Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 3 Oct 1966, p. 11

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Im hva mum 7Muul on 1leme Im ALIMI lomua mm Mm ur llDnhm WI mo mo mum on mm Hum llmllur 1Wmdol on Ihl Worm 0mm lhal tum unit hlmwl num IIII VIun Flu nuwl do Vllfillillspend on ll sugar Hut comes rum protein and enter Ihe system gradually enough 50 um plncreas no illrred up lnlo producan rush nl lnsulln You are less llkaly In experlenco Ihe roller cuasler film ralher abrupt chnngu from hlgh blood um Io very low mm IN Illalll Mam Hut 100 per cent sugar or Ilnrch ll Immtdlltely nvnllnbla blood suxlr Berlin lam mm of pa hohydrllo he an lmporlam ecl on Ihe pancreu which lhcn minus more Insulin much In urn use up the agar rnpldly 50 than you have spell 01 low blood lunar and It WWW 1W5 mm mad Iumvv mm may 71 born Doom 4min uut any nun unuu nan mu 7DIInl Dolm Lumn hobby mm Allin ll llull Am Ha um Mm In mumm Tuscan mm 1mi nounn °u MI Law Law II runny Gummy llNa urnmmu IDIIII In llIInn Elfin IInl an in $61 flawm IN hm Xu Vlllxgmu Dull Lwimx Inimy IIJlmn mm BUFFALO BARR BUFFALO BUFFALO TORONTO ll HAMILTON RULES APPLY Thnll why such pallen Ihould all much protein and llllle arch The protein sup plies enough mm the la pro vide lha caxnriu to mnlnlaln normal welshL nu mm Horal the rennin Anyonea blood all level wide It differ ent times or day but whan II MI period gain too low variety of uncnmlarlablo lymp tom occur mm hunger Ir rltlhully unmadlnea and oth About 50 per cenl of he um teln loads we eat break down chemically lnlo Implo sugar as they are dlzexled and abnut 10 For cent do the same fiawever lhls lakes Iillle lll ham mum This teem banner people um they hm hymbcemla low blood sugar they would not all num nr starch Md husband whom am wrl has unstaadlnm in his wnlk whan he noes loo Iona will out load Whit should his diet comm tinMn Dear Dr Molnar under mnd um Iha diet or person wllh low blood iuw should con III 01 pmtcln and and Hula carbohydrate this true haw doc lhu xylem yet he blood mum By JOSEPH MDLNER MD TUESDAY OCII um 90 Sugar Level Varies Mb Diflererit fivliniés TELEVISION PROGRAMS In TUMMY lelllt EV MONDAY OCTOBER EVENING so lNI Th LII Ind MD If 16 FIIYH 7PPleII Pl 7Nlll FBI VIN may numb Um unm 01m nGmlllfll lllln iIIIIII For Your Lil Jrmnt mm MORNING AND AFTERNOON thuumd Mum Loo una MN hum ovum lhaw aMom In lCcnuntnllnl TM sun Loni Inm Out Dawn onmn unIMum Miller 1Donnlylm cm lTV mm umme sunnu HNomlnl 11m 14mm tvm mum Immiva MumI Ime 4mm Ham quv mo Mull 1mm 4mm lumllu ATm noncymnnm Tim JIM Jun Pan Lunl rm um HIHIIIII IIIIM IIIIA lnn Lrm rimu In Mer 4m 01 mu lAvAnuu wlln INM Nu Notmflly Muth In J4 Huldlnl um 11 Magnum sump Nu In mums CUMMIHIXII lrlnd ILW lhlln LIL Had 111me 114 Alln bagummu himdawn lTanl um omu Vnnnm ll nl lnun Buddy Run Inuiuma ubmm 61110 Mt Sha lAnl GnmIh 14m MINI Had arumn how 1hth um lCnunln um um nun nn 1110 lTh Honk lDon OGuuum mm Vlmn Hem 1m Luf Show lIflun uddm Run bum lwwyeaMId chlld be punisth pul lo bed or spanked 41 RC TRY EXAMINER ANT ADS PHONE 7mm bnlng dls cnnltnued becnu se lrnprpved ones have become available There is no mason to think that discontinuing them wtll have any harmful enacts but after 10 year It tImo tntnqulro of your doctor whether you need them any lonler or whether somethlna else may be better togryou Pun ment isnt iair lo child that young Besides it very likely to stir such resent ment that the Welling will con llnua Just mean of gel tinz eveni WEE any dmg £3 taken or lung me is wise lo have your doctor check you parlodi ally and bring your medicauon up lo date Den Dr Mnlner havubcen taking capsules at complux vllnmln preparation for 10 yours mm by my doc tor Wlll there be any 11 Media stop them underslnnd Ihey are being rcmnved from lhumnrketfi mammal snack some pm lfln nod 4mm cheese ch 1n keep think on an even keel Ynur hmband would do well in 1M in do with isodc of low blood mar and raid Iu piemcnls because Inme insuii cicncy oi piiuiury adrenal or Lhymid land can also be invuived other pmsihie tumors in hypn ulytnmia are Incipient diabetes liver disease faulty dicL in Ihort them are may under lying condiiiom involved but In any case In die at high proldn Ind at and low carbohydraie is correct leuwha medlullnns are helpful depeJdlnl on the par Ucullr cuHedauveS because nervous tenslnn has good deal In do wllh episode blood Dclr Dr Mayan Shnldd It orgeu wag 19 hm 1w mwrlny mum nu In 1mmly MI AIIIWWY rlvthnl AHIII HMIIHI lhuln Im mm 3MU Nlm tn Mn mm 16vbflmln KM Dhlll mu umu ml IDnl 0m le humd 1Nuiyuld am no lTM Dmnrl tununma mm mm 1m ny 47 nu ma tNuu VUmull lllmvflfl uwum um um rumn Iunmn Im on MM mm IMO Ann mm HM num Mum In IMO tM wand mm 100 plum mm film NO ilinm mum IMO 00 x1c 11 Nm wmher Sport 10 Tanxm sna 8minuan Iluu snout ATM Much Toe 50 tNuu Bummlry 1anI lthrybody mm Icnun Mu III 11 If Inn In 6mm llununl um um cmuefm Nun Arthur Show 101 mm Hmdld cnmm dlvo Gal Sec um and hoph anruVoumm Thm are My my umh doinchcd houses in me country not home built flush with the amtL Evcn apartment block am fairly mum and only In towns boast hlwdcnsky housing blocks of more Lhan cw 511mm The averaxn New Zeallndtrl Idea is house Mn it own grvmds surmunded by lawn nd garden never called yard and mm not prrvale from nelgbbon hedgrs or L111 fences Such an arrangement hu many drmtucks even for flu hcuscholdcr Grusa and woods gww rampant In New Zeallnd all the year round Lawn must be mow weekly at AIM lhe mtlrc year and keeping mm small garden tidy Involve constan hard hbor DAILY CROSSWORD prominent Unlud Slam building consullanl John son has 0ch New halanderu that they are qui rim not to pack people into cities and to hold out or in sensible Idea of every house in its own pm of land The quaw acre Beaten building 101 Is times New anland nguolMl lmnlng floan uncluu al CMmluM II Nixon No III II Cullnm NumbI mlvllrnl vaII Ful 1L th mm lurlnlu DOWN rmnmuon AUCKLAND CHNew Zea Amd has at last earned kind vmrd mm fishing expert Im fls housing nabits People had begun to think that heir ham building ideas wm contrary co unlversal authoritative opinion nm num Mlludom 15 KIM olhly wlndw lllmmlr Ildvvld or Jlnrlnl ll vamlvd when South is in sovan uump He does no we the op ponent cards but he does no qulro hlghly potflnenl Wonna tion Mn he wins the club lead 11th use mi East shows pllm Am mm up ummpl nu mlmblrl ne riéwkrfiws at Wash cmmdmpphnmmay uriuxun ed to upen the bidding WM five dull all Mich 50qu was mutually re qumd to play but not Inces sarlly expected In bid Seven Nmmnp The rcun lead was the king at clubs 01 Mom Food fllh truly huh whykiln lollawllnl my un 95 anmm New Zealanders Build On Lots Ewry brie onrlu own lat ACHOHS Ayn Vlllfld Wywwwiéew mum plgyed In my nppmlalo your confidential aim or the day on lmtend of jun uklnx it An the Answer is No West deala Neilher dd vulnerable VCONTBHCT BRIDGE Nomi Mum nu us AH mmu on aoum meme NAKQ 9919 IXoLh Um quum um Ibhr 11un lo mm and ohm or 104 Admll Ihh lmlh wllh Ina mm Ball NM RIM ILA mudaw qudnh Inclnlent Id am vnml BxJAYBECKER ILCum IL 1161 McKinn Cllyx Ind vnml Thu and lhmun wllor 14 Mom 16 35 Thl New halandm remain devoted to fixed Meal the quarterecu section New Zealmdcft numum mum is his castle hm haan 0mm cw hnd hum have lurkmin 90015 New Zeahnden use their or udmlnl or lnkedn Win the and or Inch boat building hwrfla garden ocwpaflan man My Icrvim cost far mam when spread over greM uma tor comerum few people We tram open2 at low amides m1 consequence 113619 lose money heavilya 1mm planner and civic 01 Mala hava Ian manned db apptwal the extent to which when sprawl extend New Zea hnd mica tn unwieldy flu raises the Nice udnflnktnflon and can In good mm hand which M141 pfoduuing am good or LIVING COSTS RISE Norwayl cm 71 llvlnl hn one up per cent since 195 oaum even mam whim of mnndd nudmflflu New Zealqndfi es mi aven moder an mmiiui GiuFy Mm In amides when Eighdenslly mm Is the Mn mummm mmMW mmmmm be made Ll the Idvem mmflvededhalparumygr $63 mm mw mm mm prwwmwwmwwww Mu NW mmm mmmmmw um um mm or Ian manned du the client to which extend New Zea tn unwieldy flu 51 Nice and can In hind Mid MM arm good or halandm remain fixed Meal N16 lecflau am New nilmum mum lo Mm haan SECRET AGENT X9 Immmu than firm In ml ll Ilhcllmd ald annou unm mm wwwmm mmmwmmw wwwmm 82FU UGOA IO UP THE LMNd ROOM willo0 air XWANT TO CLEAN MnmAIvv BREAKINTOTNE wnvzmlmu pnvmscnv mama smimsanmnuomna DRAWER mu as ow BULL WIFJAND gamma N01 100 sun WHAT nab ammo mum mom was MANAGED to BREAK INTO THE rwnnzm mu vnvms cm APARTMENT WW wouwur smmssu TD nun nus mwuz mu as ow auu mummy lLAR 1mm Lér ME 52E rrmr TNEN WENTALK mm mm 393 Amman MONDAY omnm

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