Request Investigation Of Seaway Handling Expect Cabinet Shuffle Shortly Franco Bulgaria Plodgo Pact Id EAT ï¬ï¬ws Ha ha been anxious ur mum lime la mm mm the male Mrcnuom We of ch not mlnlslcr hut ho nayul on whllu Mo Mdldnl lnquXrlu vleund his mndud Ln ho Gmla Mummyr nnd Vino Spcnrcr murlly cum MW The mlnhler It later Ihal Mr Howard had been given wrung InIormnHon about the incldent Rollnbln Informant lay lhrca or our mInIslm an comcm Inunz rcflrnmem becnum ol lll onIlh overwork and olhcr per Icnal muons Dom mmmlnlom Iupporlrd he pmlflmu Mr Cardin wok In lnrllnmenll tlclmm 1m wflnl ny mm hm bun In tho Illnwn Genrrnl Ila Ilnl lnr munl wcokl wilh Vnrmu n11 mom and plum lo mlzn mm from MI lrIpIu rule In Quebec llullcnnnt rulslrlr world nml lrlvy Coundl prnldtnl mumI Iny lie rxmlrd In named to Iho Quebec 5m mun Cuml Trnmpml Mlnlr lcr lkhmxlll ml and Fllhrr In Mmblrr llnbkhnud BI an OTTAWA CPJhank How lrd NDP member of Parlia ment or Skcena asked Friday for an lnvcsflznuon lntn tho SI Lawrence Seaway handling ol vesse Cnfllslon emerlency In lhe Welland Canal system Fri day morninz He made publlc the text at mm Transport Minister Plckcrsxfll cdllculng the sea way ur allegedly lawn to Id quietly enough elicitBruit biking ulth INCH lnllun about cnblncl Ihulnn expcdcd In the next 1ch wneks Jusllcn Mlnlmr Cardln 47 In bellnrcd 1n lina er dlplomnï¬c lppolnlmcnl IAIIIH IANFran And Ilulrmln plnlml Inlay In IIlk nutWM drum In Bum paylnu II was mrnllnl pol try nIvlcrllvo In Hut mumunlquu Hwy uprmaI mmrm 1me ll VIM Nam MAM um damnn mun ml In Ive you In world NE AriJuly luvWM Minn bun lhmdny mm mm In uer mm lhe uglynun MIMI llmrum nflvm 11m 1104an mmflnq lmhmnl wuld be law In nll city and We hnvflm IIIM7KHKI Edmund lMlJxmlllml IwIN Edward Ilrnlh MUM lmlny lur rm lmmnluln dMlnn hy Ilm llrllLdl 0V mumnl In Jul llm Dumpun mwnnn Mum Standame sewed ontho Mmdthe WtflhndCanal mmnuscmmzmuu 102ml Yalr No 240 British Tories Back ECM Italian Doctom 0n Slriko 01TAWACPlenrnl The laker Skincan sank In 11m CANADIAN om mm The Hometown Dally Newspaper For Barrie and District Dun Jnmlunn newly eluded MI lnrJlurlnIMKM And In mmnlnenl bromlcmlcr reporlml In Ilna In mflnru hr IIrkmxlll as No wloumlland repmrnmlu In lho cnhlnrl The veucl went down at mot when the channel L1 190 wide She nnk alnnz the shore leaving no lee sale clearance Maximum width al 7M1 SM the mway 75 not away Ipokcsmnn uld the Slandnx camlnund an fur mile balm going down up ponrd the captain dld not know also mentionml candidates or early mumman with lho lunar snlnz to the Senate FAVOR MARCIMND Mlnpownr Mlnlmr Murch Ind 11 who jnlncd the Liberal mm 0an year ago Is Mxhly Enpulnr wllh Quebec MP1 nnd widely moow the next widely mm In liuencï¬ luadcr Ihn Quebec Liberal WHK John Turncr lawyer And minlllcr wilhout ponlollo likely will be promoted to 10 mnlvllo Anmhtr change nflcn men Iloncd would Involve coma bnck by Mnurlco Lamonlngne 40 who mluncd as mm mm lnry Inst Dumber nnrr mm Inkkundcr llmy ommluon al tnc Mr lloblrhnulll lnnsl Ilkrl ruvlutemml nu New Ilnmwlr rcprmnlnllvr l5 Jrnn Emch Dulm MI Inr llrlluoulllru Mndnum mu rhnlnnnn of Um Commnn ulcuml nlluln vmmlluc Wallnnd chnnnel after colliding 13 librwemlavuhlexa Mr award aald he had hem liven to understand that the Slonefu look about lwo hours to ï¬nk and could have been moved In wider channel In mg Hme iubypassedbyflnï¬eiï¬m Embed The Hoot Stancfax was Lamed in ankles with the waegian lnpo lnul mm In Imw hm Mn Illmll nnndlnn nlp In bk anlnllv Imam In levm AnleIuv Hulk lil nnlull nm mm mm In pun ll le Inlnlmwl Anhhllhnp pvlvmly moral vwlu Mm to ww lo Halal F111 iiu mid Anoth arm was iniiurn In mil immediately on iwo salvage lugs standing by in Luke St Louis 24 hour lmvci limo from lilo accldcnl scene awiit decision cnuid have had them here or early Saturday Mr Plckmgfll said In an In lcrvlcw ha enwny mado lho best out possibly dangcrmu xlluatlnn and he wasnt Im pressed with Mr Howard compInInLq The Hon about cullan on lug was quflo lrnmnctlul The xovrmmcnl was dclcnlcd early may on surpmu CnUIA 01h mmlon ol nonconmcnce In the CnllnlloSoclnXlM conllllon ndmlnmrnuanl budget Wfllth mum to Hum lnnallon and un cngploymmkln 1067 laul ml unul ln vhll Tnnmln ml ycnr Ilurlml Hm WW1 lnlr In MvnmnL llath Mum In anlmn mm In any N0 nlNIulnn lm lwn Irnrhrtl yd an lho lrmzlh or lho wnlmn my lvrrnun lhn lrlp HII mam Ilum Ill Immlhl tawny the mum Inlvl 11w mm In uhllrillnn Inn Ill llIunlhI INIIIWHI Hm lmv mum nu In lulu alum nr Mrly unner wnvlulnl nn rip numlnnrrl All In lhn mrnn llmn luv rum Imlwuwnml nr taprnllnlltm UM Immv mm Tramc on tha cnnal which links yak Ontario and Lake Erie mumed hour alter tho predawn mishap Ships are passing tho sunken vessel In slngle Ille Mr Howard sald IL would have been possible In get Lhe Slanefax lo position where would have muted na holdup inrlrnmc had Action been Iakcn In time THE HAGUE Hum NoLhcrlandx Pumlcr Josth Cal today lnnderod hLI rnhn dl rulgnallon lo Queen Juli NHL Ncxi mov ho crlsls warn rm ccdnln caretaker awran amid be lormcd unlll regular noncrnl lemon In May Hm wn mare Iihly the Quccn umhl dip who lnrlinmbnt nml order dMlnM willy Jam ll 11L nnn luillmllvnglvï¬lmoï¬ lh mu Tflll N0 mm mm mu mIIIMI Ila Ilnnz he lwcnmo wnflfl In um um lle flaw at ï¬rst that ha vessel had been ï¬zpcqhm badly freighter Aflhur Sumo and sank in 21 out what early mmw tying up vessel mum in the canal for 12 hours CF lrophmo Political Crisis In Netherlands Pope Planning Visit To Expo 67 VATICAN cm In 11 mm hall MM so In Poland III yrnr lu lulu mu In ervlnllmu Innxhlnu llw meh Imllvrrnvy nf cmlxunnuy In um mnlmlulzl 0lnlr Th lllp blmknl Ivy Ilm muw mwmmml mum 11th mm man Theyll be bring In lrua dependents leu or husbands unmarried chlldrcn under 21 parents who arent lululug lhu labor force and MONTREAL CW11w ï¬nal dean toll In shattering mm of expioslum chomlcnl mm In suburban LnSnlto has phml 11 All were mm wvrklnu the plum operand by Monsamo Canada Lid mothnr lo pomm wtro Injurcd but limos all than now Mde mm hospknl imfll next Vwétrvk as ihoréarrrmany pron nd nu nvesluanun nl Thursday niml dlaasicr Rm mocch came he rurmmy mrflnn undu ln lemlvo lnvntllnllo he ll 1y Land In um In lh plane Inn ln hhlvry llo YIIHNI Indln In Decrmlwr 19M nllrml mltzlnm ron mu Human nllmllu ll Ilmuhfly 11m anlmu Mum mm Hr mm mmhl lw ulgnu Imnl lnr ï¬llitlllu nully HA MIKI Pope Paul MI lmpvruml by rlnnl nr In in mm pk lllnu Iha mural jaln All citizens will be able to sponsor lrom any country wlds class of relatives lurmcrly limited to Europe and the Americas Permanent resident who Irv rlvcd an landed Immigrant be fore today will have the same sponsorship privileges as cili xen or the next six years Alter Oct x972 Mitten residents will ha able to sponsor dnpundcnl relative only THERES REDUCTION phm porflon Mild llu all11mm wll be closed On Friday company olfklnl ma Molwudbhlu nll mm mm ca mn an R0 out ul tonhvl despite Um Im Allen 01 rmvrzcncy equipment and pmcrdum ml yll Oct 10M InI flrw la Nrw mhlim ll UN General Agnuny 11 Vullmn will Ill nun vvlllvm nl valml III Hm mm lllr In New Yolk lnllwl lh llmnnn Calh wo IIMMIM haul1 Amm rrm ml nlhbr Inllhu will Mme Ihlr Mlnlu qulrr on In DIM Nvlllnn Meanwhile lhe passaga of familial from anywhero In the world not Just Europe will be misled through loans at up to 61500 family uniL 1111 represenu somo mint Hon of Iho privllcgu Mum Immigrants below they be romo citizen to lponsor rela ï¬ve tram Eumpo and me America but gain for new alumna teean to Ipomor re nllla mm arArm the one who in on lhelr own merit will rnmaln ad mlsxlble on about he nmo leans 90 prgscnl OTTAWA 4GP The new Immigration policy unveiled In the Commons Fflday is hnnsccleanlng job that pm the emphasis firmly on skills no malterlwhm they are Iound puts span ed Immigration from Southern Europe source of most un skilled hunlgranu And close loophole whlch have unused major headaches the depargmem In tpcentycm In tho same time it correct omwuwces Death Tally 11 From Explosion Burrlo Onurlo Clnidu Snurdny Ociobor 15 1965 Imnflgrqtion Policy Emphasizes Skills BREZHNEV REJECTS us PEACE orrm Smnylgranls Land In Jnnunry Im Hm papal nomad Asia ARNVES MONDAY vlrhm In Mluanl Ilmlml ammo Normln ml Wyvmins Flhlny mman warm Mum llï¬molth Wm mm wrrn HM and mo pt dqu mmm lvnll nu 1139 mm dumml up In In mm mm llml mch 1er mm mm lxu lnmh ml lure dawn 5m Hm Wlnh In to milm an lmxr whlflml Um may muw Ier My hldmml out nl KM my rhwl 11 mm Hmlm r34 mm In umwn with drill 91 ME nix led in Iha Wm mm The ban been mqu Ihut Rush will end 1L1 hmdlvfly In manned more shots by launch ing between We and nine c051 rmnaul Mn orbXL new mm said Lho mu lIans vme mum of putting up mammoth Laboratory vhldn mud mm In perma nent orhlt or mm of ex pcdmenu dqunui help make sum he ï¬rst man on the moon Russian Communm wumc mu Vcd nudny being simply £1qu mo launching rule but norm mm rah might be de lned until Thursday Tho So 919com is Balknmr 7leer Are Ilkrly la mm Ihlkvnm NI lo be on their Mlmhlki stmlgfy wry wrung Lhu rumor mm Xnummn Mad 1w Gnmulkn Ioilm Cmnmunlll 1mm WM ex lml nlulay 50 Hall um um wok llllww mu any urnM In wlllml rlnï¬k mrr ml lrlqlmn unkn for lymu many Ivhnth amt Wymum mm gran mu Inml and many Mm mm mm WWW lmoOW maxim Specu huwn that lhaSoflcf Unhm L1 pran to launch 1L Hm nunnod APCE Huh In 19 month Wm hdmtened today by rcpor that several East Emopcan Comma cadets are due here mm week my Kmnlln has nnmunml um Czcdloslovak President Im nnin Novotny mu arrive hero Monday And mm nulnpmt today came mud um Jnnm Kndnr leader of KM CmnmunLi pnny Hungary hm kn for Mom NW flu ï¬cidflol mug Manger link lnclulod Im llouahlo mum hero Mld Ens Germnnyc Will ywmn and Warm mum lwynnm Wmmlnql with city wnl In mum nlunuun other wank 1t wlll be mud more likely that the lm mlzmlon movement wlll no card with the kind of work or whlch the economys nbsorpllve capacity L1 high Napn TRANSITION In achieving thxflochdive it will at mum be Important to ilavo transitional period dur ii citizenship is cflndillon oi sponsoring non dependent relatives the sponsored move men will lose its potential or exyigisivq Emmi ii each successive link in the chain requires iive years to forgowhim ihe immigrant be comes ciiizen before he come sponsorWu will not continue in ace the dilemma that umidllcd workers may he an increasing part of the immi gration movement although Illa proportion oi Jobs that require iiiiio education or skill is do dwne orghancqurelalmcg unqu 18 Blizzard Hits In 113 West Russians Set For Big Shot Four Canndlan won rim $150000 Nch today wlh Irkh Hnspllals Sweepstakes Uckcls on mm ï¬rmer he Cambridle hire Hnndlcnp Newmnrkct England Three Cnmdlam won moon each wllh lickch an iM ondplucnd Isl and 31x look $30000 prim wllh llckcls on Tuquognn who ï¬nished third Immigration will rcmnln lied lo the ablllly of he mnnmy Io absorb ll dvpartment nmc lals ï¬guring that ï¬ne emphasis an skills will prevent than drop during recession and sharp flse during prosperky Sponsorshlp considered major problem only with Ilal Inns Greek and Fortune The ratio of sponsorcd Italian to unsponsorcd runs 10 to HI exact reverse of sponsorshlp gun among Brillsh Imml zranu About 145000 Immigrants an tcrcd Canada last your and me 1mm may rise to 200000 In 1966 among the hlghcst 1n post war IJmes There obviously an upper 11ml to he rain whim Immi grant can be absorbed the whit paper says This orpuvocapamly not how ever static In which Immigrant already in Canada will be In lhosame position as citizens The one restrioflon on ndmly 314m of spnnsored relative out side lhelmmcdlale Iamlly will be that they must be literal and men who plan to enter the labor force have the equiv alent of primary educauonor needed skill mm lmï¬m mm Ihm MM IN My mm Llinlhwl PM Hallway hull Im at Kwnhnl Ht kh Ouhnmh PMWKI Iour Cénédians Are Big Winners By THE CANADIAN PRESS 11th um Imum In 14 Dlllllcl4 mumu Edllallllvi 11mqu Ann Linden6 my NEWIl Clnulfledll ll Comlnll TV LllllnlIl VamrnG chlhcrll The Examiner TODAY 537m 12 alkdli CRASH BLOCI The mmucm wm reporw be headan nr LLIMn wlh Um lulfm him nwnklflz in llrudlnnl In her dhpoan rlmn Unllrd Kingdom Author BLOCKS CPR MAIN LINE IMLIFAXNCPFA log book with llna entry dalcd Sept is an hr lhu only due to flu dhappoaranco two Britons from the 15100 taming boat unqqnd mean deM Pullln rounh em MimiM1 lgnllqurldny Cann MOSCOW AP humanist header Leonid Brezhnev lo dny hushed aside call from the president of he United States for better EastWest re ntlons saying US plrallc raids on North Vlu Nm bar anx myemcpgnvw Visiting Polish Communist party leader Windyslaw Go mulim echoed Brezhnev saying 115 Preslde lohmnl plea in an improved climate in Eu rope mid not be taken uri ously until words are sup med dWI Hoard 19 who Mt Norlolk Vn May 20 row Hm Atlnnllc They worn lnsl men Aux ll nbyut ha wny Aaron lhrn lb or of Hum ohm repelled Alghlln An upturnml boat Nth mam 1M luflln In design and color The log book rnlry lorScpt rand in part No rmnu bo cnuxn of nnrlh hwm Wlnd The unmn John closed auLlhuJMry the United State want in dovelap mutually pmlilabla re lation with the Soviet Union and we would like Lth In prin ciplei is necessary to remove mfd main obstacle Brezhnev 53 nameso pwpic not in words but in deed the Judgm dence mueignty and ini integrity of tho other mun tflc and mimics Brezhnev said however prospeds look better or an EastWest imaiy i0 hail mo spread molar meons and declared tha Soviu Unlwn will spam no eiicrt 10 sign In agreemeni The general secretary at the Soviet Communist party spoke to 6000 persons at Kremlin irieudship mchng wiih Poland ECHO RED LEADER In éï¬em in New York 0d JOhMOII mid dlydcsj ycg 055711 The Chundlcm spouod 1h mall cmfl about 600 mflea gums thn IvyMI Imam IM nut 11 number Llll IllMl illlnl an alum m1 lmlm Idlih lralmnm hhlwl ka nun Arm 1m upw MIvi an munstow ram In op flu phaflc raids on sociallst stale and stop Lhe aggressive win agnlns we Viqh Find Rowboat In Atlantic was no an 9mm Viet Nam An Obstacle To Mutual Peace Etiort Not More 111121ch Purl Copy 14 Page Forecast shower My an Sunday Low might 38 Km Sunday 15For compleu Iwmnarv mp 14 pm 10 Tho lwn row had hnpcd mth St 1m Enllnnd 55 day nlln loam Nah Umth HZ The Chandlers upon ed lhmuzh tho linen man cm hm hm that on out an blnoculm ummu mi mm mmpuu thnru and pmnnalmm Wm 10an Mlh he 10 book Theta Wll rm lmnwdlnla rl on ma tnndlllun of flu Pub In or whether lhu llro ml lh cards when Ihc Itlt Nudolk wu nlll on board Whlle panting la assall Chinas Isadora an renegades Brezhnev devoted major portlon of his speech to direct rephy Io John The Rusfan Ieadtr marked the Wefltrn alliance as out daleg at declaripllhgt John Nn lullscale march had been undertaken alter the last nam lnl ol tho Pulfln but All nixml Ind mull mush 010 Minn uo IOHI the Puttinl enml route had been ukod to mp lookout for her mm 25 mlnutii Wei The wwum adieu ht mid Wa want the Sam Unlon and the nation Eastern Du to know that we and our cs shall go umpr wih them as tar as Hwy EN Will to advance strange and mislead ins the Sam leader declared am In sptech had noted the changing wand But mortunawly Brezh now said in Wasme they mm the lethal condu Lions mm the chnngcs Without referring new to the United States Brnhnzv said the slbluue 01 an intern amme to ban the spread nuclear weapons are looking beam 1de dimmed Lhu very point last Monday with Soviet Foreign Mlnisinr Andml Gro myko uho5alq then that talks Tha Pufï¬n was found Just 120 mum InnHunt of ocean wonthtr shin Della ller exact pavilion wyu Alnulludp de grpgnl Io Ila In an mm mm cum 1M Nllkmol Him Who wall Brezhnev sald Johnson gre xenled the slluatlon In such way that relaumu with the So viet Union and other socialist Communlst countries can de velop dcsplle the war in VM Nam We have said not once before but many tlmc that the United Sate wank develap mm Manon it must renwve the main impedlmem add K0 and