Lynda Deadman Ea patient in Stevmson Memorial Hospital Huston bcoam bum on not Mam called on Mend here re CHM MI Ddsafl Whowas form msidm ol Ends mm en mm in Kingston more he will take sixummth my cum Tho mm were mum at memummnmcan Mada Mr and Mn Gordon Mclmd Mon Mr and Mn Ad Ewell John Vollnska and Eddie Glmmic of Mm RWE Guilds has sold her lakeshofe midcnce to Dr Hamid Ansley 13nd has pur chased casing on1bgBoule home here and will Eve at mum whm he has cow armed new home Mr and Mn John Bradbury and sons am Whiz law mrwnrfli and Tenants 333mg KWM ohamiazi Thomas Duggun Madman or Mr and Mrs Ron 001 umbvs nee Pat Morris lney received many gifts and an Jopble My sperm Sympathy of the nonmnny 13 Extended to Delxm MIL 1n the loss olv his uncle William lAslle Event and to Law SMde MI rOongmMaUDns wfiuién Khmer and Mmï¬gmn UITY Mm yen maxEidflsqi in Vii Faxd te bro We Ben attmby has sgId his nro noniydoded 0mm the Fwy Conérathlauons to war rub school mslagdhvg flrs at flfpaï¬Ã©w 12mm Mchmwhgkl at mm 5092 14 was vllymnd The 1LA and EMSme at th harm Mrs Jchn Render son with Mdptmmnm lhe bale has bzen mom and sent to ScMLMlsdmï¬mflo MrJandeEHwood Gnuley and Mr mum mm 911ng und quid flank at tender sbvwer lhehomu ollhelr nephelelarvey Edi 1an In honor of MRS in Bell mamho MINETS POINT ARUNDéSIMCOE ALLAN mam SAVE ON QUALITY BEAUTYSTYLING DURING This charming Cape Cod room danbe yours for dollars less than you expect Youll better buyl Do by MW lmdwood fl Bloc hxuuxhoulwm fonmCh1 wink flank Mr and Mn We male vme mm of mm dam and Um an the occasion of melr 20111 Wedding anniversary at Um mumAmity hall at Three Mile Lake Mmkoka Sponsored by ha Womens Insuluta and mmdly elm an awning of flamingth couple received mqny gm featurg hp Pespy1cr Emma ihewea Mr and Mr Dalton mm 1mm by dusk mum and his wife Mr and Mrs Dill Wmth of Toronw and sister lnlawm Goodwill of Port main have rammed hmm mm mums vacation in Oaï¬lomln Mm annk McKeown was In mum 1mm mm Alliston hos plm his week Mr McKcown still hospitalized and at me of wï¬thg Mix 111 Humwlle Mn time Dam Him Ethv cl Johnson mm and MN Monkely and family of clarkson Wm mom guests at ha home Mr and Mm Wflllnmfl Mm Taflln will be conven er of lmllMa meeting msday ï¬lming on The 1910 Is Insurlcal Mmh and current Evnnb All ladies of the com munity um Loniny Miss 1mm McMasmr enter tabled at Famin deren Sam 15 31 her home In humor PM ate rs Emmy WWW 1F Mm MW and Jnhn 01 HuanilIe Mn and Mrs Dun can Mnho ol OWEII Sound MI and Mrs Edd MCMBSW and six damm R°VW WM 121115an was an bed wed an mmm shape cl am End mu Elmnu mp mm wedding pnny could be men through the wlnjom Rm snk convmer qu Army to recently braked lamb hrRoyal Victoria Haspflal is also Mrs Mary Mm Ingram Ihg 1am re fluther heart mimcm Ihe um of In mason muttaged may on Mammdhwy wavy ny muss McMASTER Mnsl HJobb Newly visited Mx and Mm AM at their outage MI mmm Mr and Mrs Adair mm meUm mi dcnts maand new live in find17 LET nscoon Looks rooz YOU nmmyu¢he Keï¬nLrimn soctélary Mm Mury Brad Engllreagmghmvr My COOKSTOWN By MRS JAMIESON Harvest Thamkzlvlnz services will be half In 5L Judel Angu Lan Church Oct ll arn and 730 pm Bishop Wil kInsnn recently rellredn Tar unto wlll be the preacher In the mnmlng and tbs evening service Rev Mr Mjlmy My Undmi Church will Mmpkg emui whege weekmds are ont by um couple and their 9711 Fm cc Unfledaurch Harvest Home and will be Maï¬a FL od to McMustu Unlvmlty Hamliim Soum Simone PM mulch will be huld 0d 23 on the arm oq Ed 11mm MI 0m 1m prone Youllmrchlonnndhtdwnndn better my Boll mfg Inglrdnlg gr Inmonl Kmhln with kilndrlod luldwood frnmw non 3min Iupporud Blcopyuflollow bath and mthionod hwughoul wIlh downyso Poiyumhnnn foam Choooo from down of BpIOI Tom prinlu numb tweed Ind mumd labda use my cellar rigggtertaining Cape Cod by KRDEHLER THORNTON Tim Shawplémi Central Onfmlu DUNLOPS ny guns mmznmwan Mn Fulï¬l pe nnent res enlnt Ivy nov er bus but Wfllulolnchef onehls re Uremgn IniNavem myWu1lam on spent pt 95 UnlHllegst aervlce In Squboxouzh Ind Pinkerton Hawal accomppplcd by his lnmlly Mr Htwlomand Miss Eaten Downer altended the ap polnunentmnd 5mm Rt navvSncll who was made Blah up Tqmnloï¬ The Club me In Christ Church Hall Sept 26 with nine present and Plans were mudu to make hats The inaders are Mrs Wyne Ta Inc and Mrs Lorna Gllpln Afl meetlngs will be held on Manday nights Hcm are pre Sharon Par tan secyLynn Davis pron Cylleen Shnwell Seplambu meeting Ohm Church Anglican Church Vo men met at tha home MIL Elwood Jtnnell Sept 29 wth Mu Wilmer Wilson pn Llen In Bummhospllal two EVENTS Plans were made to hold rummage ule InTrlnuy Parish Hall Barrie Friday Nov from 10 mm lo pm Thaflll lea bazaar Indbnka sale will be helddn murm Church Oct 29 1130 pm Mrs Wayna Taylor showed luduï¬lken while on trip lqWnles And explain ed each scenuNexI meeting will be held Miss Eslu Dow ncrs home sunï¬mniérchs Bully Day services were held 110 Presbyterian Church with regullr church and were led by Supt Robert Bales Isslaled by bays the church th Rev Adum Huustnn delivered the message chair grandfath ers led the pulse Mr and Mn Bill Grant wen guests honnr at presenta llmi held at 1h lull recently Followlng euchre Ed Eula read an appropriate address and the family were presented with two Heptables lwu table lamps and hassock The Gram family are living In Shyner present President Mrl Jeug Jennell opgnegl the meeting xlsled Kn devauons by Mia Grace Dunnll letterrwa read Irom lhe prayer partner M1 Edwards KROEHlER MONTH By MR8 ROBERT BATES le1WmWflnflufl nwwmwnmumxxzwmuz AT DUNLOPS Its our biggest sale event of the year madamqu like ElysheeieeeueeiiirieEinnE mom or oeroeem EXTRA lARGE SELECTION T0 CHOOSE FROM ALL STYLES TO CHOOSE FROM LOW LOW PRICES An appum wine man pannln In Clnldl sun with hnu dnumu and II Iaup count WENDY uch Roma wlnl DullclauIIppaall tn Iveryom PHONE 28 Fumilure and Appliances THE STORY 15 OUT For some months Rem Joe Oodhmm bu withheld the name of tha pmmu of hu am the Ooan meeting Mondw the membem were discussing Ibo likelihood of lama airport be he saxied in Innkil am nwst pl an mm mud to Sum ca tumble weamuwï¬ wmmï¬wnwm abo mum lem Ihenoadway mm vwnel lobulld on vroperty wmcddwn thg Ommhaflve Oommlgtee by moldcwwh 9911 PM was lmpee ed and cationE to be sent to IhePpAubwvned 0mm Gamma Mm ac WW WU Wnï¬ AREA MOSTLY WATER The 130 French Island ox Tn hltl make up 1500 square mlle land in 1500000 xgunre mile water INmsmNoTEs Continued rm Page 11 MMku MWMEe My cellar Is small wlne lack wllh about dozen Brights wines In It Does guest want an appellzer wine at roomjempevaluM chilled sauterna claret dessert wine port or bubbly wlna Vou name It We gal it And lholol didnt cos much morothan Id pay er pair bedroom flippers Adellqhflul dunnwlnc Mu dlnnn1wlm mach wlm chumpalm SPARKLING VIN ROSE Anlnvmwlnalhul nahundlln Ilnq anm onnuu SI balm amine and mu any mulmlL Du Barry port g4 rm manna mmx WEDNESDAY 0mm Wm im L®d®m gamma magma CI ldll molt amm mu humburgm nd mmnhny kind Q3 whna the men In the ROM um hundajel to London at oclock every lirulo night of the week ho most convenient and relulng way In Briuln Enjoy lhe luxuly of on nflight dinner Then mun down for rclulou nap BOAC movldcs comfy was fluï¬y pillow Ind monthridan RollsRayon 707 In encour age you Seven Imun after lakeoff youll mlve In Landon early lamina bustle refreshed and ready to go Not to bed but nbou your buslnesl or to Piccadilly Or Paxk Line the Palace Lnndonl really widenwnku town We call it Londonhwy So it would be nphy to wane even moment on aloepsleepl BRIUSH OVHSEAS AIRWAY CDRPOMION WIIH up CANADA CLAHET SAUiEFTNIf 7301 Chlllod ll doc wondm 01 whlu men my Undmhlqwl nlpavk Ind Mil 1967 PlWilIl match Mich Wmn91artm buyers wamul no rt in wofld appear that Reevel an mu fann val tag be maï¬a5 WW 935 mm well as dairy arm winl milk ML MODISTOHE