Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Oct 1966, p. 5

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Tho communlcnurm signed by Fred Hunter county clerk on clnsed report of he enunly commluce headed by Reeve Al berl Calvert of For Mchcnll IL snld i1 vriunn request an Iccclvcd mm ha munlclpnll SHANTY BAY BAXTER Stnfi Essn Township council was iniormcd int ii October meeting that ihe county oi Simcoe new has the powers to alter nr dissolve union school area under new legisintlnni The township has been Opposan move by the town of illllston in dissolve union sehoul men Involving that own Essn Tossornnlio and Te cumsethl STARTS FBIMY Rand Inparvlsor or Tecum xcth Township Grenville Mc Cague discusses new brdgo Essa Wont Request Union School Change VN AV mm Mlme MHMWHWI hmnnnmmu llllhuy ll ll lulhlll cumor Second Fonluvo OUT OF SIGHT flanlng Gyry owls and tho Plnyboys Mom mmlml llvoIn Nurfll Toronto LAST DANCE Thiz Saturday Night Featuring PEGGYS The Return THE MlllNlflHTS PLAN TECUMSETH BRIDGE PROJECTS Box Olllu Show Suaud Beach Tho report sinicd Sccllon i5 and 48 oi lhu Public School Act under which action had been taken in dlssolrc he Alllsinn Union Schnol scciinn were re pnaicd under he provisions Bill 154 June was Leglsluliun aubsliiulcd thnreiorc now pra vidns that union school muons slmilnr to ho Alllslan union may be altered or dissolved by own ty byan an thn recommenda llcs concerned the cummfllen wlll prucccd wilh further study of tho sllunllnn and than nmku rccummcndnllom to the county council UP TO COUNTY project on tho Am and 10m concession with Garden Mama luwnshlp sollcllor who xludylng plans The llmmn null Ind Ollllln Fine anlly mun1mm Now Playing DRIVEIN THEATRE If Em has to prnvlde mnre tchuul accommodation cnlnru mcnl the anlar lChDDl likely Th1 would be the mall practical far as but vc wlll wall and sec remarked the move llu sald hu hadnt heard nbnut Alllslonl lulure plan or the hook Em ha been pay lng me to the area an an scumcnl bull and Alllslnn luu contended tho per pule cos ll less than Um per pupil ml or Allli yulcpaypri EVENING CLASS ALLISTON 5mm Evenlnl rluuu In vnrluy academ 1c4 rummrrclnl and ltthnlcnl lubkcll ulll bu llfllhd nonl lnu Mrmurlnl Hlxh School hm nn annwlny Uclohor 11 and mnlinun lo Mnmh 15 Farm mnnmmrnl clmm MI mrl Jnnunry ll FHIHT All CLAMHB COLLINGWOOD 15mm Juhn Amhlllnme RochI Harm Ila nnnunl lnl nl lrlln lnu cuumy lhl Inll n1 llu nnlor rnbllc Mum hm llrnkrn down uu duh nl ma mm mm drum HI lw MM on annrulny evenlnn louph Hm In tho Inlmclor In chum CONSIDER DAXIEE nut Iho flash laxallan Is on nssessmcnl he per prupll cost can vary from your your rcmnrkmi Reeve Davll Ho avers mnlnlnlnlnx lhe pre tcnl Arrangement unlfl them It Chang 1n condlliuns nl lenlt Allhlnn humt yet mndn Iu Impaled nnncxntinn plans pub in We would llke la know what Alllnon intends Io do markrd lhu mvc Ilnllnz thll had an Imparlnu bearing on lho Achool llluullon HASH BORDEN Slnll Imvldlnl lulfltlant Ippllwuom urn rccclvrd to milk up min lmum of 10 minus pct clnu lho Jan Burden Dlnrm In School Xoard hnl nulhoriud Ihn operulian nlxhl chum Thu Hart rlnhl Away and Hum Inkmud are urged In mnko nppllcnllan lhn High School NEW 11m mummr mam any Marital indqu ll dd MI Imuawn my mum mg The Esau council discussed the schunl munllon and then decld to mnko no request or change for the present The new Ichqu arm started with unal Ier enrolment than expected It was slated There Are about 530 pupfl he gchno an nboul Halon wn going to wall until declslon was made an annex ation auld Iteeva Georle Da le polnling out the annexa tion Includcd lhc Em luburbl of Allislon Alllslun would hava about 90 per cent of the present Em pupils nnywny mm IqmumM Midway mm have lwn In mmh Ina um lmlovonlu Mummy II in timing III lrw dayl Im uhfiunm Tho upon went on lo ravlaw lhu two meetings held with Al lleon school board nnd munici pnivumclnls wth Em andxlhe agreed then In ruler lhe mat lc5tolho county IHIINTMMI MIAMI IHNIJTANHUIHIIHNH sum Alllnirlmnll brlnl mad vy mmer Iho lmelnnr nIhrM Unllnl Church Womm lvr lhvlr annual Chrhlmnn hu nmr In mm Al ma lnhm Hull hrrn nn Flhlny Dec MD le ADVANCED CULLIMHYUOI mumGood pmxrru hm Imn mld In II vrumllrmllml nl hllhuy Na 11 mmwllnl lmk llumnlmln Ilml lmn than the fiubllc achuol consuL Inuvo committee 4th concmkm brld not man and tho er 45 feet over ma creekl Examiner Phala HIIVMIIII LEVIIJJZH IIAWKFJMWH mum 0n DISTRICT BRIEFS BEETON sum Rellun Hon or Ihe 1W7 lesson of mean mixed Benton Shun Club wll be received early in November Pluu are now being mad or Ipeclal mkmthn night for tha pur pose Harold Tladllo who hu luc mdcd John Rutherlard pm idem Ind members hi ex acuuvu Inning an mm wintern mm pmmm Mrs John Rutherford In en chalk man and vlwprealdam with Mrs Doner actuaryreu urer Director include Mn Thom Mcmllouzh Mn Rep Inlld Palmer Mn Shirley Trul Mn Boynlon and Mn Mallion By WILLIAM CURMN Flam or celebrating Canadnl centennial yen flaxuni It mld mm on New Yeun Eva In advanced in man 51mm Coun Connq InnmicgpllluelPor Bap to we in upecl or lhll NIPMWI oc culon Million In riverblnk Impmvament at Illvnrdllc Plrk in main centennlll prefect and Aim plum preunm on callIn attention to the flow Dana Il prom unc canted muon July m7 PARK DEVELOPMENT er Ind Town man than wn park dmlopmenlm Tho lama now put in the ommty dun ta bo omclally opened on July m1 lb mum Id dlllon Earl Row PM in Touoronuo Towmhlp lwo mllu and 0111115 1h two 1mm in 1113 am likelronl devehpmm 1115 maln centumlnl project and 1m are proceedinl or para en prennllumu and olhlr avznu Colllnlwnodl cunlmnlnl com mittee whlch in hudad by Ben Van de Weedhol pluu lam qna lpeclll mm pg month Naw Hbrarlu Ind mmmunlly centres park development and Mher clvlc Improveman mo ccu hlVl been Idoplnd bf other 81mm County munch lllu unlennlll mum pollca vlllm Ann plum nuw cantannlu llbra on III nm In Ihcpplng Em an Ililhway 00 and war mud lo um thll lull LIdudo Grace Ruth and Dork Lin WDwmv My mm nui 51mm mu on mm mm John uon am bum mum CMIMIIHII ITICERU COLDWAIEII Rd Bob Mums W9 mu in my my Mom Jim Dun wu cloned new Laryuoguum Ml Dunn ROI AND HUN CLUII DASH BONDEN sum Camp Hardin nod and Gun Club expect to In In mw Arm to 5m Ildcd bullmnl haml bean wlnl Comldmblo work hu bun dun ll CIllem mu pool Ind ll Inllclpalod It will bu lurk In opmllan or null lprlnl wllh lmut lllhlnl BACK IlEDOLUTION HEETON 1mm nulan vlllm caunrll hu twinned molnllon from Elmlu nldnx Men Ind xmvlnclnl lov nmcnll lo mum per cm ol lhu mt cl Inhooh and Mn wum Hal MINI nkd ml Mn llny lull n1 flmlm Hunl Wu Sunny with Mr MN llroihtdrflll Hr mi film Iludd IUII Mm Gumbel link Ind landla Mn cl am We vmy with Na Mum Pnul nun who wu flluro Iknllnl hulruclor at the Tim OShlntor Club Azlncnun will he lnllnlctor here or Inn ll MM WANLZM Mr um Mn flunk smith MAIum Ind lob llIlh vhlltd llr ml Mn 1mm llunllr WI mm mm lulu cl Ml madam It 591 Mlyppom II II BASE BORDEN sum Al thoulh ha Fin Pruvenllon dim rimmed or Suturdly mm 00 01m nu bun uncalled th Mln Fire Prevention bolnly quun contest will bu held her ald appronch Fin Pn vuml Week mend at Fulton mum Wk Will Register Figure Skateis In Beeton Area Will Choose Fire Prevention Queen Plans For Centennial Advanced 111 County NEW PLOS quipme ed Ind nuw bulldan erected The property wan dnnnted by Mr and Mn William Jack Ion now mldcnll of Barrio formerly of Slayner Originally It wan luran over to the Slay ner Allan wlth ha provlliun war to be returned 11 not de veloped park bu altar mm the so made In the centannlal evelopmenl Mr and Mn chklon rellnqullhcd clnl and nturned depaslt CENTENNIAL PARADE midnight on December 31 cenlennlll flame will be Iznlh 2d ll Collinnwood Ind li it in inleniion lo keep this time burning throughout Cumin 100 birthday yum Thu Chamber oi Commam menlzd centennial in in or Mick ii McDonald nl Col wood nceniiy and It ll pinnncd lo Ilve lhi fly on he munidwrl buildlnl flush thrmhout lha yur lilo The Ira to lncluda plclor Ill Iummar or autumn men winter Icenu Ind pornall child under years The contest run until next April In glvn the camera enthusiasts Imp opfionunlty to get good WSW Prexen hoidcr of the trophy is Frill Schullar and the Inner his been on dllplny the Sc lar mm The Blue Mountain Camera Club mull tho 11m and third Tucsda 01 Inch monlh 1n Trin ity ted Church lure well of M11510 Thu be partmenl Linda and Forest proloct Ind Add lo the menu Mm development on the 7th line rand Slaynerl centennial park ha been NW 2d WI wig Calllnnwood and Suyncr III In well Advanced In plum tar centennlll parden Dr Ray mond 1m Iormer mayor bend flu Slayner committee Chllrmnn he Colllnzwood mdo lubcommluee Robert luuon almdy ha rccelvm lumgce numeroul null and hands mm whlch will aim psrUcipAlo in bi suyner par Luau park davzlopmenl planned 1n Em concern 11 lcrs plrk on leawnul nlm well Ivy Work now nm m1an In wldcnlnl lhll rond Thu 1er property hu bun llvcllcd and approval ha been meivm lor lrlnll Plcnlc llhlu and bcnrhu to bo Imuned and blhlna um and The youn pan In lhm Mll ha ulml lo wnu lhm lrm raw lrom Cum tonlrnnlnl ynr mwnrd II symbol ol KM nnllonn davellrpmml quire lho lemm ba It 12m yam old Ind the con test ll open to all dependents DNld employees And their de pan Judainl wm confidenbenuly polu and perlnnlllly Ind lhe wlnnarwlll reculvn trophy Ind nth award nunnmup also will rccelvo 1311 OOUJNGWOOD sum Member the Blua Mountain Camera Club In competing for the Dr 1ch trophy The rule requan each compeulur to lub ml lhm nudes Ivy blll dhmond wlll bu Im prnvod 1001 centennial rolm with lowmhl mlnnntm lopll communin Ill ulll be Improved And other Iurh pro Juu In pXInncd 090 mm rmnnna In an In Ilren lhu lm or llnc lhl occulan lo IC 001 chlldren Orn Tawnlhl Ichml hlldrm will be la par llclplu In lm Inl pm mu lluvu floor Mac ny remind H000 lrm luv bun ordered lnr lhc purpou Ind than will In plnnled on Du laymer Inninn Slmhnn properly on In 1th Hna And 01me mt ll wllh lho we chil dun In On Irhooll pmlclpnh In rtromuny mnklnz lho openlnl Ill lolnl ununnln prolm wllh Wnl Gwlllxmbury Thll will lmlly Improvu ho pllylrvnml ml mm lullllln nndlunl lumen Illa hut lhelr own annnnlul pm nlnvmrnl II munxdpal lull Whlth la oflmlnl wmlhwhllc Imprnvrmni MUIIUM anlm tlhplnyl bun dimmed Inf mu uunu In Mme County South II to Muuum ll ARIIon will dnelnvmlnt mam almunr hu bun lulut or llmm County mumm ll Mklhum mom Flu praveitlon week will be observed hm elxawhero Octnbu to 15 Thu lawn of llrndlanl hu mull mum pmrm wllh Ill 1k awningme II radian m1 lMrkl Onm inuqllf ynln Ina pllcnllon form my be left It ECAF Ire hlll Rule re Trophy Offered For Best Slides Bmfin Fall Mr boat was alsu meson mm champ Son at the fair Hamld Harper Newmarknt cxflblted um Junior dwmlon boar buleInl at Lillle Lnko park planned for It Inmous Huronla muxeum Construcllnn Is now proceedan and expedcd to be ready or openlnn lnlu ncxl Iprlnx Colllngwood plans develop men an an by 40 wt poul on Third and Sprucu Street plnylround Construcllnn has started on tho pmch CHAMPION BOAR AIMSNN SHll Galan and Alan have been mdvlng we con mluadon ol Mud here for winning the senior tibboni In the swim cm or bum at the museum at Collingwood land olherl costume pasennt glam the Canada story with annex In fashion has been talked about At Altlslnn MIDLAND MUSEUM 72x13ch INQUIRY QULBEC CPlqArchur Vn hon Minder and that presi den the meoc vaincial Mo Mullen laid chA nuday ho has been lnlomud mm he will get judicia ln qulry lnln Um mum of his dismLml 1mm um one Mr Vndmn was dlsmlssod on ground hullbmihatlon Iflcr ho Lrled in the former Mr ernl gummen lo recognle his nmlyOrmed you as bumnlnlnfi mom or pommnn Manager of Beclonl Ontario champon juvnn hnleball club Jack Hum has been glv en much and by Baotou tans lormer player he has done cumlderibln In brlnzlnx along Bemnl young baseball talent The Whiskey Sours BARBIE TEEN TIME the EMBASSY 5111 Oct 830 pm Door P1110 MANAGER Ihll week feuwlng HIE BARRIE EXAMINER THURSDAY OCTOBER MI BAXTER sum new fire agreement or No sax De nt tho RCAF tn serve Angus lu be taught by Essa Town ship council old Bell la draft an agree ment In bu xubmlucd to the Department of Naunml De funct 1W would 11 tho boun dnfle tnr tho area to bo served with this lro protection and set rm $50 per hour at on fully manned llm truck Thu 13X depot has been as alsllnx Angus 1n shun has but formal agreement de fired by lho caunciL Counclllnr Fred floss Anzu member the council mm motion xeconded by Councillnr Kenneth Blanchard and mm which qplhorlzqd ho clor liar Waller Howell was hos tess tor the September meeting oi the Edgar Wnrnen4 Institute An Invitation tn meet Ciowe in Itltuta on OcL 11 was accept ed discusxinntaok late Th Old Boys and Grls Re union to be held next summer Mn George Huketi read pn pcr on Citizenship The Oct 11th meeting will be held lira llcrl SMHIWDHI at prn Mn Cecil Shutdown has the loplc Public Rein Ilam and tho mallo will be xlvcn by Mm Maurice llnycs Roll call is in be answcmj by community need Mr and Mrs Maurice iinyes attended in christening ni their grandson Ronald ilnss iiicDm well youngesi son iiir and Mr Ross McDuwcii Toronto The servicn wls held Sopl um Alhambra United Church Rev Lave cumming Walter Howell had IIL thumb badly cut with pawn saw cow owned by MIMIC eyes was recently killed by lighlnlnl WJ MEETINGS Essa Seeks Fire Agreement For 13X To Service Angus It was alsu suggested that lhc Dmcln on our Sun In un Texmo noun Mann Now nymmnx Ull ulom mund ol THE SPYDERS dim lrom Momrnl Neel Your Frlenrll Him the Acflan II cums HOTEL NIGIITLY PM MI By MRS MEL HOWELL GOGO DISTRICT NEWS Drou Cnunl EDGAR BARRIE mo Ind as vm my llmo hlldun filesflsgandas gum Hum shuuld Fire Chief Earl Cunningham of the Essa brigade whichilms lrc hail Thornton asked for two mnps of Essa nrflre hall purposes and these are to be supplied Council was advised OHM uce program the dupallxvhcm of lands and urcsgs where as slslnnce wl be given than plunllnglrcns under Approved cnndlllons tzislésfimflafis am Hum should agmmcnl Includu ynymenfi lo volunteer firemen at the jaw of $5 per man per hour and hat lhesn volumecrs bucovcrw by insurance Counclllars Elan and Russ moved that slrccl llghls 3m inslnllpd an BoyncCgcsccnl in accordhncéwllh ilydrb ieA quircmenls asasked in poll tlun signed by 15 ratepayers Isobel McCann wa iivcn nnlhnruy la mnvn In home from Bnrrln Inlo Essa Township How to relieve BACK ACHE Iaslesasgumlas gnndflumslmuld Un Dnddl Kldm mm In promvl III mm llml candl llnn culn huhem soon you Mun rm mm Wnd on Doddl

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