munp mo Mme vlqum Hm lmllh m1 Inhnlmmln In vvhlnz Iluxmu he Vlrlln Mm lhu Trlnlly ml Normal nlullun llumvzh Jfllll mm lhnl Hnlue nl llllyupl wk mlllm mm mrla rhnnm and In the lhuuum mm which an lb Iumlluve bl mmu mln llhlmu liku Ifllll lm Imll ï¬lm 1qu Irlltr tun lnlnlnu xhurnrq mmla llrnry mum lvllhun 10th mm 11m rllrr nald hn phme unmlnm lllr Ivplru ml mlnlllly or Ilnnvl lrlal PM on uhurrh rnurL It mum WM rmmmw my mhlllhy Mun llh nnIAI whnl lmw xlmvr In Irurlh lnr hum mul In My Irmlrn III III ommlml ALLEN Illillrk Illnhu null Inignl Hwy lilfl Mlh lnlnlhlg unnaan Wm Imd rmmnlulvm hmllrnl nvln mm Imiml lwklnz mm Wham MM lm lml NUMHM In hrmocrnl mu lu Iumwrlinu Xmemnr livlmunrl mm In hh mmpnlnn lnr ravrlullnn nzalnu lnrmrr nrlnr IlnnaM Henna nu Hepubllcnn mmll dulr lllxhnp rlrllmi hrmy dlnrnrx beluro ille HIM Satur llay lull he lvrll In tnn rnnnuo In pollllm nuw AIIKU he has lllnll Mulwp Cnlflur nln rncnmlmulnn Ilelxcnpnl rhurchm In tho San Frnnzlwu Ilny arm L05 ANGLLES MIJ Aux mnry Ulshnp Jnmn PIX of Calltnnlhl prldlcl 111 ha wlll 1w txnnrrnml new menu llom lmrsy II lull Marina Iiplscqpal Anxllmnl hlshups hlll The thnrm nrc xronmh lm xnhl In nu In lmpcaor Mncklcm sug gcstcd lhnl mmmlltce ol the board and principals make an mm to look over Maple Grove school In Barrio to see some the newest Inmvcmenu em bodied In constnIcUon Ha Ilso mld that the mwting ln More held there had mmo Pike Predicting His Exoneration wwwman with the manner in uhkh scr vices am rende by the sup pllm who haw the mntruct or school supplies for the ycar 03 AREA wule Ur mcxr do livery and was unable lo ln arm Lcachcrs Mm cnquircd about back omens Bellm lial The administraw was in smxied lo mittAha Jack Hood Company and their salesman lo havo mpy of order handed him or book mqurrod by loa chcrs sent to the School board ofï¬cial Mr Ken hm nslmd il cmialn books requch to be mmlmd had been mcivcd said that he did not have any team of onion orthcir do luvv bum agmcd and on suggcs timl of Trustee langmnn udd cd Iha any school deslring to Imdcdake such project may have the bulbs purdmsnd pm viding that the 005 does not um ono hundred dollars The msls nl Sunnybmo were estimated at $3150 nooxs syrgpmn The teacher of the science class Bl Sunnybme school plac ed suggestion More the board asking that the cost of bulbs muimd to plan beds of tul ips along the sides of walks and in mm of lhe school be advanced In return he muld utilize the help at the pupil ho digup And plant the beds mallan good shmdng or cullmnll aqd nllnr nle mum Innlsm cathm will be flock Ing lo mlmra and nmmgé monk am made by the board on allow cady closing the alt3mm of Oct 13 to enable them leave and be 1n the capital 0in ho stun 01mm ventlnn business the ncxt day DEMONSTRATION quest for old school at Mmy came as surprlse as property far rim hall more has been pulvhased mm the railway and the cost of adapt lmz the school bullding to in hall was sald to be only small amount below that of mung nmv building on more up pnmriakc slle The board also requested lhat chaln llnk case be meted dividing Hm school pmpmy mmuzns By The Public School Board had an urgent enqulry mm the mve thetennship asking the value they weld put on the old school at ulmy which ls not being used Thls enquiry dlr edcd tn the chairman ol the baud wanted last decision The board suggested that the sum of one dollar should be the monetary value il Lhe mad a1 lawanm in Una Sumybme pm arty nhlch in be closed and ls new the property of the lawn ship Is deeded over In the board or the sum of one dollar Th1 mud add to the boards hold ings the land new occupied by madwny and dividlng their mmsm nous ReeveSeeksv Price For LefroY Schbol Iplxcnpnl rnnzliru lrml Ill pmrlinfl Mom In vrlrullnn Ilnnnltl cnndL hml lrr tun by In Ilhun rr MIA plru rial bo mmmw kl IIIIII mmh 1er III Mum Hnmlun rrrllrnl rI rh quulnl In Vlriln rlmml Illllll leyups mda hmvlhl mllun 60¢ooooo¢ooo goToanuw an nuxlllnry hlnhnp In mldcnro at he Cm lrc Inr Drmncmnc Imlllulionl nl Santa Barbara Cum lorml ncllnnwvrnu Mm taken against Mm nl my ha ch ch rnnclnm He MI 11m nccuml hrr may at lha ml flcncrnl conven llon H10 Eplsmml Church Dalmll The mend limo mu lnNSl Lpul In 1116 MOSCOW Flvn ynung workers ham been new lcnccd In dcnlh In northern flussln or killlnz local dop uly pnlke chief It was nL norlcd Sunday Thu ncwnnnpcr Soviclsknyn Russia snld the po llu rhlc wn klllcd when he lrlcd lu calm he yuunu mom nngcm by lack wclrome an thclr unlvul lur vnrk an Iarulry actllnmenl hmm Wdihg duct 31 gm11h ï¬fgimpm with lhs Mn Um my The lllh chmmt km ndaa oldest milluy regiman It was formed July 20 1366 In Ihc Guelph Battery Gunï¬sfln AmIIcry In hIJp cnmhnt Fenian Raids mm Lhc United States Gwmmcuwnl Vanlcr Wui the roglmmt Later the CommComm and Mrs Vania mlvcd the ofï¬ce ht unit private WM mlyh Mqu Lila CLSmHII GUELPH CI le salute Mu fired Salmday mark lag the mom Way 14 1101 mlluy Regiment and the what Gwomor Gench Vania at the bkfllday mm way with tho suggesth that those attendtng the coming mesh lng on area enlargement and one board nunactment should go to It with an open mlnd and make dcdshm alter heirlan both sides ot the dlsumian TELEVISION Arrangements are bclng made to unable some schools to take part In the educational lVpm grams bclng broadcast mm the CBC lhmugh the Barrie station lhl wlll be more lean lblu hen the new nddltlonn are wmpleted and general pur pose mom am Available Per haps ll someone had used machine tn donate the smaller 30015 It mmch he 311MH BARRIE FA The weatherman threw wrench tntn the dolng at the Barrie Exhthitlon on the first couple days this year Rnin on the Junlvr Fnlr day mm pletnly mshed nut most of the onmpctltlons that muld not be held Inside On Friday cold wind gave attendance set back but the fair sLlll went on and exhlbltors mam plentiful and pager lnr wins It takes attendance to put the money expended on prizes back in the bath ltmim Farmer Hi Club had the most stock on hand that has yet been exhibited and the Judge wrked with the water running out of that hair The Cmnpbcll entxy flvm Stroud tn the dalry heiler class on two ï¬rsts and one second as as reserve grand champlon 101 call raised on the lam The exhibitors also got fluxwall mending timing the shvwing Drnlt hm Wm Show dur lnz the mln whlch came dovm heavier as lhn Shaw conflnucd Itt least the homes me well Gun Salute Marks Units Birthday BARBIE DRIVERCM 7266474 mucx on CAR CONSERVE VALUABLE CAPITAL Mr Dunlnmmnn For DIIIHI Call Lease 41 Em Rd 1967 YOUR nmum M1100 ground Is one the suggestions We can well remember at Implu of schod we aliende helplng to bring maples 1mm hurdmod bushes plant on Arbor Day Once we vmrn blllen by dog who did no nppmlnle our am am Hawever these neg am still maldng shade for the pre sen mum of Lhe grounds Evuyone should hav at least one highlight they can look Sack on dating mm Cnnaq Lioyd mm dch In his sleep at his home Thursday ulght of wererhcld Lu James United washed lllla via about all we stayed to see Ihfl day centennial msoimu and are cimflafln list of suggestions Medan couple of page among the baud munbm teacher and anyone else who may feel lhat mmeullnn beside the now park should become public project Planting recs aMnd who truly Is one The new Ilondu my nnnunl Inlmal Hm rule of 57 or mch of the ï¬rst four yum 5M7 or each of the next hm yum 73 Ior Um allowing your nnd M3 for tnch of Hm hill flvn yumn 01111 87125 in inlmal on cwry 0100 IlnmL And or the ï¬rst time tlmo in upwind compound inkml option Tn lake lull ml kum it have all ha nununl internal Crnlcnninl Suit Cnnndn Snvinux Bonds cfler you lhtir highest inlcmt yield eva 64B In your whcn hnld la xnnlurily ASSURE RELEASE WASHINGTON AWThe So viet Untnn has told the United State It will release penca Corpsman Thomas Dawson soon the state department an nounced Saturday after to fontcd cflurt tn lain freedom 01 um Ztyuamld Annnpolts Md residan ansun has been In Soviet custody at ann since Sept ll when Soviet border stand prlu Sunday ad lion nl I8 NawYork Time will go in sscenla from so cent In the New York City are beginning Oct the newapnpel announced Saiunlay night The pnpcr snlrl the increase was necessary in help meet rising cosu from higher wage scale and lie recent increase of $5 Ion in lha price 01 newsprint The price outside the metropoli inn area nnrl Long island will remain at 50 cents the paper sn STEPS INTO SPACE RICHMOND IndAP Frank Shally 64 awoke from map In the back seat his snnx car Saturday night opened the door and typed lnln upaco He was knocked unconscious In an eighlvlool fall His son had loll thu car at ucrvlce nation and attendant put on grease rack The sun had let wllhnut awakening his lather TIMES COSTS MORE INEW 0RllAPTnu news WORLD unws mar TIIEATMENT WORKED BOSTON ANA Dung Box on mother who had can under lnnlmml with milky hm SCRIMPS 0N CAMPAXGN TACOMA Wash AHStall representallve Helmul Juellng one legislnlor who practises the Inlzallly ha preaches The nnly menses ho sled for his successful prlmnry eampnlzn were tho ï¬ling fee and 37 cent fur the can of pain he used to change the year on campakn sign lcfl over from ha 198 elecllon nnusn navui amen mainiy concerned In pinning Brillah nnvai Irflcipnflnn in the Allied lnd on the Normandy beacheain 1m died in Thun day was announced Sunday night Cause of death was not disclosed ANNOUNCE TRADE PLANS MOSCOW AWThu Soviet Union and Mninym salurduy Innounced their rudlnzu to establish direct trade relations The two countries which do not have dlyiomalk Millions have been trading Indirectly mostly lhmugh London ADMIRAL mas LONDON APAdmn1 Sir MauriceJ Manuel2h 69 lbs 9mm MW ward arrested him um he wadad across mall mum which divides Russia and Iran that point They nm Ilill any la lmy or null ur on imlulmcnb vlmc you work bank or invul Thin Series rclnlm nll lhc lrmlllionn ltnlurcn which make Cnnndn Saving Honda Cnnndnn most nvouml lnmlmrnl It all ndda up In 10nt lnlmnl M00 on every 0100 Bond 11 Info nuro wny lo um nounu 7mm noun wflh Clnndn Saving Band Conlrnninl Scritx unmllcclcd untfl Nuv 1079 and ym will cl inlcml on your inlcml nmounlm to $2176 cxlm on awry 8100 Bond VOLUNTEERS REFUSED LONDON Reuterl Presl denl Jahmon has turned down British businessmlnl am In mun lura Igugnm none at wth lurvlv ho gm birth to the am child who wan mumn Saturday ulemaan at Im horn The other six children were born In hospital at Intervals than lwo mlnutu Nona lived more than few minutes Thu howl tll said the three boy Ind our ml walghcd from to 15 ounces and were ll purleclly for the 11v monthw connoNs 7289228 011 an lumth mu msz mm um mun PLUMBING Aml now lhrym helltr than our lo hep with tho hlglml Inlcml ylchl rvrr nml inlcmlonInlcmlbuuuanunuonwilh Cnnndn Saving Bonds Ccnlrnninl Series Thry are null Iimplo In cull nnylimr at my bank in Canada or their lull Inca nluu plum mmcd inlclemtfllloul the New llun arm on the Bond pmcnt it lo your bank nnd youll gclyour mamy right my You mny buy In ï¬ll in $50 or us much $100001Ivrry Canadian midcnl may buy up lo this limit 80 mn um sums éVERSFAS AIRWAYS COHPORATIDN WITH AIR mm mm MONDAY lend prim at 1000 British volunteer In 1th along side American force in South vm Nam the buslnesamm and Saturday 11th Company dim Ior Paul Dunleb so laid ha re ceived reply from the delence mmw sun ey desire in help cum to halt al mnlnn In South East am But under pruenz drcmmlancu 1994 adv Siuabub is mouthwatering Eliza bethan confection made from fresh raspberries wine herbs and thick whipped cream You can sample this delectable dessert in presentday London Your BOAC travel agent will tel you where Hell gladly pass on to you the many Interesting things hes discovered on hls world tmves Hell reserve hotels within your budget Make your travel bookings Youll even receive help with your pass rt formalities Your BOAC travel agent will make al the arran menu for you Anti it wont cost yau penny more cause its all part of the service And dont forget to ask where you ll ï¬nd all the little extras ke Sillabub SlllABuBlAfElY Lm ZBOAG howsvu Icuva participation by members at the lesion would not mm to be dulrahh TORONTO CF min Odbaum ea cMoundu the Canadian Council Chrme and Jews died Sunday Mr Odbaum wu alsu chalrmnn the executive cammllleg at Iho Canadian Jewish Congress and lnrmer president at the Bnal Brlth district No CANADA