Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 11 Oct 1966, p. 9

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Mann Resurrects The Argo Bounce Amman mm lllml Milml II Mllmlli Jlnlny ulna il anqu Vlrmlpu film In bakaluun OHIWI Nlrnlllon Mnmrrnl Toronlo Vlmm Cnllnry Rmmtm nnru mm Mrnlfl Imuhm In Cnlhnnm nakvmu RUNDM Nlllmul lulu Alhnln in VMIIlnflnn llnlllmnm 11 Ullmiu TI Irron III 20 Sun Frnnrllm In mun Mmu New Mk II llmll lllIlmlflplIl 1an shulouts were Du ordm dur ing um washml In Um Ontario lulemllcglnte Football Canler moo Erma em blankzd opgoxgenuuby lgpslilpd scary Unlvmlly Gen Gm muck Sunday lnr 700 win over Sudburyl Lnuxcnllnn Unlvmlly Vnyngnun On Sub urdly hlerlno bummn Golden Hawk lrounml Carl Mon Unlvmlty antns 2M Wiltrim and at Mantra Loy ola College heal Rwynl hull hp Cyllen ll9 In thr unlay mu hm Mulu Marauders mmpcd In 211 victory at Hamilton ovcr Unlvmlly ol annlm Vnrrl on Montreal ho Unlvcw fly Guelph nulmen Mound Uglvcyll Monlmll 5520 In Sundnyl xnmo 0mm lhl Gto ch mmpllul yard rushan nml 3H pnuInx compared wlth Sudbnryl Inlnl ollgncp mils yard MONDAY mldlull IAIIuo MI 10 ltdnumlnn Town Marvin11 Winnlm Ilnllnn mm Al aninn nml Jlm Sillyu Imml hrro lnuchdnwm ouch end Jim Dnlan rauxhx hm touchdown pant nml Illtk Miles Mul Dun Dolrln mth nc chkvr Dave Mann resur rected lha Argo bounce Mon day and Toronto Argnnauu still have nlflm chance of making an Eastm Football Conlerenca plum Mann kicked single Ihal bounced out of bound In th and zone In the lInnl minute to live Toronto win over Mgplreal Altmm Humilian Tiger Can also used last ditch single by J04 Zugcr on the inn play of the aim to shade Winnipeg Blue Bombers Monday in Cann dinn Football Lcaxue interlock my game in linmillnn The loss was lho imnd of Rh Thanksgiving Weekend or ha Bombers Mm dmpptd II 4021 FLANKEB BOBBY Taylor 1mm Ammo pulled down by de lmder 1me yestexdaya Bantam Mall Wmacthmanmmal Ahstmmaeshglehym Shutouts PreVail In College Play By THE CANADIAN PRESS By THE CANADIAN Ill $3 By JIM CRERAR Clnldlln Preu sun ann Inlern Confmnca FOOTBALL RECORD Conlmnn sun rilu Iilhlhltlnn Audi Mutual UMU lunlw Onllvllln Hmulnml Olivfll Lllnml Mnulnunm IllImps 11mm NEW lltunwlri IMIIIVIMII FIMHII Mmml Allirm TLC Junior Vnnmuvrr North Show Flnl lwmxnlm lam polnl Ichflml Onllrla lnlurnllqllll Rudbury Ollnwn 70 NOIIFU Kltklnnd Mo Tlmmlnl 59 NATUIIIMY lnndlnn Mm Wlnnlpog GUAM Cnlsnryr 35 Rnllnjrlwwnn ll Aumlun hqu llmltm Iluflnlo 10 San mm an anl 11 Drum Knmm Nulnnll Lulne Imburgh Clrvrlnml ll Zunllmnlll IIIIIII 0er 741 llxlmuln TV Nnvrnlk I7 Ilrmklyn Chmlrulnn In Tunan It lhllmlrlphln 10 Illllmmmi omuiu lulrvrnllvlluh Wululnn McMnmr 21 mm 17 mm UHVU Nullm lnlhmluu 51 polnu behlnd he thlrd place Alouctles All our EFC clubs bnva three games left ln the regular schedule with tho top lb tilMun maklng the play single cad to common 014 mwnl lmrlng KICK THREE CONVERT Waterloo John Crustc Greg McQueen Jel Brown and John Watson neared ouchdnwm for tho Golden Hawks Mc Queen klcked um conch 21nd Tom Allen nddcd lwo uh Loyolal Dwg Mnlllfl Bill Shensxrecn Cass Quinn man Sckcm and Dan lleflcrnnn Icorcd louchdowm and Qulnn Hrked our convert In ha Loy nhg yldagy 3m MIC Hnlfback Tom Johnsan run yard on 20 carrlcs and mm all thru McMmlu Imehdomu ho Mnmudm polslul lhclr mend Ilrnlghl Wll Wnlnloo wllh rmrd not Ilnma lnl lrom quart back Hob IcKflIop In the llrll uunnrr decision to Ottawa Rough Rid efl Satuniay 1n Ollawa The result len Hnmfltnn our lnu behind the first place gets Awhilele Axgps am our pair of game lhl camlng weekend could settle IL Manl real at Toronto Saturday All ernoon and Hamilton L9 at lawn Sunday aflnrnoon The Rough mdcu havent lost at hqme this seasonu The two setbacks kept Win nlpeg In lhrea way He or second place In the Western Conlerence with Edmonton Es kimo and Calgary Stampede All three club have ll polnu field goal comm and two Ilnmu by lllll Skunkavlc thch Ilnglu by Dnva Hull mgnplclgxl Mclnller Iwrlnu TmMnrnndrrl Knlnul Mal of III yards Waterloo mndl 111 unnl Kunu lllllnnl lelnr rim1L 5cm llatlm mel HIIIIWIVI ll merrnp Momma bum an lead by lhn end of the lrsl qunrlcr Petr Kemp coumm single on wide field goal altbmpf ram ha 46 and eonvmcd Ber nla Fnloncyl three yard touchdown dive late in the quar ler Just before lhe half Ed Learn the hop Toronln lrom counting nLuglo men he returned Manns kick nun flcldlng It in lha Ind zone mmln In mm mm In llm mnlni nu wllh xvnt The Argus accused ol capital lzlng on lucky bounces ln lho days when they was wlnnlng cashed ln Monday on bounce that Manns 40yard punt look In front of three Montreal de mm stadium in the end zone In mum Um kick The ball ended up outlde me sidelines Mann preserved tho victory on the final play when he look punt by Gino Harem In the Tomnln and mo and klclml the ball back out danger Mann nlso booted find nlngla ln the lhlrd quarter Tomnlna re mnlnlnz polnLa came on om ynrd lhlrd quarter touchdown plunge by Dave Thclcn whlch John Vllunu convened puss lnlerccptlon by Jlm Rountrca Act It up The Ticais taking advantage of zomflwnhour wind which Rusted lo 35 iinniiy broke through in npiriiui Winnipeg do lent late in he gum in mova within siriklng rungu for tho xnmo winning ainxici Zuxcr kicked ii mm the 47 wilh our Ingqndxjhowlng nnllhe 910d The Bomber mlI ad chnnco lo hrmk In mo menu cnrllcr when Ed Ullmcrl kirk Into lhu wind Irom um Hnmillnn 39 Icll our yard than of Vlho Md who on p0 on kick by Sullmdn and Zuunr Sulherln counlul uynrd field goal In the mom quarter cm In HI Wlnnlmz lend on Norm Vlnkma Ilnulo In tho Hm quarto uhnn 1de lcld nonl bl wnnl wldn lulur nddul hm Ilnulu In he no ond qunrlrr 1mm 57 45 and 55 ymh to pm II Tim ahead ha mll Imr Knan llm Munlrml MomNu sznl IIHKII and mnvnl Mnmlny nnnl nwwl ullhln luo Mlnll Mu Ila rlno In Hm linnlrm F001an Conlrrgpm ncurlnn Mm Hm Krrnpll mnlrllmllon WM nul rnnunh Turnnlu Arno nnuln nlmwl Hm Mnlwllru In Munlreol KNM nnw 81 Mull lru lmn Minn bl hp 0mm Hnuzh llhlm mnllhm nmnu Mrknl up our mlull ullh will ml mu IIIWII MnmIny AI lhn TIfMl 1mm wnmm 1qu mme of Int errn FnuUmII Cunlrrrm In llmumnn our war than the firstplace Saskatchewan Rollihdden mu Cooper mug lhu ha deep In the and me and tried la oulmn hoard ol llnmlllan tnrldm nut Don Sulhuin bounced hlm nu ol bound Just lnchu ghoul ho goal llnp Sutherin Gains Four Points lly Tlll CANADIAN PRESS Thu Iudm Ill rm man EiAMINEfl lindcr mu plum INV banIn nmn Inhrmvhkll aflrr IW hrh am In Hm punnlly but find Norm my polka who Tharp Wm ha haer mt Al Mnml ml Dirk mm nndm mu Jvhn Finnle and Faun lrnhy Ilm hanm Wm Hrlnl ml ol Um Ran Dirk Knunwld mom mm or th llny mm arm lrkr MINI ml All Drnwm nry Mnle Ham MAIN ml Hunnan me mph Haw4n min ml lo Mlln IAVmll with um ml Ill llnllnfim pak1¢ifiM Hummus hm llkvwri mm in up Rump 1mle KM Jrlul lnm Mum rmmfia and Inn llnhhm mu nplm luy IMpm the two Ful bury wwler Ca We and Winnh peg ue Bankers or second place three Ina ahead loe cellar awe lug Liam Calgzry Joined the pileup Saturday by mpplng Lbs first place Sas kabchewan or 35 16 before 19392 an in Regina Eadj qlub emBC has Herring flashed four yards or the mm scon while Bill MW mkfluted field goal Mo convert and singla an wide laid goal memm 7mm pm by Net Beaumont provided an nu 1m pom COFFEY DID IT ALL Torrme Coffey colleded Emma mm on 13 yam pass mm Bill Roddl then added the convert Flank To My Evansimn capped lmlflam pas catch ing performance for Calgary with two Widows Hammcks Howaxd Starla and MI mm son caught on Bad Fullback Bill Goods mm the other Slanpedu touchdown and Larry Robinson pmvided our mom and single Not Ian Rode minced Randy KcrbUw at quamrback In flu final quarter did Ed mnlon mount any untamed of fence The Um established True Mira did run well against Green Bay Packers Sun day But ha also called Wed game lakcd we and lhmw twn maman passes as the 49m upset the Packet 2120 and droqu um mm mum Ila whh Lou man Rams in the National Football ungual Western Cnnlereme Wbm you 10 Milk um mm and when you so mm fem thins gm wins 137mm galnud do with Gm Buy In 41 by ddcallng Damn Lima u7 W5 5L hula wring Wk 2119 vlctmy over Ntw York an or 570 mm ml Dallas blusunu Philaddphin Eagle SM or 40 mm mlcngo Mm bent Baltimore Dolls 2141 and Wrsflnginnlml skim Whipped Album Palms 5130 In um other Sunday games Mound ow lrounccd mmm swim 4110 Satur lly nm CANADIAN HIM Orly lour mum have an played in flu Nam Ontario llochry Amlalhfl Junior mica but uwyro aheady pro dime chart Rka and mum cl pot flm mppqulm 501111310 mm lmiiwumfi Jumpu Into 10 poumlm HM plnco Selmhtl plflluby HM plnco smth mm by luring Suyyry Ialrn 13H hulfll lay Trapper hmped p3 nnuln h1g4 fiumlny in Hmmmm um um MW lm Hummn of North Hay and Harold main Emmi drnw nmhll mm of wk pm In Innlwhl nmu Hwy llflnlwhl my wthe nmmwmu mm ha 701M pxrcuflfl By JOHN SHORT Canflu Pm 8m erlu hflmnm mfl on day th Edmonton Ndnm as the min amuse Lions cher up the mid dle at the £1an defensive line for widow below 13 06 155 move within flares of truncdam in 06 Mt Wesm Football Wen em playofl spot Ihg Egklmrmfi will have Emma In Fuflhaek Larry Eilmea mm for 153 yard on 22 canlee and one umhdown gum dm9nton rWLllga whose thy Thva wummlnsmie WM WWTMM Minion LM Ensign Councan In In Mo Ixfiwmwwué ml in Im mm lhn Gmhgpwgh fly ED SCIIUYLER Jr Associated Pm 8pm Wrfler San Frandm coach Jack mum think some people want hhn mark hatrch gngnxnake hmmmn Trouble Stirs In Northern Junior Miras Efforts Beat Green Bay Lions create Traffic Jain Dun Kurylu Inn1 hm lho team captained by Deny Smfih wan be mum loam dmmionshrp and the Bill 14 Bow this scam at BM rio Golf Chm League ohzmnnn Gany wu4 Em Med when an Ibe 0mg bmqufl may ML mm team MM Ernie Rat man Charm Tiemcy Paul Tuck gheed They won the first ha sduxiule then dolealod Dr Stew mt Hashim mm in Lha final on Thmsdizy Mormon Wimas an seam ham Basbml beam included Ad We Rom Bidding George Barman Tom Yum Doug Boom Bill Lloyd and Maurice Stransnun Third place winner Wm Ger ry VflUzms capmm Dwg Fair fllTllD SEASON Idea of tho Nimfin mm or igimwd mm Amannm William years ago When he Wm club capmah It wan to wide 1ka golfing $1 mam ha pnd mafiudmmum TIMMINS CF Timmlnl Falcon defeated Kirkland Lakc Aloueltu 394 Sunday in Northern Ontario Rugby Foot ball Unlon stxauhewmn to ucbdawm were shared by Wayne Shaw and Jim Worden Jack Aband suhan converted both and added two singles on field goal It iempta that weak awry Calgary also wnceded Baldy loud smveism John Cockbm Pembmon nobirmn and 139k Sui meh pine winner um nan um captain Noah nu mar Omb Adams Dr Rod Ideson My Bursa In West bwgk Gary Roberts and Bert Dan Cybolskl led Falcam wIlh two touchdowns while Don Shanks Dun llnnnlgnn Joa Campbell and Bijou Szcwc not majors Andy Eros kl ed um mnvuru TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7131114 their mound mommy 1n the early stages and Ram Flam hl quanerbnck Joe KI and mu Manse all oonk buled damaging bursts Slaw claimed 32 yards lo We 19 Pa WY Shaws heroic Impeller Sas katchewan to 1615 c2d aner lhme quarters Punter Jim Fur long conceded safety early in the mu1h quarter In boost the load to MS helme aubsliluu quarterback Pew uske took am for Calgary wlth much down passes to Mchmn Evan shen md Starks by Jerry Keelmg Shaw imp gm warden toughdowy byyldf Timmins Posts Shutout Victory Smith Team Tops TWilight Golf Ymmnmmlymum llml dry dllmlv nymldnlrv ol Tum Full In mm IomYoIhlXI how brings you Texaco Fuol Chlof all winter long One ca thats GIL SIMCOE PETROLEUM 75 ANNE ST 7169735 éflquhmwhosfgmqwlg Ran Mm Aft Pom Les Jonifle cw Mum and Mama FINALEVENTS Clash dimer and dam will be pogdwwe My cu you stifl EinuTiu Batu MLWWPWPX mummis Open Bandy Afternoan 7mm 50 Dunlap 5L Shlnly flu swoon gr 9001 Osmmp Rumavlng rm 1mm 7mm TOBACCO BILLIAIIDS Bva Garner Returns As Schedule Nears llOYD GOHEEN SANDY COVE mm MARINE SPORTS CALENDAR Public Servlco Contributed by Nine Thoughlful Buslnul Flrml LAKESIDE TREE EXPERTS CROWN HILL RESTAURANT 11 mm 1103 GARNER Relurnte TV Slom lnflvconi Inll Llm chlau mqu lludll rullml Imunl umlnt mu VII tho MODERN TABLE 72605 Wind Mull Home cbLogIn rgctqnx Isnvucl BARRIE SIGHT SOUND 63mm file to All Mala RMunhy Nov lzGafl nrulny Nov 15011mm Sunny NW TlKlnaflol Friday Dre IGwlph MW Dec 200mm hlexhy Jun mman Sunday Jnn lKhzflm Sun Jan lelviHe 11mm JruL unm mrhy Jan alWmlinck Tumdny 7llrlmvmo 5mm Fm 114mm TuMLvy Fri Allnllh anhy Cflmnflwflll Banlo men conunued prep nation at the 195561 OIIA Senior hockey man over tho weekend with the sigma 01 Our more player at pranflce ses skm hm 5mm anemoon The nddlthm of me vdemn rm petmlqdqr and um om now Returnlna or another season is veteran forward Bob Garner resident of 1mm Playing My cenlreman GanMr uncut his junior day In the Toronto Mnrlbom or anlzatlon PWE team In lulermedhta rank and last leasnn wax captain of the local entry In the tourclub Cen tral Onturlo Senior ckcuit He Is strong scaring throat and last year complied as points on 14 gush and 22 assists good enough to rank tenth among the IeBgMI tap snlpm Thu new goalkeeper 20 warold Bob Mcflmom an other graduate of the Metro Tnmnlo Junior League Ha up from 015 Mnrkhnm Entry Jim 6056 zbyearold loll wlnger give Flycra anolhar Junior 13 md from the Etch coke Indians Frkhtr Jan lHflflin Frkhy Jm 20130mm Friday Jun 2701 Friday Fch Sonkvilho Fdlay loTommo Friday Feb 170011moa1 thy Pub zkodllu MVAV Frilay ON 6011 lrkhy 0d IIIlellnvml Mvday 0d 2300an Smhy 06L aomm Sunday 6ka Tmhy rub 210mm mm Mahllk bhydFii SYDNEY Amtralhl GPAP Montreal banker John Hend erson wmdd captain ol Canadas mm Kn the world avm bowling mm used his final bowl but mum 7018 triples competition Monday Huldason member WestmGunt LMm Dawfina Club placai In ball 1mm um um opposing bowl to give Canada the victory Canadal doubles learn went down to de feat 3345 to Ireland 136661 OIIA SENIOR SCHEDULE HOME Smuhy 0d IHingsim Irldwy Oct Makvmo Friday Nov OOrillia Womhv NW 0oodstock Sunday Nav uGudph Sunday NW mColllnzuood Friday ZSGax Friday Friday mm Friday thy Flynn have shored up their defensive corps wth tha add llpn of Mustard kingsized man who akalzd last season In ha Toronto Hockey League Sen Ior divislon Muqu will be MIMI II mm SPECIAL nu vw 1m Dunmmnlar mum tum wmdmlda wnhm Sldflhw lunar Only mllu In um DEFEATS AUSSIEE Ipedlllllll ll VOIMWAUEN rm Ind IrvIn on 72135335 MOTORS LTD Pnlor Kloln Texaco PIERCE mm him mombued locally as In rp ponent to the old Band Lakevlews 1n OHA lnlermedlalo campellllun Ho was horn In tha 51d of lhu local as member of Milton Merchanu The aaasou opens tth wéek when Flyers travel tn Guelph Friday night for In 830 pm data will defendln 011A Senlar champlnn Raga Thu naw look locals bow before huma Inn next Sunday afternoon against Kingston Aces Gam time In 130 p111 New coach Sandy Air drills EL charges agnln tonlgm LUMBURR 01 mm 7160254 KENS BA SERVIC For friendly comp onl urvlca Ind quil lty hrnnd namn prod uch call In new Il Blrtram Brat fluldtnuu commmm nunmu You Ilko olher trul home nvmm nrabubly would on no on any without In lnwrlucl on your homo Ind ur lawn lncc Thu mall lmporllnl lhlnl In lhl wnrld to your mn lly II you And ynnu probably nnl ndcqulltly lulurrd Did you know lhll lot our home Inn do Ilroytd by flu lllm In om home owner mt dlo before lhrlr hum mornn II unld on For romplcla onouop mun 7287133 You nuuhmn JulianI llultl RE Culture mm mm MILIK uum VEflHHMTKN IIEM MILIK LTD 100 HEEL 5T DAM BA MI£ZIsIquu III 1mm nm 14 Min BLOM CLEANING SERVICE 10 OFF ON CASH AND CARRY GREEN CORNER hi GRILL BARRIE FLOOR WALL TILE l5 YOURS AN AVERAGE MORTGAGE SERVICE Llnnllllll Corlul cum

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