mm My lmlw mm Milk Ml hot mm Mm In wn Inn Am INI Ilww In hm Ila wu me Hm Lalo llnllown HIM lmmly um um munm Hun way Knnplvlllm mm who am Mn Murray nun lknio CCMNI Ind Marl Mr leay 14 vim by Na Munm IN romunly ml link we flaunt Cm dam Mlmkv ble Jack Nun CF Ikmkn Mr Fm In Mm Hm Manr nnmlm Imumt In 6an314 EMMA 6mm Ilwï¬mv ALHIJlT HOLLOWAY lumml Mrkra wrm Md nl azu rumM mm Mimlm for Mint MU llalluwlv Mr 011mm dan Mliknly on AW at in Mm Minim den turned he pm ll down became cl ftnr lhnl local munlclmlillc would 1qu Autonomy Tho molullon pul lorwmi by Ontario County nld tducnuan cosh wcm real nu an lnlolarnblo burden an propcrly awncu knhlhcr mnlullun uklnu per mluhm or munlclpnlillu In manic rily 01an L1 on mard Invorlnl 50 uni prowlnclnl grunt ur educa Inn molqun nakan the On nrln Governmml Io bur he lull cos cducallon ucapl or uth cnnslrucuon and maln lomnce expense vrcnl down In defeat nl lhu Onlnrla Counlln Alsoclaunn conlmnce In Im II Iflonqny use 70 an Act also pmndes that anor MN lhc mllegc mm and anio maucauy lose lhdr WWW matter be laid um Ind hm Inbigwu in 0H legislauon Moo wonking WdL He said In an 1m that WW associations pum al would not lmk but Aux Med ghath havn sul my lpgsm arm rm mil mining wk hmu Afr Gum pagan that Feels Govt Will Block Bid To Limit Coroners Powers ASSOCIATION or lulu Counties nominating cum mlllee me Monday at the fr WILLIAM Defeat Motion Govt Pay Full Cost Of Education OBITUARIES in Ilnhmq MII wih Alma mm mu MILm Mum and xlwddw lkwmr lmniu ï¬l hulivy punHuh Mali Immin manmlm ml hm Iflllww MII ol Nun III mum of lhwkï¬mn my in nanmm um llmvku Wmm Duncan Km 1m mm mm hauul wow an Ilmmn Swallldd No mimum mm mm and Mwnyn Link ml Mm ln Ilwv my muddy mum Furml mu um mmikb Ila my lï¬lvwml hull ll flnmn IImul Chair on R1 31 Imam Union hm PAM Mmlhrmm Ha an Hm la Imml wnyl ll mu mm In lhu rrwlullnn hm dlmlnl lhnl III numlrlpnl mn Thu molullon luhmlllcd by Essex Caunly llllll thn prucnl ml ml warm as drier mu In dnllnqllcnl lnxpnym nnll lbul unpaid um um be mman In burden many mun lclgplmcs Tho convenlion rejected Bruce County vropmnl lhlll Inlr wnxn nummenu ho mndu np Mann nl he 111er mum Icinnl mad nulhonllm Under pnstnl legislallnn mun Imam am nominal lo chum up Notfrlrd at one per can manlh and thhiéam en chnrgu nnu per can monlh Interns rule an unpaid lnxu Knntl npprovn Comm pmnwd out humonch commu with ha Cmn attor neys mnsml omplny expch 1015561 in un hwgsdgadon rm Em comm type dimmm which mum the know 94 Wvwmw PARTICIPANTS In Mon daya session ho Associa llon of Ontario Counch con vcmlnn in Barrie worn ch1 lo Anomer ch Wk Mr zanleUana canvenUan In Bar rla and will bring in In re port his sumnoon Left to 0d mu ruml In MW NW Mn In 11 01 lnrlry In 1mm kl ma nml Il In 11 WINNHHG CW Prim um lown In um mwnlnu Huh ll Hm Winnipeg ï¬an KIWI1M0 luhy Hal mm INN Vu ML th wam pnld wnlkmen Ilmuhl ho dclcrmlnml by normal method of mania llon IIan the nupply nnd demand or lho labor murkrl In ha um hum npmcnlnllvcx mld Ilavuï¬r dnltantu m1 gnlml lhn pmpowl mcnnurn But he Inlr wage for many tlnulllcnllons nI workmcn us so on In tho LN In In rural ho rnlc bcInIz HIM In mlnm areas lhu mulullon lays mu wilh rm callmaled lender vnluu In excess of 035000 con lnln laIr wnxa clnusc lhcy um lo be elixiblc fur pmvnclnl Iubxldy He noted also that the num ber of cases In which death mm bu mfde lo coroner ha been enlarged NJ dcalh occurrim in homcn nbkn he mum employ expert assistant in dctcrmln lng me cause of doahh Mr 69mm 33M right John Pearson the Department Municipal lnlrt Mac Dunbnr mercury lrcasurer the Ontario Mum WEDNESDAY OCTOBER STARTING AT pm DOORS OPEN AT JACKPOT $21000 right are Cole of 0x vtoni County Wallace Kraus of Renlrew GmdenTaylor FARM PRICES BINGO LEGION Loglon Hull Colllcr Muflwr Slnynrr mrmhrr IM ic Ilmiflc um varml lop had ml llvvnruul Mlilu Hv lmI drry chm lï¬mwmzm wan Minn llolxmm 5mm lho Ndlnmnum IN ml nfm mm In class Our Mun INNduh mm Milk Elllllxliml llmu man John Vnnnw ml John and Jmn BMW 101 Inuan mr rk hull and Hill 1mm STAYNEIX Stall M11115 here Imvc born exlmling cm nmluhdom to an ndlvn dub mcmixr Kenneth KLnck My won the Snlmluh Hle numshlp mum or Kennel mu mind lap place Mm ho uhihllnl mm Nnunmrnm HI ndmm Inml day wwmm and he Mm mu Nkdhd Wuduh hw mamhlp hIlllplon In puhlk has sperm ligatimlo full In this mun He pointed out that maximum lines or matterme or nual In gin evidence at an In quml have been Sum 1mm to $500 In the case medical practitioner nnd from $10 $100 or am wuncssu anon ha said or he aged and mental hospkb 5115 must bourcpartui or 1mm mun so um comm my deuxmino wher or not to call an inquest Mr Gommo Md the delegates It was thought that pmc lihnnu by hf mining and duly In public has special Mr Showman Award Goes To Stayner iclpai Association and Philips oi Eigin County The lhrcHiny convention cnnlinues lodny Examiner phnio Welland Georga McKay Slmcoe and Clarence Wilson of Kent Examiner Photo ltx pmlmhly the mml unique cru llllC yuull llml nnywhmlmnuw llplAlymnIsuncufnnlmcl oddities D1clbillulWeh rouml Wuh ll mu funy Lml You can olnrrvc th xhy tlmivn uralmc In the Imh wnlcr Imam of New Auuulian wildlife mum Clmncu Mu ynur 110M lmvrl ngrul can give you xltlniIL Ilcll nho give you many nllm ludl nlxml Ammlm Aml Lumpm Ami lha Cmilflmn Am Ihc Iar lml Hell ptovidc ynu wuh nullmml lufmnmlinn Mu he many plant In vililuI luk him nlxml local cuslnmL Thing In In and llxrillnu new ILhr to try Youll flml your DOAC mtl agenl htlpful In to many wayl And lfpellln plnlypul dounl appeal to yuu ynu can nlwayl cu die lnnla mm DVIIHA Imam Lnnrunnuu wuu All MAM Ever netted platypus BOAG TIIEBARRIEE MINER2 TUESDAY OBEB 1968 15 pm hi Jndum lvmd he toms mum ha mic Innle of Gamma 111 mm mm MARY NIFMIIR ML Am VKlduml umbr nurm 1m Um 0mm 0mm Int 01pm Warm wm bu um npmhr flurry Gull mama Itme at 1213 pm Onlan Hotm 1m loplc Ahmmr Mlmï¬w omum all pand dmmim will Muno bu mt muting Orkimlm MdflmflcJobuhddhM Skyran the Inkmkvl Dairy Wind WWW 06 11 KINSMEN CLUB Nuxt mmnz cl Klmmon Club Damn lat dny cm It pm in Mim mnr Gm mm the much whl be the Ma of India Dr Mm ho clublean pm mm duh Im 1mm in he lhydm Hotel or link next gm Lq him 00 moKel and par development were exhlbllcd at tho Dcclon air recently Where consldmbla Interest was Ihown It was really aurprlxlnx how mey plcloplo lookul n3 llnnd snld LOCAL GENERAL ncevu Cross mention ed the widening of my mod In Tecumselll township West 13mm and said this lmpmve mix11 wag appreclnlmj good ï¬ffl lho lowmhl Mr mm laid Thu dark Harvey or mur county wnrdnn has been iii in Stevenson iiaspiini Ailiston and the council yesterday ap pointed Donniii King in acting clerk treasurer during Mr Harveys ï¬lms Grenville hitComic road sup crvisor reported on construction mile of road on th 2nd concession by ilany iinmitton of Coilingwood and also work done by township stall now some bridge is to he huiit on the 4th concession aver creek nndanather iiifoot sport on tho 10th over Entity Creek cipaiiiy With 3000 pop ulution Tecumselh mostly run township with some subdi vision dcvcinpmcnu The council hail is located an Benton Most ni um new building has been on Ilia 8th and 91h concessions cgnxr Entnnce to the Flora Sod Company properly mm high way as between Million and Cookslown 11 different men mentioned double swing bridge LI planned over ha riv er which is particularly pictur esque ag Ms ppm nlghl club enlcxlalnmenl and luxury dlnlng mm are ln eluded ln the plans 111 develop ment Involves about 135 acre Including parkland on both side ollhe rlver He said the project as yet was mall1y In the planning stay but will support ll was hoped it could beam renllly before line and of next year We appreciate the considerable public interest already shown he sald mung lhls was an en VLiflgl Bums treasurer drew attention Io architects plans yvlllc showcd lhgpircular mo luspecllnn the alto showed considerable park de velopmenl already Mlchael hmbaxdl president palnlod nu place at gel caurle lem mlnz area Island development large 87vth clrcIIlar motel large parklng area and play ground aren Pypuc VINVIEIIEST it will be big develop ment said ncgvu Willian Mil ligan when ihe plan wen dis cuucd by Tecumseth Township council at iLx October meeting yesterday Deputy Reeva iiarry Cross and Counciiiars Allan Ginssiord Realord Long and Wallace iioibcrl all agreed it was an important proiect or Tecumselh Township and mm tiling which shouidvbe oigreat value in promoting tourist trade oiitheAmen ALLISTON 5mm build ing permit has been Issued and mauve plan approved or largq new mnlel recreaunn $kcand playgroungtyonb H35 ompw prov Nolmwasaza River about three mug egg hem Motel Complex To Be Built Near Hlliston KIWANIS CLUB plum an Pldlmmmiy healed next lo St Gmcl Anzflmn dumb mohallhnnlmiuxmdwver In tho mmmlly board by me Into Anhur Dobwn father at Willard Dom now mmber BUM centennial ommalice whim Max 1m the malnan ol the noun mmy hull board hm namde ha been white and pians made or new comm an sldownlk and park 1m 1a Levollinz has been on the 1mm bell mm the oh word 501ml to be plum mldo gm him flu centennial Mimillce 14ml hum mg kmdcdm mm mm council Mani be pm 0c UNPIA Stat Intrave menu to Me My all hero will be Uioplas cemenan project WM mitnbb kmibed cairn am of the features annod him and Miminsi an Prmc wan Inn Sum whq mix the magma pwcruscd the whim amuï¬dde mmclmmhewam sum mm way his comfy gvddmmhmmdmï¬bo mohaime mum Whulzambialxnhmlaï¬om with mm it was wflh We Whammmmnd Magma mtcyy and Mid suuér IWerï¬w vwl Utopia Plans Pioneer Cairn Minister Fears For Future Of Zambians REV DAVID PROCIOR Iefl of Collier Street United Church introduced mv Doyco new lardbcifqdjmflhag nu W15 T111 Iluv Maud II Mulmn mum Izlul llulauull nullvme FEMURING NORMANDY RESTAURANT 18 DUNLOP ST WNIN YOUIUY Tlll AIOVI DIllCIOUS MK DINNle ANOIMII MIMIIR OF VOUR PAH RICIIVIS 1m SAMI MIAI FOR ONLY 25¢ IXIIA Gentleman Jim OFFER GOOD PMTO9PM OCYOBER 4H1 51h 6th uuvn mu Ilui mm mm mm my lulll ml mm mum Am 704 loll ll HUD HIM Ill Plum HQ ml Pomaumwwmmmm mmmmmomm rmixfly agriculuml omny L1 dqmdmtupmm cotton and pub mmmm he Mmammmol muchzine said themvunamol we him um Musunsa to Har right is duh madden Tony ria Kiwanis Club last night Decallo outfloflmyï¬rmhe STEAK DINNER anï¬ï¬‚uzmtmes with Mr mam Wm But mmhmmnsambm fmnGmdnwe Atmmldamqm Dan wind Whidl laflowod the mcdlng Rev Imam said Ilwacanuuinmrpooplem beam badge hm wa summon mrwdmmmdm 25 FOR ONLY $110