n4u1ï¬m To Goon HEALTH mm mm tlvn Mn hm Nm ml Inm 4Ilnu xnmm 1mmn lnr Dnlhu Um nanny Anon 14m Lum lunnum 5mm Hm lllu mumm Mu 11M Im mr llJunni Lnmvlny Clvln In lomvu Mm ll Mhlu mud mo I1V mummy III Am nurm mun lumu Ina Mmlml lluml Hunnn Th nu nu Lugm mm lNnmln nggw an nu an ivum llChmnul ll Nun lIlunncyurlnkluy llllm umon um hingn amry 1Lmnu my mm mnalu o1 limbo 510 lluporl kLIMa ur cm many Show Fund In 11 NIVH IChlnnll new mmuu You lllorm CM aum Dounu sne Hommumcfl ODI ER in 91 bun Lun llFunny compu LIB nuuuné nilan BUFFALO umn ll seam me at the fore going loner amen some of he qucniom Mm readers who know they musl have cataracts Nmoved Can you dnve car after the operation What about conkpls And so on to ya back L0 my old phasscs steady again so abide by all mlcs or con Lac nmrcrs clean them In arm wulcr when pol hem In or take them out keep them In dunlnx solution when not in us put drops In my eyes bofore going to deepQ 11 BL Ill ncvrr do that was so awlnmrd dnvmg with my hick glasses andturninl Irv hen to see nu wnlacl lensu have all my side vIslon and no problem MhaIsowerI mmimcs take hem but uhlo am work and put them In berm go homeI Once working the mid nght shift ws llred and though wouldnt put them back In would be taking than out again In tow mln moi when goribuma WEDNESDAY 0C It took me aboul month lo cl so could put the cunle In and take them out wihoul help from someone In the lam Hy MN do It whh mlmr ogfansNo Mom In llnly and seldom mks Afar got mad for com Imus me doctor told ma would also haw Iu use reading 51355 lor an prjnl The mums make your eye appear so big to peoplc and in crowd was ENE bump into thvm because muldnl ok out of ma mm my Dear Dr Morn had cala racl removed mm bah eyes and was ï¬lled with glasses flu doctor said that at my age N5 had 312 more 01 mrk and that he would at IM twhim contact low it wanted cm ml along line Vlshm with my thick lam but had to tum my head to Sea to either slda became yvu have to look thignghthe lenses By JOSEPH Norman ll docs Lake It practice TELEVISION PROGRAMS mm mm EXAMINER nmsmv new it mi lum Important Rules For Contact Users WWI TUESDAY OCTOBER 11 EVENING BARRIE BUFFALO BUFFALO TORONTO HAMILTON Ill WHOM ll VIuInI WI Inn AM Wllmm Inv 11$ 34m Lum uqu itll nvll EM mu FORE lY MORNING XI lConunlullon lTlm 0m cnowny mubmm Donn nud In mm mm Ina Moiflown Dull Undcll umn Vuu nm Hlunl Mlflfln IIMII Dvmli 1m gdemmt ll no mm Von Torunlo Todly IAwhul lmmlly zNnc lNWMIY Ml Rh or lunar 44m mum rm ju anllm LA 94mm n4 iIuormn mm mm awnm mm 44 1mm tAudy Mumr1 1ANIlirmleH nu Mr And Mn mu Conlld Hm rmm line Hllflllnl blind Ile Wuum xomulml wm cnn 5mm ihow 1nmam IMunlul 53m uLmda Kl Imlll sau amplon on noelle 130 ith Silllofl pm 5Pflu60l Juncuen 3111 uawmmm vi 1an Imam MD Hm mm CHALLENGE RIGHT TORONN CHTho rial lhe Oninrio Municipal Board to nvemxia decision by elected local xovernmmis was viral Imxcd Friday by body of mu nicipal piaunm he Commu nity Planning Association Ol Canada omw particular objeo linn to he OMB incl say on the quesxlon oi Mvhims am not landlinr wifl any argon which can correct this Indium but mgmmy hm knuwn 1th with Sine my h1 volved In your Inability to be rcome pregnant Youvmenuun side Weds but dnnt say what they Ire 1on1 hive nnumd anywm speciï¬c by all mean Ml your doctor Dnr Dr Molnar to the doctor or Lest la see could haw children hive what called split utmu posslblc or an operallon help rmMn mallorslmehstonot Ilka to take medicine chat do not need and led am has side client but my young doc tor uum mLMn The drug menlhm my 4le your blood sure my be nonnul be causo you are using IL no step without your dodorn pu mlssion he mmu am In dlsconllnue for lime Tacn ymld knowhether your pre 1sure can main normal without wry phml visionum ability lo It the vlde MW taming the hand am pleased min mat Mr allhlully folluwa the slim but Immnt flu for mm of muck And Hum that his Mm will dissolve the can of Mk who danl know quite what to expect am cat ma opemtlona Den Dr Mulnu have hem my auW his been nor to lelrhnw 1mm mi mova canan 595591 but nus lg UTanln IvAvn TN In In uh MIMI IIMn hm Mum Im II Kym mu WENan 30 n44 Cam 0m 331151 um um 11 mm ll yawn Hut ml ll lllIINul mum mm IUW mo lJWMM mu bnu II NI Mr Mn IIumc mm 74mm Hm Mn wwm mu 4mi In Emma anm Our le ord mo oA Wurll Tum 414 My mum 6mnu nmm lTnnllm Maw Hmmm mum 41m ano lflonluur Trimn 1anl lWNI ll nMmm Thulrl TN Hm lmtl 1Nmyw3a 1030 mm 01 mm ND AFTERNOON ll Janl mm 54 5mm Tn hlmlvo 13lllel Wllmm mm Mn Humanl lunclln 11m On Roomy bA swm 1115 mum 1000 II 1w lllllmu inlminll Cullum chllmny 89 0mm nolu I1Jllmutnl In mm mm Ihltld mlnnlln Inn While any huh lull Mom In DAILY CROSSWORD low IL Coll brth mu Mll ll Nllvlum in 20 hrpyud 11min Bethlehem Steel Co uld Way It will build muflh mlIllon dollar waste treatment gun that cnzincm any will all mint Iource pollullon In Lake Erie and Bulfalwrea Ilrnaml The frond schcd ulcd mmp cllon by mo of day llCommIM ll Blundlfl lo Unu 1115915 12 IX MAKES OFFER Qudm NitMme Weed In leauskl Thursday It will of er stockholdtrs ordlnnry sham worth 000000 In order to raise In part funds needed for capital ï¬nancing In 1068 constmdlon program and tho Icqulsldon of several IndependA mt lelephvnu system will cost Quebec Telephone $10500000 Short term Inans amounlln Io 010300000 Ilmdy hnvn bean contracted BUSINESS BRIEFS Linn Unlllnf his bidding Generally he will haw described hlu hand lo some extent during ha hiddinx and any additional ininrmaiinn you may need in pinpoint his vaiue will ordlnarily coma tram either your winners play or irom de clare hoice of plays Alter two hours with Anlm Ln th Mvsmw zoo cage the lmdm 100s ObiGd had Mad him out once and even coquelllshly When he didnt pay enmxgh at enuon to her MOSCOW AIDGM glam panda Idml gm along well with boy giant panda An An Friday lhnt no ofï¬cial dcclded In leave mom to Au or 1130 nlght you an defender yaur knuwledxo of declnms hand 311 fly cgme nlmly mumml Opening lendking or spadu illo mm of good play in the ability Io ï¬gure out how the un Iccn cards are divided Once ynu knnw mo disiribulion of tho miss In cards you mic is relative 1y my Giant Pandas Getting Along The bidding NONI Pu Fire them all But how do you know an cnllrcly NEW mu wont hung the some stupid nicknnmca on you Slam Nzlum dds vulnmble 999mm POLLUTION CONTRACT BRIDGE 92 1109 um um 80 cur noun um Inurl sum dum 43 Ill WK Clly mom pronoun Arman Flrm ï¬lms lump hilly Sun by rhur Fnul MIPth 10mm Hlu hlnll 7mm Son Wm By JAY BECKER mm 27 mum in EmuIla no Dnul out 31 MAX Himvi um 20 Ovuhul vuh 21 Help gl 1mm inbncnl 10 Vlffl my mm want llllnlly lnu II Um puplll 200 experts attach great lm parlance the marriage since lar no giant panda om hns botn born in cplv 11y ouledc China hc nnimnh home thlhcr or net cumn rem nm successful ChiCh must soon mum to nor Low don Zoo home because hn mismd by her Inns there AnAns new amnm Ls much Impmvtd am his nui lude last April whcn ho lunged n1 ChLGï¬ during the first nllcmpl to male the an mzh She rcaclcd sn angrily that they kvpl apart um 1171th We rec Hwy are now scl ling to know each other said Dr Desmond Mon15 wrnlar of mammals at the hmdm Pandas are semlmocturnal animals and ne cm expect mmc activity at night Mcms addcd wlEn But you had not been my lng attention In the blddlng or tn um significance of your part ncrs plug at lhc king of made followed the II you might not have made lhe key play at the king or club You might have returned low club nf some oth er silly card and In that can dc cImu wuld wind up with minimum nine tricks Ofï¬cial sald that as long as the mmlan mnlc and Brillsh bride could stay to geLhrr without Killing tho chances for bringing baby glam panda Int Lhe warld won improved So when declare lend din mond at lrlck Ihree and finesse thevlack yauJuko It with the king and return hu king of clubs 11h unusual may sinks declar er without lrncu negnrdleu of what he daes ho wind up with only eight lrlgks Although nothing much clan happened zoo Iliduls were encouraged mom to glve the gwhcad or the panda to spend their ï¬rst my lo when Right at this point It on both er to think about the ma ter you can predict the outcama of the hand You should pretty much lmw dedmfs hand and NI shnuld also know that he will evynlyally 9ng age Is not dlfllcull In nlnpulnt Souths vnlucsl He has shown up with nothing In spade but lha aca nd he also baund to have Iha ace of clubs lf the two blds he mldo are to be helluvcd There ls unthan also lell or him torhnve For exnmwe nu pouyou have the East hand an partner leads the king of spadeson which you play the deuce and dcclam the six Was cnnllnuel with ha an which Saul wlns wllh mg um 1mm 3ilddln 40 German HUI 41 Hwy auno HT JIM 37AM 30y new Inalure In Barrie Jun or Fair and nno 01 mm In lcml to me wax Danie DI lrlcl Coucnialcs display and dcmansumlnn rcpmentnllvu al XII Exhibiiilm all he HI homemakan club nnd Hut orcslry club displays on very calorhl nml cducallonal Tha Hard and unrdm mp elm whEIo dawn ln number of ex hiblu demonstrated op quality in most sections NEW FEATURE Simeon County Junior farmer staged Mord slum at Bar rIe While we wemhcr dampen ed the spirits or many an Jun lar Day Hanla FnJr he Jun Im dirmnrs and exhibitors are be mngramlatbd on Iho whole rogrrm 01050 to 260 head ol vesiock masIy bcc mid dairy calves wm shown by the jun Ian and mm the ringside the quamy £1cher to be excelMon Aly go Emred lhls all as possible so Hm barley can be suwn with minimum lfllaxo next spring Surface wnlor hum should so be put In 11m necmnry so that seeding will not be dL aycd by pankm or patches of or floodnd land RECORD SHOW We Suziest lhmfoée more barley cflYp plammi that the nch be well and harvest than grain mm rc qulrlna only lhe normal equip ment or gmln harvcsllng bar ley secrm good dwlce or grain crop or marry farmers Early planting lung wlth ade quate fertilily and freedom mm conrpmlllvo vmds ls key lac lor In xrowlng good barley crop By mrly plnmlng we mean very early Harley seeded by midApril his year turned out qullo wall wherever the land had been pardully pm paged Um prylop fall However many areas In Nam Simcoe are not suitable or grow lng grain mm and In hum areas usuallyrvhbre ho hind Is lme heavier or where there 13 al ways danger In early from In late August or early 5mm ber badcy pmvlhg to be an emllcnt cash or feed mm good mam yields of 75 busth peg am and occasionally mo bushels have been mpoï¬ed in 51mm In the pastA we UN yeaia When is coiiéia md um burl lull dunpyr to gmw spoolallsz mm are mm Speaklng of Mn we spam lo bavo In increascd new of gmlnmmvhbyemam mm klJlng frost generally flwugh out September his mp mn lurinz very well the best In scv oral yogrs HARLEY PLANTING an twain by plawlnz mntchds wxrlous dub awnnh mm and la er on in November the Royal Amiwllwral Winter Fair at Tor onio 0n the farm sun illlnz is general In most commnlyex as La gnawed tho 1an potato mp nn Mamet Lhme mun DISTRICT FARMING3 By smva PAGE October mm the clue the p11 8er swsan be unwed AgriCUEré fbfFall Indicates Busy Season Where do you standirnBWJVï¬en it comes to planned financial security Reprcsonlaflvo Ron Chamlor 223 WellinglonSL PIL 7287500 Ink131ny Nn Ilmnul Snuvlly 110mm Rum Flupr Aml Illvh at an mm In Ihh Held mummy we Mutual We null Im duel npul pumam In Mlp ynu lln ullul Vlannul Sruuily II III yuu cnmlne you lnlal nmll mp luv mp ml mum you how In hulhl you limmlll pmmm In Illa lull Advanqu nl Iluc mun Pm Iltm Hm and lHe hummt nu mm 1Lflg1riu II er sumn Imul ul mnplvlol an wlo Mil MLï¬ulmL Illinl Im unml Ilmpr WM with all my Immune DOIIUC ompany pemron and Mud lrmmn HM you Ml down tn unl nul hm IIHM Inlly mun In moulding Mme npllnl and ImamI yl No01ml HunkIdhnuwwhmlnsml Me or our of the many ledb niozl subjccls taught at 1M suhooh Mac Mamlhu ha wls chlcly rcspun organltina his edu STEWART PAGE This exlcnsion does no ancct lhc normalmnwnl periods for those trades which are Electrical lradcJanuaryFcbruary Refrigeration Air CondilioningMnyJune Tridesmtn who have not nlrcadyapplicd for their inilinl Ccrlilicmcs of Qualiï¬cation should do no as soon as possible Applications should be forwardcd to The Apprenticeship and TradesmensQualiflcalim Act 1964 uquircl journeyman in Ilhe Elcclricnl and Ali Conditioning and Refrigcration mdcs to obtain Certiï¬cates of Qualiï¬cation by October 3m 1966 The drmllinelmxnow lmn cxlendtd for nx momh April 301k I967 Important announcement for electricians air conditioning and refrigeration Workers ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR INDUSTRIAL TRAINING BRANCH 74 VIcIorln BIruI Toronto OnIarla movw mu um IMVJULL Them em many om to education In lhls ago of rapid mun and we hope that the District Collegialm may be encousz to saw the pair lie at am low features nl mclr eminding program at Lhe air cash yuan NEw FENCE poucv Considerabfe Interest Lrbeing shown In the recently annotateJ ed poflcy the Dnuflo pnrlmmt 01 Agriculture and Fwd under ARDA to assist in the removal lmblesm stone and brush emu rows In planter days small farm of 100 Euros and small Held lo aorta or his mm the res twinned mum of tanning me Email ï¬elds were Ideal when so many farming opera uom were performed by hand and were no Loo bad for how pow machines my are however quite handicap with tan501ml mature and Um no am at BDNC chalrmm ol ha phanlnl mince are to be mummime with stall monbm and gtudenu who 515351 with the mom The Mutual Life mAnnmu wnnnnmwunn am Ifllfll nzo ho 2L200 2025552 1an do mango Ihal buggyL all um nunu Muiual ol Chm ath npmrnlalm mum an IoMmmn kn ah Iqlflvirflu erl mh me IlllcvrnlAml Hfluly pmom mlllfl lII Iml In III llnwn In Illa pllury your home In alike will nun whu lnnwl hll hmlnm quving wastdul rows that an real handlcap efï¬cient farm lng will be real heip to many in S4n1coeCmty It Md be mp 1n mm however um JI not our Intention 00 mate pmlrle like condition over tho countrysdc Fence mm and ska40 tree still have much mer It as shdler or 1ika and as habitat for buds and wfld Hie general COMING EVENTS South Slmme leng Match mm Ed Timbers 000mm Frlchy Del 28 North Simone Pkmng Ma lawn at Cccil Blow Wyl vaIe Snturday Oct 19 TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7mm Internnlinnal Plowing Match ear Scalorth Huron Coumy am Lye Gray Madam Tqwngdmsamdg Qct Q2 modern eqmmnent 1112 am loss valuabla land to consider many of lime lento rows may nuw be up to two wide or more re new Wiley designed ch enlargement provide or nsLstance of 40 pm mu the Mud ol how my row mmval up av 01 $500 per farm we our years Details may be obtained on nppflwflon to the local mice the Ontario Dwartment of Ax rxcmm and the mama ol Ip mmWVflmle ms EWWW