Oro Reeve Asks Study Of Regional Surveys HI ho IMemflm mhlrem mm mmlmz um zmnn MM In olhm mm Hm la mamle Ilnmi ullmuxmflc wind Ivy llm kc Iomjn nnynn dmmmu llulrylrllnn Ann1ruMy wall Lrklurnln kt Irv INN Uhlluh ulll Ufllnl ml llny Mill lnllun MI winner thlul 3qu MAM In Iha ul mmhft Innnlhly Alum mm park hm The was which WI acqurmd Iy the Nmmwcmgn Valky Con Icrvalim Anthem in 1962 mm the river mar Lhn village and was the scene some lmpmw numb dub pea smmwn The park was vismxd by numor mu win5L1 ml in local maple II lrxnwd near the mm mu Iltavn MncKny ha WM 0L m1 to nmnlmflng rommlb let at the rmvrnllon n1 llw 0n nria Ouuxflln Amxhlhm mint EDENVALE SlamA small vicnic shelter additional panMm mum mm and mtwal gm pm Indxdcd in WWW 0R0 STATION SHIN 0h er mmlu are making wrvc to am now den or urn1mm Ina munly rummen and wu shmdd be able lo Main much unolul Mommy mm lbcm In cm loom MMKny 0m lmmhlp is 51mm County chairlmn Inmxn Iln ID nakrd Mm muns made by the county in hlmlylmz rc umud omnmrm Hwy IN mrvr hl Llw Min and erluml MI lmn Menu wwomnwm Wm rrrum mmhl MU mm MncKny lly Ml TIMER WIIMN wmm Mrrmiuml mm mm mm My lull mk uflh Jlm mnemmu MIA um Mmmlnl In luv lm Inln Ir nl 1m 11m ul Iv lmll park Any llnnntllm uiVl nvpywlninl 11m nau Iinu In hr Iv IMHUIMI milk ll mm nIIvl nlvmml mmnlulnlmm mm Inaulmll lmm lnr ulnnmz HM ml Halml WHIIMWNL TM game puma nl IM We think tins wnl be amm omioal and suit our purposes very well said Reeve Vamise stating thcre had been general Auppon for the ldna tamer than la the considerably higher expense new building GAINS SUPPORT MI Elli II mm In llhr hfupilhl lullnulng no CREEMORE sum Reno vallon 01 disbanded school house at Duntmn to serve in Nollawasaga municlpal office building will be done his Win Inr ii was announced by Reeve Amok Vanclse lolhming word of approval for the plan centennial pmjed qualifying or yngrugrmi With higher Her and the county taking ova assessment and Marc the revamped lchoooflmuse do was receiving gulciaxï¬Ã©mnivulr Edenvale Park To Get Shelter ml mulld he anInn 10 oral II elmll New subdivisiauonflleflh ppmim Highwwmmnid Qmss disarm honing mgflm wahlmmamem mgdwaloprmolrljmmsdh cannibale Township We dewn Milli meetizu at Beelm Em mote at Wnga River gm and Deputy Reeve Harry Photo Will Renovate School For ottdwasaga Hall The more said than was good IVY STUDY TECUMSETH DEVELOPMENT oi ééonviï¬ LII1 RESTRICTIONS ALLISION MDNotice ha been ï¬lm by the Mme Biblic Utilitm Oormnminn that EWC ï¬um on he use cl waur Which won Impmcd dunmg the sum mur have my been lifted The pond mopcmtkm wimd was MimiMu by Rnflflm Imnngnr m1 ml Hahn mmmim nLv mm mtle mm and Ilcrvu MMKny Ink ha WM mlesM ha Immmm Ll Munklpd MlnlrI Mumlay 0mm I7Murul1ykn Mwl 1L my Mutiny 014va 3L Imnl ml mum UNI 11m in Nmnnhw lMï¬WYll Ill MLLIIVIN MENUA bu Iml Ivy Uhlfoflm an AHM Mn hm Ivy hvdltm Fmvm Alida the JMJIIIH uzanl lry Up mmmm Ian AuxiMxn ll huh whidl mm mm mmth In Wt Nnvml mm VHur Iau flu rml rm Irxn My 11 Pry Fem Ram Jnm IMAM dc llumik concum Improvements and re maï¬on Lhe Pioneer Como lery at Dumm With many pioneers buried more than has hem widenum support fm this mezmue member of one Wuaga do vclopncnl advisory commiuce organiwd he summon Hon KeLso Mum minister ol lands and mesh Reeve Van c150 said he nnlklpatcd early ï¬vicy in this regard He ans wemi be 11qu have mow to say about this later nflu dis cussiom could mean great den In my towmfflp he cum mpmvd 11w have comm Milan Indmlry hm nnd hnva mm rnl pmhloml mm um ho mm dnlmm mrmrib Ina whnt mlgm be good luv Hm mln Wollmd mm not Mm mrfly be ml lur ï¬lmme 0mm l4 But my limit nludy their Murvry and um nny mud Hm mum umlklnlrply We nu umlwrlng 1mm lurnullon MI Hw Mme rkl Him In Illwe 1401an ha Ml Slutno may Hyuuhl nmvr unuan mi vim mmhhMhn mum lvhlimln wm 1an rmlur ll llw lmzvl lull on wwwm ms mans penny The rmwdcumz plans pmvhde for suitabh ofï¬ce space and pm or the cum and 01m civic bodies to mch uth building mats were Adar in Noltawusaga muncil dwim in deciding on the school unininm hL umkrslnndmu ol It was council at 35 renum lnuvca claim from china And lmmahx Illl INT PROBLEMS mix lwlp nqlimrmJn1 Imwyn vmmlyuwiwfxlug Loughccd and Donald Ilenncssy wm om Nnuawnsaga cum cil members Harry Uxtle clerk and Robert Oampbdl his assis uni ylm on IINML ml rlmnm mul ï¬nd out hlrr mt wri Rééve Edgar GilHI and Gnu gilm Ridmxyiiflchogl John CEMETERY PROJECT DISTRICT BRIEFS llllmllllj IIUITIIIHA lllHlCHILI ISIAHIJMNMII mind Mia 04 Ibe exlmmn and move by mum Margery Smilh and Kenna Hamilbun In mind the hyhw motion vidinz for the arm was de md WM Victor lurmr Anna Imkor and More Bram mad or PM hum lam OOLDWATEH SL111 hell Ooldwnlu chm to the Folk in Documbun Hwy will sled mmfl or MW term for me ï¬rst aim Thm has been Mable lqca my ovaJim advis way mum ln Un mange am and In rmnmlmhu MIIdl mum vmmHy clfmhmia local nulnnnmy emï¬ an alumI min cmml movmu ll mnmmmkd lyronklna Hw hm munllu min MUN rural um mu pouter mm mimn dun1 ml mm om ammmm mm Wkwwwm Pmlmflicmwmwtddl also saw Mawasaga Mn ship all If in mm in Mauaythmlmmmm who added Mm toquiwd The sdxzol Expected to be 9mmqu mg Md mcï¬sécnmmwm Human ndvhlnu vardul sludy ml caution lurflm wvn me made lowml Wilm nl mernmt mm consider nlrle Inkqu zbmd munly mmrnh mm mmlnr er01 dam to llm Um MmlnLJtle lmnnh 0M mumum pramM lu 0pm llw way 1w mm In lemaln Mï¬HMNI mm ammo nvm MN city Mnlu AM bu IHrml lnlnvA nan lnr Mannie Mill 1m nmaldrrnlylo lwwlrd Shumc hunty xvka hm hm no mp IWMIM or will WW Uv umlm ll Um mm mun pmrkllna mm wv kM win nn do mlkanEv 1111 my Imeme and um um ham vMuahla Imam mm mhmf WI llNvu MM CRBmlOILE Shaft wrist nxflm work is 9n In out far ha best II 01er may burg to hum lwk ho In Hahn and 1th rounlks £1000 run by lhonm Plunluu mm ha ha mme qfl mini nlmflll Kay remvnï¬ion 1M aim was des cribed use sound Wilding mid mid serve he Mods or 1qu low yearn ahead Village Extends Council Terms Creemore School Building Pushed Hth ndilmnl In 10 an any harm bit the wofld ml Ier from ma cold savi Mr Shaw wellvlumn 0m puma grower Most of his other vege table crops have been harvested As repel19d In Aniston potato swing am and eleswnem the surly varieties potatoes were mosth poor In the nwkstme area Mr Shaw said But the late variodes have been good he mportovL 011nm Fagan of Oouknn aim laid he had potatoes 1n the ground an hu Madonteflbwm ship farm We have some ch ery growing which we havent Imlflme Inst math or so in sadd mung he was nnxlmn In get 011pr out the ground TEE MIME EXAMINER WEDNESDAYKDCNBER 12 10665 While mm the potato har vesting has been done in Sim one County Ihe uvrk is conun ulng an farms In the northern cf the county impafllcubar ulrlm revealed today IVve havgqmlq few ate WE are mde mm uwm Mo sabdlsaachazwol Hawkesoom am in Om lku Shiv He said the law potato yield appeared be about aver age jmmagmwm avoid aw heavy Fmst Web Last Harvesting Being Done For Late Potato Varieties um fmstwont dump mmmr NEWS on Anns mm on ourmum mum 0m STATIONERV BUYS ï¬llï¬ï¬aï¬lAJ 3mm rm mm mum Jomum mm Mum 3335 WH Rmmmmm mm Lol mm mm mm my muff Immmnum mam hwamm TM vurmma Tomes mmvulmmmnnu 1m MW muum aumuun vuun Um no 7m 1w vuuum 00 mmc 01qu Mar man IImmoulunmL nwa 131 mum COUOHS COLD ilml hog um la unmmumm mrum unumomo an mm 101mIUISmnIoMJIJ° PIHlllVl IV nmounolnklommm Amu mu mg 25 war 1w £129 JIm UNIMOIINDIDAL urrnmnlln 1150 lvwlul AKAch um mm IIHIIIIDMINII moo Nlrlrvpnu 5nmhlqua qn Inwuao on wow uthth zmm HDIIMIW umuyl pygncuuym Ll lwllnlln Imnnm luv your momh Ind vulh Kllllcnnlldld win In mum In IN rutmm Iln lelleL EL RI 200 In 300 Zhirlch 150 I504 10 IV 100 NEW Low PRICE Mi3I or KIWI MUUIHWASH I6 or 20 oz An ucIlm mum nl mm 501 5119 B9 II HMIBIIT MB III GAPSUIES ASAREX IABIHS Nat Law men ileum mum 212 modounl suck 12 mi 12 nomluummum mm qudmnllol 23 m3 2116 PfllYMlllSlflll mum vmmns wumm lndvdml Nu ma amonm my mncn mm mm yk 2le won in use Max $650 FLOWER SOCIETY BEEN MDBeet Hint Mural Society will bald it next meethg on Momma15 at umbuneulMImiMmK Sadly ofPaltgxm sheet Mr ally of gooï¬uxfl Most of the harvesting had been done and The News on the Pagan 5mm were at good quality and Mr Pagan conï¬rmed that um Inst woukin bann those Ln me ground But we want In set them all mm before any heaw frog he stated Mm balmy of WM area 33 We $3 $142 an harvasflng He also had toad luck wim his late We var Mk game the early mm White of Warmlhszet in McdoMe TawnsMp and Names his ESPvéétmg had been done and oflmhrmuawmmflve pro feudmnmdinxlhekhmesi plcked yet too sald Mm Fl flan Adrienne llEllllflflMlI muoum canon mm min mum umwzl 51 IMSOI lamzmwr naym DA 11ml qu0 mmth Iyd nun H171 lXll lntll smmumv nuvs gunmanM mu mme 101 ml mum nnl mm lltlmnl Bllildfllllnl mo 51 um MIDI nounOHM rm IV novu My luv wmu ml nu nlcoullnm mm Hall muu 1mm nole must nmvkumm m1 mag VIIINVIILIDI HmIIWIIï¬ lull JIM DII IA cum III nu 53 muLIIMVJMMIcML 13 mqu comm nun cmldnnIJWIIDIMMIIZ mi Nov ml BHBISIMAS GIH WIMP Choou run Imm mu Ml qu gumhouvml mm Rep °° 21 be no 195 27135 29 No lllc dulllng lddld 7a In Adtienna HAIR SPRAY Re ulu Firm Ho Sol Hold Karin Municipal Act for an up pointed board with council rep resenlalion in some places this matter was referred in vein the electors for decision The question or whether ratepayers preierrLd inllyeiecied board also might be submitted Impmvcmenls Xanned N4 verdale Park In ude new enc lng rerouting mad Ind re aaddlng of two baseball dia famed Riverdaie Park is now under committee of the coun cil haadcd by Councillor Jame Dickey The council has placed itself on racnrd as savoring Waï¬m lo next your council lo camidu the proposal ch yuadvtm edby David Councillor Morrow pointed an parks board could give more time to parks administration and Alllslon grows mm parka will be developed River dAlo Park belng improved and $551ny ex ended and there has an talk about acquiring another park DADmull in um um 11 mmmmum flpï¬mnvlnuMI Hm Dnunmmm 11 mo um mounmm punch mm mm In Imml mu hr IIMLHM ï¬lmy ununmmmmh anluly Mug 10mm II so no mm ALLISTON Slam ll worthy study beanie it In much 11 Li Iavnr laid low due Frances Morrnw only wo man member of Alllslon council when nked he lnlon aboug roposll to establish 111mi gourd lnAlliston Same municipalities favor re taining as much control p054 tibia under elected representa tives whosa actions may he pas sad by the ratepayers who PBY biLIS This ha min advantage in having the admin islratian under council cnm mime Mbn in uwmuumvumuwunn mum mom mclwnJoum 1751 HI nu MIDIVJMJI LI uucnnonm ummm conmlonma wt DUI mu RIMLHM ï¬lmy umn oonlnflm nunum in um um 11 mmmmuu pï¬mmlnwm Hm Dnunmmmumo um Emporium nu mÃ©ï¬ DA wuux lialimbmnu SEW7175 751 new um on hml Com mmnvmmmowouu mun mii minim ummwnliisfli nmmwlcmummmuma Plumhth owl lulu SI 00 IN ILDI let amino mumgfluu IV um L79 Hum mo mulmcuumuluu mmzunu or um um mun mm um um IIIIAIIIIOILCA71UIIIXMJI In lull mm Dlm uumuoo nun mum at luvuulnhmalunnu mufï¬n iuzfi°r 0° Ma Balmshambnluwt mu 1W Mm muonpu mum um um °Vx°9°msz Hausalow wanna ouu balm mmum ni mil Hum UNI TONIC mm VIIml ll uumumx mum MUM Mat uuulva ovum comma wmmummzu ncuml LIN 5411mm ulnu 16 lmmt mumm Hum CIA lllNN Ac new II on mm Imam Com umwnvmmououuu umuumn Hall L79 vM mo mululcuumnmau an mm on will Alliston Parks Board Proposal Is DichSSed 2130 299¢ 170 W22 3A1 ENVEIUPES flkï¬hé mrmam Zlfli° ADHESIVE TAPE $12ï¬ziw3shfsyi£ ZEIF HM WMEB BUIIlE 54th 220 RUBBER GlflVES mmmmmm 2151¢ BAGRHRR MENS REORURRNT ADRIENNE HAND UIION 633 VIIRMIN Rsï¬ï¬‚mfï¬ï¬az Bill llVIR flll argruizzmrg GERRIIE VIIRMINS fï¬mï¬uï¬ RNIAGII Bil llfllllll ï¬tifikétï¬a RRDNGNlNl SYRUP mm WHEN SYRUP Iaaamm MINERRl Ill 2mm GlYCERIN SUPPRSIIURIES RX 13 BM SIMMle mamm 176 2116 SIAIIIINEHY 1mm PADS mama 236¢ SMIIIJIIEIIY IIDIEPAIIS MEWS 216° um AM W1ch IMI armmu ul pmnyl ulo IN um ovum urunxlumu Ilnn mama Am new mm on tom Hannal 11mm pkan pavuTon puï¬mad as centennlll prolacl new with Hoodlum tor the main diamond riverbfnkmm pmunem which as way The Rotaryfwmnm pgol mpnds Councillor Man laid Rulhven low unru man deserved mud credit at Hng his genemlly was respon ulbla for ma armed lngpravr menu to the diamond wasvulven new base HELEN er Inn on of the lines parks in lhe county and wan to keep lmpmvlnz ya Councillor Mongow polnt um CouncluarMoixowdï¬olnt In In its plumsum la lies Isa Iii ed at war familytbappiny list Worldly we are because we feel just as much at home in Accra es in London In Singapore as in Lima ln Delhi as in Zurich And so Will you when you fly there with us Backed by almost half century of experience we and our associated airline ofler you services to more than l00 major world centres Thats why we say All over the world BOAC takes good care of yeui BOAC flies more jets to more places more often than any other airline Well take you to faraway places like South Africa Romantic place like Jamaim Fastinating place like Japan So before you plan your trip see your BOAC travel agent IRIYISR OVERSEAS MlWAVé CORPORATION WHH AIR CANADA Insular were not USP mo 1me uhlm IIIJLG IWI 28110 25 mllm 2700 law 3159 MP cat mmM 4m 1mLJ aar 90 HOW Amulcul USP 16 balm Emmi textuï¬ï¬iï¬ysiféfé 233 123 100 llbltll WM MUM 220 Rulll In ll TIBA IOIIJOGI 2523 26 BOAG mammal wumlua unmrumc 1an 1m uvlnlovl in all to cmku Mn 00 04 cmovlmalooumw lm It IIUDDL IMNI Mlnl Ila um um um mm own Hill In Rolllnl um Km26 null 75 uumll21m26 one time had Piun did fill lair at this park ra mnrkcd Councillor Mormw In mailing the declino in interest Wu now hm hlzll up in air Ind many Aiiislon pedpla go lhure swiman pool plant ma pixkin and baseball diamondsl The South Simone Planner mw scum located In the farmer ax rlcuhural building hndlflo reg ixtered visitors during the past twp In udglttog to other It wonderful museum and Councillor Morrow Elvin the chairman Mlan Laumcr and his colleagues credit fur el fldent administrating 213 216l° aaif i935 299c ms 255o¢ $T22lt16¢ 2mm Â¥i2l1ï¬Â° 2mm 29l° ZIilic