been said that lhls wash ing dirty linen In public dont believe lhntlhe democratic pro ceaa am mm If the party is to be national Mr Camp salcl it must give equality to the provincial party orgnnlutlom when have we ever given equality to til party in the pravlnce of Quebec Neverl Students at this assoclallonn Annual 11 acting enrller ap proved molan calling for reassessman wary two years of leadershlp at both the na llonal nwd provinclal level at tbs Conseryatlve party The Issoclatlnn also approved resolution calllng or relorm of party organlzallon on the na Llonnl level and reasszssmcnl of pollcy my my 11 mm ADS was speaking to tha Oniarlo Progressive Conservative Slu deg Association nude he has laund visible and audible de mand 1n the cannLry or Con servative Party renewal1hl Is no lnnger In age when auLhorI tarlanlsm can carry political my Roy Mason 13 Straumd In lwmr collislun on Highway near Strauordw Kenneth Gfldholm 10 and Charles Pempck bolh of Brncebfldze about 35 mile nnflhnf Orfllla Ida Brubadler 19 Tenchm Pa when oar ilruck horse drawn wagon In which she rid about 15 miles north of FRIDAY Henry Kowarko 52 WIND in cartruck collision near Ignace about 150 miles north west of tho Lakehead 57 DOWNTOWN BARRIE PHONE 7232411 STOCK UP NOW FOR Halloween THICK or THEATERS Ila 70 Chocolule Buds Illl Bridge Mix WILLUCRISP 1h WILLARDS WILLARDS NOW LOWNEYS WILL TAKE PROIESTANIB QUEBEC CWThe Jenn napuate Society or Quebec City gm vopd to accept as mam mm Like other 5L Jenn Buy Me societies in Qudboc it zon erlfly ha been Roman Calho WM mar13 TRUCK mus WINE SALT LAKE CITY Utah AP cmwd swarmed over the ac cident scene where huge tank Wk cBfiyim 5000 gallons of pm wine bummed in subur ban Sam Salt Lake Friday Domw Ken 12am sadd people were armed wul every thlm hom Lin cup to picnic lugs may dammed around ha leaking tank SAULT FIE MARIE Ont 1CPMayor Mike Solski of Cankzon near Smdhlry has criticized the mayor of Port Afimr Fort William and Tim mhu or not attending meet ing of an organization rcpre senting Nartharn Ontario communities Mr Salsa was adfirussinz the Federationo Northern Ontario Municipalities which ended ila annual conference here on the weekend back up lhdr Matcmmts He didnt ebnborate Elected resident was Mrs an hgaifivry of Nonh Bay quell mAyor of Slurgcan rink and Crawford mayor nl Fultonbrldge TIE BAERIE EXAMINER MONDAY mom ma ROME nucnn our ROWE APiA wwer failure we mm un and 250000 inhabitants Wm Amity of an or quana An 1mm mom Vlirenéh He sald the mayor am My wheels Who have been dolng lI lot talking but wont come man said the mamv75 £1231 tempomy mrload nua uon dédic mw gatedzoidlsahap ATOM EXPERT DIES WASlflNGmN AP Dr Rosa Gun 69 who helped de velop he atomic bumh and atomwwered swanLack as an official of 13 Naval Ile uarm Lemmy from 1927 to 1917 died Sammy of cancer UMRGE BARRYMORE SAN BEENARDINO 0311 ABJohn iDrew Barrymore Lakehead Mayors Axe Criticized NOW WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF 57c HI 67 II Ih CANDIES So or Hm Conlru IMPokTEbhridLIsH Chocolllo or lelll actor son Iha lace Ida John Barrymore laces charm of posswlnl marijuana Barrr more was am of 12 persons ah rested Saturday In items mld He was released mm cus tody the allowing day on 300 hail CLOSE WINSTONS HOME LONDON RomeroAn um medulth 135000 Wm v1 mmz WNW the country home the late 511 Winston Ohunixllol since was mm 10 the public hm months ago crud 01 national rust Lo close the gmmds fur repairs Io dam aged lawns and simian was announced Sunday FUDGE Mlx Vour Own ROYAL BAN Ask or applicalion farm at your nearest brunch Buy for cash or by Insul mcnu Canada Savings Bonds nevcr fluctuate in value can be cashed any lime or full face value plus inmcsl Buy your Canada Savings Bonds at the Royal Hnlurnulk mm 77c LII NOW 57

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