Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 Oct 1966, p. 1

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01TAWA CPLPrime Minis earson Bald today he giml lha the US has paused in All bombing the domfli tnriwd mnc bclwcon Nonh and Soujh vm Nam 1me ICI mm at Nmfll Annmm Um IM Arm Wmh lry 1mmln 51w lixdmnz Inlay lmfilml mum rpnnlmg Ilw wnvpmrl Hm Down Hugane Cooke 25 Elm 0nL L1 led out 01 court by policeman allcr th charged Tuesday with lie had been asked about lanadkm Press mum that the Us has mused in i1 aerial lllaclu on one sector cl Um de mlllbarizcd mm to lost Commu nist macflan UlhilMGHN 1an Kml hwknk hunk lulay AMrInHy mmmmml nvmmml his MM 4mm nml Mr NI 11mm 24 1me llbmm Mnnzmho tn Pmodl durum bud Ilml amt Pearson Pleased WithBomb Pause inrl mmImml Key Wm Tummy uh mInllu ulmll Mohnlm rm Unw mam pm my lmnm rawwt Hum 11 Unulirn mm lawn 01me mm am not ly lmilmnml Mm liyw unikl flaxmny WWW Inlay MIAMI Flu mm Hum cnnulncz urawing moancr um lhr vnrm mum at the Gulf cl Mcxlco ground In slop lodny while lmhlnu he mu Mlh Mind um up In 118 mllunn huur Dlorkul by nn Immuuse hlgh rcssuru mlcm nvcr the null 1e klllcr nlurm mullle nllnr hllllng hu Ir Turluuns cs my upsl Unable In lum nnrl nl wnrd Hm upprr Full 118 roanlnl Mrs lnrz nuw muld 1an hack In the 0erle ml rlku filmMn nnmhrrhlnw ur Om rauhl move in lhr Auulll vujul iuwnnl leml Amcrhm Hui lnrccnslcn pmlmm hm would rennin Ilnllmwy lnr 24 hnurl mm in Hm rlhhrnn 1an WM Juu ulmldoml In lInrlxln Km not In clnu Dunn1 and 1141020 lroylrnl mm Ihnl mvlshrd um km In 1000 nml um ghd this 5111 has been be hold press confor Hurricane Inez Stalls Over Gulf Of Mexico Stock Exchange Susponds Shams US Ports Handle Canadian Exporis Announce Plinccsss Engagement 102ml Yur No 232 IN VIET NAM women GUELPH MAN ARRESTED IN TORONTO SLRYING LATE NEWS mm mmwamnm litMen Inlm Hench Hm and Key Vul Inn wn blnmml ur Inur deaths Anolhcr duzm pcrmm More huxl Thu Ilarm rrlnml death MINI to flu lls nl vlcllvm lhnl may lulu hun qlndn hm ball lxI Illo Cnrlb bcnn llnally nru taunted vyrnrohl For anltnluln yuulh In knocked dnwn by hum mm uhllc mum In lhn lur nml dunppcnml Key Wm was hisch out by power failure but alhcrwlso lhcru wnl Ilulo lamnnc Trees won kmckod down mmlmza blown all um name home mm dumngtd by flu Mud In Mlmnl Beach lure Dldrrly pmonl dlcd henrl nunrkl whlle rman Alnrm Ihlxflcn pnllrn In TOLL HEAVY Thrre hln Ihlm urre llmhlnl by Hm mnunlnlnmu Mm uhhh lawnll 13 In Ihc Gull Hllrnm All Mlllnlly mm on hrlr lmuhlu Mn Pearson bald Canada has been in mm with Indla Po land and oflacr countries con mod to no make the mm dcmfliummd He said man not only had them hem norm smacks by the us in the me but there were Colmmmist North Vietnamese Canada India and Maud Me mombu of tho lnlcmalional Irme mmeth oommlfiion In Viet Nam capital murder in the bealinx denlh cl Dr Rowena Hume 89 described In Canadas airi csi practising doctor The wa why715mm Examinvr IDS ANGRIJIS All 11m pom1M Ilnllhuum OrlnlM Iluuru munm Main MI Angela lmlam Illrlwr Dun Drymlnla lhln nllrrnmn Iu lhu moman unmn n1 llu Ymld llu All Hm EDT nclluul mm of um um Mom In rxpoclul Ilmlm HlmllunL lilmnly nil2 mu Clfil ullh Illghl rlmma Al Iluhl Ilmurrl and Irmpemmvu In NW 70 My with 11njflflglrlmrlfld flul 82400 Us 0111 Guard cullor sun In the rescue one 01 Inc Ihlps just all Mlaml llmchl marl row wns pusth ngrmmd by UN Ill Just 15 yards from lhu uhllo sand beach Iflcuuard cnrrlul no la Ihu wallawlng Ihlp and mu hyllnmlcu plunged Into the nur lo Ilelp Thu 50 lo 76 mm wumrn and rhlldrcn Ilcndhd lhu llnu uhlle the ulna tom gunnluncn nlrumul In My Alvmlrnn Imam thnmvlnn llnlllmnvon uumlrl vl humlull thrrn Mllnllml hnmru lluh mum by Frank nblmnu JO Ivy Ilml lmuIl nml Huh wok Ilolunmn and 3m DryJul lluhl hantlrr who an 1116 lnr mun II WM you lrllvhnmlnr me an1 ulm rumyllnl ncunl ur leolrv Thu ml In upmrd lo mnkh linmnwul IIMIIIFHH Mlllnl unlml 1m AnzzIu lvtlllinnl ihlnl mummy pthna Aml Im Annln hll Uni lunl huh glad ll wm ha mnsl drnmnllc mm lvu mr mu 111 mm npnrlcr Mm wmmu mul rthrcu uolnn Inlu Ill mulnn In arm In human chui nxmry CHICAGO ABActor Rob er Young 59 and hi wile flatly were Inkcn lo hospllnl Tucsdny nigh suflcrlng from what their doclm described In llphylslcnl and mental exhaus on Yaungs physician Dr Edul ardo Ricnurkc mid both urn in prctiy good condiiion and ha expect ihey wouid be released tom the hospital in law dnyl Young has been appuran since Sept 11 In rand cnm pany ms of Genarnllon com dy the Sludcbakcr Thunlre Young who has appeared in more than we moiion pictures ntso had he load role in the television series Father Known cst or six yam starting in 1957 Wbrld Series Opens Today US Actor Wife lire Hospitalized mans mu body was found in her homo Mandny Cooke handyman was arrested ew blacks tram the house CF ercphoto DBTHOXT MI 11311 sprawl lmhy In mum Mn 000 wuim uuyuhv Omp and Han Noun Cum mlu hnmlry mm arm In pmlurllm um um AUSTIN Tex AP Thu Texn Court 01 Crlmlnal Ax peak mvcmd May he death pcnnlly canvldlon at Jack Ruby lhn murdtr Leo Harvey Olwnm Ulwnld Wfll Idcnllllul by the Warren commlulnn lmldcnt Kcnncdyl nunuhn MM llum 01000 Ch rynln workm wm In be nude Hto by the ml of uhllu allay bo mm mm Al hwy mum vim in Nhvlnrm Uh Gum Mulmn 1mm gem Mm luy MM mm Mm IHII Anne MOI urn nn mun pl 0w HI mw mva 011 so 31 Ihnlmnlhrr IMI up yuur lollm Man you Isl them OTTAWA CHTh3 cahinct failcdtlu seek leave to call ordered review of lhe Steven more than llva expert wit Truscolt case begun In the Su nessés prame Court Vol Canada today Mr Funk said he found with tho hcnrinu nl expert WH drunk or phreupple celery mm on the stomach ccnlenu oaulfllower potatoes pens on uf murder victim Lynne Harper ions and two Iypc of men at the llmu her dualh which he believed to be him Dan Truscoll Slavenl fulhnr said outside the courtroom that Steven had wanud In Miami the henrlnus Thu lather who vls 8er son by Cnrlelan County jail shortly helm the hearing lulled said no 21 year old boy was highly exdled He had been brought hora ram King L°£ menu PM Tho Alnlc luhut court or criminal mm non lho rnw buck or relrlul In Inmo nlhcr county lhnn Dnllnl when mummy wm lrkxl The rurmnn court held lhnl lha rlul court mm In mlmll llnx Iu evidence lullmony hy polllo ofllcm canvmnllnm rm mum Ihorlly nncr lhu kill nu Inn limitiwiy fifiniofmkvy Mrnmwm um um um Unitrvl Alnn Work unhm nwmlnn mulmml la mum at Ilu Imln mummy WM nl Inllwr an waul In pul Illlls Iclonllllr mention on mi um When llw hall milAw lm Ilw mm mm lhegwm 1M was onlha basis of lhcse stomach contents that the Crown lhe I959 lrial placed lnlscoll then with the girl About Ihe me of her death Tmscntt himself was not pres ent as tho Nah court began ll hearings lnln lhe sex slaying of 81a lZyenmld it at Clinhm nt lha hearing began delenca hwyer Arthur Marlin old the court he did not want Trus cat Sn the tour when the wit ncsse re heard Truscol wauld bu In the court only when hngnvg ovldcncg by tho Crown was Henry John Funk biochemist wlm the allorney xenerulo crime Inborulury in Tornnlo Ha examincd the mur dcr vicllml slamnch contents but was not called In lha 1059 lrlal because the Crown hnd US Court Reverses Ruby Sentence Bilflu Onnrlo Cunnda Wodnudly October 1966 45000 Are Idled In Auto Layoffs Supremg Court Opens TruScott Case Review HERES ONE UNIONISTS DEFY PAY FREEZE lluumpflon nl he um hnlln ulna Rumlly whcn lmldenl Johnna won delay lhrnlenml nlllmwldp Imlml wnlkvulmu mul by and Mimi mnllnlor wn llnm Slm film In with an my nrlrml mmmny nlulullnnl ml Ilw Inlmullunnl llnlnn rl Emma Worm 143101 Ford Mom 00 r1 OJMIh in Onivllln 0M mmrd In mllu Tueme bdwvm 1M UAW and Immgnnwrfi karl Twlmlmrx Infill um cl only lwu tannin min which Amu nll main Indy mum mu 1hr mumy my Imp law dupmn duwn lo pad Iurunlulng Mr lwurlnx nmlnl Wlum mm mm Mm lhul Ilrlke would mimlnly hurt NM US mfllllry Hlml In Vlel Nam Mr Funk said he found drunk or phxeupple celery oaulfllower potatoes pens on ion and two Iypc of meat which he believed to he ham and some Inn of owL Ho said tho stomach conlcnu he txnm lncd were consistcm wth the last meal Lynne Harper are an ha day bar death OTTAWA CF Pcrccnlage markup by whoiualcn and re tallers have pymrddnl oiled In mdinl up the price load lhq Jnlnt cummlllee the Son Mo and Cammnns on consumer price wu told Tuesday Ham In In hrnrrnl The first reporter was in MA seat In the mall main court room ln he Supreme Cum building It mm 55 hours befare the judge appcawd He said content weighed between eight and nine ounces Algile mm the salami in of phwd nan both walla the munmom for witnesses Amoygt1spgss cgrpa wal The Examiner Epost m6 wséauauamm wn Reopen Talks In 113 GB Dispute Ann LindenC Olly Nunl Cllulfledll CommII Dlllrldl Dell11H ll Edllallfll Fwd1° ll nmlrel TV lJIllnllll vnmma Iulhnll AWLmh Percentage Markups Blamed For Increasing qud Costs WASHINGTON mm 7mm TODAY ll Williams assistant dep uly minister oi agriculture in chmu oi producllon and mur kciinfl said his is one ni the principal reason iotxi prices go up in he lupcrmarkcls and car not grocery slam while lhu inrmcr doesnt share in tin in cream 0mm said they did not know the nntiomlily the val ael although wo can make many sand guess book The Trial 01 Steven Trus cou was he main mm in getting the ublnnl In order the review STOCKIIOLM Reuters nwealsh navy helicopter lode dropped depth charge dose to an unidentified submarlnv spy lng an naval manoeuvres inside Swrsdish territorial wnlera de ence official said here This was the sccnnd lime wllhln wok oreign subma rim ha been detected In tho Gothcnburg estuary when naval vessels Ihe Swedish army and coastal artillery unll are taking part In exercises ml ma filmrurnxmuln Im ml Iy npfl an Nun MI Swedish Navy Bombs Sub Anmdm was ridmug Hm hrndl hreqmnnmlh PAW ENVOY CALLS 0N PREMIER KY BRIGHTON England ank Causlns leader Eri nln biggest labor unlnn today denounced th governments clampdown on pay and prlces lnlalllarlan controlfl and sald InlonlsLt would der ll de splle he cahlnets declslan to enforce the from by law We shall nnw be In conflict with zha law beemm it the law Is unfair trade unlonlsh find time immcmorm have opposed the law Couslns lormer technology minlster who quite the govtm men earlier lhls year nvcr plans fur the pay standstill sald Although lha government claimed but the wage lrecze will be only temporary there are lndlcnllmu will be um um step laws destrucllnn DI the unlans lra Ilonnl rlghl to collective bargaming Cousln declared Chin he l500000mcmher Transport and General Worku Union Cousins led lhe nllack on Prlmc Mlnlslcr Wllsonx no namlc policy at In annual La bor comanee In It mini day at this senslda city NOT ENFORCEABLE Cousln said that In any case the payprice legislalim may be unenlarccnble and hi cnblnct declded nl met Ing here Tuesday nlghl to make mandnlnry tho room which Pmnlu Nmm CmJty In Vllkll mud Mb or Mn dim II Balm ledy PI mm In mi um minim la dumbed ml mm pun mm It hi to flow hum IN DOCTORS SLAYING Govt Wage Price Clampdbwn Termed Totalitarian Control Man Remanded Without Bail No Morn Thin 10 Par Copy 14 Pugh hllherla hai been operated only on volunlnry basin Those who wnmed to form he gnvammenl to use mmpul slon have hAd their way Cal laghan said amid applause Perhaps Ihey are proud Ihelr vldury but they have dnnn no servlcz lo the ordinary man md women of this country nor to DI lnde union movement Jame Callaghan chancellor cl the exchequer old the con ference belore Cousins spokfl that lhe hand the government had been turned on he natu Iary reels Issue Callaghan was apparcnfiy ting at among mm 01va Jenkms leader at big Tech niciam um Am humid lhl ha was partly newtsible lon maklnz Ihu freeze mndaLuy Jenkinq nald today with Britain ls the lam or lhrlfllcssnm lbs powlol roles Hut libel The lnmbh is aw urnmem spending ovensou lhd mflmoed the erngl denmd that lhn zovemmt mould out Mm spewing Omnim speech WM limited 10 minutes as me mm one of series mlg4mmmmt mdmiom on whim the contor enyu was whothlad la lute SEE PAGE TWO

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