WallI Publisher In recent months Cnnadn has been plagued by number of stmges that threatan tho good ol the nguon and ho convenience at the publlc Wide wagu concessions were made to avoid dlslocatlon or put quick and 10 However there is no reason vhfthe CBC has to knuckle underrif It he loves the technicians demands are out of line they do go on strike it will not be Miami calamity hardl an inconven lance to an one common The Port Ar thur News hmnlcle The result of the walkoni would he that than would be no live Canadian programming This is something that does not remotely approach being hardship rest from the same old slngors guitar players dance groups and the morbid creations of dramatic pro drama would do no harm at all The voids could be iiilod with ï¬lm material which usually has great deal more real entertainment value Meanwhile three othor CBC unions are waiting for conciliation boards to be set CBC Strike Would Hardly Create Inconvenience By MR5 DWGHT NELSON Dld you know that about the yen 1880 there was thriving brick factory at the east end of Stroud then called Craig ilale Charles Chantler Dutch Quaker was the owner lle cm loyed five six men Reef Bowman Mi on Reynolds and his father Charles Reynolds the fore man wen the three top men The facmry was located south of Jack Alpinen house and south or the former Hoover home The clay used was prowl ed 1mm me land on these lots lilr Chantlet who learned the skill of brick making in Holland mixed the clay with sand and then thoroughly worked it in pug mill after which the material was then put into mold in the drying shod Then they wore placed in the kiln to be burned vhm dry The kilns had fines or cavities for the insertion of fuel Ind spaces for the passage the ï¬n and hot air to penetrate the bricks stacked in STOP SUCH NONSENSE SL Thomas limcsJoumai Do you have the feeling that the pub lic is sick and tired of being the whip ing boy in managementlabor disputes he Quebec hospital strike for example or the longshommens strike along the St Lawrence The postal vorkers strike The US airline Striker 01 the New York subway strike 0r transporta tion strikcsi Or any work sio page which poses threat to public hca th or security or seriously affects public con venicnce or economyi Am you wonderingwhy some way cant be found to put stop to such nonsense This Is not to suggest that nll strikes main mm In um Am Iunner lu Athuy Men and wile 1v iï¬ai1irï¬x331im BRIEF STOP OVER FOR LORD AVON Published by Canadian Newspapers lelted 16 Hayfield Strum Barrie Ontario OTHER EDITORS VIEWS DOWN MEMORY LANE MoPheraon Mungin Edltor vanNEsbn oer 1m 41mm don In Emma mmh HM mavwa Ml on 1mg ï¬lmy mll Ulla mlny 1hr II In MM out after failing to much agreements in met negotiations The am demanding mqre money and am lug sun on guaran lm at prefamnml hiring or Canadian 19me mm uuw When Canadian periormers as good as any others they should be given pre ference But performer should not bar inflicted on Canadian vieweu it being Canadian 15 his only discernible uaiiitca tlon The creativet es in the have to accept the fact at Canadian taxpay ers are not putting up $125 million year to arm welfare fund or indiiier out pariorrners adlan or not can run It seems to go to all the trouble at setting up conciliation board if the emplo are determined to strike whenever 0y dont get 30 per cent wage increases The CBC might be good place to make stand Thom are pieniy of American programs to look at either directly or through network con neciions and the public will not suffer beyond endurance if the live Canadian programs are missing tor while oven long while regular order wlthin Mr Chanuor used wood as the fuel About 1900 when the clay in Shout petemd out Mr Charmer moved his machinery to Peneung and continued to make bricks All his staff venlrwmlhlm Mrs lorence Nightlngales big house at the east end the village ls made at these bricks Its Nd bricks wuh corners and Lrtm 01 white brlcks still look at traetlve and pretty ln 1884 El Cowan hm llm Rossl than built the Intel housu on Con 12 The 150000 bricks ed in Chumhlll United Chumh were made here selling for tour dollars per thou sand Several houses and church in Cookstown used these bricks tor their making Milton Reynolds out of the brle actory stuff was captain at the Sal vatlon Army Corga in Stmud Tho Salvl tjnn building as lg as barn was about whom James Leonards house now is There won otton 300 at tho service At gen special rally over 1000 people were should be outlawed Labor has the right and the obligation to stand l3 and ï¬ght or when it believes it sham have So has management And the erlke Is RULOINTAIACM In nny sucl glspul 1w yum The eftcc confined to those dlrcclly involved other strikes unfortunately work real hardships on thousands and even millions 017 jnnoccm pymnqg There urc law which are supposed to prcvcm lhls They seem to be blandly even onthusinsucally ignored They 11 so seem to ho uncnImcqablg Surely some my cm be found to hnn dle problom bl as this And Um 5001101 thy bclwr ubllc patience ls Wearing Mn Wllgon Gemrul Manager lml Avon will lulu parl In mums mfllflnflrlhfllwih onnivmn iulnxiym Meat WW OTTAWAWhere do mu tlch en Cauldlam llvn The 1961 cemus ï¬gures luvs hem named to enga Incomn Ilmlly houn hnld In vnrluu wuuUes or all mm in each prnvlnco OTTAWA REPORT Them dhdnse um lha huh est nverala Intern ed by lhu realdenlr ol Illon Caumy Ontarlu which Incluch lbs western mm at Toronto Thu averm lamlly Income than is 57M This clnscly allowed by nurprise 0n nrlaa Carleton County which Incluch our nnrlunal cnpllnl or Ollnwa nnd lho surroundlng larmlnnda when he avenge family Income 571014 rug mum that lhe cdcrnl clvll service not such pool1y pald nccupnllon In contrast lhe Iuwcsl nvcrngo lncoma 1n Onlnrlo Is the $3946 reported by he predominme arman populnlion of nearby Glcngnrry faunly lylnl noulhcnsl of 01 awn Olher Onmlo communlliu ruponlmz an momgo lamély In com or over $6000 Me Al gomn anblon Peel Swdbury Venlworlh and York counlits lho Inst menlancd Including Toronto Mum 5A unlmumez DIUPLAYBD MaNuMENrAL monsrenence fo we sveecu vmu 9AM HIM Run anij berm not mwlflnfly lhc rlch dislricls mm hlxh Mange In um pruvlnco lhu communin nvtrnzca range be tween Man of $6361 and low of um In Quebec lhu Rum llu hnlwun Mnnlrcnll hllh of 36276 and he lnw nl 336st game cogmly ill Cnlumbln rank as Um prnvlnco wflh lhl hlxhesl low uvcrnxn Incamn Th lhu $1721 reported In he 01m nnnun nrnund Ktluwnn and Vernon lhnl um mum nlm lho hlzhcsl In lhn pmv lnco Iho 35157 mnrnxn re round by lhe nallhml mllnn ncluvllnu Irlnro fluptrl And ha qxnrlolln all 13mm Exumlnrr In Ihe hluhm um In Quomx Counly uhlrh lnIl below 110 lowest pmucx mmouoN Eérage Incdme Up Sharply Since 1961 Aulhmlml IMnml rlm mall Im Olllcn Drum meM luwn ml or paymrnl pox In EN Dally Sundnyl nml hlnlulnry Ilnlldlyl rxrrplmt SuMlllpllon nun dnlly hy rmlrr 50 wily 21 ymly Slush m1 Inc Ry null mm 1110 ynrly Dnlnrla HO yrnr mnlnr Maw you Mull mum mu nn yur Uullldo Cm nmia llrllllh HM yurx nrmn moo yur OHIHII llnlvr Ma Toronlnl no can Mnnlml mo Wul IIndlr Yummwn Mrmlwr nl llw Cuman Dally NIMpnprr lulxlIh Allnrlnllm Ia Tim ullinn Iuu um Audi llmml Irrulnllnu Thu Clmullun Im In urluslvrly mun In nu ma or umhllullnn of III nun dlmlrhrl ln MI per credlltd In II at Almlnlpd lnu nr 9mm uml alxn he lml mu vubnshul lhmln MONUMENTAL INDIFFERENCE mum Mme ma an 1cm ya 8131 Th rqu Inca Ch hm cumm bmh rlchar Ind Igamma thln ox Lrnmu In EJ In Nnva Eur In the Iprend ll belwnn 91AM AMI and 33805 Ouylhoraulh County In New Bnmwlck lha mom II tween 85014 In Enlm Mn and 177 In Kent County And In Newfoundland the mad be gwun 5117Ind 447 luller Mina the lawn Ivunu hmmo mmad by my mm In Canada Suhpchlwln ls lhe rovlnco whlch conform mall col1y to flu Canadian Ivorian It in Ile lho prnvlnca vhlch rcpnm lhu Mama malimrianism In um Hy lncomu These ranxc lrom tho himt mum at 031 In lhs dmrlct lncludlnl Raglan In 1m Hilbth um cm IMIIM nyut CANADAS STORY nil in mum he llallefluy WM mull IWM WI hum 11 mMm um swims Thy halal km dmnmlo In wagon puhd by harm mn huuw mnkxvy mm man MAurï¬ Nd nu ma Wk m1 of wï¬p ME Mm um law mun mu urn 1h ml paladin nah rm um hnrwh ml mu railway runs In rm ml fhhl lmm Um tmlm mm mm In hum Hflfv um mm mum in LM mil but had him mm ma Mn um Mum In lmvtfln dunner wal om 1N Mn uwm Yd Hm hm hm Im ralu Inf munlll ml llm Inmwmn wm mm dr swim wflo aniM mm ml mm mm Hwr nrw mu anlM laid mthv WM wwl nrldmly Inwth Mu In mmlvpnmw hum rm Hw nmll hm mum Im Wk Wm nvvl MI Mn mm um ml Hn hva Immmn nn Nmm nm Im umul hlm In Mm ma tflvr nu lanll An mun mm new nMm mm mm run In an BIBLE THOUGHT Immy myM lownlhlp Heavy Loss Of Life In Haileybury Fire ny non BOWMAN Ind upmdln out dour thc QuJmlle Va lay Ind ow around Mudnw ukc mum lhm 11mm pr lo the ulondlr 1m llkv ilfllanlIl nil lmo mnrd crop war 500000000 bullion thl your wul mun mm In comel lublunually Ibovo hen HKurel mum Then ll Howling but since cy data back to censul lldurmnllon collecud In mld m1 thclr lnlucsl now can only be historical For Ilnca than In can llvlnz hnl rlsen by 11 palm Ind mun cam lag have cared evrn mm Averago weekly waxes 1n Cnn ndn nlx years ago were 15 and the lalul mllnhlo lam calculated by tho Domlnlun Bu reau of sums Ihnwn ha¢ an average had risen 10 mm month In mm L0 rna Um were awed MA marshm man0M In mmra Ind mm In m1ve 1h 11mm in Mt the amt Cum hhwry mlth round two mm Inloalu PM lb of WWW up mum 1n mm mm on fill 11 mm letdm unwary 119 Mm Examuwr LETTERHEADS OBROCHURES INVOICES ENVELOPES OPRIZE LISTS BILLHEADS BUSINESS CARDS PROGRAMS GUMMED LABELS POSTERS OFFICE STATIONERY TAGS CATALOGUES CHEQUES HAND BILLS DRAW TICKETS WEDDING STATIONERY 16 BAYIIELD ST PRINTING BLACK AND WHIYI AND COLOR QUEENSPARK COMMERCIAL PRINTING wmmpmmmuuu wwmmwmmmw Mmmwwmmmm WWW WW khhgmhh Mn um um 142 THE LIGHT ITOUCH Vdice Of Reason 0n Strike Issfle By HAL BOYLE NEW YORK AP Thing mlumnm might never know 1150 didntg open his mu Thu guitar no longer Ilmgly leanm viapan can 1000000 Amzrlun adults now are taking avnnlnz names In how to plny In Instrument and mum hm become tlsooooooony¢ar industry Talking about ynur an help you rid of It Researcher found um mup ducnnlom 1mm dleleu dld morn hm drul Hump In cum lhgm It louylclg Home Illa haurdoun all Study th lry dlulond th wm three llmu work lhln hay wen my rogn lhl john qu Duel your household pl do anything In urn hlx keepL Wall why not not Mm an rnll1 Len yur mm WWII Ind bird um hired In In In elnvlalnn Ind movies Amnnu lhem wm python and mu mgndL ml mb hen up you ynu can be lure llnl Quccn hm lhzlr Illnn on Hug mr lull If 1th Th llvlo nonam look lull Ann mm Nun Srolln wnl mm In 1m lhl llr ul baby on word hang lid Things Columnist Finds In His Mail Thu proud papl Mil v0 been mo pow devoi me Mn IM try 10 mm Maw the It mm Human that an nmed right oould le mm mm mwflm Ild at gum lend VII Ma mate we WWW from mdopuw Huh was loadm ln lha mm mad unnn mmm IMse men mm IM lnwcaï¬p Em on cm can be ml may rd 7266537 WW EYM CHICAGO MP U5 am of Appeal In Bov enU1 upheld My the 1064 wnvicuon Tumor Preddont Jamel IL Ho on ariall chm mu Ind wh Mud Ind eonpiracy Gunman sh goddam Int on tha um dunu unlined US MW Jlï¬m Richard man lamented MI to prison US Court Upholds Hofla Conviction MM mmmumm liven km MlBllhllnchur vnlxhed pound So whnl naw In your umflyn Molar lumen DenlMs foresee luolh banks In lho future Instead of mm that II In your tin with non teeth lhay ulmply plunl live loolhbuds In your 1an and let you grow your 0W3 noul hlcuspld Tnku It my with um n1 Ihaker mun Allhauxh lho human body conlnlm pound or mm uh you can mlny Ill dlily 1mm nqu by oallnl lam am Buflle The Boxom U11 Harm Enumlmr Do you have In battle through mm of ham ovary time you look or something In the closets Heros way to sum qulck knockout Pull out the ham make list of all tho nolanxcrnccdcd Aru clu Ind than plm faMdlng millpro luclng lowest Vnm All Youll never be boxedIn min DIAL 7282414 FORIII