Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Oct 1966, p. 4

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1N gml mmd in IflHI Ito mum od dun mm mm person throws away tan dimes has thmwn away dollar Thats slnmplo trimmed but mv people understand It mm mm mm In many case the man in the gutlcr should be helped to his feet and given swift kick In the paan It may be that In some cases person hopes for the best so that he will have excuse for not preparing for the worst It person has six lloncsltogoodncss fiends to act as pallbearers when he dies his 1110 hasnt been failure Barrie Examiner Oct 1941 Town population reached 10095 increase 574 in year according to rolls of Lall assessor Barrie now largest town Slmcoe County with 679 over Orillia which has held lead for many years War activities stressed at annual conven tion County Womens Institutes held in 100 Temple Barrie President Irene Jones of Oro Station presided Stanley Marshall Toronto formerly of Innisfil Township Imperial Potentate of Ramses Temple honored at banquet of Shrincrs in Wellington lloteil Barrie Lions Club supplies 1000 tea bags per month for use of people in air raid shelters at Great Britain Ev man of military age and apparent phys ea fitness single or marricdvi11 be interviewed by auth mizcd recruiting agents in Military Dis trict No This is not conscription but civilian committees will be formed to get volunteers for army service Sgt Pilot Victor Lchan having completed course at lrenton posted to Cam Bord on as instructor AC1 Lloyd Part ridge arrived safely in England with RCA group Nine provinces Canada and 10 states of US represented WAR DAYS 25 YEARS AGO The question then arises when should party 5th leader Perhaps after he has suffered defeat or during his tenure as ngosition Leaden Then the party woul not be interfering with govern ment Whatever action it took whether it be to confirm leader or elect some one else to the post would be much more an internal matter than the rejec tion of man who held the position of prime minister The pa£11iaiu rights of course but they came second to those of the people of Canada In order offlprecedence the people of Canada should come first They placed their confidence in him and thmugh the ballot box gave hlm mandate to run the nation as he saw fit They sheuld be the ones to say whether he should con tinue in office or give way to the leader bignether pgfly Leadership of prime minister should notbe subject to eontrol by his party alone Prime Minister Pearson made this point quite clear over the weekend in an address to the National Liberal conven tion at Ottawa He underlined the fact that he is also responsible to Parliament and to the people who elected him Kwaua Publishur Prime Minister Represqfits People NQt Only The Partyj mam PART OF IRELANDS GOLDEN AGE Publishad by Canadlnngwawspapéra lelted 16 Bayfluld StreetBnrrle Ontario DOWN MEMORY LANE McPherson Managing Editor VEnNEsnAYomBm 12 mass PAGEI WWW Wm WM lho olden mm mun It cum uhkl on All creaturcs have days There are days when bumblebee doesnt feel like bumbling Some people arent worrying about to morrow Their tlmc L1 completely taken up in worrylng about today Man D10 of Fatal Heart Attack Th 13 said to bo the very wont kind Doublless man would be holler of It hed spend less time improving his mn chlncs and more time impmvlng his morals in personnel who received wings at Camp Borden RCAF station last week Present ation made by General Steitens head oi Norwegian Military Mission to Canada First Army Tank Brigade who received early training at Camp Borden staged manoeuvres somewhere in England watched by LtGen McNaugh ton commander of Canadian Forces over seas and General Sir Allan Brook com mander of home torces Brigadier Worthington MC MM directed demon stration Strong Orillin Collegiate track team won ludhopo Cup in annual lnterscholnstic meet Bani0 was second on points scored by Harry Livingston senior star and Doug Peacock junior For fifth time Bill Dyment won mens championship at Barrie Golf Club Jim my Willis won Battle Cup Mrs Lilla won ladles title Barrie contrib utions to senior football starred on Sat urday Hui Storey with Argos winning over Ottawa and Jack Der with linmtl ton Wildcats ltt Roxy George Formby in Come On George Imperial The atm Penny Singleton and Arthur Lake in Blondie Brings Up Baby Rev lloulton former rector of Trinity Church created canon in Anglican Church 0n the other hand John Dlefenbaker Conservative leader could be deprived of his post at party convention without disturbing the government of the coun try We say deprived with reservations Mr Diefenbaker has other ideas and his feelings in the matter may prevail de spite the obvious desire of many PCs to see him step down Mr Pearson is expected to retire from Eolitics in year or two Hell go when is ready and not merely at the uest of those who may covet the post em slolves or hope to see itglven to someone esel Again we say it should not betha privilegelof Early to pass judgment at such km prime ministerseme sents all the people while he is in office and no party should have the temerfly to eject him even if this were possible as long as he enjoys the confidence anti thg supportof gheq1ectggae It ls hardly concelvable of course that any party would be toolhardy enough to ask man to step down mm the prime ministers chair Yet there would pear to be Liberals who would consld this action if they felt their man hndnot measured up to party rules prlnclples am agplmtions Wilson General Minnggr MIMI In ho mum mum at KMI om Ilw Mme 01mm WV MNIL Va I1qu you In Amuch ya dams It unto on lull ol lhfle my brrlhma hm don ll hula Mlflhew 1140 hul flung with lhl have been mom hellnod lo put odu ullan an nlgeqasml If ybfi find htlp Mnlzd ads parlloulnrly In lho mammlllan In man year than has hm greater emphasis on more and boner ad ucu Men And rlgpuy 50 dl um Wt ML lo nr 11 Moorland rm or arm ml Mm lho 10ml mm mm hm in nnh of Ibis particular policy however nai mu mn Inr bringing it up here Rnlhcr it in lo question wheihnr lodny we are going on in outboard on education mdmm £6 labor 53y hls policy L1 not final and anger revifw ptuPresenla Underneath yau feel lhnl the real reason or the policy that sum ha beauty xhnp operator and hair dressers want It and they want It lhmuxh combination of mo bkhncu And desire to keep hairdresser in Ilmfled nupply REVIEW POLICY There some lnllmnllon that passlhly glrl or man with Grade 10 English might be bn more pollahed And um thls would mun more pleasant opeutar Well no convincing explana tion is given mg nuihurilies respansibie says lhera is anything in hairdressing which requires ihe technical knowledge oi Grndo 10 scienco or mathematics TORONTOAn appucant at licence to be halldresser in Ontario today must have Grade 10 standing In mathematics Idengu and Enuflsh Why BIBLE THOUGHT QUEENS PARK Going overboard On Education By DON 0IIEARN ii mdfi r53 In mmfu liu lnly um Hm gmwcflwaw dhh Mm lhh MN and will MIN In MM muniry man he mum oélur 11w Quebec pmw WIMMMIANI mum mmn rmmm Hm 7mm yin In Joann mm um bu mr um dunk WWI WWW 1mm cultmva pmpk ml min In lull 1er In kmdgga with 1Mr mm nmfm way In nulls Imlblo mt Mr Pam NmrH will an ho In flu but Wider in tho world and he mm mink nl llm day when he Mil min Mn place mm manic llwlor And In or gmlducwmy didpr ml mm nwtdtorl Mr Ildmlnktr Ahmld mm Intrlluml In Hm Qparty lhlnlr will In un him to Mao the maxim mm In MN blotl amour lhal 1m mum In arrival and UM Mr Dion lrnlxflrr MM up Ml Mm Hmnnl lolmr M1 0mm LArfln INmkv 31M dem pH UM kimfil 127ml Tha Cmmhm panic hmo not mad the lawn they mch in no two 014 mum In the 1141 10 man ll mgruMMy mm at min wuh prom 0uw country and Mr mm ham wouhl wlmt Io mm um kwlmflp mum mulndy The National burn Ful rfitm PM 34W mod MA may be Aligilod Ml make nbuul as much sense as hairdresser requir lnx Grudn l0 You have to decided again Us smbbish ncssr hymnnu pm not ho first umo Mr Dflmbaku lull Mrmdl In hot water wkh pmyl mm ho dvvuiy pulled tmhmmmd My mum MINIMva Iyhunlmmmudoc Just ecen youngster know who Is slaxllng out In business wrala various drpurl men slam asking what qunll cation shu would nccd lo In Million In their advertisan dwpnrtmentl It 18 MINIMUM Thcyrinll muéd that BA was minimum educanqu re Why mm mm of the Pro msdvo Oomervwvo party Mr Dalon Camp hm ha mid In In lnmmn Me the loadushm the wt main mflJc sham be mx nmlned dmmnflmfly was my to mviva En WWI quand him centresmany are asking at ugxlvpnlly graduates Mchon LEvnnullnv aids sham up want waa Eyqhoim 11m lacuna of ad llnrldl on current loplu mullltd lmn Hue French Innnmn pm Clnldl Immnlm 11v rum Mqfimu ulmfl my nukn unu luUm damn that MM bad In hrhdllrl mild Mu mdl ltd ndl 0le mlnum mm flmmlry dame Muly lill at Iced 1min my WEDNHHMY 001 Cowman pm mm any In In lmnl Mil ml huh Wm mitwi chi tab him maxi mum Ddva mm film with lush In nonmm an Ham nvdml It lkumn flflllk lAzal mllhl Miami warm mm In mm xm Inquiry OntMm Am HRHMK mm Hm mmillu MN mm um Wmlw Hanna 5mm m4 TUIQWIMY II Dnmld runort 00 mm Mani pruned vim diminu fm cl mid hhflly In 0m lkflmrhV Id ycml Parliament At Glance Perhaps am prejudlccd however all the Iccremle havn had over thu yam by er the best was and who had lnlLnvo school In Grade 10 Thu university graduates were flaps They hadnt acquked knack for wrung For ono of the Ind 01 life lhat lhu morn education per son ha ha less Inclined he or she to gel dawn and do some Itralght physicnl work 47 unde meocl view oa the mm to dflm Mum cu tuwl minule and Icnl mlbnnflmn In How nl MM hm uifici PM gymmm Brunei In people nva mask the same cultuml 1mm in Cumin at best my van mach mmmn 1mm of un deMandlw an waxage mum bkmllumflxn 1n wo flunk Mammalian 1n ha may whcra In 01mm and not willsh nnd 5685de bl mltumllsn Whose malican and be Wed to one prov lnce low 150mm mu what an majority are immakm du£n¢ulmm6m EMWW Thu Io 31¢ quesuon that misc Wu are always golnz to have chore wark In this world but an going to have ha poplo to dn himself 11y petmil or mcn culture lo dwdop mm hm wt own mum 11 not MxW beymd children were renaming and dogs were barking unlike lha Indian dug at Hochelnxn Montreal which never buked but hnwlad PLANNED MASSACRE The Vlmquol knew the HIfionu were coming and had lnrlmod their vfifim skill Hell Imprnvcmrnt tlpx may help you lo take the whim out your new at of Mn lcclh ll you Mll mm lhc allowing Icnlenco over Sarah In thaw Ihuvclltd may ICANADAS STORY The plan was to attack the Onondaga who warn the senior nation of flu Iroquois and W11 thorn out lot time flhe war puny travelled through the Kawaflha lake and down the Trent River to Lake Onlnrlo Then they paddld mm to Sackeu Harbor New York where they hid their came and walked the reminder of 115L wa Champlain tried to pensum warriors to remaIn hldden In the wood until he mum build lower lram which his men with guns could he down on Lha vulaga Ha aha wanted Illa Huron lo build number of The cheetah long has been thought Ihe Isles Animal on earth and my be But he has been Iclcnlmcnlly clockcd only 56 mile an hour whereas tho American prnnghum antelope hns ex ccoded Rumchm uy It take em hm yuan Imdy Imoklnl Io bccnma hooked by tho hnbll Theyve found ha nbout 10 per cum MW menu Ilm In Ilth grade And day All medical wlmlnn of possible mm hnznrdl on 15 per cc ukulnr mm qut Womi milmutual nv ho llma mm In old mung 112 MM Exnnunm COMMERCIAL PRINTING of maximum Im Chamlfln He led lame tom Hum in an Attack on the Inth at Lake OnondagaNew York and Wu palnMIy wounded The Hmm had so much com Ildee that Champlain could help them dates the Iroquois that they met hlm It Tnduusm after one of his trips to Franco They told him that they had man than 3000 wufrlom lemhled near their village of Cahlnzue now Hawkexlnne on Lake and Wm Jusl waiting for hm logVnlvt So Chum In paddled up lhe Ottawa Mnunwa River to Lake Nlplsslnz and Georgian Bay which he nw or um first Ume fled Mgr Douca or FreshWater Sea fixer833 pandemmdum when he arrived Calglagua Tho wgnjon wen Mlzhl help that ndio network reports seeing his hIHhaXIrd apps Help mau Ioinefhlng TM nwly dlyfi THE LIGHT TOUCH By HAL BOYLE NEW YORK ANThth columnbt mlzhl naver know ll he dldnl open hls mull In doubllul world most people belleva lllo rattlesnake at least one creep hat glves lnlr warnlnl Well he usually doesnt In re cent xpcrlmenl only our er cant al group nl lhese Inn cl Ihaok lholr mules below ilrlklnl lb DAYFIELD ST CROSTERS OFFICE STATIONERY TAGS CATALOGUES CHEQUES HAND BILLS DRAW TICKETS WEDDING STATIONERY PROGRAMS POSTERS 1° Ad LETTERHEADS BROCHURES lNVOICES ENVELOPES PRIZE LISTS BlLlHEADS BUSINESS CARDS These Are Things Found In The Mail Champlainiwmmded Attacking Indians By 1103 BOWMAN BLACK AND WHITE AND COLOR DIIS mum um lnpom ln Mny bdalied 91L0lLDOO WI Wm 0011mm with WVWMO May 1m year an human Mummmmmtmh ynml limmh m1 £3004 12000 campamd with 275 mooo in he JammyMM pov Immer Mimin1 12 moon in Cam has not run mmdfly tmdo dcfldl ln he 1m meat pm In Mi Canadas Trade Balance Rises GHANA 0mm mzymmm dinMAYrlenglalm 500000 Wu In tho flmt IVI mm lid year alumna °°P°°°° in WM mcsdw BUSINESS CARDS GUMMED LABELS of Igongarvntm Ian Sir Robert Burden be came prlmn minlsler alter LI Wm donated In general deo Her ahead In general elec on 15 Naw Brunswick voted against 11un being Imported fur personal usg coetied man driean nnd WEE glmcnl was first Canadian mm to land In Italy we Mnnlreal Tories My kind matador mule urging Canada to Join Iho Unllod States 1m Céfifcderallnn delega tecgun 511M191 Quebyc 1m Alexander Mackenzlen Liberal gnvcrnment rulxmdo alter election defeat SIr John Mncdonnld became prime manteieu mo vahia woodan walls which would protect them irom iroquois arrow while they Advanced towards the Wings By this timu the Huron were out vi control They would not wait and rushed into the opzn Athough tha iroquois luiiered heavily from Champininl guns they held their ground and cut down th Humns with their ar rawr Champlain was wounded my 193 lioar Dcnth Lord Dan lelEl lormer Sir Guy Carla lollfind querpnr 97Capadl After three how lighting the Huron decided to rive up the attack and go home Chum laln had to be carried In 1m unul lhuy got back 10 Cahlnzue and spent tho winter there because the Enron would not lake him to Quebec mo Elm Anglican xervicu lnrgnadajugid atrflnlrllu 18M Wflllnm WeeksThxem her tbs legislature for York Mllgd In due Foluorex It had luck to count lho can In lunernl procession Friends will have falling out may try to kindle lira together or wasthnan the oamelinuAlmIom1fln chest Ilgn youll ba pm pnmus To cum whonpinl cnugh new llvu my calor pfllnr in doth wk and wear It around your neck OTHER OCT EVENTS lo watch atop ha we old to la nnywheu Bennclt luo 7266537

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