or Canadian Paciï¬c JIM Enjoy CFAs wpr Emprm urvIca all moway to Tokya and Han Kong mummy all Southeast Asia Dn bus nossor pleasure JetCPA Go the advnus of Canndlm Paciï¬c more than 80 yuan mval oxperlunco to the 0mm 8wa Axum JET EPATD THE ORIENT THE ONLY ONEAIRLINE SERVICE FROM TORONTO ERRYS mmmé€g FOR RESERVATIONS AND TICKETS CALL Woxld Wldl Trlvel Anlnllmenll Dunlap mans Vll CI ml hack hum unnu Our nrmlnd Ind qulllllod Inhnlcllm In mind and oqulppod lo npllr lnylhlng alumnlc Clll 7260551 Como In norm nu no out now Ilwwmm In Iddlflon to color TV WI have black and whim IVa mm mm Ind mum Dont pm bargain pod BEST color hhvlnlon on muku Ind Iho BEST Mu in huh upl 0K Johnson Travel Service GET THE BEST ZENITH or PHILCB umlm in mm um MBWMM the mung Ihl mime mm Mr Wu Quebec YPCs Want Changes QUEBEC c9 gum Ywnl Ommm Friday mmmfmualudx MommmMm am at Mam mem BARBIE HAWAY apron SAULTr STE MARIE Ont cm01mm of Alum Steel Corp and the Unlm Steelwork en nl Arnqu have signed new thrwyeu mum ending ILmonzh Mingzuuluons Thu contract or 6500 mm her the Sloclworken Local 2251 replch on lhll expired Mm Union reprmnlnllvu llld the contact lively Alumna Steel waxken wages equivalent to than won thy Steel Co of Can ndn employees In Hamilton but buyer TIIE bgneflu Algomq steel Signs Cbntract pmï¬iéa or minimum Now That Youre Ready RPM 16010 TV Or New Black While Sel BudioTVHili 33 Collier SI wmmmmm 0011890 at or MM ï¬n Weaken Moll magic to gum Gm UP Gov General Vnnlu wzd Friday mambwmde mumme Dotted WW about theis Mum mmwwms wwwmmmwmmmmmmw mm mm Vanier Boosts National Pride The union also won mm menta unamploymenl beneï¬t program drecllvu Jun 1068 The company will contribute an pu cent an unpkryua nlary to und from which burgh will be paid no Md ofl employee has lefl the company Employees with yen3 urv Iccwlfleunnpenslonolm month compared with $11 under lhu old contract worker wnxa ham cent over thm yemla cenu mm Aug hi you clam cant Aug m1 and no cent Jun I968 mgunzs mummi The contract alto Include onecentanhour Increment within an Uuee yearn Wale will Increase mm $120 an hour to $251 at tho bottom the mic nmi from to 51 II the lop nuw pension plan umIn tees penslan liter lo ean new It 19 uneven the flBBmAlNBTURN UNITED NATIONS GP mmmm $m Comn wily 01 the mihdoamr Hewe oeedsSoviaAmbzmamNikb Illme The aludenLv presented po Mon deplorlnz the Maul gav emmentl Mun to Implement IL promise of 10m Auden halalships of $1000 each ailwinds cumin on educa ML York Students Pibkét Pearson Late in his tpcech he spoke Ippruvingly to the nudcnls your genndnn maria The OnlaHn government was uked to Idlusl in loanrant nld system put emphull on grants Thu plckeunx was orderly and flood natured Mr Pearson Iloppcd Ilnnxslda the educa tionold proponents It on point read his way through the waving card and murmured pigasnnuks go the gluoenu 1nd School Thege past few weeks It CB DH we been tmes in an every an we Lilly Ila About down ltudenu bear ing plumb demundlnl morn government aid or aducamn met the prim minister and Wllflam Davh Onlnrlo educa tion mum at the college gates and later ï¬ned pan of the mute as hay marched to formal openlnx ceremony Another 31x plead up and down outside windows the nuditnrlumwhere tha ceremony was held lher placard nylnz top Canadian arms export lo USA or Vic Nam TORONTO CF Placard carrylng lckeu calling or no uon on cation and Viet Nam meted Prim Minister Penn ann mm he visited me camp of York Unlvmflyl Glendon Conan to mu the col Iezo olflclafly Perhaps the 11m and mast Im poth IcIMtyan Campus the am low weeks was the student demons From among Iha more Run 700 ntudenla CBDIIS the ruponslblmy of choosing Had Boy and Head Girl from QJIRMET agaianZuePncg Bladmall beless PowerProfiled Design 31 Head Boy And Girl Elected At Base quden High School NOMMOMMHEM EXTRA $13 B1 MMdHMWhHq wwwmmm MaudWMMWNM lano in hand In on WMHWMM but no nanW lur Elvin HIWAYBYWAY av raw memo ROAD HAIARD INSURED The year ahead loch Ilka busy one or averyone at CB DHS Letl make happy Ind succuslul on as wall The Itudi is of CBDHS are very proud oi their cheerlead ers Last week they travelled In Birchmaunt Collegiate in inr onto to cheerleading campe iiiion Dur cheerleaders wen voted the best In the Gmgian Bay District Quite an honor or Nth the lids and that Itth Spenth oi uppqu remem ber that the Itudent cwndi will need your help when the Student Association Cards 30 in sale Key this In Suclinludent nchltlu Pres Club Yur Book and Club Val 11 other support to elch he learns W5 do hope however um the general student body will take mm of an Interest In their Ichool teams School teams whlch plny large part In the active and ev eryday um 01 ngh School alu denl are pulllng up huh boo maps and gelling set or what we hope wlll be successful ycnr far one and all course our new cheerleader wlll help lend my ngml with and have begun to collect member and elect execullve to make plans or the comlnz year other clubs whlcln are nevily exmed this year are still wln nlng the approval or the Itudent body Same 01 these clubs Me the Pepï¬lub and the History and Geography Club very new and welcome nddltlan lo the newly farmed club ls the therery Dlsclsslan Group form ed for the enjoyment of students who like read some of the bet ter naval the day mun their mldst tell upon lhe ahnuldm ol the student body Last Tuesday general qssem bly was called and the candl datu or these positions came onward to mks their cnmpnlgn apeechu Votlanonk place on Wednudly Ind Mr Toldlard tha prlndpnl made the awnlted announcement when all the vets had been tallied Congratulatlun to Lorie Acton of 012 and tu Ron Dan ILA the new Head Girl and Head Boy respon Ilblo and rewardlng lob lle be foro these two ltndanu and am mnfldant that they wlll ful tiuthelrlohatounbestowwlr ubultlu The social 1119 at the student all lntn lull iwlng Friday we lung with the In dance 01 thc chool year Ipousored by Cam pus Club crowd about no danced and listened to the music or flu latest record on tha Hit Fayette BONUS COUPONS mnvahiaflmmhdd www2fl On Monday evwdngdm wept milmivyém 31 dustml Axis classes Ammg 3km WW5 were two mum By BOB FARNEY mm go to the Fair was Eimvalo mun cmumn umuuswnr men and wonder new year baa hem at St Jnsephl my School This year seem to be all to good start and mm to am hack toIll every thing they pug lnln IL After three day clmpalgn In and My 01 lpeech mak ing our 1W Student Council was blunted Secretary LI Allson Brodie Treasurer Sue Mur phy VIoePrulldnnl Frank Murphy and President Kcvln Moran Conwwlnuoua all anyi znod luck Edition with ulna 1mm Whit Oshnwa and Penelanz Oshawa on October with dance vlblory or no to 0L 10W So In all invalved In Track and Field pracuaa hard and we will all be out In auppm you Track Ind Held piacuce hnva started and are now in full 51110017 leI be In calm On Friday 23 SI Joes last nll Its Brads nine studenul In their place was throng Fair Is Theme At Elmvale High St JoeSphs Of To AGood Start 11 mix may on an new mom uméï¬fn Dumu the come cl he ove mzdme Graqa mm such tinny as 512an dumes chair Whisflim with mlhful ol biscuit rodusu 1m with we maximally in Ibo maths and napalm iave male on all has Bu Gradnmï¬ybo long 00 Eimvah Dim saw MLMmdnH an em mufï¬nm Judy Calm mm mmmw Elmvale manhuntde mm Dance on bays clad in mlnlddm and makeup accumpanledyby alrLs ln mismalched clothing with war palm and vegetable necklaces Aclnnlly It was lnlzlnunn held to man all Illa new lllldellL feel at use with that Ienlnr count mpm But how amiable can one teal when Ike mod to eat raw onions or clean Kym floor wlfll 001314115 Nov erlheless everyone had good ï¬rm and Im mm It was day that will be long memb cred St Jouphn Auditorium wu the summitday mm or victory dance or the members the new ltudem council flung Imam naw Bunlo IN CAL Ill 7H0 an ms 1ND 1330 vVVVvvv DAuY TRUCK RENTALS 43 Essa nu PHONE 7266474 OOOQOOOOOOOO Television Star Fleming Drowns yIMA AP Ainulpnn Id FlexMug at ha television Hes Rawhide was Inst whcn his nnoe capsle 1n the lluaflgn 9999999999999 evlslon actor Eric Flcmlnz wa drowned In remote rlver In Peru back country whun lflmlng lungle picture lhl 1115 embassy announced Fr ny Fleming was on location In the ï¬ngo Marla area mlle narlheast of Lima River It way through September rm trachea new and old nudanu allke Ire welcome and now um everyone is nellllng down to the minus business of school Ills may an all have good year TIRE 100 lMlON 41 1M0 JO