5mm fmflm no MIan mu wnmmy manlm or 60000 mlm NH ulmwd dlvld pd mm mu MI vulmnixld Tn In WIN it 200 ï¬lllln In or 1mm oner vm Ttliphmt 72612 Winn711m rum la 70 ml TNYVIIV Mllln um m1 mm 11mm All mm Humm lmmlMVy 1m Mm Hum AI muqu mlll Mobile Homes AUNA SIEAM BATHS Genrml vndnlo 20m Century Homes mm and Horvlco an or Tum up In 170 HUNTON AW 7109 Row ml mm 22 Mr AX mdxllon Tnxephm lumwr mun anu lunlo ClmquLll comm1M II VI mmm lxtlflml coll amen For Inna momHall elephant 11mm or VTOWW For mflon UV ll 13m Lu 33 VIAU ra RAMBLER ï¬nsm Transmission Ltd Automatic Specialists Highway South of Barrie GENERAL AUTO REPAIRS AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION SERVICE CALL JERRY MOT 7mm BUICK IASIDII Donvmxhu um bmwn am In lap v9 Aulonulk pom uemn uni pom mm Tchyhona woos Ant If pm Iï¬leoLuniumm garlum mg me I1 El aer mdmon mm In mm mm 72841 or NM IN or but all Tellphonl 718 in Mr dotllJl ms ronn mu dom hud mc puwar mm 15000 mm In Ilenlnln 1m vwxmu or ma mo or hm on 1le or 1mm um pm or mum vmkuhn my FORD Conn 51 cyundu lulonuflfl lrlnuntflifln In audition nod Ilm Fm urmu lnlomullon ulevhnm mum lm uh 63731 83 $19M mmmuy ctr 45 landlord St TRUCKS TRAILERS Ford Fairlane Falcon Mustang Fon Immediate delivery terrific savings Use the personal servlcc of AL BLAKELEY AT 19 MERCURY MONTEREY Oonvcrllhlo Licence W42 1061 PONTIAC Convertible Pur Meme 1ch 420833 ms Pontiac Convertible Me ND NW TRY OUR CAR CLEAN UP REASONABLE RATES ALL WORK GUARANTEED 119 BRADFORD ST nmlé iifl10€l Our nnmu mums ma don HALE NT RUSSELL CHURCH PERSONALS moron ciiéiomï¬ ByronGraham Motqrs OFF SEASON BARGAINS MAKE AN OFFER SAVE SAVE 6AUTOMOTIVE lluzlm llMllh 11 Gowan St 726M mm Annan box mu duly Irulloanll SNOWMOBILES MOBILE HOME PAI NSWICK MOTORS BAY CITY FORD SALES LTD lull Kale nml 5min Hell Ewan 4562111 AUTO RENE ml um RANDALLS Hum DARCY SKIDOO mu nuï¬t HI Hull ¢I AN ml vrnuu mun In Nd mm 4m now mu Gv MW ll duly 9110 71 pir mu and cum mm In lllllnn Year 710 NM nuunlu WM 710 m1 mum 7287381 EM 0321 mi rym in rm nu Al hum Auv MafiaT ll 07 007 Will Pfllflm erl Ml um mm mm Mnrfl Colller AMI mew Irwin 01mm mu may Inn rlmu mam HI $25 $40 Per Week EMPLOYMENT MM ilrm rmhmn In um lmmuuly rm nn Jo pom ma BULK TRUCK DH nqultld Hun mmnud ruck mam Inn It rem or am Mr mmm yolfllon tor nun All bnnum In Hum Imnmwua rm lumrlot Imnmwfld Eamon HM fllml TRUCK Dlllvlfll WI Ha be 24 nm or Nam Pn new to than Huh velienu work Mi 01 Mark n1 Aurly on My leon mum ucu 11m 20 TL mun wit zxunl Clll Vonnun nuch In Mvdm Imml In ur my mm mud Mr Exvmm lawm mun or mu IN IN WANTED dflVHl Ind our wmnounmm lor puma htm Itva lo Crlnl hm nn nnlan mention Mr Dlvhlon Tallynuno 1mm 72 HH of 12923 mm mm 1n Ion Amy Bax Numbr hlmlnll WWW 09mm Led 1mm volNo mm mm In WAITING thou mlwl Iv Mn Mun mchnx Prv Hm work IVAlllblo For luluvi Writ Ml DIM Ilium EXTRA MbNE Al ynur at once or general factory work me mom with pleasant working wnditfonu Year round employment Apply QUINLAN QMWFORD funangry wanna mm uni vvn at but ynlullv Conth Ill MINI II Cl lllaflln Momma Poll of at or mm um Commlulontr noyal Clmdhn Mounted Pall Oltl 0mle ELLINGWOOD Ontario hu Dutch flnlh mun bu twun ll Ind In of III who Jun In mm umle 1m IIIAL II AT IIIOI MM or log munl Ex Mu vulclv Ex pofllncld pmllm but not al Mlllll Mun be lMllHllnl Ind nuflll Polk llnl 7164960 MOLE ROUND loll MM aath of Infille mil WEI Burk lick Whltl with brown Mud Ind mm JIM fllwlld TNJIM 511355 HELP AGENTS 17 OWEN Sm BARnIE Imschool Children Teens Childrens Examination MfllmExémwgm 9LOST FOUND l0 HELP WANTED Who Needs FUL 7m MALï¬ LEARN HAIRDRESSING aovmmem Chmund Ecth Theron mining In an bum the beauty ElmllMu DERWIN HAIRDRESSING sgugor wonis PERSONALS Informum CANADIAN MOUNTED POLICE mo cmiimn Iannpnc vomit lulnu gnu CM FEMATE MD MEmSB For lullhor Information CALL DRILL 1103801 HEUf an will WOMENS COLUMN MEN NEEDED bfï¬hflclï¬d BALLET gLAssas Worn mm INSTRUCTIONS awn MALE HELP ROYAL IIHTITH lnll flrnnrh Manager llmlv num lint m5 lolerme Imam IN wv THE cnnvrnirnca mum mayqu ml Jul Mllv lrldhm FEMALE Hail WANTED look It an Wm All fln Wnlrh Ill4 NINry rlnu lnnn unw xrnln MM Mfrm Tmnl rmh nnn laid Comm Wm lelllmbury mlln ml WWW 27 AM mm mm and lleml ml plkl writ Ii llnullnrd ml lnlln leh of lllfhwy RM 70 mm mlxal mu Inclurlm lloMoIn nlll llmlml mu AM flock nlvu pun poultry hull llmv hth rlnu lnnn mnrhlnuy luvw urnln And mm mw Lmk Mfrm llrlunlnx Mllqun IMIH nm or ILL vqud mrmvr Excellmt viking condlllanl Ind mm May wuk In about day mad avenan mm Trnnnponmlon luppHcd nller Iuwllzd OMAN In 347 nï¬nï¬ï¬i We are starting our train ing program for WE REQUIRE AN ALERT WOMAN FOR OUR SALES DEPART MENT She is to be responsible for sales correspond ence order scheduling end deiali work relat ing to this department She should be good iypisr and possess Inl iiaiive for working on her own If you would like io work for us In posi tion which is certainly no routine please ap ply to Box A73 Barrie Examiner our mu know this Mivarlilcrhmt Au ON SALE chqgsuny October Earn extra nioncy or Chmlmu In Car Hostess Kitchen Help IO HELP WANTED Mar two day dlgglnz Perry Androvm Model Ford is mmvmd In Dolrodt erdny The 1913 Model TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS 7282414 meu coumum Audlmm lull 1m Odolm Mom mom ARRANGE max AN minim All mum mm mm Attention Ladies AUETibï¬sTLi mi cameMr er FEMALE HELP mitcus mnrhlnuy And mm bomb Mum Mllqun No mm an IM mm mam lrom Inc muh MEnVIEW HM IMII rlr DIGGEBS UNCOVER MODEL 10 lem Martian Gnu mm Mudn loll new lrmn ranport dwlmml Nam an In 01mm lot Tno books major commer IIM point upth be lhlt It Mum any that uxunl In lnrmm whim munInga lnvnrlabiy wrong mm can llcr mm of Am kind hnvo dona It mm damn that hnrmlul cited masturbation have been zrouiy nvorcmphm dud rule curl cover the varied and tnmplu LIIuMlons The wmmlluo IA puuln In book up or approval at mm cu of churches mman later 15 momh and hope wins en dommcnt Lu Ilnmnenl of widely he1d and rupectnblo Chrllnhm bollcl Mr Greek Injd alum In judgment on the Ilonalo nln 1m 11th nod mortals Commblloncd by tho Ddllxh Council of churches rtpmem In most Christin donomlnn Lam In Erilnln lhl book Ml nppenr Nesday It emllltd Sex and Mornllly on the com mltm worn damn educa llunlm wrilm and dodaon 525m APPROVAL Vo hm our report le1 do aomclhlnu to help carrot the dmomad image ol the chumh IL comlsunz of Iexlm nlnu Mn Inljudcgngnt clayey Rev Kenncfll Grcrt Mmhodls clmymnn who was chairman the book commlb Ice told roponera Satyr uwn uu Christian mummy produced by chumhnppoinlcd commich expcded to rain slumi be aims in mm to condemn sexual inlereaum oulsdc mur als and approves birth can Mivim or the unwed Ford was buried by Andmvm 1n mHorty year ago yes terdayone he Wu unm ctsslul in trying to ml or Christian Morality Book May Create UK Storm 34in my wok on BRIEF STOPOVER Iuhaw Wm math with MM Emma All Id Mhldn min MM 111 two mm Mal ln ouu ms Mm cutam Mr Grm old ropmers We want contraverly lo nko pinco over thI report ll would have bun lho mint lhlnï¬ In the war or In In have produced lho rubber Alarm argument and lay down hm dcubernwly mlultd to do what many Christian peopie woud want In In da 111 becausu we want lo provide dlsmubn ho un ulylnu LuuMhM mgrnlll 0553 he um mum part the noon mu Dr WH ny rtlnx allon the Abortion law wuld nerd to ba accompanch by much morn resolute attempt lo improve the 1mm nmlude In 5e sommmwn and parent Thvy abo called or nbanlnn tread mm many or ma prolont legal restriction whlch ban It uxcerA In lava mpthcrfl 1110 or heallh luuwrl ldd nu they would Vendom nucmou sud that Lumen In Lady QIPMEFIWI Lover rehabilitate Iourlrttcr words we lhoum that lhe mth go capgblo all ugccodlp Thu report App bInh control IMonnnllon or the un md me Lt L1 ndvlce and not merely the Impersonal and mmmcrdfl distribution apt pUanoel rgvntumzn wonns in which men and women ILnd lhmnselvu Ihe book says Moreover an action which Is an outward conforndcy with ru may nonetheless be Im moral becausa the motive and spill bchlndl are WWI Wynm bu put on duplny hm as 55 became WM cost too mud to dun AP Wire Photo Hm NAN Mined 1101 Ind llhoduh Mr mm wn on his way back In on dm 1mm lb Unllod Ham WW It doesnt l5und my much like the DrllLh Council 01 Guurchu mo Ardhblshop York Dr Donald Conan mend ranklna rrclnlo In tho Church Eu ald only Ho said ha Roman CnIhoUc 0mm by no manna omluod by any vim he councll mlm lnka lowagr lhll roparlu uuuau vwdui vx ummwu The mum commends Ibo autumn poslunn In unboflcv socularlm people um um nrzumunll which are calculated In nppcnlllloulufll people Um r1110 13 merely submitted the council or nudes Consequently would be mlslnke to undmtand ll representing the mind ho ijltlsh Council Gimmes nuu Roman CalhoUc ob lervcrs howavcr mm mm sultod by ho nrldnz group Md ndvlco was sought nnd given on he Roman CMhoIIc ahurchl vlcwx on sex extra marital tr Mann and conlrnccpuan Rev Bernard Mémlnx on the hm Roman Cnuuoilc 0b old rcpoï¬m The council is made up of all Chris1152 dcnonflnnlions In mil Iin wlth the txccptlon the no man CILhcdcl But more are certain rules of almost Invarlabfe vhlldlty and one them that lam callan Ls wrongf le Ihu report uyl there is no law at Mo whim ultim ately and ï¬nally binds chris tlan in every lnslance In lo what he shmfld or shouldnt dd he said Ham Greer Angflcan Mgpghcstcr Tho situation has merely burdened the positions oi iha United State and Britain who mniniaincd irom thn beZinninl ihat since do Gauiia laid the NATO miiiinry men in go the NATO countries should not re ward this command by allow in tho NATO council the mill N0 FINANCIAL HELP Presldenl do Gnullo has made clear In want no pm at tho NATO organization nor duo he nhaw any lncllnnllun to provide ndequnln llnnnclnl campenu flan rnnsfunkng Lm huge NATO mllnnry apparatus from French Ionnary They rugxcst that Cnnndna position which had been diiii cult to maintain irom lhu he ginning was weakrned through declining nu rt and Imam France hem faiitd to ignite that am spark oi hopu that eventuaiiy there mid be re mncilialion that would bring Franco back as full NATO partner N9 Fryman nur In In PM In ï¬lccemher may the last council conlerenca By HAROLD MORRISON Clllldlln Pun sllll Wrilu The Wlflhns among many Eu ropean diplomats that it Is uat matter lime before tho orlh Atlantic Council held marten In unarmed tn Brun iell dalle CanadInn eflorta In keep II in Paris Indeodpna lh sea ho MT gram nslerl meet NATO He1dquc1rfte1rw Move Matter Of Time limp lhvyseo it tho Blshap Id WHO 51 ENTERTAINER DIES HENDERSON Ky AP ka Wallace 73 rdlrcd song and dnnco man and or mcr husband of actress Mae West died Saturday THE mung mm mom 04mm 11 me Provincial pollen dlvemd lralélcwnt ana 150 mllcs nunh van nu 15 mfles north of the any Bridge Washed Out Near Lakehead SAULT STE MARIE UP Thn Lake Superior route lho Trans Canada lllzhwny just north here remained closed Sunday as highway depart mcm crews tried repair bridge washed out Saturday by heavy rains wammuvu over the year lhm have been persistent complaint that the United States did not can lutt ado nu1y with NATO partner are tatdng meek urus which could nflect tho tut nl NATO gqmbera OLETTERHEADS OINVOICES ENVELOPES BILLHEADS 08L PROGRAMS GL POSTERS OFFIC TAGS CATALOGUES HAN BILLS WEDDING STATIONERY As much the smaller coun Irlcs are concerned about the halo caused by French NATO military arlunluuon hey per haps are eqxually cuncerned wflh tho canflnu n5 decline of what is wnnu NATO cgnsullqllon uuuluilm Now Brllnln ha us and West Germany am planning separate discussions to deal Cunnda won holdlng action on the argument lhal removal ol the councll would merely aggravate the nplit and accom rllsh nothing conslructtvct By trigplug the coumxtfllntrth Parts my to ape lhat France would return to the empty chair Canadas posttton won augpm tram Denmark and Italy ut llalya Inpport all away An authority wtm has been watchtng events closely said simply that Canadas postflon has become untenable 50pm CQMPLAIN lcal headquartm lo remain an Frcychterrlary For clrrlor dallvary to call our circulation 7119A muffin Examiner your tank In nul arrived by uh plum nhau HOME DELIVERY THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE PRINTING VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS BLACK AND WHITE AND COLOR And Copy wul no Dullvmd To Your mm by mm COMMERCIAL PRINTING CARRIER MISS YOU 7282433 BRQCHURES VELOPES PRIZE LISIS BUSINESS CARDS OGUMMED LABELS OOFFICE STATIONERY The Barrio Examiner only 45 weekly Wm Insmuze members are mMrded the regular meet Inc will be Nudity 0d 25 week inter than usuni owing to lhe Am mnvmum Oct 11 and Roll 0311M his meet Inzwil be What am do or Centennial Prolect your home or offlco Iopt 7266539 the Predoylerlan emu will be It 1115 am or 9110 remainder the war NOTICE Mr and MN Samba went L11 weckmd wwh Mr and Mn Jim 0amme and nmlly Mount Elgln Norman Graham of Master phoned his parents to M1 his arrival home mm twolweek business lrlp to England and Germany He had visit with his maternal cousin near Glas my mum them Sunday Mr am Mrs Howard Drink wnker of Rexdalo spent law any last week with Mr and Mrs Gmrles Sanderson and ai visited other relaflvx spen vng we on on trip to Upper Canada Vlllagn $1 v91 with friend 1n AW1 number of Guthrie Mend attended housewarming patty for Mr and Mrs Wayne Hail oriy at their new home on Gm Si Barrie Saturday evening Lynn and bury and Donnie McCuaig speni the weekend Oct in Nronio with their Aunt Catherine and Mr and Mn Mama wen for them Sunday arriiiirs Hownrd Drink with the dollar liming cun rency main in maintaining American and British one In West Germany Thug discus siom are likely to load to some basic revixion In NATOpolicy possibly uliecllng the entire structure NATO opmiinns Whether tha xmallcr coun tries will bu adequately con sulted below maiar changes are determined remains tn b9 seen ES CHEQUES DRAW TICKETS MRS CAMERON GUTHBIE READ ALL THE NEW DAILY IN THE EXAMINER 7264537