uhï¬miml ma mkil mi Iiuh ici dgywl nun Lipowa mm I4 ummmu madv Hum 171le an 19 Kimmn nlMlmm mumle May ml INN mum Wu wlh rm hwlml 11m Hflkh huh IL attempt to uncover the nets behind car print humans the Barty natlnnal leader ouglas uld Monday In an address to the clash lesslon ol the Onhdo NDP cw venllnn Mr Dauglu said In NDP motion or an emergency Common debuts on lha U3 Canadn aulo trad linemen and Ill elfzct had been related because It was claimed com mluu the Home mud nudy tho matm PEBSONALITIES IN THE NEWS 1Damdge1ExfenéiVé VWZétekend Car Acacidents Canada mm 0mm bum Howl bowler my 1min 5hr Mush mods lop pmm moo Umrirr 0min In NIL whit in mm wiJI the aid mum mumIN um Uamnln 111 Ml mum llmqfltc buyn lmln nrmm mm mm Max NIAGARA FALIS Ont CP ffhe New Dementia Panyï¬qs mm Mam m7 0mm swatRBI an hï¬ Mm to to national Lind NDP Gets RunAround On Car Prices Douglas and an Ila236 Yet at he umo lime the WMIHNMW HDMUIJM éW LIONEL CIIEVMEII in dmihéni ovumm on hi an Kl MM Amkm ltooy mm mu llnlzday am 1an In the war McNam Ho said the trade Agrccmeull effect on the Canadian car In dustry ans mm reason why lhe governmant Ihould utalr llsh price review board Mn Douglas uld such board could plnpolnl Iuspcded arena of proï¬lecrlnl by mnnulndur us 04qu MM Mr Namrl mu le Sam IMA mam lmnk Nmom 0m Ky ah quill youhum committee was telecan our mumbm request In have the cur manulldurcn appear be It to explain why car price us going up Instead of being reduced to US lama as we um wormed mlrvollon run DJAuu Camp null Hominy hulk llvo amenMM mul Lllmd pmthl luck unin ml tknmmcy Mr 1mm nflvr wk ol rym lu drum up mum in nlx kam hr party vmkmhip rovlew Id mm In pmer om ruvmnp mm mm lap to lletom Man MrNMMnA IM LTON CAMP my martin Ekamitwr Ht mum um In In Mr Avnlyy lnrru llllnl We Can and caMuml HIM In flu nur outnumng Mar llm mural mull 251ml nmlh and Qul Nlmn mm MMmou Imus lul lml Navy 1mm Ihrn lhe Vlvl Cnnl 0mm an my mil nlmul 71 Ith WWII Iv Inn mm mmluy mum Cong Guerrillas Sunender To US NMGON KIlA lhlml VI Tunu gumfllnl nnwrml un Anwrirnn demand In mrrrnrlrr with hall mum Inlay An rnrlnllnl Mr ft Irll tvuleghulwlï¬mu mil leIIxu or Ibuul mo Punch lechnlcxnm wlll be hum near llu Sovlrl nlnmlc rurarch pmlecl mum nl Sorpukhnv 11 mil mm me wlmu mo pm jmi mm In Imq 11m Mmrmrnl one llm mm lmwmk vlait lo mmln by Alain lryrclmu French Irlmllllc mranll mlnll lrr xfha mum to lanIIrxlny Vlindcr My hirrmï¬u Fmï¬ will pmflnlr ernMe mmrh tlmmlrr wllh rapociiy r4 MOSCOW Ramon Franco and hush today and long lcrm nxmmenl pmvldlnu or lhu llm joint program at Atomlcrexcmh belucm lluuln Iml Western nnllun Thu lirurnen mnkrl ll pom Ilbln for French And Sonch ul mm In wk logotth In mlnu 70mooomo rYanm volt Mam Inlfllllr or Mulch Frnncn nlrmdy building um hydrogen bubble chamber Clill Pllkey rcsIdnnt of he Oshnwn and In leor Council aald Iha nun amo mem demonslrnlcd that trade unlon must xlop up their political Activity In znsuru that what wan he barfnlnlni tabla not lost at lhu cabin tum It also Ixde ha Ontario zov eminent mate Job far wurk on In communJHe when they have been laid off through mum programs and cxpan gm of provincial vmrk pro amine 13 IM relation ship bewaen wages prices and prints bu Ial convention auxliar passed resolution calling or In emer gency Common debnlc an My 911 Inllthg Into Indgslry yhlchz laid him In far 5ch Iboul 6000 Cpnadlan mike er and xelaflcrs Investigate prlco Increases and demand compulnry rolLback when in flame are and to be uninsu WDULD BET GUIDELINES 1qu band would also so Russia France Sign Atom Pact swam The Way con CF rmmmmnn ON by mu nunm nu huh Im Im mm Mom In mm nl my glam mtIan Leah 7ml HUI Inn 111 hNX7KHmM mumAm Mm Brink wile FMflhvl Huclthvuer lmnh Tam Dink vml mu lulu ww LII It lendm MONTREAL CID IIu hitwhim Mr Trmqxfl Mimi Im allay maxml that him has will In hmth In April at mud Hmnflmnl Mr mm Thu chamber In lnlendui or mile of lhe Inlerndlon ol clethnlory partlclu Tun 000 Illm about 1600 gallons liquid dronn Tm nan Envy gal will be uml ln wruundlnn WWI Savm mulpmcm prnvld but In powerful Imam nl pmlnnl or lhn oxpnrlmo nu Tun Idnlul ï¬le move was smaflmdod by weswn Liberals backed by Murle who claimed rup mrt or plan by hada Min er men The battle Moldy oven shadowod an antic Mad debate on Meal an In which the cabinet mu Mum 3mm by the PM to de Swedish Teachers Stage Strike Give Up Hope Mating Pandas Families End Patorboxough Revolt CllLilmals kind their dd hoetrade in Hominy In policy debate that waged mm North Allantlc and North American Hes They ï¬nally doddurl In avm North Ameflcanflmbbenn fretL trade Am mfloml pmy ily bun admiantralIon start negotiations Io form web We area The mammalian became polky plank mly am It rearward ï¬lm by mm Atlantic Made cwunfly ME rouslni debate on tree MFWFW WWW Lower Air Fares To Bo Introduced Liberal Policy Debate Sparks FreeTrade Fire Ana Lindar14 my Nunx Cllnlfledlo ll Comml1 Dhlfldl DalM4 1° Edlloth Sport7 nukel TV Dunn1G Womanl Walker11 lllmimu Mum 7m Momy Implbfvmky Barrio Onhrlo leal Tuoldly Odoborjl I966 COURT RESUMES TRUSCOTTREVEW LATE NEWS mmummxnmm Mora he Japanese WM up Soulth Alia Amlnlll hm Ilulo or no comm wlxh the um called lha Fur EasL To nluy lhc Fur Ens l5 cnllvd llm Near North Ind Anslnllnm nra Iwnro uhnl ll £0an on mm 15004000 pmom who llva wilhln Loon mllu lho lnnd dawn under The Auulu lmvu 4500 1mm In oSuLh V111 Nnm largo nit Nnm wlll bo nnoihzr deman Ilrann lhnl lhu lxlnnd can llmnta historic Isolation 1mm Asla L1 am muIlla ls lhe Mn lnrml Ionian mnlrllmlor the V114 Nnm war won an Indication In cmcrucnm Ilnra ho Sm ond World War II palfllcnl and economic form In lulu MANILA Thu Phlllmwlncs AmAustralial prcstnca ï¬lo Manllncnnlcrenco on Vic The enWy Archbishop Sergio Pigneduli spoke to reponen helm he flaw back to Canada when he the Voucm apos tolic delvinle llo wnl In Snlgon two weeks ago to prcslda aver centur enca VMnmmso bLshops aim me other Vlctnamese re llzlmu Icadm ROME automA special envo sent by Paul to VM Nam and today he has not made any nmposalw ending the war there heénuse the church has only Iphituul aulhorfly dale aEpFNd nu ï¬lly PWEIIL Delegates made it plain thqy regretted tho cabinets delaying dedsion and annuth fldcr to their emborsallon thm July 1366 be the latest date memenuns the long promised Mmlpmgmm MACEACIIEN PAINED flea MInleer MacEBchen who Md been the strongest ex gogent on Jul 4967 Min Australian Presence At Meeting Ends Islands Bsia Isolation Papal Envoy Returns From Viet Nam ï¬rm hoalzon hr min 1967 the mil medicare Auslrnlln has maInInInml 000 men In MnInann for nImosI ycnn They um thped wt down we Communlst InrranxI mmm In the 50 and later ought IquncsInn nucrrlllru In conlmnlnuon Irclwnnn Mn Inysln and Indonnsln nut In lhc rid mule hnl lho Auslrnllnm nro mnklng the blues lmpad Am mw ucmunu or Mr cent ML lmllnl ulnl Moran lrmlv hm Bullmmh non Po mm on lho wcst coast of Mm lnyxln and Jr ï¬ghter unit In northeast Thailand PEKING Raiders Chlna today rejectmi all men Vie Nam neaca hummus and laid the light must go on unlll all and autumn Imp pull out ho south An Mllnrlnl In the omclnl Commuan any nuwspa er Peoplnl Du classed log er all peaca overture In re cent months Air Pearson was Elven ring lng vole of confidence PM lead nnd endorsed the idea The decision in plenary aes slon ml the Liberal Foderaum of Canada was tow conclu sion afler Finance Mulder Sham defended the delay cossfully in prolhrflnary de hate and Prim mum Pear son endorsed it that this Maine regular lea mm conwnï¬om ovary two The resolution he sald plo vlded the flexihLlity that mid enable nn earlier 51m ll cm dfltlom permit But many dalaxaleldfll mmblad aloud that my tailed to mom Mr Sharps argument gal was an numflmionary the cabinet declsion but added Lhnt 1968 is certainty for knglmnlaglqn ReiGhinilkiects Peace Bids about Ms mmllon Hunt food in Lynm llnrpcr 010mm could not be mod In plan he me of loath In the am mnlrndrd by Ibo 0mm Ho ququ Mm cxlbook on armada medicine ho unto Donal SootL Welland County Crvun nUomcy mm as me thl pmsocnlnr In lhc MM questioned Dr Petty in Mall All of tho 40 scale In Um court room available In the general imbibe wen ï¬lled an hour be Me the court mmmcd No Mcgmm from the Mona Ubuml party mvcnllon lndmlrs roservcd or Mr and Mr Dnn nuwofl parents of 51mm RCMP constables ejmiod Linémrvhm he flu voila nppmrul and Hwy to tond lo loam QUESTIONED CLOSELY Ho also Id he 15 01W Win that the two mm on oath tide n1 mow penis um not caused by innmum ol any nature the of rape but ofllcru 1n mam that the body lay on It left side musldcmble lime Witwaaplacudonhback 1L1 Milan 1101 ound by an RCA ward pafly June ll 1959 REFERS 10 WOUND Dnlouyalsosaldhabd me oplnkm um maids ms Harpers primlam wen not Mimi 99 Dr Petty said that he mmds described In evidenca wcre proban caused by Iomo other oblcd said he had observed such mum In Job as med kal examiner and not as prl V339 nrndmwa Trmoou then 14 was senA Ienced to be hanged or the 1959 sex strangling of Ihe 12year dd gin near mum Ont The sentence Inter v71 commuted to WWWL br Petty said that swam of the wound on the midd and had Freyany wqu calapsed ln Dr Petty mum medical cxamlncr or Maryiand spent lboul 30 minutes ldmllfying cum and bruise found on Lynnel body before 11 Wis 1m thé Su Com Canada was Idd the ï¬rm conï¬rmed View of the convidion 739anch in Lanncdmn with Miss Harpas death Dr Glades Pony of Bal inzrymde the Mmenl rmsr prbiï¬hl lay of at side for Ryan in hgur XIIMA CgtLypne Ha 115 chtor identifies Cuts ï¬nd Bruises Found On Victim No Mora Thin10c Par Cop 13 Plan Humch Cnrrlu hula 23 dny In mm but nus rcmnlncd at and mo bthmod Ilka huxrlcnno lupposul lo Her 6000m11n mum mnrknd by Um In al no 11m In lha link Inn the German IHHDIK Ihlg Plinmir cndcd In 1h mun II In day mm the ml US weather mall mnpprd the first pldurn Inc of tho west coast Mrlcn Sept un III the amnslml ushm In Mox lco leaving bchlml an csllmnltd 223 dead and Immcnn crop Ind property damage book nvcry kick of the and scimn hurricane are casllng lo call the mom on her MIAMI AmAl Hurricane Inez whlried inmnri her death over Mexico lodny weniher mm wnvrd lhanidu goodby ln lhc must unpredictable Ilorm ever In coma nu the Irwin evidence had not been taken count of and Mod Pew cmd to tesflmxy about ghlo annumal mm after was rdmed mm far Mm GWES TESIS RESULTS Mr Scott said we BriflLsh ex porlment shownd that lame breakfast had Mt the Nomad lnBominutcaLn whitened um cases nudaed Earllm Mr Scot ï¬rmed Dr Pellyl oonlman but 010 aduml subway on Lyme Har pets body dld 00¢ Lake 1m ac count an the 1m that Ahmad bnv been used 10 amp mtno an approximate time death mm the nomad Petty said he had not read an article main mas 1155 leg the stomach The Drawn contend that rom nanlsolanwalealenbylhe Harper girl at 545 pm Mb naked she died between pm and Mn Scot asked Dr Petty About an article in the June L9 sue Lama ha Brick med lcal Journal on experiments carried out mLh radioactive food to determine the 1mm of time meal remained in tha stomach Mexican Death Seen For Inez Dr Petty saw he couu ml SEE PAGE TWO