hila numlnnw nmally Ihmml an lncllm loam um IrruvdM lm llumlnn Alum llllmlllml PMIIIII IIMInMU llmlu ï¬llmwwln wlm Nu Ynnkm hlrnln Whlll 5m 1an Imnlnnrl lmllaul 11w Illuml In All Hie anXnnII IRE Irrw 11mm III Inrrma mm 11 1130 yrnr Mun uhlll hr Amwlmn mm In4 mum lo IDJMJM mm In Mml GALT HORNETS who missed out on the playoffs last year are looking for some scoring punch and may end up with Bob McKnight and Ron crgott to remedy the situation Mcamvhlle they have our of last yem top ten point rodumra signed for another season They are scoring cnmplon Joe Hogan llnemnlo Carl Han former Guelph star Bert Brown and plnylnmoach Earl Balfour the Exchlcago Black Hawk mm m1 Rani him 1017059 Ilm Ikxllbrl plmynnl ludur 511977 yrnr n5 TM mam Jm lrew nnly Mimi In Mllumlho war no lnrrmrrl In 1539 In Mr lnl year at Mlnnll uhllq lhn AnalII pulml In M005 Mllh lhrlr new pm In Imnlvrlm up In yrgr P11an THE USE OF HELMETS Ls now mandatory in age limit hockey for all groups under the category of Junior The chin strap must also be properly fas flened goalkeeper who wears ace mask exempt cm With nine names affixed to 198867 players certifi cates Barrie Flycrs am keeping pace with their OHA Senior opponents Woodstock Athletics and Gall Hor nlets are the latest to establish Lhelr ram with mlurning aycrs ATHLETICS who two years won unsuccessful In the Allan Cup ï¬nals agamst peg Maroons have inked two familiar faces veteran defencemen No Caron and Byrle Klinck Camn once was with Clevchnd Barons the AHL while Kflnck is permanent fixture on the As blue line The latter player is wellknown for his hardhitting antics He Is strong body checker and spends fair amount of ï¬mc In the slnbln Caron was member of the Senior alum squad in 11163434 and was voted to the sccond team two seasons back JIM KENNYS Barrio Piycrcttcs who have virtually dominated piay in the Central OntarioLadioa Hockey League for the past two seasons swing inio nciion again tomorrow night Tho local losses will hold their iirsl try out session at Danie Arena at 315 pm All girls interest al in laying this your are asked to be on hand The Fiyoxcic have been wry successful capiuring two simighi laguc and playoff liiics NEW YORK MUTho mn Jor lmuu hmde lmnn Ilrml by Mumpan Mm ln Allnnln mu Inr he Culllumiu Angrlu drew Intnl 2310 219nm In 19w up mm ms tolnl Ill MLML Tm llrnm and much had lhu maul drnmnllc lnrrrnm bul Ilw NnUnnnl ltnnua clmm plan In Angel mmu nunln If coach manager or trainer is ordered to leave by the referee he has two minutes to obey If this is disregarded he will be suspended immediately for one year to the date lWhen the goal xfct l5 dislodged from 115 moorings play is dead However it ls posslblo that goalkeeper could deliberatel loosen his not when he sees brczlkaway Ift happens penalty shot is automa tically Narded The goalkeeper must also remain in the conï¬nes 01 his crcnse during alterations If he leaves the am ï¬q 30in in the scrap he will be assessed game miscon uct THE BAR EXAMINER TUESDAY GONE 1M The 196 CAHA mle book has been published and it contains seven sections of regulations including 90 rules No less than 34 changes are included the bulk of them in the playing rules section THE CAHA has clamped down on rough play with number of intractions now worth match enalties and game mlsconducls The most serious fence is do liberate injury If player deliberately attacks an op nent official manager coach trainer or spectator will receive an automatic match penalty Game misconduct wlll be dished out to aniyI player who becomes third party in fight even he in tends to be peacemaker man leaves the pen alty box in join in scrap he will be assessed game misconduct along with major penalty Another player will serve the major and the balance of the pen alty in progress Spearing and buuvending worth match pen alty if injury results and second offence durin the same incident would leave the penalized ayers team shozlhanded for five minutes when captain or alternate captain is assessed yenally he loses all privileges and must head straight or the penalty box Failing this he will receive miscanduqt penalty The Canadian Amateur Hockey Association gathers each spring to review the past season One of the most lmfortant tasks of this governing body of amateur hockey reasan the rules and through certain incidents over the winter make necessary changes additions and clariï¬cations The CARA coordinates senior and junior competition all across Canada and their biggest chore is running off the Allan Cup and Memorial Cup eliminaï¬ons Branthes include British Columbia Alberta Saskatchewan Manitoba Ontario Ottawa Valley Quebec Thunder Bay Maritimes and Newfoundland Presiding over Ontario is OshawasMatt Leyden in the presidents chair while Blll Hanley of Toronto is back as semtarymanager Huge Increase In Attendance CARA Gets Tpugh With Miscohduct Penalties SPORTS COMMENT By CHRIS AYLQTT DELAY OUT NEW YOIIK MP The mm UH bum hlwnn Inklde uh champion Emlll Gllmlh and rhnllenur Jo Ardwr New mG Ithll In nu hum mlpmml Mann Arthurs Ilnou Awe Miï¬m Clnclnnnll 11er Toul Amnlun Lum filllmnm 14mm Mlmmnll 113911 ammo Imam va York mum Drlmll 112315 llltfln mom IHPIIIM 13159 llmlnn Lin Wuhlnflon 3mm Totll IMMM mm mum mom Inmm New York Ilouulnn 5L lnula San Fran Allnnln mubuuh lhlln Nullpull 1931601 7M3h0 LEVINE Mild 1711911 I2H1M LIMA 1140073 00017 LIWJOI LIMA MIMI MIMI mum MUM 1501011 IJMIJJO ms mam I7mano mum mum 1140075 mm In hc womens cmnpcution Sm WM came Barb Han mcr second Elam Voksï¬yn um socialion nmmmccd iLs sched I110 India town for vmimm aims There an we dit fcmn tum planned or flu sea son covering age gmup NM lug mp rim and undtr 17 BaniamWuhmrhy 0d 17m km yum ml of Mlly Ill HM numlny 0d vm Royal Ill cm mul drr 01 May Mmle my on In My 17 ml umlcr In May 31 um Mle7 MMDII Tum HIMdlnm 1L1 Vny Gun 17 Mhmn 17 IIIIAWA Chrkxm Mr animm 15 Ilmlnlnhlm 11 NH lo llrmln hullruu NA 10 Am luvsva IMIm MMII ï¬IIINII MOI Fll Inmlnnl wrnl 130000000 000 m1 rmmmwr alum nml nnlm 1M1 ymr mnumml ullll ILmIIIOOflI If mll um Idler In three your ub scnu uw iuvmflo loam Mum to rewind tho Junlnr dub Then wmcthlna 5M1 In sum Dr 4111 midget mm his year um centennial pruch the Canadian Mockcy Assoclanml has pkmncd naliomï¬lc hockey ellmlnnllun tnurnn nl to be held In Kingdom For the cm vtnimu ol he playm will take pinto during the hunter MI Mays my hon Mun play houkry In war are nskld to attend lhc Hunlo Anna with hmkry mmmmt at the follow ing dmta dVnhwxy 00L pm no 15 and under as of May IWL av Lgï¬lmy 11 30 pm Hm and undrr as Minmy pm ch Hays pm out loopcr cent afloat win all Woe cats gems in he Barrie YMXWCA annual when tournament held near Barrie on Sunday against ï¬eld ol nine mmpctiwrs The Lhrcu wtcgodcs mister TM In Gabin Tmplly In he laid mud Ardmy Tm phy in the humamnd High Aggrcgaw Hays scores wen mpccuvdy 912 Art Harmer was runncfup in all Him mmgonlcs Mn was Ted Cbapngan Allacmï¬n Dumb my Hays Sweeps Archery Shoot Midgets Open Puck Practice JOE ADCOCK lam who played ï¬me his season with Caldlamu Arggds of lhe Amado3n Imgue indium pleasure with tho umtract he Mm Jew awn The Barrie Minor 1mm run lull WINDOWS hum Allandale Lumber BOWLING mHu By THE CANADIAN PRESS Detroit Tigm himi mana ger who mnu Io make kudos Mondaym Rowland Indians got am who plans to be loud as major mus baseball dubs complew their material lineups for 1961 The Tigers signed Mayo Smith to twoyear contract or an estimated mowmmo season whlla the Indians got Joe for an undisclnsud 3mm VANCOUVER CPI nrlllsh ColumMn Linn lnkrlmi mun vnrmy nnd lmnginnHun lmo lhclr xnme Monday night and defeated he powcrlm llnmlllnn TigerJul l7lD before H107 Ipcclnlnrm one Vancouvers Imnllcat rmde lhll loam The Ipcclnculur touchdown prmhlrd mu only min In an 901th ML bonetrunkian delemlvc gmnn The win llnl by lhe lenl mrr llnmlllon In le Cunudlnn Fnolbnll Lonnuc Inlctlnrklnl gnmu hm hm nllrn Ch mm malhnmnllrnl rhantu hrth In Hm Walern mum cnc Maynm The Lion hmo mn only mm Kmnm an loam nnd In Iml plum lhrcc ulnu he hlml Inlznry Slalnn Hanknlthcwnn lloulhrhlerl leml wllh polnll lnur mm Hum Ellumruan Elklllml nml vlnnlprg Illuo Hombm ltd nr mmuL ms who guldcd onlo Maple leafs ha Inter national League pawn chum planship this mason was hired by Boston Sax Dave arty Ml want to Cincinnati his and Billy Hitchcock was ï¬ned by Mama Braves 5mm 51 inhnugcd Phiiadcl phm Phillics And Cmdnnnu in he late ilc ï¬hrï¬odmny Cuccincllo as his lhhd bass coach Monday Tho win came on two qulck outh qunrlcr louchdnwns one them Gym Eflllop by Hr nlu Allen on Mo dd gun allrmpL AFTER OTTAWA Hamilton hml IM tor ï¬n In low lho luurr Inl an qu can llmn ml Han Inulh llhlarl II he lap 01 lho EIIII em Conï¬rm Alnnlllngl 1w llrkrr Inn Man and llnmmonu Dun Sumorln rhnnurd Held Innis In lhc lnl mnrlu lvclorr lhe Ilnnl Wk 1110 low Ilnglclbyhllldydl signed yasbczday manage Cleveham Indians Tigers Hire Mayo Smith Late Lion Outburst Produces Upset Win The nmwmccxmmfldliï¬xcd Ilnmllltm lmrk bark In lho mnmn gamma Slmfl managed flu team alter July 14 mplachlg Bob Srwufl who L1 in critical con diliun we hospital with lung cancer Swill Placed manager Charlie Draw in May Dram suflcrcd hurt mark and and Aug Last Sunday Attack 18 him his 17th season player In the makrs He spent the last three years at ï¬rst base of Gallomia Amish He pdnyuj 91 2am with the Indians in 1953 spent ï¬rm ymr with Cin cinnati and 10 years with the old Mrlwauku Bmvcs He does not flan to be playing many am last sccnnd qunrlcr uhcn Joe Zuger nllcrnnllnz qunrlcrbnrk with Frank Cascnllnov Ihrcw 20 yard lo Gmy McDuugull on hu Llum gun or lunch duwn Sulhnrln cumrrled pul gnï¬ Hflmlllon ahead II Menus halh Hammad lhu dull lhlrd quarlcr and than WM Elixirin mrjvm nryl nmmu Hran umvm nml MI gml Mnth Mil tn hln Nuns I140 XMI In llrfllsh On lumHa Hm ml nmul Mn point smvnd Mace In the llMltm Pwlnll Cunlmo min mu mm Mn Mm up nine nobMa Munlny llmnilum ll mmntm Huklmm 157 now has c1 palm nu le Md mu mwmn ml mm mm Hm pm Mom In Im Kfllllflhflarf ki my Mun ml vadfll mi and In hoton Ibo mu ol pitchlnzooadl Campbell sald our Tiger macho drama In Lhe mave Pmnk Skull Pm Mullin Stubby Wm mi Mike Rourke Hu mph 1mm chbcm who mm as Cleveland manger onluu immImufmn rnnymn lo 1le wk ml hm Mm with INA Moo Mm wa mm mm lnuh 14mm Hen Min MA mmfln mm idd nmln ml rm Mnilm or pawn Fad flight in IA Angola Adoock who 55qu on for two years Bimini Tw ban WWW Peter Kempf Leads EFC THE CANMHAï¬ PM Um Suhxdn Hamilton Gongng mqnaix nr James On at lhu hlz lurvrlm ul ha mm wu ILL qumlerbnck Joe Knpp Mm WM Immd only In hullhuk Lnrry lIllmu In my qnll ypnlnun ï¬lmA lng one mm flro nlmos¢ pedwt puking has bmughl who Dodws five Vittorio and in unbeaten Series record at home McNme an an unqualiï¬ed nod lmm nmnngor Hank Bauer for the opening game assign ment Mulle Walt Aleon the Dodger manager would have Indexrod to gn wiflr bl 2711mm wbnmr Sandy Koufnx Manns dander was dimmed by Naï¬unal eagle warrant race which didnt and until lhe final day 01 the mson Sunday wiih Koufnx winning me sec ond game double header WILL WORK SECOND The TomnIo nnllve kicked ï¬eld goal xlngle and con vcrI as the Hon upscl Ham IIIon TIgcrCau 1710 In Camp dInn Football League gnme In Vancouver Mitchell hnd been In sovcnul In Iha worlng race going InIn lhe game IIIE leldcn Ncflscn Reed Evnnshm Colfcy na Icurlnx unlll lhc Hons flicked oady 1n the fourth quar lnr Vnnd moved 50 yards In six plnyl Wllllu Fleming mm was 1mm 10 yards out and Mllchcll convened to pm the Llulu ahead 1110 um MN mémmiumn and Ionnrd uv or an nppnrenl llrld goal nllcmpl by Mllrhell CIIUNHEH Ul EH3N dimn on his side will pitch the pm game Wonid 5e pkg or Lou Angola Dodger Wednde against Baltimore Orioles Dave McNeily Following McNaUy 136 In the nmnd for Ibo Drinks will be Jim Palm the Orinles big inns at 15 and Wally mm mg THE CANADIAN PRESS ï¬vepoint pedalmane by Bill Mitchell of British Colum bla Lions moved him into lourlh place In Ihe Weslem Football gonrcrcuco scoring ran Mun ny Campbell Abcndschan flaking 11w cruclul play flu Rama cnme mlnulcs lulrr nnnr um ground nlluLk hulqu nnd N31 iitaumonl Llnm 1U Gamay llmlry umhlnl Hm hunt on lhc llumlflon and 01 Ken Sugurmnn rushed In lo xrnh IL lrn urnbbul map and Kara lhruuuh llm Hnm lIlnn dolumlcrl In 1mm MHchrll mhml cumm Knml hnd bun rnllrllrd In many lnmulurx plum In no body In rnrllculnr lmlrml cnnylnm In um Inmle how when he mm nn mo llrhl Ilnrl lhr unmn nul lw wm Um Inm luvmu ho lull Ihu mm nfler mm In Ilmu nno lcu llmn Elm Kn lvltlnl up II men hm hm m1 um um duml In II ymln nllrr In Win mowed nqu on wwrnl om Ilum uhllc Innkan krr elv trl lIlnnu unlnnl as ynnII ms mew my Don IRWIWJM Lo Angdu National mam dmmpim have been ester mm favorites nver the American League champions In ï¬ve preview World Series game at Do dgor Shdium Sandy Wax Drysdale and Claude Omen have allowed 1m lime rulv MuLwch ghow WM the have the pitchers the Origin have the Hawsand the No man the year Kn that department in ank Hakim Wm who hit agalmt Dodger pitching last year as member Oindnnafl Ends an DrYsdale Alstons Choice Bill Mitchell Gains Five Points nu play lqltrnlhnhllmg Iiï¬luil mm TDC F6 Ill will the lhn But be taking to the wrong people when he 5a he mm to be mm 1110 newspaper mm cqnl kyle ï¬lmf Beam Mnud said his wine knl high cnouxh in mum mm think he will be worth some Mme 1n the dome 6914925 Johnson 1129 poncd 3100000 bonus vm the skating math or law yamsMan games on Wu has been used spar gut mufï¬ns hes been Smk Wlnnlpu Edmonton Cnlgnry Bath clubs have awnon bull pens wiLh the Dodgers lhreo translating PM Regan non Pormnoskl and Bob Miller and the Wesnlylng hmvlly on votcmns Su Miner Moe Dmbmwky and Eddie Him 11ngng pg EdWalL Dick delicld who held down lhlxd base for Ihe Dodg ers dum Ilw pennant smith latter being scqxï¬md mm the New York Yankees not elig ibler for Lhc 5cm Player Pawn Parker shomlap Aparlcla 97182 wm LA 60162 Kennedy ii 201 flexullr Oulllelflm Roblmon 12 1mg 1211 Davis 11 98 27313 PHILADELPHIA AP Phdwf Ray lep of Phfladd phia mum say he mmt rc non to swing naming next mar unlcza hes mdni CJE 1m 93 sdwol 1939 was asked Mon day Mull he odd do KM Natloml league CM timed to trade as he has dermadcd simply wont mm to tho manic next wngtu Mid Cum signed or may 3m about Ms stadan patching ml next ymr He 531d On at these days Culp wALl lmv sprmg mining mayto no nl gape 1111 season In the mica league with 316 baulng ava mac AB ham and 112 mm tanned ln siuaiibypdsï¬xoif cdiï¬pmséi 51 nulllmore Orioles and Lo An gels Dodge Rohhéan imam 99259 Amy Gï¬le Munch mm in 511 alluam WORLD SERIES0N CHAN WEDNESDAY 1245 PM Phillies Culp Wants Trade CANADIAN PRES World Series Comparisons yos mums AP p0 CPA wlll Id you llnm lmnnm In Amlludnm my only $41 wn 14 Jun an hour or no In to 21 dny uuomy landon Munlzlu lnrll mum Irln Imam ln Connllauu slocklmlm 74 mnnlhly lulllllmlnll nl Oslo and olhnr mluv Illu HEM so any Tnvnl Aunqu CHIYIUIIYI lncilio Jul lo lhl Hull anllnmlAmnlndlm nun71o all Ullph mi ILYW yatï¬IkAIAUAEs f3 Invol Sorvlco Dull mum mm cm Am um um runl mumm Walln Innlrrenu FOR RESERVAHONS AND TICK CALL FOOTBALL Second nutmzn AMSTERDAM 0K Johnson Third Bunmen Flm Butmnn JET CPA NONSTOP TO hr rbipct 78 109 237 67 12 51153 30 51 16217 lies 126120 Ii 177 Ill II 1M 110184 11 01M 20 74 27 56 157 41 276 273 Snyder 63114 41306 Fairly 5310114 91 Davis 74171111 81 Blair 11 35 3271 Jolmsnn 71 11 17 71 271 Bldary 51 7311772 Bowen 28 61 Regan Xoulax Noelle ll Millnr Oslcnn Suuon Pcrrnnnskl Drysdale Drawer bb an Barber 45 9110 5222 Miller 6512 67 4225 Fisher 8136 57 £251 Drnbowsky 62 29 DE 0131 Barlaina 53 53 45 5309 McNaHy 1I1 15B 11 511 Palmer 1711 91 1171510140 Ernbcndcr 5129 63 55 Walt 12344101 7135 Hall 58 1195 Bunker 1514a 8910 6128 Mill 9358 81 5471 Dodlm Pllchlnt Regan 8524 3811 11m Xoulax 2417751727 $173 Noelle 73H 31 50 John or magma Jim GHLEam avaflmbh mual nflcr starting the season he mam Shove Berber Mama11 most expedch Hurting pitcher was on the dlsabléd list Sept when the Oxides was mqulmd pdck 25 Seain elli lbles he added ï¬lm an other pllchcr must be dmpped flua rim Iwn games ol me Series will be played In Los An geies starting at 7111 EDT and will be televised nauonafly by CBC The Series resumu in Balthwrc Saturday Sunday any Monday masem If the Bsue hasnt been de cided by men we loam return to as Angeles for the sixth Ind Emu games Wednesday and Held Hal Oflver LA Rue Outfleldm Bublerl LA Farm LA 15 Covlnglon LA 51 Rmnovsky Torhorz LA Haney Ba Club Bllflnl Balllmore 755 1425175702 159 La Angela 6031399100 $6525 Oflolur ï¬lfthlnl Cnlchm Roseham 47121 55116 Etchbarn 49 8111 50 211 Stuart Lily BVJohnmn Its Fall TuneUp Time llllNS um Imlu nub 1m InnIn mam gm mm ummy XrM flu and donuts while yvur car bclnz wvicrd ll mama luvml mum mum menu CalclmI 7029 511 1279 238651311710185 192512091212199 1231 so 7113 279151771315 341 1111 ma 21 270 114 10 131