jyEeWspc1per LCdiflgrs iAree ur Leaders e®f Euiume Em fï¬atmirjï¬saeaanimr Ps isNalional Newspaperbo Day owe special days are old in cynicism by our modern world has unfortunately lost the true of todays living The real val stilllthose which have been down ed in geoent generations whichiiolr two world wars vspaperboys and girls gaina real ocladon ofthe future They are in starting out asbuslness leaders youthful age Most ofthelendors 3y in state business and profession ed newspapers to homesatone or another This includes Canadas oMianter RtHon Lester Bowie son ieaison says You nowspapeiboys henea logmon inthe complex pro of maintaining an informed nation seasons and iwoather and often beioreihe sun comes up you are your rounds bringing the world uman activity the world of achieve WallinublIshei largewpply human resources is waspelln 44115 can The Fin Ilsost states at the time that gomlc studies show nrtage at 9011 manpovygr is holding back in main reasahék fmanéial It costs or mother of small children 10 go ork Qhe mam item js baby LL 11 Add to ï¬hat mcome tax for both and Wife additional flouting portaï¬on cost of meals while work and purchase of more expensive con ce foods for the family to save and her own payroll deduction Post shows mythical case of who earns $5000 Her take sed proéucï¬on 1e source $3 married women espeo those with yqun chiflen One 01 Northern vance Oct ll This newspaper interviewed Sup endent ll lifiin Grand lnmk He stated While the matter nstruction oi additional repair shops nndale la under consideration noth as been decided it will depend on future of other connections in the em Division Barrie water de iirst class by provincial health de ent William Duncan von lis tourney at fair grounds heal McNiven in final 2140 At iarys Church ills Grace Archbishop nnor administered confirmation to candidates Grand Chief Alex Fraser oi Sons of Scotland paid iraternal visit to lialmmil lamp EARSAGO IN TOWN lo musmal production Trip to High Mrs Abigail chsnn on Sat evening sustained serious Injury at once of mr son Howson This bnck house called Inchiquln is 10 on Dundonnld St cprncgq 53 L1 or homo of Ilcdcmploristinc Sisters owned by St Marys Church Mrs son 01 received scvcro shock and ated shauldor As result com tlons she died several days lalcr Zarried Women Woflkizn hm WM Published by Canndlan Ngwquï¬ei lelted 15 BayfieldStreot Barrieï¬Ont DOWN HG McPherson Mannglng Edltar smuwm 0610321145 19501 171mm STOPPING THE LAMPREYS dwflnl Illh MIN 1n wag Ml ugun plainly ï¬rsme elkd nunmu In MUM We ul MEMORY LANE ment as ml as mlsaqlveplureto the doorsofhurldréds of thousands of Can adlaus Few écjlpolflay VOQaflOIlSQfleljjOt ger combinaton 9f twining experience anddisclpuneulor ygarg ï¬dulghpod thatawait you ou businegmen Vinmefbud rlou bulldy ourtself confldcnge thrqugh youru ngs with the customers along your ioutes You learn responsinin nqd depvehdvabllity thiuugh the peccssity of getting the news to our doors anlï¬me l11erecognltlon of your ilmmrtant rple inthe dailyaflairs of us all is well deserved There Is very little we can add the write having delivered newspapersjtmm hglam10 doorntorsome yearsmany yqars ago lothis recognitiortjyuiormer news Eaperboy Pearson whose uncle used to minister of Collier St United Church inBarrie lyqu pay Would beï¬roundzaéylifl Her husband loses his married exemptlan so his taxes would increase by at least $200 The babysitter would have to be paid around $2500 plysemployers portion of pension and unamployment insurance Addhm extracosts and our $5000 gegoomotherends up with 1ess than There is no incentive which would re duce this cost The babysitter is not deductible expense the husband lases his dcducï¬on for wife the wile had to pay taps 35 pay taxes as single personthere are no matmjnity leavgsifew subsidized day care Centres WIIess than 3300 pmmflisnt very tempting return on an exhausting pace of job and home age 85 Interment took piece at St Eauls Cemgtqry Inglsfil Dally 1an FoFxhrEï¬xtcd tnatsimoh ï¬yments Bar rie Broo ale Stables hadfompargï¬vey oor year in ngs Simcoo County eekeepers met in Barrie with James Martin liiilsdaie presiding Collier St Methodist Church teamed grand con cert by local artists lrcne Weaver elo cutionist ii Croxall baritone George King violinist Mrs Laldman and MiSs Ockley vocal and piano After 21 cars faithful service as Grand Trunk aiiway agent in Barrie Major John Smith retired lie was veteran oi Fen Ian Raid nnd started with old Northern Railway whose terminus was Coiling wood lie came to Barrie from Aurora in 1385 after Northwest Rebellion in which he served with Canadian militia Town Council held mom ng to dls cuss proposed street rauway for Barrie Proposal was to run main line from south end of Burton Ave to easterly 11m lIs Blake SL with such branch lines as seem feasible Garret of Harrie Music Store announced recon sale of pianos to Rev Philip Jonm Ills dnlc Mrs Bown Holly Levi Hayes Klllylcngh Dr Lowu Coul glpgth Hcl1risl Messrs Cannon Mchy uiid ilbshnf 61 idwn VJH Wllubnï¬canaralMthuï¬er 12 Imam or alumina mm In uwnwglpamu II In live um um MW Hall nirmbm ohm warm minim mmwsrzz wllemul May mnrchul Aminoind mil elm unme lhrwm llu Imlmol mall 1w 001m Dmrulm Lavu annJa nu lopu lho mrxa ml or Wynn ol cm Aluyqum him would Mm In call rlprl wNh huhllf nalulmcd hmI lulcrnnm IN nmly htme ml Slaw Holiday Inn kuhrr boom 0er um km wm urrlnl mdtd um um Almidm Tlurfr command olllrer wu Ammin gm ma EU spou in our wilemm mne the most mum steamers has been of 15 nï¬lcsoastdv nu Time 23 imku mum Ihe pm 14 mm lnyo Wed mwmllon nuke concen cam wmlcx at me dd lem Gull ind Thnmlm vMP NowDemo cm Mum Mama album that he svxposz the backgmmd to this lam1 mm since thesequlku havq all bcuLwMga walkwu FuMqtmnlplly be pegs WNW kw unlon luadedil radix than Lain1 lhg my th mamconuadm LI bl Ralph Parson Winn On Canada 11¢ jun harm such mum in Aha with head offm in has Angela mil BIG DEMAND FOR MEN 1W Whas raged him Iho Mom 1m me through the various Harm lanai uniom offices 0an wactkable But when moss or kw name wow mush mug men lhe company him at tho gala the 0mm the unions mowed Sulbory 31 miles way it LI unduflaxmflo that mch hlr Ina lakes place at he mm hamka minus 01 ï¬mmlm do mid of their own uado wed and llmberkni um laym plpowflnz and oarvm 1117 um Mime and may readlly hind at tho gala cumin maxi cm In mm In an example one ol the word orgmlelou command alï¬ddmg nl um UnLlM Ila ouncymen um Ap mm lbs Mumban And Pipe liulnfl lmluflry cl lhe Unlml 54am and Camdn Munh Mmln In mm the NM nonlunhm mm who Irre him at Um Into tor 91 MUM They have Ln oln Ibo MW PMmcx mmowox jhpn against than UlMWAOl glimtryuflt Mamn mrliv 65 10 In mm mm mm Mari Ml mm mm Wdh H5 net Mil mum 1M1 muth L1 llmm Tanwim D107 wamkr lnllleu hm Hu mvlim mg ml Alum WWII bl mnlaliorl mum ul Univmuy Aw Tmm hilxwl Ft Mum M1 Wt lmdw mem Inï¬dwï¬nflflllfmh tn he use tor mm rm MI In It at nu Mammal or may III slo KM loml not phlde llmfln THE6TTKWACIÂ¥E£LERÂ¥JS mmmw Immmmmm mm mum Mammw anN mmiguu ï¬ber 5m nppu uyizm we Mr59hde erieJW Wm vn Iw HMWJWH But may have hemduaan more calN11 Intuxe 51 they to see other men thaw In Lhnva been unlnkJ mm ï¬drphcc 4nd oaMesflng mtuh amumgwaly lmlhwniou flrymbgenudependa upon Minxup bakes pummnpmmmma Immlm mvrn la Yawn no unlun ofï¬ce Iknndns when they b° WM On one Rich occasion Much came lo Mr maim nod 21 men was laid all but WI hired hlhdr place Mr 1141 Wave Mm vahanon ll due from tho rov momma labor lam vouL bcrvolvmo mml Lama menu ln nnmxlnn hlory will be pmlrly lnnlud nu ma erlmanlqu Cullnanl mum mu 1w um lo Quo Mcxln MS with ovdm lo do luny lhn hoquols CANADAS STORY am 11 non BOWMAN One ma mast Ipccucullr Icnluru of ccnlcmdnl your will ho ho Clandlan Annul Fora tnuoo II will lndudu 450mm band that will lmvcl In lwou cu nilwzy mm In pcrlorm In 40 cnlru lmm cuul la 11er tommamllnl nlllrer win he Ignmuln IeTrufylmlgv lwl mu II hwn Wald hm mm the Flamh dmuln Inn In Nurlh Amtrlu lnrlmllnl lhn Vul lndlq III mu nluml nut0 mn unl hll mlvnl when lh wxln mo of In Allbmxxh uan hm wt and mom Trnry Irnllml llml lhpy maltd nrw lypa mlnlnl llihl In Indium TIuy um lulu llv Imdn lm mm mmmvr moonmum Trbcy MI lhry wm ohdplodnuduflm Tan mxlw Inwhal IA nuvt lo II Van The lmvpn rmlmlnl In Inn IN ll MI mun mu PM mu In lllm It wu whn hey MIN run my mm In mu In HIM my mm Jan mim mum In lllrlv Mllec Hm thnuk unnum 91 my In I1 vl Centennial Yéa Feétuiés Thttoo Ml In mm In um mm fun In on Jun My m4 Mull Jam hu ny MIIQC Mm vrmhm mml In lu wt Gr lfmllnflfl mun Ml vl hm Mm ml mu 41me the Mnhuwwnm npunjdui Immunith nd to Theaqoasuuvxnlalmd to me by Mud1 mum and Lu clndlng wmul unions may be axphimblaan mm muntk utlmkmn to put we Whmdom lg vtry important to mmquyuocwyxm Mn awry ml mm may be Mad 11mm mm mm Um anon rury Wot Yet mar hwlntbim had in mbul tummy hhu carnal out his mun GIVES UNIONS HAD NAME hmn wm mvham mm The Mohnwk vflllzo yu mm on 15 allu yum march lhmuuh IlnrnLJucyl mur Pvd no Maw awr an lho vlllxu Ind dutrnylnn um crops Mlcr mm Tucy mlncd won beam lhn lulu of ltnnte dllmm ha Inn rllory or My Inn Bo NevYorb Jun oncu of Frrnch Itrrih lovy my Amman n14 dining All NtW Ymkm we Ihm daymfld nnl mm to 1m zmlly unmudl Qllmbdyui qu vuu Clnlplh mulo llun lMMMapor at mm rlver but vmmvnl by ymin Huron 1m Flul lnul of lrmo In Mnnlrul Ivuyr lmillull Fm am It lemy DWan Al Monk rrnl ll1Lulyï¬lulnuxrnodflul Ia Mrlhcrn ullvuy mo Company 01an wnl clmod ml All luv 4min wu uumlvla bc mulan lo Ill mambo lm VCumpnny man or mlmdlon nl Clll ll wn dhbnndnl lam Im annl luuul lvr Ir yenl of L91 lllglu lpr NAmuy llulkaMIVd HIRE In family IhiuiInihmlrnm Hum lrl My ml runl 1000000 lump Mimi IHObdm um mui 1m flm pol In dlfl fur hum Dim gully 1ch in munmp no 3M um waA 4M xumflttfmum usth mm tame Mew sammmst 9c 0073 mun gflehgfmï¬ any 1va mm mm mm WMWm It met ht thalamus Gum 0a hr mind In DwellWith mum waxw lent uvnque former CBC com mum Mum mm oan Qmufotmtruberll amnmum hu candy launched ml clmpdgn agalnst what he can the pol hnlomdthl alt wlvol Mahmudde Hill pollu Hon my Mimi any Rim is modfp more merch ldlon by We mm The pï¬vaubmdmhr la mam my important mmdmbyuloclayrflo lsln my InntMnl mmim cloudy lb mydflyfl mum vpeneorlWwIdkba too much to mlkahnl one day permit Jo open pdvfl muon mitt be tonltdod In WNW Wyva nun ol MI communllfl imvnoiésqmméo rm vwm mu mu 1hva In mumm muu In goMMERCIALQIPtQImpua mvmoN or BARR EXAMINER Myrna apagrzgzm 16 awnM so mo PER mouWn QUEBEC OPINIONS Luniwnfx and ptm mmï¬ummï¬ï¬ mmle MW Evayawn MIR emuek MW as Mum MI Mumibeitiun Mkithas mm And New nohwrlndu wwwflmmï¬ pmm wlymz mm wh nparmemgumxy oméuuxmmmmmms an uwmwrmmad me an em like smut Imamrisea mgn ha numed WW Mutant tdhemuunimmflc mesamp makoamem Mammal mm mumy kprojw 2431 need 40ka mme 1mm mom flank mm plevera madman than 11 Ike past chm nun Oct Mile French uxmiklnflmdlnm1hould mommymu alldhdnstrewh who Mk1 gt er ownN no mmwuenlapflmmnwsnr Humane unleadorwmho gnu1m WI PWMJWEEWB mum an thalam warms nlnlluprlmo mmlumpxund making Mr Md rumm dlln Mum irenfllxanadnjmah mm Wamdflmad no Mvmenmrm rlzhu In Mullah ell 1th loam Calhollcauchoola In AhvrpaMnee To lho umo Lauder we am on of the mmeflanrenda wane in Cundawvern partldpaflnn anJmpeflalJlrlJollommvths mm of In expeditionary Jam South Mum without the Iwravdrol Parliament Mr Jean erchmd or any other French akin Cana vndhn unduan wouldnoz repeat the Lnuriu but lhrnuzh laar being nc Lused Invarln his ovum he probably Mud be ml qu SL humus Ir Jde making Canadian Ire cvncerncd Franchmwklng Clnldllll lovernohzenml Mr Dle tenbakor did and It wuld hlva bcen qullly impoulbla Jorhlmla awe Canada db ncflvu flux at Mr PEIIWHC To 51 wnmd tamer rut Inna um he wuwo own theflgqnflelou Frgndl Plychologlcolly It would hm xbeen 111190531111 lar Frenchrpgaklnz primla mnls mouse math speaking Canadian DU huh ma um Io uln In this munlry which Ihould bc hein Jmm on ocan lu lha thr lhty Mllnuka aim only under In English language primu mlnlxler ho allhouzh ho me will he obllznlui lo mum Amount of Mr play anchmullni 61y Mlml nln Vlï¬epL my anmemg Thh Chrlslmn 330an lsouohll GREETING Md llllle main ln wrwumdmu Gmlnu IMI mm by hnvlnu war qflumu Dank permu Esuchmr mun 55