GLASGOW Scotland AP Jnm Prrnlicc ha wen jub hunting 1n 1he Nnrlh American Soccer League was ircd today as Scotlands team manager Unltcd sum President Lyn den Jahnson takes mm in the sun uiong New Ymk Citys First Avenue near 45m sum Mowing delivery TEE$201 than look the acï¬lun chnusc Prentice th lo panggn to dis V5ncauvor wilhmx lclmn lixem slalcmcn Vc appreciate that ywng man 1y mu win ic and mum is up 11th and by umctcd lack lo the jmurr hmnn In mind the II urc Mr IrcnUcuS 2123 us lrum managur Ihcy ml lhul hm rgcly Soccer Coach Fired F03 JobHunting FOR RESERVATIONS AND TICKETS CALL 72 MI ru and hm yum mm 0K Johnson vaal Snlvlco IM MA ctmcpl 1ln huh AMAAICAN AAAss TAKE WALK 521351 on Sept 13 as to his position with he assatialion he should In fairness to them have dis closed um ha was that time Interested In 2n appnlntmeni ckcwher speech to the National Canter cnm of Editonal Writers lie thcn yak an umdmulcd call on United Naticm Sammy Gcnual Want He stvppcd briefly at the 115 Mlssim K0 MADE DECISION Prcmicc rclurncd home rum an cigntday visit In Mada Insl nwsday and said he had made decision on an offer by Van CUIIVLI ll 519 he wanted lo the SFA ï¬rst befch an int whal he was gain Barker he had camplnnnd became he SFA cngngu km on manllrbymanlh bass not an longlcrm contract waian nd You get the quality you expect from Kaiser Aluminum Sldlng and Kaiser donlors You can und mninlcnanca wonlu and mm yam homo Ipmhlmu am will Kalle Numlnum Sldlnu Your Kalm denlov will how you Ialocllon ol modem caloun and mum Ihl 20 ym Innlol Iblu numnm which man valuu to you homl Whun II coma Aluminum Sldinu Aluminum 0mm Wmdown you an IM nullilv you upocl Ivom Kuhn and Knim doalm Conuulx yam yellow mu conlacl 19 Mlllonbcu Road Sculbmouuh OnL KAISER ELEMAlum the UN helm heading for the sccmmé With Johnson Secretm Stale Dean Rusk Ia and mm Goldberg chic Amcman delegate to the UN AP Wirvpboio agar six manlhs ago but wn given contract only lasl mam The SFA said an commutes had dcddcd unanimously to dapensn wiih Prentice serv nd he was bclng glven my Prentice was lo have gone to an Ear League game Sandman today check on plDS before helplrg to pick Smilands mm to meal Wales lam this mnnlh 1m 5m slapped um and lod rcrllce his dsmissn was me lsly spckumcn nhl com In like waud consider ques ï¬an ï¬nding unolhcr manager lalcr 12st Emmmg TUESDAY heron SAINT JOHN NB iCPOi iiciai of this Atlantic port rid ing the crest oi ona oi the host your on record In total ion nose havq dovelrofed what they term new ha sell approach in ntiractinz shipping business iiinan deicgmlon headed by George Urquhart chnir man at tho Saint John Port and Industrial Deveiopmem Corn mission marched on Detroit 15ch 29 for Saint Jnhn Ports nY Armed with Moi 20pm mhiicntion boasting shipping in ciiities describing this citys yearround port and changing skviine and containing com ments imm civicvoiitciois and tho president oi two breweries they made nearly 50 calls on maior companion in Detroit and in the Windsor Chatlram anii Sarnll area oi Ontario HeaVy Season For Saint John Thu was prior to rccepflon and exhlhlt at Detroit hotel thch draw more than 100 busl nessmen from ha motor cityo Exmg mcnmsp Mr Urquhart said it was lha mos mm Pm Day ever Ipansnred by the city and in dications point in several sources ol additional mm or the port ni Saint Jnhn in the ensuing months Chiei angels ur new business were bad inhncco manninep and chemical iinps mar event or tho last three yearn but th yenr hns been joined by Air Canada the NBA Hana Harbor Board and Can adn two major railways um CNN and CPR Snlnt John business day will be held In Tor onto Thursday and In Boston Nov 11 Port oiiicini tell their pros pective customers nil the vital statistics in which they might be interested27 berths i6 transit sheds three grain elevntm 900000 cubi not relrigurntui wardmsecnd the act that $2000000 in mp manta maintenance and new capitni work proiecu will be spent at the port by the end oi the yeah PORT UNKNOWN try lo sell them on 5111ng through East Coast Ca nndlnn pans and hen tell them $15 my mum 18000 ROUND 1an FARES ARE Low WINNIPEG INCLUDES ROUND TRIP FARE BY BUS HOTEL ROOM 11 NIGHTS ZINARDOM SIGHTSEEING Additional slapovum ll doaiwd the advantage the Snlnt John port over such parts New Orleans New York and Baltimore Mr Urquhart says Its surprising how many bu slnussmen we run across who are unaware here such pm at SalnlJohn He sald the ndvanlngns Saint Juhn could bu lower la bor cosls lesflplllcrngu It proximfly to desired market or numcruus ether actors OIflclnls helluva the campnlgn Is paying on and are encour aged by llxperccm gromh durlng me ï¬rst ï¬ght mumh this year In total tonnage mov ing through the purl4557000 1an by tho end ol August com pared with 4311000 tan or tha same penind last year Grnln shipment Increased by 3000000 ion In 71000000 Five Russian and two Cuban ships docked here this year to load 65000 inns of flour under Canadas wheat deal with Rus sia iiailinx which in previous years hundied ali this traiiic through Atlantic pom received none oi it IJONDON Rmm Senior London pollce ofï¬cial were angry today over secret un ofï¬clnl survey Snlhe rank th one which said to favor recruitment nomflle poUce thousand men on the heat in 25 London district wm rsked by he lndapendmt Brit lsh Salchf Council for vim Survey Angers London Police tho employment nonhim policemen birchrod Whipping tnr convicted thugs and wthher the me wouid bendil by having dynamic icadér on Ihe hues of American FE ohiei Edgar ii awn ol the survey made solely nnwnz London policemull 5cm Home Secwary Roy Jenkins and some parliamenla Hans aimed at stepping up crime prevention iICKETS ANb INFORMATION AT 13M DE FOR FAITH LUSAKA AP The hnly war or prophetesAlco Len ahhm is null going on in Zambia so mm of emergency has been proclalmchor further le mnnfluuThe thinlbegan two yum ago and cast more than non lives Allce LI in prison Twoof the most destructive fire hazards in Ontario homes are the careless use and storage of inflammable liquids and the lgnition of cooking fats and oils INFLAMMABLE LIQUIDSKerosene paint gasoline naphtha and some cleaning iiuids give oif highly inflammable vapours they should be used with caution and carefully stored Keep carbon dioxide loam or dry chemical lire extinguisher near their storage area Olly rags left In cup boards or corners can burstinto flames spontaneously Dispose of them Immediately aiter use COOKINGFAT FIRES IN THE KITCHENYou can reduce the danger of grease ï¬res by keeping your st Dont leave hot fryingpans una wnh baking soda or smothered ove clean Dont lei spattered fats buildup ttended grease ï¬re can be extinguished ith lld Keep both handy whenever youre trying PROTECT YOUR FAMILY BY TAKING PRECAUTIONS OBSERVE FIRE PREVENTION WEEK IN YOUR HOME OCTOBER 915 WINNIPEG 3915 REGINA 50 CALGARY 6255 VANCOUVER 78 FIRE WARNING VTO MOTHERS Maplo Slmoo 511 Hymn Anon Tchphonl 726457 BUS TERMINAL but 10000 Lumpn lrlbcsmen are hiding just moss the Congo border and the gnvernment lhlnks they an potentially hus tlle rcllxlou lunatics WOMEN RULEHRAIL ROME AWItaly man may have woman Vruflway Hallo maslm and train lunch Alter new law apened ha to ma fair sex score of worn applled for vacancies nr 41 stntlonmnslm and 545 signal let to blow the un whistlawllb gut whlch no Julian train ca lenvo the stnliin