Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Oct 1966, p. 4

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Group in Barrie and Ottawa plan to enlist housewives in boycott an or markeu in an mm to push down ood prices Both campugm will be of two weeks duration according to the organ 12ers gesture of this ldnd ls spectacular but lt wlll not accomplish what the wo mcn dulre Nellher the xupermnrketa nor the small corner store hlve much to do wlth setunz food rlcee Men econ mlc factors are lnvo ved lnclu the law ru ply and demand Costs whlch slut at farm and run through the processor and the mlddlemen to the re teller ere perhaps the chlel reason for the lncrease large advertisements they place in daily newspapers every week It their fl ht for business they shade rtces hem an there in the ho 01 brtnng people into their stores they d1 not compete they would soon be out 01 pustnpsa James Hart got building emit ior grago and gas aiauon on Brad ord St pl Bird and daughter Isabel returned from trip to England where they visited old friends and relatives The reported the Old Land prosperous wil business brisk and money plentiful Banlo football club eniered again in ORFU junior series 1925 team almost intact except that George Powell Alex Clark and Russ Stone have moved away but Hugh Grant and Herve Lindsa are good newcomeni Backiield likely be composed of Jack Payne Eugene Doyle and Chester Caraon with Pete Hall as uarter Other aura oi iasi enr Jack cnnedy George Grinyer Carla Scott Russell Duff Ernie McKnight Harold Hill Bill iribbie available for line Barriea measmenl La $6184050 in crease oi $351185 over last year Kiwanis Knrnivai and Fashion Show in Thokupermukets are keen compell gor Iorthoonod dqllaru algesteq b1 the High price for goods and services are all pm of the economic fabric It mater lads go up in price and wages increase to keep workers abreast of the mounting cosioiiivin index then the finished at iicle be it 00d clothing or hard goods must be aoldai higher prices Banlo Examlner Oct 1026 Barrlo Colleglato held annual track and lleld meet Harry Partrldga won senior cham glonshlp Jack Henson lnwnnedlata Nell chrlde junior Florence Blnnlng won lrls senlor 10 by Helen Garrett funlor Town ouncll ruled out park nz at Post Office um Police ln gpectorq lqcated 11d whlgkuy sull lr KWalll Publlnhur Hoh5¥EEEBukEP¥EKEAggEErLrgEESEh Helpful note to Iorolznm who we try lnfl to learn Engllsh spoken by Cur Ins Dont waste time bulldan voca bulary ol ndlectlvca as these two will sum well And lousy Whit any shoemm known the 51100 Li wonun Eric xgnallpr pair Suggested or an elvvnlor 0pm lor to dbplaIy Yes hnvo my up And dowm and you refer to them Ill up and knock you down An Ichthyolo Ll say he cm tho giant xquld becom ng mind It doesnt Inku much to nrousn hls oar It loom lhll would ho mlttcr scfloul concern only to the slant squid om anunln onbml nu Iho mm mm mnon How Impomnl In lml lulunamy Ind lac Idonlfly In In Mun III mmmunlly TM hm ll wld dlnlm menl on thin dmml In Vlflll nporll In naw hnd an unmnlulhm Sal nmmmnl In our mu Then lhn Jom man un 01 llun munw Ind CumInn Counly nu Mnyo purl an Nlum mlnn Ind mm In Ilunlull ner on lnl 5an than Couuliu IM IN Tho mnll bnulc pnlnl my lemma In lhn llndlnu mo mlm wmmlulanl MI hwn hln qualion ol lml Hen Boycott Of Supermarkets Wont Aacomplish Purposer QUEENS PARK 5M Swim It Local Autonomy Hotly Debated fly DON 0IIEAllN 40 YEARS AGO IN TOWN The $331112ifixaxfiim PARAGRAPHICALLY SPEAKING Pubunhld by Canadian Nowopnpm lelud 16 Enyfluld sum Barrlukomnrlo DOWN MEMORY LANE Mthmqn Manning Edltor THURSDAY mam InfPAGE Thnulh lmlh Ihl Mnyn npavl ml lhr Guldmhul rn or ommrmlnl mum mnmldnllvn Ilul holh Hm Olllvm IM lul llnliun Ilmlln nmmmml rm rAI than with wuld no ramplmly new munlclpll unlu In Ihhh Ih am mm lawns ml luumhlpl would Illup man HM lho ill Ilwdrrblhrll mum uhlvh ll lhs vnper IYpfnllh Inlnl 1m uMI nplnlnl lrl 1m unll mum mnllnunllun of Mull lvrr lh lpInd mull my normIn oul MIG ll hm nvunmml low In IM people mm mo lm ulna nul lhtn muu no 31 The government has taken steps to riow down the price increase it has slowed down building and increased in terest rates In the oliing are higher tax es already promised by the federal lin anee minister Even this last step may not be enough Re ulalion of prices could come but it wou be retrograde step in our iree economy Short oi government treeze on pric es there is not much that can be done by the Bee in Controls were in etiect dur ing econd World War to prevent in flltion end ermlt the war ei art to lo ceed withou economic complications ut once hostilities wen over the govern ment removed control and emitted price to iind their own level hem was marked inflation during the immediate postwar years and the index soon travell ed from 115 to 102 before new index was established at the old mark of 100 We are working on this index new and it is alreedy well overlthe 149 nank Frank Livingstona new garégo on Dun lop Street attracted more than 4000 Beanie iwo nights Fashiona rovided owell Company George ckera Hur but Shoes Moore and Slmmons turriera Dancing was to Walis Orches lra Klwanian Bill Craig led off by having first dance with Miss Toronto Jean Ford Tolmlo who wu special attraction and acted as model Other models were Graco Goring Mabel Hook Anne Noden Eleanor Young Winners oi prizes for selling most admission tickets were Ida McClelland Agnes Koran and Isobel Duff Bill Gates was winner oi cedar hope chest in lucky draw Finlayson lroph won bf Midland High School in annua interac olaxtic sports meet held in Barrie Stan liialkin of Barrio won in iermediaio half mile while Ross Cownn and Jack Pa no were outsianding in spdnu but dland scored most points largely by Harry Shanacy allround sen ior athlete Banlos new bowling a1 leya oned with Jack Beali as manager hnday thogl 991 er 51 United The campni promised by the irate housewives vii serve one purpose at least it will focus nttention on the finan cial plight of the great majority of Iamil ieswho are finding that food is taking too great percpntgge of the go 5mm presented pen to Fred Sarjeant who leaving to take up residence in Chat ham where he L1 oing into fuel and bullden supply bus ness with Ms uncle Walter and cousin Charles 81 of SaxJean Ktnga clolhlng firm were on tertained at Albert Sarjeanta cottage Blg Bay Point iaui food béycou ma ehimge ihlnga It will just make us hungrler Them doubtless many confirmed bachelors Among the species spiders lho lemalo of which Mu her husband im mediately alter muting Among prlndpnl thing that are push Ing ho cost of living upwards am food and guollryoLEMhulyo fluigmccssltgg as ivoflclfinr indirlflor illhéul aw and MV mg to quit Joyridan would us Why dont surgeon Icarnhow to do an Imaginationcclomy no that thoy could rld coplo of palm that exist only In the mnglnnuon The reamn mlny pornon has blltcr thought In that he pormlnte them through hln proudcea Wllnon amoral Manager comylmly now unlll would my lo mor mcum ll mum llrur Admini the nut llvlnl In ar IM MIMI hathr poopo Ind or IM dimlnmm nl avoranpln II un mun culllnl flown nnnvIrl nnmonl ll hu Alwyn mud local Iulnnnmy llul IIIO II II mm In nml or man mmmn nmmullm In aur munluml unmm lmt In In uh In 111M Ami Ihe Inmnmrnl hm nlm mohany am In nlutlm lo xlu It now you rlnl ny WII llvply gm ll ulll Jul In oml It In pnvlmMu ll wlll hm In Ilrnl flflfllnllllllnn ml llu mnflmly 13 ha 1m Mnull II II will mam Inh mlnlnn mm lhn Irm ran mnai and try and umk out mm mm In In runemu In um OnAWAA group of young delmm succeeded in minu Illlnz Ind ruledan the anxi ellu the Rulings and the mood ma mm of tho cap in the country no on Ibexah who have bccnmn dnnchnnltd and contuscd vlm polmu Ind Wilkins ould apply to Canada but actually It was report about recent Llhernl cauvrn lion in nrllnln ln Illa Unllcd Slates wn rend polls rhnw lhnl Prelldent Johnsonl pupulnrlly has dropped sharply ll economy rnea relntlon and the Vlel Nam War nll grow tour Thu ln ths autumn ol pollllenl dlseonlenl we llnd he Cnnn dlnn mood repealed In other almnar cqunlrlu olnn hear parllnmcnlnrlnm denim the nnw wnvn db nnlent among young pcople him In their late teens and urly 20 Bands and bnnlns nuns and paychodcllc drums dropout and dlrly ch an lhu oulwlrd Ilsnl of lilo mu youlh Immt lha Ilandnrds the eldm Pnllnmmlnrlnm deploro Ihh was ha 1mm appnrlunlllu now nvnll all flunk Exumlurr Amnnl he pmldenll he Unllcd slnlu Mm have bun IuIIIXnnlcd wu WIulnm Mc Klnhy whlln he wu nxlcndlnu In uhlblllnn nl DullIa N4Y In 1901 Cnnldlun mllht hna boon Mupeclod boom Mc Kinlly had Irrlnnd llrlfl lu llu Inlml Impcm from Cn DWI WTM divU1 OTTAWA REPORT CANADAS STORY By PATRICK NICHOLSON Aulhorlzod mom cIIu mall ou Olllu Dtplrh ment Olllwl Ind lnr plymrnl ol youn In cnh nullyx SumI And sumlory lo Idlyl urepled Suhmlpllon mu dnlly by urrltr so werkly nun ymly fiinllu car lu 100 mill mm mm you Onllrlo I10 yur lor lhmwcll III 1m Mull wuldo 5mm Cl m1 Ind lurrlln on no yrnr Ofllrrv 425 UnlvrrHy Am Toronm 00 Cull ml Mnnlvrnl WI um erl Iuulcr 5L Vunrmmr pf Momlwr Cnnmllnn DIIXy Nouuvwer lublhh AIIMlnllnn Um Tnn Idlnn Im and Audu mun Urwlnllnnl Th Canu an Fun In mlmlvcly nlluul In ha mo lur vrvuhllulm All mu dlspnlrhu ln lhll Hp tndlud In II Allmlnlul Im nr Henlm Md Alto lhe local no vuhlhhnl lhl ln Many Are Fatalistic About Worlds Future Assassins Wanted To Kill All Rulers Naxvkha yauyaaa WEREEll We nexi may is to organize huddle and duri calling Ignalay By non BOWMAN chin to youth But what hava Ihnxa snma parliamentarians dons to explore the basic mo lives and to comet lho anxi cum osi politician hm wnrr About the rend in politics whic ha dmmd them to such low level over the past decade All politicians reiy for their re elcciiun on liveaway economic promisu lo lhu voters yet they all Yrivnleiy dupiura these cinc iorn auctions and admit that other iuue deserve priority WHY THE YOUNG WORRY But who are the nnxlclle of lhlnklnl youm Why you revolting against and cnnlemp luau ol Ill cldus7 Pollllchm ask how qucsflans but dont know he answers There must be lama nnu answer among lhu most highly educated xen crnllon our cuunlry ho ever had In posed them uesunm lo Iomo young pcope nnd hmd rewarding and wellpro unled arguments whlch con formed rcmlrknbly In one lhcme And his cannot but mlko ans rel Ind or lhcm nnqjuilly nudn that wcro hlnh enough In Snqu Canad lnlo olninl the Fortunllcly lhu Innuln wu cnuuhl and turned out he member European amn nlnllnn hose objective wn In murder mu Him lhu world It hurl almmy nmnl rulod Kin Humbert of Italy More eulnu lo Prtlldrnl Mc Klnlty 0mm on lho 11 hr cludod mien nnmn Run Ind Autlrla Aclmglly 1hi Mclflpiq mm fly lhrouih tnmu lnlo arm on 1600 hm he wu rhlhmln the lel Ind mum commlueo n1 lho Ham cruxmun 1M Huhml polcy lel not work and It wu nul Inn be an Hm US wn lrylnl lo rnnna ruclprmnl lrndn Itn1 with Kim slr Jnlm Murdonnld wlmo mlnhler and hml lrlrd nlllonll vollcy hlzher IN IN lnr 3n dl mm 1m In 1th hid hrrn nYlounl by clnprullun Iml mnny lrmllnu mudlnn ware mlvmnunu rnmmmlll unlnn wluu lhc 1m Amulun lpplnmh In Cmml about wagon rude llul made by mmy mu Inning through lhn Illlll Amhuudnr ln Wmhlnflon Slr Jnhn Mnnlnnnld um num her pmpaull la lhn mmnmenl bull or lh nmlnn hul Mm suddenly flu lylhml new um Tormlo Hob In mhu Ilm dmylul lhll Idn Iml Ihn LIL wm nriullulnl rlpmnl lmlo ummcnl ll uppeuml lhnl UN Inv rvnmrn uu HIM ln Helen Ihe nnmvnllvu fimunnwnl In Cunndn led Hi John ln Ahlmlnn lhml man dul Mlh me ml hr rc Vhvgl MI mllnngI pollry Ior he Inndparcul World War went nnd have hcnrd 01 tile aullerlnn caused won one typical an swer My parents want lhmugh an even worse world war and still we and hear of the misery cmqu by lhnt and my friends are candemncd by our cider to hccnma em broiled in an iniinileiy worse third wurld war imm whose Luflerlng and daughter wn will nnver emerge So our Malian philosophy must be Let eat drink nnd be many or tumor raw we die The Bank of Nova Scotia Cpnsult Wlth on doubling your money $369915 Canadas Birthday Bonds Ail nutodallc that nab land with wilful nndon and mnkg playzroumd or biz any By GWYN KINSEY Eglnllncr Curupbndcni TORONTO The best and mast mlul tool forged by gov cnunenl In conurva an sauce of loll and water The Irqu always obscure but least much clearer pic turn Una vlnues vim hopes and km conservation author uas thallr supponep and 9d These are the two extremes at oplnlon about mnservntlnn an lhorlllu Thu truth naturnlly Mei sumwhen 1n between ics hu bean emerging over the gut year as result hearing select committee the Ontario Legislaturer The committee on conserva tion onthorilies will complete its public homing at um end oi this month otter listeniol In moro than hundred hriois ll whither get on with the thorny Join or preparing its report com pieio with ruammondotiom ior the session at tho Legislolum that starts hoxt January AUTHORITY CONCEPT The port undoubtedly confirm lhe conservnuon num orlty concept communlly ros ponslbillly bucked by Lhu rc aources of senlnr unvernmanls Hm It to be of any value the sport must go lurlhcr lo cnlnrgo and 39an the concept long way in 20 years The Cow Acrvntlon Authorities Act wa passed In 1915 and three author lLles Elnblcoke Ausnble and GBIIBIBSkI were formefl um car They ambnced 32 mun clpalllles and covered an area Opinions SHéIply DiVided 0n Vélue Of Conservation In the 13ml festive omslons are celebrate by the men of the village doing the Schuhplutllcr Each dunner claps hls hands then slaps his shoes knees and the seat of his lhort leather pants setting up remarkably catchy rhythm EOAC travel agent can tell you where you can see this uniquo dance performed Thats becauso they are per haps the most widelytravelled peoplc youll ever meet They can tell you about fascinating local custom and special things to see eat and do All thcsn little extras wont cost you penny more So before you plan your trin See your BOAC travel agent IRIYISH OVERSEAS AWWAYS CDRFDRMIUN wnn AIR CANADA Schuhplattler anyone Tnlk lo The Bunk Nova acolla about ma now Canada Snvlnas Dand Cnnlonnml Burial Ind abom you pmonnl holdlnal put 1mm Wu can mMm you mo boll wny lo daumo you many with Ihn mm Canada Unvlnul Down On me new nl my bunch BOAG 531 square miles Now there are at authorltlu will mm her munldpalme preadlnl av mana than 14000 mum miles Twenty yeerl ago an Author Itye reeron or belnz named In be flood control Ind Mm lnunn It was armed lhlt the working unlt 5110qu be water rhed the area drained by river and its tributaries But even then men like Prof Coventry were preechlnur Whn rim valley develapment menu Ie the restoration and preservation of all ho nalurnl resource the rlver valley for they are All In separnbla parts am bel ance And cannot be profitably managed piecemenl New nuthorlue Involved in great range oi Inleruu from water arena to recrcnuon mm ores management to ad union And as thalr Interests hnva broadened lhulr probllml have multiplied BIO PROBLEMS Committee chulmun ArthIl Evans PC 51mm Cent ierseiy sum up these problems Manny land communica Ion Tha headaches lumyed 1n lhuo three catezvflo are sham enoulh tn Indlcntu Ihll the an 1mm are In sedan need remedial attenllnn But then In the Immedlale and obvious Ills Qucsllnns asked witnesses by Mr Evans and same 01 his col leagues rovcnl an awareness at what could amid the nulhoflflu lnfllho near uture Under exhllni conditions the nummum can puller din with prolecl here and an propranan squabble there Some of them will simply Insults while he other wlll condmu lo do good but now work

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