Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Oct 1966, p. 1

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WOW Walt Mllxl Inlln 710 Imer Ilmllsd vf midulmlnu my mul AMI In In unf mum male MAI hi hi can In 0w Mumm 7m TRUSCOTT STORY CHALLENGED mm on the bill and Waving disuflxulm grain Io vaock mth In Eamm Camdn Ind Brillrvh Collmfln begun last 111nmny man And my and loday llmllh Inble mug hm 1me3 WMWA CWth pollu callydmrml malicnl we 11v Nalion cxpcdrd to com Man the Omnmm today the upped uon nxsduy nimxt honed lu knlvm on lull mtlng up mi min examy Finanro Mlninltr 51mm 1111 mm nnmumd outrycnr ddny In July IBM In fixmml Invkmvnlnflon NI 511mm Thn bllI uLl nudyulu In mll lrmulry lo nmku nymrm tnwnnla Hm mu ol mMnclnl mnlirnl cm lvmlnlnn Nam mt mm min Nkrfll llan ml Two mnlor yqxlru no llnhlul In lw llmlw lwluw llw Nd umln llnbnlr mmunl huwlm VAIMIi Mlxku lAl 114641er rhnnm Imm mm lml mm Iahy In filml Mmlm nu oil port ll Tam No1 wnmn pwrr and mm luxl ml lrw Hum lulu llw mdlm lmmm lllm SIMMIOIIIT Illmlnul Ilvhwdu le 41432 waln Du Ifluplnq m1 MIMan damn 1th 141 the huh Malawian WWW Mil 1n Jnkmn mu ml In If hm hm INW Mmfidmn mum lhu mlknl mm Ml Phnda Dolios MatchMakers Inez Damage Mounts In Mexico Iain Forces 0n Mission Rabat McNmmra US Sammy ol Delmar talks MOI MM Gm thn Norton mumm t1 L1 Air Cav yummy 1¢odaytg r3 Partles Hone Kmves For Medicare Debate 102ml Year No 237 MqvPorce DévéIOpfersPrbvide MofeISérviCe LATE NEWS Mnnllral nvmnmiu McNBMABR VISITS VIET NAM TROOPS an510 pilot llmmm mmusurumxmw final Thu llml Ilh man lhnn Mr Wynn yrnr in lfllrx ynxhuu mnulni lrmn mm WASHINGTON AP an rrul Hlactrlc Co nmunmi hwnlul today lownnl Hm MullAt nlrika In In hlxlnry An show down cllmnxlng yum Ilrnlnnl Inlmr nlnllnm mum Donald pwpvsod filament the ailing heav lywkhnlm Chm nmlon coal Mushy in tho next 15 mu The second maxth light ened Numb on me lilinfl ol txan political mum In mm Mudy moored um vaoar Inquiry IN UNITED STATES beast Phu Cat is the base or the air mvdlyl 0mm Ir vlng in hid Rowan and Viet namese trams also am taking pant The Upcrflfinn hm given the film he WI biased has Strike Threat Hangs Over GE wafiafig fr fififi mm ham nw unmnnwnl panel Tum day Imltlml HIM nummn plnmlul lvr vlrlunmy um Im dnlz Ilrtrnra dm In to My and nIu mr mum muvlmm nu um tympani final In Manny Mil rnll nwrllnl IIl llny Hm duhu II Imlnm IMI Iry llrh vnl lwul lnminxl 04 hp lnlunallnnnl Unlun nl Itlmmnl Wurhm hnmngl union muuenll 99¢ 0mm wmkm So Illumflnnl L1 llw cm In mnnnlml Amrrlran lnlmr llml lmhlml Emma Hwy Um lJJMJmlnomlwr AFIICIU hrmllnu mmmilm Anlvlclna Ilw nnlnm Imnlml Iml unlrm minum pmlm Uml rnlIH vmntmrm Mnnnl unlnn ML wlll Ixl lwrn um nrlnr dun run mil lrrlhlrul who nnuml lhm tnhlnrl nmnlmrl In Ivy lo mnlvn he Illnuulr II npmlnl muly lo Invvku an 10 My Tnflllnulry lnlmr IIIw In junrllnu In lull mm Imaula pmlurllun vllnl In Um ur In Vlrl Nam Than an twlnllnn brow lnu Im Inhl Awkumnn or Imlon Ihnl hnvu bnmlul in Ler Ill year or llm lirll llmo In Inku on ha hlu llrm In mnlrnrt nruulluUm Imlbn In nlmnll enuinu am hnlkuul by mm 000 worker 1101 Im Maw xlny carefuf Rainy Edgar awn number yo mfsday union mid IQ lull malt Um luvpoaod agony unlimlmi Um Impound 356M unlimlmi pow wit mm Oppmmon MPn Mm have giving gm Rallypin bill primes McNamma flow to Phu Gall mm Saigon Him ho was bnclnd on miu Lary attain the past two dam AF Wixwflmo by radio Inm North mm and Vi Saigon Wins éonlm Barrio omhrla CanadaWndnoday Oflelur 12 1966 EMMAMun mm John Kath Katmai nm In maul bul pally Mm mm mm afla MM Hm ha ha mm 10m mil not In hint Mm Maul 1h lumrr mayor Km wk VWIinl dummana mm In hi1 hhn Ml In the Steven mm murder use Wt 14 at the time was confirm and scnlenced be hanged but the sentence was later commuted to We Im prisonmcnl Questioned by Donald Scofl Welland 0mm momMy who L1 special prosecutor at Lhe ing Pm Simpson also db agmcd with naflicr dcfcnm m1 dcm ha the girls body had Ialn on left side for 50m um nflu death and lnlgrwas phcod on its back the poaluon Sn which It wan found by nggm nip party warming Wmurnl Wenlhrrll Jzzmxz ad He said there was my harm4 SportIo i1 huml TV LIIHHKfl my Newt2 ClnullledIB ComicsId Dhlrkls Denlhlol ll Ann Linden6 The Examiner British Pathologist First Witness For The Prosecution INSISTS 0N BEING HEARD TODAY Id In hall Iwm lhtmina In In mm mm In mum Add lat lune Mm mum II dry in mikr If Put in MI marine that runan ml do hr mt mum nut that wiry can do WW Ila repealed lhnl ha wuuld have mm In Ihn lnmc conclu mm had Crown doctors uhn pcdormcd he autopsy lhnl he nlrl Hod bumon pm and 745 pm Juno 1959 He also lnld lhnl lhc change after death ohnrvtd In tho body wcrb ransmcnl with tho llmo actor sold Ihe ed back one of the oymplom used by Dr Potty was normal In both live and dead bodies and was 01 on value in determining the pres ena or the dome nl rigor om lls The position oi one finger of the girll hnnd probably won roused by it being held or police photograph and aim won no help in esinbiishing rigor morlls mu Biza hi 6sz SW body WERE WORTIILESS Prof Simpson said he was surprised 1n the mnnnnr that Dr Charles Petty Bulllmore hnd basedhlp finding on me Sfmrmn was con Inning lesumny he began nwsday when he said he believed than was very commie and um lemma Invusflgauon by medical and police offices mzdflnwmacrméwm discov or handicd many can involving rape before death In some hem seminal fluid had been loaded nmmd the body But in mgnonthm it was abscn The London pauwlogisl ho lure at Oxlml and veteran more lhan 100000 musics in 31 years also challenged de fence evidence that the girl could not hava been sexually lncked Mum the body was laundl Meme expells had milled that the absence of semen in the lmmuliate area of lhe body lwwal lhe and had occmmd elsewhere said lie find mlnmdon along lbe lea Slde the body which defence expat had Interprued as indicating the posiflan alter deem He said no marks could have hem oanscd by movement of the body arm it was discov ered and during the process of examination and ol photog NEW Wtwlmmfi midis m1 rmm View on be um pa mmum um Allind Mm nmnrd mum at mu Vidan And VK Dana ub um mlam Mn Nmflu at luv Ilryl mmmkv Hal IItNBtMrI llw mm mm In 19 Ml mm 11wa Lu anlngml ll uh Mnmry llvllln l1 bum Amnlrnn mm In VIN Nam In 3750 mm Ilidlm In Mum Manvmu flow Wt llw bun In cum malllmk hr II US In Akpfmlvyn 0pm Ir NMMW VMJUfl lidmra Mrdmy but McNamara llulnl haul Mun nl Swill VIN Nam llxlny 00 mm Ull lmqu urlvnl In um um 1le LIMIINS LIT pmtnl lhr public lrnrnl Illllr Ilmul naurcn at lhu mllllvmu llw tammllln null MINI lhr ms rltrllnn Thu commlltro hondrd by Munlml hwy Alphnmu Im huu le nprcnrnlallnn mm llm Infirul ram wu Ip polnlcd In Hm In mmnno lo trIHmm About prnenl meth uh naming tampme Tlm par wu llbled In Hm Commons by mm Scmmy Jme pmpaud rcnlslrnr elec lan and pollllnl lllllnll would he rmpowmd lo lnvusllznlo Ind launch mull nation lend Inn to Illfl nu or lmprlmn mcnl Ind rkcflnn from IM mrnl Mr permns canvlrlcd ul violnllom Cnndldnlu would be mqulrud to xubmll swvrn alumnu dc nlllng the name at donor Ind the menu while nnllan ll pnrflcl would Illa Ilatcmnnl About lhu mm mblvrd mm buslnm Ind other groups McNamara Tours Baillo Sectors In Viol Nam TITAWA CF Thu mull mimon dalm me 11 ohm ul the cdcnl politicl pmlcs will be open tn pub vlew Um government adopt mnmmolh election expenses report mlde puhllt Tuesdly fllc commlllcu report lwn yum 1n prcpmflan mcom mend crullan An Impanlnl bodx thunk Ind remck hp Iriln revcmiél ind mend nun udoonkhawximmckbar mdandWhrlIWfiuwd plays Me cheque or $195037 it won in mum pool for ELECTION EXPENSE Pdrty Campaign Chest May Open To Public Mn Jain um sump WINNER IN BRITISH SOCCER POOL 1M Unllnl AW Almdfl Mn maulan ow In In wmnumky llu lllf Irwin val nod elmmm NW you help own Wm port an Bum lbw Ami Your fill bum norm In my WCA And further nvlnu Ire Ilm It In mmmmendlllon la llmll the man cxgwmlve pm of umpnlanlnzl purduuo ndvcrtlllng pue and lime lo the In lnnr wetlu of umpnign The commiltcn lllo recom mendl pllllll mluldlullnn ol candldllcs expenscsmmuxh unnu mllllnu pflvllczc und more lmllma bmdcullnz And the hlflory book At dolled wllh Icnndnls when polluul conlrlbullnm Amount ed to bribe or xnvmmenl Ivan the five cdml part About $18M000hn are raw or he countrywide umpnlzm UNITED APPEAL OBJECTIVE $95950 Wingdgfldnlmfindlzm eulastSaundaandmhcr mmmmmmx Mmlnthimawamrda Ccnml no rrpan mm 1000 LOW 3000 5000 LOW 1000 NahMm mainsFor Copy 20 Plan OM 0000 mm 0000 0000 0000 mm 16in lnllrc rolnfflrwmmlu hand my um n1 Ib lnlmrl lhal lmn Ihrn mm mm um lh hrlch ll poll rm yum nwlh Ildn Milly Mon min I0 ywflua man known in pollen ma mom mmlnlllnl 7qu Ilm flk Mum mar Idqu gym fly bamlu hem CHICAGO mlwrl hull tram IN pom0 mnun Md ll IMInwhl Num buy wu AMI In lho mth Tuminy mm In whll Folk rnllqwl Mmer llnrrull nl mm Wo nro mnklnz lhormuh rhrrk nl nll Ind and HI Innko mmplclo mum um MIX ho Iurnnnlnl lu FAA hrmlumnrrl In Ilmlnn Mum lur llun analy ILI Cllnlnn All FAA um clnllsl ham Iha mmml luurr nl Um nlnxul nulrl Tucl lny HUITHO 1AIJ The Fulmd Malian Aknwy vinyl an lnvuliunllvn umlrr uny lnln Mnr nlr collision our lhc DIIMMu Allrpurl of Jcl pas nrngrr llnrr MIN 73 prmml llxmnl and propeller llrhm Alrcmfl rnrrylnn two rntu harm In Munlnnl Snipors Bullet Grazes Policeman Hits Negro Boy Hulda calvirmV drlailnd nnnrhzl reporl mm pmlu Ind nndldnlu he nmv my hlrarl 0mm would rccelvu Ilalcmcnl mm hmulculerl 1nd pubmhm about Ihcir revenue lo unlble double check The wmmlucn rcrnmmcndl Out lhe doclrinn Igcnty be used i0 lhal In mm or clndtdale or party ltu nwm all lnanrlll Ixnnuc Ian and rumnslblo lul lhglr Ilgnulny recommendation llul he tx lslcncu ul pnlllical pullel bo legally recognized by ruqulrlnl llmn lo mglslcr wllh the new nglslrnrn olllce and deal nm person respumlblo for lhclr flunnclnl Illnlrs Probe Near Air Collision mum sewn THREE

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