Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Oct 1966, p. 3

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May Propose Reduction In Council Membership Mun hwy an ml Mun day Mamm flu lmilng 11 Nancy linmnk huh polka Io call In lulun mm In ink nlnwrr Mme lmn Mar mm whnl at mva rum MM In time llnflmil lemuy flar Nn My ml 11 lnmllgnllnn chairman of 51MB County Councils legislnllon comndflec Mew End Brandon ol Cold walcr mm mace report of rmmrnwdnllms concerning durum In munly ndmmlsim uon before mumi1 5055mm lo MYIDW his mnmluu have bun ltudyimz lcnlalnuvo xmum numlnz county conned win View In mmnmcnmu than in modamlw lho mum Mm tho new raglnnal govern mm lrmd llmo the the yoar NEW LEGISIATION Another mrmbcr of lllc com mince Item Amuld Vmwllo of Nmmwmizn ha unlimit lhn umlmlflco Ia warm nmumz lralslame durum lo hm uman um mm manly mmal vdll have he opportunity of mdcrflna or rrlmmx llw mnunillwl re nmrmcmlflhml nr mnml hm nu hwy NHL 111m mm mum no to Um lkpnnmml at uni clml Mam In llm loan of re commrmhllnm Iar mw lexlt 1mm lo nmlmrlm Inch dum an In mum mwrmmm may bu dmxml Lulvimlvlu While he said he fail the re cummmdaliom shauid nppmr abolnm the council before he dis closed nil details Reeve Dram don lmlicalrd earlier in lawn Mucllon in membership rum the prosan 56 to about iii also supported dummy in election in borough sysicm uhidl mum divide the munly dale ward of about mini pop uiniion mm one roprcsmtadvo flited digectiy or Nd anly move ml Imnml OrlIIL MIA llura lmhl he umlmily lo dnngu the almlm padrm lo giro ma rnwflm dlon mm In HmI with MM lallm nml nmmmrnl Al llu mmul my lhq Marlo Mu nlclual Ad wnvhh Inr nm mum nmnbor of our vnfll In My lvllmlmmmy It quail lNcVH mic lwo mllu ml Imr MW In mall aim in PflkllbflJMO ho Hnlhhy Hopi Steal Two Radios Holiday Bowl Am CADETS gathered at Base Bordon Sunday be com pete ln lhv annual sports meet 10 Members of Ibo Barrie Squadron rifle loam left In nghl Hm Strung Frank Miles rifle instmctar COUNTY SEATS Uzi flmc M6 70mm fimmclmfl mm nlw nm discrimlnn Itd against In the voting of Him 15 dunno In Icglslnllun he mullnr will come more out at pmpofllnn ncxl year since the lawn of or Iuln ill add 1200 more with am hen nnncxallon mm 01 IL subudu gm Into ellcd January I067 The annexa lion Indudnl LIrflu poxlam ol Orfllin lmmshlp suburban arm but dkl not lntltxlo llm builtup arm was ho Narrow knmm Motley MKXL then me three licmml holds Mn more Ins The lawn of Orfllin or In stance paid over 10 per ccnl county axes an the basis 01 this years levy and had over moo chgihle mlcrl But It had no more mice In Um smmlinx than municipality with 3000 Valera mb ls ubvimsly un lalr lho Orllila dmmy rccvo mum cm Deputy Reeve hang hasmainmincd this unfair caUanhbcin 31100 eligilllc vol to larger BIRTH IN AUTO SECOND FOR COLDWATER COUPLE th Mm Mil um muuunl 11mm Imlry ulnl Mm Mr qu mu mth ho hairy mm ml mwfinrnl mum mm mm nm nm 11110 at run lnr fivhlnl anhl llnsgutld In mm put my miku xlmm Um mad lxfinn um lnhy wm In Mln luv Irnh III1 muvl llhu Imus ul kind to mum Mm Mr lkmku Inume In vl than Vt Um uni111ml Ivl ml IMAM my llw lmlry Mal Mind Immlnl Durham Hrmuln do rl bldAMnr we Burl llnulhi am htfll In hairy buy My Halth in Um mt vi um mxlxl him In 1m am no ynzn mu Mr lmuhn Mm min MmIJyI dimy Ivy him MI Dr llnml of 01114le Wm mlc mu la 13 um mm 1m 1m Bruce Cairmmss Neil Hall and Martin Langmuir BOT TOM The four captains or flu Brambridge Roam stand by as Col Elliot right presents Hie nommand ers imphy bu F12 out no InllAnvrlA um mm TANIII LEATHER mm at My mum mml muxxlmpalich Uni taxes but do rm voice In tho spend Wilh the county upcmling of assessment nnd welfare hlh or change award more Malon nl governmch also have hem lalkcd about and are 111on be ulsme luflhcr tomor rows session Desidu noevo nmndun Reeve Vanclso and Dcpuly Reeve ancm num mm the county logisluflvn mm mm inclndo Deputy Rum Eugcno Smith ol Em Deputy mews Edgar Ginlo Noun mam and Danny new Ll oncl Dion of IMcmnxulshcm Anouwr cvrnmlllw or Immu wnnlml maklnz II study for rgmfl ol lmmedlalo 111mm uh Urey mhdll nvommml The member Indudc Alhen DoCnnkoy Mnlvhukm Mom calm Maurice Tiny MKd Hum Wm mfllllmlxtry Dakon Jmmy oi Mmlonu and era thwe of Mlislnn tho mnkn em but ho lawn of Oriilins position is the most exircmn Omcr larger 1mm and Imm ships would be entitled lo more voting power ll it were based on borough and nsscssmenl or uiquan symcmi Squadmn Team captains left to right 3ka Boyes John Sum Ricky Kaye and Steve Cooper Examiner Photos Dumas RCAF commander gf thg Bracclwrldgo Mr Ogdcl mm arm Mnmlllu nu mman mum Ann lATllllAV 011 ml m4 mm pOIl mm mm IllI1 ll mun4 ml ANNUAL Clomnce Sale FABULOUS FORMALS LTD An Mn 01mm hy Ilidnld any HnIllnl Nnm fmfin Wm Imuhul In nu nuknl mluy mail mih Huh Anna 7m pm lmnll In 1le lint Jdm 1le lulu xLIwuzn In rxlnrilulrmvu nl Um qmdm Mulls dun mr mimr Hath lxho mm IN MA Wm Um miy mulmp mum tmvr All lunu hand in the mm marqn mt Ill WM mull mmul 1m mm Ibo wnimd On LIrh lhnmcial Polk Ilamc body mm Smulay mm Luke Cambiduhg 21 miles Mia may be that at Min nlc ani wealthy mm widow who disappeared Lhmo years an nccmdinY in pmimial poliw partly ammcd kl break down oocmmmlly um mraglgn is lost until it mbr Fmi Jiluc um exnmlncd an Wo dnnt know who sho L1 yo but shn hns been dead Dr yam Wo have mmo ldna 1th Inc body was packed mm con miner mm land which wnl filial uilh mbslanco Iin llmu eruplnstp park Ho nId labomlnry lcslu may be Lompltml lodny lo ldtnuly lhrcdl of €101th nruund he body and luhslnncn In uhlch Wm parka man believes um radar Imps lnlroduwd in Bar rio three years ago an the fastest and most aficionl way In whim to apprehend xpcwcm However he said oonslsQenl mama Wm necessary Jim existing wipth we are to enmively ham dle all lhe complain we re ceive Mr Tschlrhart sald said anclhcr hm radar speed checking devices are delinflcly relulrw IflE BARBIE EXAMINER MONDAY OCTOBER 11 1966 Bracebridge Tops At Cadet Meet TRAVEL FILM Free first screening of Ira velague Regal England and Proud Webs in the Travel To handle currem complaint ram city residents regarding speeding moCorIsuz additional radar equi is necessary Barrio €1 Chicf nschir hart wjd loday Mm 300 spncdmg tickets were Issued last month to mot orLsL apprmcndcd by the one rag trap existing The cost of the radar eqqu mom or cad squad car 15 215 Parry Sound took ha softball event but Brambridge came out on top ln volleyball rlllo and swlmnfing compelling Top marksman among 200 ca dew was Mani Bancu of 758 squadron Brampton the newest Equadmn underunu jurisdiction of Borden BOY SCOUTS Kempcnlell Bay District Scout Council will hold its annual meeting at St Georges Angli can Church Fellowship Hall 00L is at pm The guest speaker as yet unnamed will present talk dealing with Cam adaa upcoman ccnlonnlnl year the Heat were cadets mm Muslim Barrie Midland Owen One Minor Vehicle Mishap At Angus Bracebrldge Air Cadet squad mn won three of our event lo win he mu annual Air Cadet Sport Meet at Base Borden Sun BYA Nab 300 Speeders In Single Month Sh lrml IIIurhcr pullrn In ADVANCE TV VACUUM SERVICE ma Mil mm CITY NEWS WEBLTHY TORONTONIHN NI mm mm Find Body Of Woman In Lake Couchiching IS YOUR 1v DRIVING You CRAZY uléo LOCAL AND GENERAL Jun cull In the pad cxphimd Barrie Pollen Ed Wm m9 borjsix muld only be d1an if they cmvo vanilme mi il was then found that my front or rear Wm were blocking the drivers view Thtir only on Wayne WI ihurc In the 3100000 cslnlu when he II He Icrvlnn sixmonth prknn lorm or es cnplnfl nulme Ins Man Hu had men 3min hm year Its day at llunmsh lmlxu lrlal Farm nlur Sudbury lor pomsan dolor Hood In 1965 Thu Acnfrh or Mu Ford ex lcndul In Florida In was be cnuw hu ownnl voltage at For Myer and had lrlcndl Hug Wllllln lwo nmnlhl ormmion oiiiccr said the body was in navy iair Iii1M hand was missing and than about niL Mrs Ford was last setn ncnr hcr suburban Toronto home May In 1063 Hnr hus band Lorna dlul in 1002 lcnvlnx properly ond nbout 3100000 lo Mr dblImmnrhngo Mtlropol Simian My Danny Princess Mara Hamhlcy at Wed placed mud In the Qumn of the me mm the In tunafimnl Plowing LEItel MW at Worth City midmls haw been mm ed to keep heir var wmxhws me of Ken Md smw dunmg Ah DP pmaurhg arm mm Aeoonling In my named ogflmim mflxmm can be changed under the mummy IrulficAcc i1 inlrxumdillon EON IN PRISON CERTIFICATION The Ontario Labor Ileladmr Board has certified owl 506 Imbams mlcrnnuonul Union at Noxflr America lo represent all coeruahn workers cm played by The Taps Construc lion Limited in Slmooe Oomty except nonworking loremon and above nnd Adventure Series brought to Barrie by the Kempenlel Kiwanis Club In slated for Fri dny 0d 21 at pm In Oen lral Collegiate audilvrlum Tick ets may be obinlned mm mm born of the dub Snowy Windshield Can End In Fine Police Chief Says lavalaw WAIRUVIS Jallalln onln uHhI Am dim la Ill um CPA wlll you mm Tnmnlo lo Amllmln or only $41 dawnl Jml an hour or Inl In ll dny unnumy londun Munlcn muml In lllhmu In CopMinna ulockmlm 24 mnnlhly inlullmtull min and olhlr mnlnr mm 3110 En my Tum Agcnlol Cuuulnu lnclfla Ind ron nssnvmous AND mm cm Tuval SIrvlco Dun it man mu Auk um um ImI Murillan DAIRY PRINCESS AMSTERDAM 0K Johnson JET CPA NONSTOP TO Ran Toronto police had received 150 tips Including an anony mous phone tall that dlrcdui hem In search open walls In Iuburhnn Norm York and Scab mum Mm Ford was helium Io huvo had $500 with hu whcn she IMppcarcd Sh was be lieved hemllnz for her mum nonr Orillln about min narlh of Tumult xnw tho body Mrk ago In mid But lhouuhl It vuu om ol lhose model you see In drcsyshop window It seemed no be an nrllflclnl body Vcstcnlny mnrnlnn though had rlmrr look and town It Wm 11 rcnl body pnrlly rncnml ln plnslcr purl or unwilling llkc lhul Julius Karu of Monw who had gone lo Lake chhlchlng lo clnsa hk collage or he Mn ler found lho body early Sun ay General opportunich Mnlc bmke prtss operator carpenlax trades helpers cun strucflan laborers acwry la borm farm hands hardwood flam laycr brick an buck layers vacuum doancr repair man stationary engine re rlgcraLor medium electric Inmimhnlrlal and conszmctlon shoemmflal lmtallcrsconslruo uon clchricnl uppilnncc viccmcmY shed maul menlac In mmuonfum allowing ex ecutive professional and gener Jobs qre nvqilgblq Executive andfmiessional traffic man BE productlon planner account suparvisar Mme study mgincerumcdmnl cal engineer drunmanm anion life Insurance snlcsmen and snkswmmllralnlng pm gram provided wlfll pay cnm mama artist Canada Manpower Centre at Barrie munls that electricians carpenters brick and trades helpets an SUI ntquired by low Need TradeSmen In Bdrrie District Grand champion in slot rac Ing competition Saluxday for Barrie ExnnfinorNewsboys was Baxmn WauLhier 12 of EXAMINER CARRIER WINS SLOT RACE Gmerifljbb opporiunillcs Female baby 5mm house knc Is day workers drafting clcr ary oar washers dairy farm hands cooks dork banking 11mm mcdxanIcmainlcnancc cmdit checkers bookkeeper restaurant management mince kjbdxen helpers wauer beverage roam laborerssad farm man ang Wifedomtfific sorvnan blfingmod Above he recde the prize slot car sec mm Examiner fircula lionmnagcr Mike Donnko OPEN Flml llm amount thats hmnu nponl by Bull Cnnndu own 275 mllllon dollmn or now connhuc Han and nqulpmonl nvmy your In meal ovalmow Ina noodn fur communlcnllono nnd lhlu nnnual oxpondllum In Ilholy Io mow In Iho Iulum And 10 nocond mnnon why min In mmmknhln Han pmcllcally ovmylhlng lrom nlmpln mm to tho mall ndvnncud nloclvonlc nwlchnu aml Iumu mlsllon oqulpmanl In mnnulnclumd In Cnnmln and can he bounh Iloml Tlml manna ll mun be good or hollow pvlcn and qunllly as anything wo could Import We mun udmll we and Nonhom locum our manuhlclullnu Iuhnldlmy holpod Iola of mm compnnlu to All up pwducllon lncllllloa so Ilml wu could ual Ihlnun have rather than have lo Import um um Ilm blu dug In that Ils now bolnn don nnd ml watu working on oolllnu ll rnmalnlnn amnll paleenluuo mado hm Ioo Enrolvagina Canadian Pmduttlon one ul lho way In whlch Boll conmhulou In our economy Evening Tlll moo pnL Suudlyl Till 600 Inn IEsw Gasnune Ind Out of every dollar spent by Bell over 95 cents are spent inCanada Thln In vommknbla lor lwo mnuonu Motor on Elm on GARRETTS GROCERIES 51mm 1m Boll Canaan left and Game Prall of Gamers Hobbies where the event was held Wnulhler do cnlcd Dale SuHIcerd of Bell Ewart Danny Duhaimo of MI Collier SL and Harry lleulink of RR Barrio in he final sixty Lumich mm pclcd lExamincr Pholu Buy your gifts and charge ltyoull find it fl brim or Christmas year We just lookm uvcr my calendar and know 0c tnbcr is not the month or Sanlnl But it mum be wise in look into the Charm Ac count plan at Wool vmrlhs WOOLWOVRTHS DOWNTOWN Mums Pardon Me Folks

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