Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Oct 1966, p. 4

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chase Mr Sharp fails to mention that unless the nt pane of price increases is chec the $200 the holder Noelves for hls bond 13 yam from now may not buy any more than $100 will toda Should that happen the investor will effect be lendmg his money to the gov ernment for 13 years for nothingor xeven less Does every secondary school student hava an automatic right to on to col élege Some educators are eginnlng to question whether all hlgh school grad uates who can meet mtnimum university Equallficatlons should be admitted wheth er or not they really need what univer Isllles have to offer Dr Gordon Shrum chancellor Simon Eraser University in British Columbia has stirred storm by stating that lower gpeoplo in Canada should be better edu catmi Ho would have compulsory schooling stop at Grade and permit only students with an IQ of 110 or high or to go on to university As he righth lo YEARS AGO lN TOWN Barrie Examiner Oqt 10 1056 Prin eipal Bowman advised Barrie Dis irict Collegiate Board to plan extension to Central and also to new high school on Grove St East Barrie Fair had record entry womens work and line ashow of livestock irlnccss Catherine Caradla of Russia addressed Womens Canadian Club of Barrio Dcino lcr moy won iioisicln class at Elmvalc Fair Minx Elirahclh iicid of Bell Ewart udgcd Miss Barrio 1050 at beaut cono est hold at Barrio Fair illCA YWCA activities begin next week in former Legion liail on Owen St Rev Allan iield Trinity Church announc ed new Angiican iiiimion on Cook Street would be named St Giles iiov Lei htnn Fonl brotheriniaw of Dr Dilly m1 mm will conduct crusade in Barrie at Collier Si United Church sponsored by insirici ministerial association Dor inn iarkcr named most valuable play or in llarriu Disirict Ladies Soiiball Lea gue in ailslnr team scieciul by sports and airwavc repnriars oihcr llarrle viny ora named were piichcr llnrnihy iii iler caiciicr Lorna lilriman Iniiciricr Louise Bus iniicidcr iicih hicimn iniicldcr ini 0n the surface that seems in be an unusually attractive deal that Finance Minister Sharp hns sci up for purchas ers of the new Canada Savings Bonds 1cgmments The Port Arthur NewsChron They have 13year maturity and in temst starts at about five per cent with the rate increasing as the years go by Because of new technique of incorpor ating extra compoundInterest coupons fanyone hglyls $10Q pond for ml Isa here are hundreds of thousands of lid that require only Grade educa Oll Eventually some mslrlcllons wll have lo be Imposed by the unlvcrsltlcs whose Knstwar expanslon has cost 11 ayers undmds of millions of dollars other 18ears withoth éashlng any interval coupons he will end up with bond worth $200 That at least is what lllr Sharp says and in mathematical sense it ls true The fullterm holder vlll get $200 for bond which cost him $100 But that does not mezm that the value of the bond ln terms of purchasln powerwlll be twlce what it was at lee of pur Wallt Publisher At the rate the real value of the dollar is decreasing these days anyone who couan on reaping real profit from leedAretum security in 1979 may be in Basic Canadian Prbbleh IS Grdvving EIOSiOn Of DOlldx thlmr Star lhrro was An Inumsllng argument the other day helwcen two nnmtcur Noncmlsu ll an whclhvr the $100000 00 mlu wheat lo lllmln lnllnllon Ary One chap nmunl lhnl ner money In lhv pockets urban wurkm v11 pay lncroasnx In Infannnnry lhcn mom money In Hm mkcla In whvnl umw or must bu Innlnlnmvd one couldnt 1mg ll lwnwayx He had palm In llml nny ulm money mum lulu an lullanmmry mm mny lMd inflation The grain urowm he said WIN be wImllng ml nowcum mumr in hls that nml nlhvr way And ovorylnlv will be trying to gr sham ol the Infinll The argumcnl Is all right as far as 005 Ve ho npponrm Ilm hml pulnl fmhulml we incronw mm In Hu mm of prmlucllon and become Imlmhlnl In lhe coslnl glmdq and Icrvlcoa pmhlng Ihem aver higher 11941arrikExamgmr ollege Education Needed IF IT IS AWHY ISNT IT Fubshed by CanadanNewspnparlkLlfnltéd 16 Bayfiuld Straai Barrie Onturlo lsher WIIION OTHER EDITORS VIEWS DOWN MEMORY LANE McPherson Mannglng Editar MONDAY moans 171353 ulna for some bitter disappointments Shrink age is already taking place in the value of old age pensions end those retirement nest gs that so many people have so ainsta ingiy built up and are build upl foxthemselves The them behind the bond campaign is that besi es helping the buyer to ac cumulate some savings the amqnnt of ready money in the pubiics bands will be reduced and inflationary pressures will be lessened as spending dwindies This might be valid if the government used the money to mum some of its debLs but it goes ahead and ads the mopgyquway II ume of prices and lnfla onary spirals cut in personal spendlnflg would be helpful if it were ac com ed by similar action on the part of government But it will be al most lmpossible to convince people they should not spend their money it they be lieve ll is golng to shrlnk ln value by conslderable percentage each year In this respect the Canada Savings Bonds are no worse off than any other form of saving They are human sus ceptible to emsion in value than are funds in bank accounts insurance an nuities or any other form of saving that dam not involve spemiatlon in common stocks in the hope of acidwing capital appreciation And theperfmnance of the stock market in recent months has demonstrated that this is by no means toolproof refuge either these restrictions will be acadetrdc or physical they must come if education is not to demand disproportionate share of the tax dollar One indication has come from Dr Hail resident of the Unlverslty of Western Mario whlch has seen cur rem registration of 8000 exceed last years by 1000 Dr Hall says it may be necessary or the university senate to ex tenq the quotg sygtem which applies nl readyV1 GE Vfacfiltlésr at sbrhe Itsdances modiclnedcnflsfly business administra tion and nursing Dr Schmms IQ yardstick ma not be the best criterion but 500nm or am the universities am going to have to impose res1riclions which will make admission something to be earned only by those best qualified and most likel lo beneilt from it always provided at the bar riers are not financial ones Dowllng andouuleldcr Helen Foster Cam Borden RCAF loam won Barrie dlslrcl senior softball honors At BC track and field meet records were bmk on Jm Josephson John McDowell qup Knapn Alvlna Norrgna Stan lion Mlen my respects look good or Barrie lo wln Tudhope Cu ln annual lntersehblastle meet Wor on new Central Unlted Chureh at comer Toronto and Ross Sts stopped as bulld lng lleenee suspended due to alleged by law lnfrlngements Them was no musle to lead Flo Township school chlldrens parade at Elmvale esterday Toronto llluslclans Union re used or mlsslon or Band Royal Cnnadlan oons Camp Borden to lead parade tom than 1100 school chlldren llned up bchlnd lhls llne band when telegram ar rived from Toronto onlerlng muslclan not to play lcrmlsslon had been grant ed by ouunnnder of Camp llorden and enlral Army Command lmt Muslclam lrolecllve Assocallon would have black llsled band they played Chlldren marched allenlly to air ground In great dlsnmmlnlmenl There was much lmli na tlen over lhla Injunctlon an Flea Agr eul ural Soelely had no funds to pay for mu le an unlen scale doesnt cnlrr lnlo the cost production dorm enter Into the can lroducllon dlmlly at least lndml the sa nm un llkoly to have My great cmcl on what Prim though the world market has been om mrnrlly allrml by lllrm he prlco ol wheat lndcrxl has not chanqu wry much In lho 151 llcrmlc It In mm of the law mmmmlllm of which Ill can Ire ankl llul counlcml lhv Int chap vlly hall lo ml mum money lnlu lho pock els than worker and good Io pul more Inlo Mme nf gram grmvgrn Ivrhnm Hm aruulnom rnn ho Jul In mvorno ll anmla rouhlnl null It whoa and was Muck with huge ammmlt couldnl move muldnt that Im deflation nry ll wrlamly wmlhl nul on thn Irnlr In when llm arnmn wouldnt havo mug mnnyy alummi Those two rhnpx amnlmr ocnm mlslu lint Mm my Hm 91pm In extra mmwy In he uxktls of lralrle whcal growers nllautmary lsnl ll Ami ll Isnt why lsnl ll General Manugai Lion mumMes that at town the land may need want There always he matter Erma And there emroprlu on Muauy the flyMgM Mndllnrgrabblnx emrapriauom form only small may 01 lbs land transact on In MumMex but they almost variably occur in heavily pow lmed arm with Na land vai mulling wblicity dam Iging he auLhorilles and the conservmion conce But Lhu auLhoriHe an panly Io bum When they are to mm 11 nu ma Iault llc with Ontnrlon atrocious ex propriation legislation and pm ocdurcg legislation may be chang ed Alter the Ontario haw Re form Commission pmsem report The Commisslon has been benrlng ma dealme Ru THOUSANDS ACRES Conscrvnuon nuumiliu Iro cmva In ncqulre land laxMy of mgnm They have about 75000 urea of momtndon land and have had 1Aqu trouble £0an lowmst 11nd encrule good for WI bmltxqralnu of Incs um The nulbomlcs pr ol 11000 acre cl mmcrvntlon land areas um need treat ment The Domain may be croslon annual preservation wands or run flora Ind mm wildfire management and The Irwon mm to com whh flood control and waltr comcrvnliun land mm Hm nmhormra MM about so 000 mm In no aurpmlnl Expropriation Land Law Is Very Ticklish Problem Io on Time maych mm llonnl pmslblllllm hm roma UOn n91 cqqsldcmll nrpr us 1m Hun dam par cc of ludi land Iccordlnl to Iho ronmanon nulhorlly chalnnen hlvu lnvolvrd or clhla mung1 By GWYN KlNSEY Enmlner Cormwnrkni mmmu an the most Gllr Enrrlr Exumlurr Anllxxlwi hmmd chm nun los Olllm anarlnwnl 01mm and lwr paymm ol Mia nah any liman lmd Mnhflmy llnllday mind SulnrrlMlm rum law by oarrw Hr wrckly mch ymly 31on mp1 106 Ily mAII linrrlq um yrarly mm ymr uva mmde yeah Ma mn filth mmm llt rmr kil IMv Clmalfl rillcll um Ilmn yum UP and Inan nu nr 0mm An Ubiqu Aw Tam mo tuuml Mmflwal M11 1211 wm lmvlu nnmlvm Mnnlmr Ilw lmmhan Dally NoAquw lulnllnhru Alrxlfikfl ho Cmmllnll lrm ml mm fluxva Urmlnuom Umwlm Im Hulmy mum lo ho we nr mniylinlkll all hf mme Ith mm cm Illd to or The AIIIKIMNI Im at Hmm Md Im Hm 10ml mm whitluv thvIn BRINGING THE WORLD TO YOUR DOOR 1mm law nuanano Remitrugs 4g4H1 Most ol the Hood canuol sdicmes have been in or near urban Mikes The MM the auflmfll ahalrmens commune the se 33 come on couscrvadon ngqiarlugsfnyy me rlm at exproprmlon 95mm to me work of conscr vauon authorities Many author ities hawevcr lack xkiIl and experch in Innd Icqulaklon fimedum Including expropria he dinirmcn go on in no ommendlhni he pmeni ad antraiJon procedures oi lilo pmvinm of Ontario respecting he acquisition ci ands or con lervaiion purpose be reviewed and revised in expediie proce dum that the appraisal by an npprniscr approved by Lin minisicr be accrued as air wiumi requiring Iimeconsum in consideration by the depart mcnt at public works and Um Lha department oi energy and mourns management givn more guidnnm nnd aglstanca to nuihmiiim in land acquisiiion neloiiniiona All that the chairmen propose is that they get some advice irom tho dlparimuni and mm the procedures be Wat LAW AT FAULT WMly perhaps thry rdrnln mu mum on expr dnllon proculuru lhumelm my an only one lhousands ex proprlntln none In Ontario the csllmnlu of ho mnnhcr mmnmcnu dcpJNmtnts and agencies cmmmd tx vrnprlato vary from 1003 In 0000 1m lrwho lrx wlm the lnw And It L1 nu confined to 0n mic There an demand In IL mcs every pmvlnca that yrfml in be Irnmylvnnla lu mmlly Amended lls cxpmprlnlkn rg lunllun Ilmlxlml anyrr old 1mm mmmt Cn nmunn Dar Anm1llm lnlnn concerned Mun 0m Now NIH In Ontario cstncre In Canada lhn Iundnmcmal trouble in hat the procedural nru wclmcd hmvily In um 01 the expmprlnlinfl nznnry against the Imllvldunl mm In we man nulhotlly backtd by nlulnllonl and monay thruwa ngansl IM 11qu any Mn may not be nblo to nmml bundrcd oI Mllam In nwrnhnl and Mn nnd who be lnllmldnml hy mninmu lqlnl Ngrrrvwmlqm 0w nrw law mnlm IM lmlo ll quer WM Im mal IillN 1M harm card ml ha MomMy owner by mmlilhmmg 0m with In nxwlnn mm pnymvnl nuannllal pur um cl the unlmnlo cmmmm on HIV mraxun mmml II 1m 1w m1 Hm rum prlnlura hurls lml rnnr prmnunnmnw mm may Im an unrnwu In In tum nml nnu pnflurnt he NUMMN mnwrnuurm 1110 Imw de Cvunmuinn lnny urll lmw mvwhinl lu my MMI 1m Mn Int In Innnnllnp he amhnviliu le aquxlnllna ml ailing 1n lu an Wm lune owmlwl In our NW law lhq moqu 21 rvmmrnxa mu dmnnm In nrlmle may Quinn and sumum lnr hu 01 wily NIIT Tl Mg MlWllfll NH sum to mm ox pnmnl an Mllrv we him Ni WNW Onllnq nrcn navy ImIrr mini rman nm mm min we mumIr mllhnvwrl rm In MM mm mm advk from Quecna Park not only abong the W399i 5905 ulmfll morass PM urn In am the delicate manu wt humanrmlatlom will be nixed1n to no whether the ma committee In Us report the lesthtme 01 mm beyond recommend Uon that swim proced um he nmamllned and lb staff the conserVann Brunch be enlarged to mide nrlxles with visa on land iwquhitlon WMWAnha Oonmwflvc AM on gunning or Dcan Minister Hellytr on the dime that he was responsible or the comlon of wltncsl culled be low the ddnnca wmmlmo lhn House Common Ill serious charge nmwnu to mm tom 01 Pullman use rather man an offence galnst the witness prrovnd Lt would mo llcllycrl dbmlul from Um cabinet The alkgadan wu 1m upo cflicauy nllcd in Pnrilcnwnt by Vnrmuvern Now Dcmncrat MP llnmld Winch It com1n Admdrm lmdymore lhtn com mnMLf the Mnrlllrnu Com mand nvpcnrlnfl bclnrn an In camera mmlnu ol the dc lcnm cornmlum Juno Wm ho was invllcd Io make wracntnllon lbw his MW rmnd and Inxuer Mh qua lam mo Connrrvnllvo dmrxo mm to bo Ionmdnllnz along the HM um KM wllnm wnl onxmd lo md pmmrcd mtsrnlalhn lo Dolmen Mlnlr th11 Mum rudlnl lo commmra nml Um nbml am umla an mm ma wm anMM and 919m by con Ildrmliy lower win rm In cullrrly xllllnrrm mm by on med Innum AlANN Min div cuunl my IN IIKI ml umlmnonl would llkr now In mu my 1va vnlunlfe um mnvam 1N1 II ml my mlm rnnrm lmlny lmmun nln tMtrnHly pth um mwnl permmd mind mrrl my mulnllnvm lwo Inn wen Mkant Irv mlmlrnll vflglnnl Int mur rnlly Madv in PM CONCEIIN FOIl HZRHONNEII thm In numazrnwnll 0m lhrro ymrl Inu hM lwv 109qu datum In mrn rungnclnz er llnul lrrm Ind Iltwrmvl an can In Hume running lhml lmv OTTAWA REPORT 1N Irwrwm mlmxn In mr um hlmH mxlwr men II mmllln ullv lnrl pm xmlynl only Irlllo wr MK Mr Irvplllrrwnl lur nw mmill 1m luv llan truly vrr ml 0w MMM Mm nu me In line ym Tn nwl our rmmnllnrm ml mm Hm Ilfill alquML vmrl 1an Ma lqu mlvy um um ncw mlry mulnm Um nnl II mum IM ypnr Iv ynulunlwl alrul lull lhlq num lm hm runnlllm Emu ll Ill an luminlrl By PATRICK NICHOLSON Conservatives Gun For Paul Hellyer WASHINGTON CALLING WASHINGNN Spanishlast weekl meeting between Presi dani Johnson and Soviet Pcteign Minister Andre Gmmyko mark ed lamina point in American 1M and we beginningsoi ontlrek backvlo reality Mr Johnwn has been so busy trying lo kill wiii ihe wisps in Viet Nam he has ignored the widest but still biggest problem of world politicsme chasm be tween the Minimum and non vamunlsi coumries oi Eu pe FM yearn ago the fledgling Pxesbdun Kennedy tried to patch up rdatlons wilh Lhe Soviet Unlon which had stagnated through the mannerMes year and had his fingers burn edJn anomal Berlin ptlsla Kennedy was trying azaln when he was murdered but Johnson dropped Europe like hot lamale and concentrated first on domestic pvllcy and than on his Vlet Nan ndvnn vm Nam sun the prime topic here and an often Icmpted lo belleve the world revolves around bitplay er Marshall Ky General West murelund and Ho ChiAMinb ture belated his New York speech 10 days 50 Johnson mada good on an earlier vague promise to build bridges to the east by provid In sum coxAcme abutmenu NEW THEME He luggesled he West and the Soviet bloc move forward from peacelul coexistence In what he called peach en casement the beginning flew ogetherpesmn For sum he offered lo ex lend US cred to Iron Cur Aln coumrics reduce restrlb Halon on 118 exports of non materlc floods to these coun tries and remove some Amerl can restraints on travel auras the Iron Curluln Ha nlsa aux xufiod both side mlght roduco the number of troops lacing each other Across that old and wig barrler When Grnmyko arrived in Wuhlngton or his first White House visit In two years the reiuk ya Lenxcrly awnitzd By GORDON DONALDSON The Russian velmn was sllp pad 1n through back door ol the White House posed for some sombre pldures win he Presl denl and flipped out again to avgld he qrcsL oder dcfimym and kinks ol the HM Ire awed of we will uu have mme at 1500 men required to mu malnLna commluncnu Our mun loss rate 65 men per momh will mnke ll necesan lo reduce Al or seven mum Mmym mnlnlrnnnco cm by my 1967 We will than have only or out ol dcstmym In lull cannulalandmine Dn lhu Hm Com and tour or five on the West 0095 Bu 1mm accordan lo ho Mllclul prlmrd proceedings nl that non mmlnl the mrnl mm In MANPOWF Having cusscd my mu nlrcrnll nnd cqulplmM mid like now In turn 10 my most valuable nssrt rmnmwcr nu Ls Um um IX my xrwlm concern today bccuuw am uprrlcnclnx shortnno ul novnl pcnonncl lo mm my Immcdlm commu menu Wo MM mmlnuo to expend awry mun bxpcml awry Ind and Main Imim In lhc mvy or uavmln we Introduml yxlcm luv lll blllm emplnyvmnl mu will provide run lnnflHy llnn lurtrasl In un Nnymm nml mm wow um 0min he romnmem unnounmi we r1I nullity nllwanrr We llmn also mmlo anm mlur Hun In our hmlslnfl umdnun In lhn an mu SH HILI II m4 rnmlm 11 mlnktm hm draw your ntlenflrn In mnirr kav lmdequarlu And has mmml hlu lmntlun cur ding mm mm pm lilll In my rmmmml MM mnllumy In my Mmhvrr he ran nl mr lovrl tn Immun Irrrko cmvvlillum uluMI wlll MUM In ADII main llmn In the valll Iohrison Gromka At Turning Point Great painlme taken In THE NEW RUBBER STAMP IHAT NEVER NEED AN INK PAD 119 marrir Examinrr COMMERCIAL PRINTING 16 unyllnld so 25000 IMPRESSIONS THY PEHMHSTHMW mold the Impression that he was making concesslnns In the Americans or even bptngpleas it turned outthe AmcrL can were taking more palm to 71 hardllner before Russlal Communist allies than Gromy ko wantegl When he emerged lfile at mm from talks with Secretary of State Dean Rusk he was in hlgh and unGronwkolike good humor He Joked with reporters and said progress had been made toward lrealy which wauld ban the mead n1 atomic wee ngh v5 official lmmedlate Iy moved in to squelch thin klml of laik remembering any men Hun nonprolflenatlon instant ly offend the Germans who sllll hope or some share In nuclear Wflcy N0 comm But neither Gromyko nor the White House said anything About the lwmlnule meeflng whh Johnson at which it presum ed the question new Bash We pygmy was brpachcd Canndian diplomats here Iecl the act nothing has been said about that talk indlpaies some thing in tha wind reduce In cflorts Despite re ponlcd Russian rejections ha 1ch ha still hope Moscow my be 11ch lo lnlcrccde with llqpol1o ncgmlage sgllcmem We publicized dhfiomalié Inuuw Wu The posslhliiuu are Immensa Now he CMneseCommunlss have disgraced themselves be lnre the Red World by permit tlng lhe Redufiuard um luw which has antagonized mm old line GrimmAM the Soviet leaders no positive they have regained um mum at the mrld Communist movement So they may be ready In re uma mum to Improve rela tions with the US despite lha American bomng North Vie Nam which they mu du who as the biggest obstacle to nny meaty xcgllement The bombing has yet to yield any mmury mull worth of tha eilort expended and the upmqr has caused among American lrlends 3rd lacs aim 13m II now become udul bat zulngng cafd JohnsonI Kandy to stop bomb Inz In returnrlpr gory ngganing ulmm by orgh Vlet flan luu to offer re laxing tensions In Eumpc nonprolllcrallnn treaty regard 1955 of it died an Grrmnn ambitlom and despila his Ialk ol reunflicaflon of Germany he will advance toward this began Mgutiallm such began last week So long lhcy go well man will be aIdAbam thgm lg puhl The first wsxhle sign SW ccs may come when the us quizHy slop bomth North Vlm Num Thlx my omlon In my Illllcuon or lhy rd huh qulckenod mt Pulml HIM God uses Ills won 141 mu Lu our own and and wnkm In the Wk thr When mm mm to turn out nlwyn helps lo mm wani God BIBLE THOUGHT 1533 Welcmuplffgmgr 7164517 Inn

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