nnrrlc Ann Hobtin hm dN Imman Munkxh vrnnnk Inl nwmhl rml fly MRS II CRAWFORD inï¬llm lllll Donald mum nwm llII Mrrkcxld In Tomnlu wlm MN Hum nnd AM irnhmll and flooded Mi Inn Ink Hnmnlay HALL HUM mman nl 0m 5nllon Com mlmlly all board wm hold on hmxlny mm and mm but Mal chnlmmn Mm Hw nrd Urnwfml WM Medal rolnry am mm low ruled tll nomuvrr mnnaznnml rmmulllw Wm rlmml lal Mex ml IMI Iitrlr Mn lmk Shmlhfl and Mn Jim Ilnlml nru rmwnnlnl be nkhu Iur Iho mman mm mm Mn Mrhmn lnlml Mum Mnml Mm Wuer Ila flnrrlny um Ih INkPrll MEL ml Mn Karl Hklnlrt 5M rt nrl Ihlrhm Iwnl Ibo wrrhmd In why my Prmlylmufll 1e Sham rmflwcr of Comic Simpson the Second Line who was mm Mix Swansea in lmll nowwa In llllu way to in Mm awry widen ulll hi or lwl In min an and be my ImIily mmhrumumwmglwp Mus ï¬rm won mehy 40 wwwmmllubdngw scnled Mth Uara and ribbon The Na dual wheel one of Edgar Slmgcons schod bux ts came all while naming high uhwl pupih to Bradford Hats to the driver Bob Knee mamwolmtmebmonthc road and under mum or luMI Mr and Mrs Ray Cmmmty havu moved IM their home in mm mm Mr and Mn Melvyn Emmi nu hnva imvuimtheirknmehuwvï¬ 8K0 Jimmie Davin is mm col lege at PM Anhur 1Vrnifllhqurirgmkds hularalulaliwi ulme Womons 1115mm plann lnz sum mm fm Mon day owning tn om Oapgrniulnm ho 15kg Sad mm mm under the doc tors we and unahio Io be at school vim Wheel Falls Off Bus ButChildren Not Hurt 0R0 STATION Villagers of mm mt cal 61 conditions on the lownd In Wed Shawn above swim of the curb comm wh Inphsflwtqaflhï¬ukbï¬ Umgjuwnuw at pain dam By MRS ll SAUNTER BARBIE AREA LEFROY RESIDENTS CRITICIZE CURBING opera Io MI Elln Day on Hm ovar Inn of her Nth blrany Snluz dny Oct The lumlly my cul Mnnllni In her honor mm mm to In and Honda nrn lmllcd on Ibn ham Ern Mn McMMkan lumlan bl womllnfl rw In ullh Mr mummm ml Im Mr m1 Mm Jlm Noun BREEDER WINS AT COOKSTOWN THY EXAMINER ANT ADE dumpim prim for bl my Shmlmnk Ann IN rmlun ow clllfnd In Um Dwain era walked the miles mm Toronto to Hamilton youth mica The young people mam spam nnd the money raised 1H ho so In hospihrl In In The community ham tensiod In and proud ol Mk5 Pamela Bennys pm in Opu won 814mg When she will at OPERATION LISTER Friday awning lhe ladies ul Pews chum honored Miss Martha WLIh mis ocflammu shown The guns of honor was sealed undu an dammed with Ham nnd mm In pink and white As ayï¬ng um Donna Fnhhwi Anna Boom and Elizabcth EMA HARVEST SERVICES St Peters Anmicm Ohumh was aqu decorated with wits gmén uni Mid for harm swim 25 Rev Jack Romy 01 HM Barrio BRIDAL SHOWER hï¬mmmmSlwnhaamwm gdhmnlteramwortrlgw Iuas speakér at The Hawaii sew SHMH I1IH WEALTH HIGH 51 Man NuSlrvlu Clunm Evury Monday 300 pm Admiulcn 50c RCAF Assoc wmu BINGO SHHNTY BAY thaw hold In myunctlm with Ombmn Pak MI Mth INN UK whim Drum mkm 1he Mmenxem met swuniay and elcdcd as oflicux pmb dent llanflwr 0mm mot wy Lynn mam Mum Jau in nEwmhé mm 11 Pram KelL MERRY MILLINEM me 18 home of their leader Mm God on McQuarfle Ofï¬cers eluded we dimman Dim McQum vie 5mm Janet McQuan 114 and pm Mary GrMIam Mrs Hyper will mist in am MESSENGEM db Miss Bonny nun dimng Mr and Mm Don hm owning over bars and Idem of Mr and Mn Aflmrpolishunndnhwam Mlnnnndlnmawimtablelamps can tabh and chats Georg Dues new as chairman Most modern Drlvnln llllhwly II II Oulhlll North of Torunm TODAY and SUNDAY on and Mrs Wllllnm Mc Mhur were pmmlod with nlll by Mn WM and Mn KMth In mimeI of their work In an GIMm 11 pme lam rim at ml mmllud the All MINI Mam on Memorial Mn Amlm cmlmlu Bible quil nml Mn Summon urvod lmhmcnu pruldem Mrs Batman home the monthly meeting wm mmludcd Bord Hch WI Invited vb Dodo mum mu October mum Dole xnlm were nmxolmod lo nllmd the Am convention in Mimnlm 0d 17 Ind Mn Mm Anduw and Mm WIL cox arranged the Scplembu program or Womenl muwu heme Agricullum and Cam dlan Industrie Membelu and Walton went on Lour to Brad ond lo we lhe Federal Film Mr Cnldlcou look the lhraugh the cold storm wash ing and packaging VtszIea making potato chip and the big coolers or lellm an cducnllonnl trip to learn of WI hlg bushes Joumcylnz lo Mn Brock Evans homo lormuiy Fishers Garner school was Um to ma Mn Ernm henuulul homo and antique lur nIshlngl Mn Evan mm and moich lllvor View Inn dcliclom dinner was mind com Josmlguwnapmn and ny Pamoll all mm Mm cmwd attended the sheep do rink an the farm Oran Salmdaynlu UCW had booth on the Kroimds mv Wu mun Yiecen Mrs and Mia 79 TO nmmronn Dellun mm Ind Oflllll Sympathy is extended Mrs Jackson 9mm and family In the sudden dam of lwinz husband and lather Serviu was hck in the Unflm Chord Saturday wflh burial In Elewn ling 1mm with Mr Ind Congratulaqu ML Id Smilh who celebrating her 9011 binMay this wzeln Mr Ger lmnto spends couple of week with his son and daughterIMAM Mr and Mn Ron Grimshaw mw fleed me AIM Funeul Homo odllia later movlnz Ton when he received his funeral directors heme He hen moved to Teuswaler Where he managed the lmch Funer al Home on me years For four year ha managed the Walker Funeral Horne 1n Wing ham min to For Rowan in was when he wxdnsed Hm Smm ï¬lms Home and un Mture business H6 as ménï¬m Waleng harn Mum ladle 174 pm LESLIE CLARK Charles hallo Clerk 57 Pm Bsgpwnn we direcburb died 15 flsonbtuw Mman Hospllnl Bomjn 0m Townsxï¬p he was son of the lat Wmlam Glad and uum Agnu Adam He received his gdgpum ï¬n 0m TownshipNMi The Area ginvenï¬on Is to be In Mineshg 0mm 18 with Mm Ed Langnuu Name romdsenlauvo lrom Pilla bury 00 Igidlmquuytm In um and hefï¬mciucï¬i ana damonmauon an mak in Me cake Womens 1mm met at the homapt Mm Jim and An Langmnn with Harvle suue man Wk mm Frequent Mm Ed JohrmnpmldgdA minutes silence was abserved in memory of two mum Mm William Lumen and Miss ManMic Strllllem Box OMIn Oponl Al gun Show 5le 0qu py ms JonNsmn syrup1w exlgndad Lo Mm Mmlord Home and Mn WH fred MIMI milhelr famlL to In the passing of their bu that Leslie clerk For new an Sept 15 MN Prank 01m Orlllh Mn and Mrs Wilfred Johnslml Mn and Mn Bum Jowm and Clark Home at lgnded the amena1 at Pan Rw ngponsrmmN To13eéHï¬elcl111VIVIinesig BOND HEAD frilheWhole wide world DRIVEIN THEATRE Mrs xYodEm Noru Bay must cw din wkh Mr and and um Mm mm Db um um vislumz Mr and MN Hem hummer 51 MM Limmv Anta Want Mum 01 Mr And Mm Reg Mormon um ban Mud Sunday Mr and Mrs Dam Km Angus the god Him are made hr Ibo next ougw 053 Mrs Wan Hurlben loft Fï¬ day awning by twin for R8 Siskialwhm Mr mum Royal 1th lad 1bm Mekonï¬i Wm unwin Mm Sane returned Smut guy Ilvm fmson Memorial Hm In the Jam Onmrmmky Hall They won able to ml 31 the NM 1an the most damag ed The dflzeru of Conner were pupaIn for mm party BIRTHDAY MOUNT ST LOUIS By MR8 WICE mum EXAMINER snuxmv 00mm 1m Nob Grind 01 Port nwan L00F 395 member and el der Neal Memorial Glurdl Pom Rowan Reeve Port Rawum in 1950 and rmmber council or lumber ol yebra Past pmldem Fort m1 Loni Pm Chamber at 00mm associata member alkmnd 379 mm Canadian um and membeer tho 0mm mm Direcm As lodauon HI mm by wile lbo lame CMVL Marguerite Mom mm dmneMm Mm PM MademflSmnhM Scar Will Int Down 22 Tottenham Trees awnon mum DISTRICT NEWS lAST TIMES TODAY SMOKEY MIII Illnn and Joe Roe of Wood slnrk Hurrlclt Pcarmll Claw mom and Mr and Mn Lull n1 Nlngnra Fnlls vbllcd Mn Laura Ron recently Mm Victor Ross onencdhcr home or Argyle0m wii mem ber 01 lheir Supicmbcr mach lug Prcsidnnl Mrs Bowen presided Home Ecnnomics Ind iicnllh convcncr Mrs Norman flue gave reading pertaining la inniisiry iiirsi Barthoionnw gave rcpnri on lii trnlmnx schooi La Rue of Niagara Falls at Icmlcd lhu funeral or Mn Ruby Shemell and visited relative he Area Mr and Mrs Murray Bowen and Mr and Mrs Lloyd Bar lholorncw attended lha Bath wedding anniversary party or Mr and Mrs John Bowen Rlchmond Hill parent or Mun ray Bowcn Mn and Mrs chlman Ind Inmlly have moved Inla lhdr now residence lhc former home Mr and Mn Roe ma Rimomoa go aridwié pqlgu iner SA 11y MRS BARTHOLDNEW by pipers maldrod to Mia Unit ed dumb Sept 25 Rev Mr Saundem deliycmi the addqm VISITORS ML and Mrs George Bun had gum Mr and Ms Bil Ag naw Tomw am Mr and Mrs Gilmn Palgrave Mr Md Mm mm Pm Amman Mr and Mn BIH Prat Woodbddge were with Mr and Mrs William Wood Viih Mr and Mrs harks Lenry we Mr and Mrs Am 01 Aurora Mrs Stanley Eve and Mrs Gertrude Mnhcr loronw Mn payflaflm hp hnrouth Mn Garth Janet Smith Vancouver and Cary homaga bmther Irwin of 0m Staï¬on twn 51mm Mn Mmlord Ruby Hams Mm nWlllred Euphy Johnslon of Rugby and one mnddrud Heather Smidy of Scarborwdl Ho waa pmdecenscd by two bmlhm Frank of Washan Ind Gordon of Barrie There wen 3n Masonic and l00F servicas and the ï¬lm ml was heJd at the om ural Home with ham in ï¬le family plot at Pan Rawan 0e metery ARGYLE 0R0 STARTS TOMORROW MATT HELM SHOOTS THE WORKS mummï¬wmnmm WWW mnmmmummmkoE Mama WWKJDHNSIDNKNOXSENDINGmumsmamsmwuousmsm miï¬Ã©fï¬iï¬csmï¬fï¬iï¬fdcagk EIHNIIOIORIEGMISLM Dy M118 MAUMICE REID we Rbiver including Agflcuum Col 9e am will be taking twoyear muse Mm Mcrvyn Ndhlc spam week my mung Fred fmmmsmuumwmmmmmsvm mmflnnwlmulummmflmnllvaA Mrs Bob Ensth hava returned home from mo 01 trip to Albert unw mm met lnchurch school room Devotional was given by Dorothy Wilson and program was in charge of Helen Rrxesl October meeting bu held at Mg Pe1cy NHL John Jones is In hospital where he underwent an eye op eraunn Babe Adams is homo from hospital Hisiifgnda Bowman is vln nlng many prlzc the ahs hcrlherd Hglslcins Church service at pm Sunday School atvlhe same limo Anniversary service Sunday Torn gwa lattpnded Rev Congrn alluns Mr and and Mrs Vexla Priest and Mr and Mrs Raymond Hawdeu on tha al olbahybaxs Miss Mary danglcgï¬ggï¬n Ia Mending Lnkcshure Toanhcrs qufexe the sermon Mel Wiley Barrie wag solnisl STEMSIWHISMJAH UMmmm wmnwemm tlgflgï¬ï¬gï¬wK1681UMï¬ymNï¬iilLYlCHM ANTEN MT SATURDAYS TIMES 00 1x10 505 ll5 910 By MRS 5C0 LEIROY Mull liniullnmrnl ADDED FEATURE 33 55325 55151 332 72 SATURDAY Jack Miller Big Cedar wud be taking wet the duties past maslor 00¢ upvn the retire ment at our gems Munster Bymn Gm With 34 yeais scmce beHnd him to say Eyv 12° 2M 13 PW ron willbcmbedhggflngk mot ivlshed hm yiow he me enjoy Ms lam umc TIGER KILIS EIGHT NAGPURuWahsm$ manAm or killed devoured eight pmom 1n the Ohm mm of Wham state since last April officials MW Friday mutton and ï¬rmly 11 Oak vme angl saw m1auu great granJch Mr mlhusNnman lenm spent Lhe Mekmd 00111111 woodmi Memozd George Uncles patiem 51 AWA Hosp 1mm Shawn 130 830 955 pm Danclnl rm 0m Shgu In the Terms Room Lounge New appealing the Inb ulnn sound The Dawn Trio Aim YnurFrIendl when lhe Acllon Is QUEENS HflTEl SUNDAY ONLY NIGIITLY FROM EM GOGO BARRIE Adnll