Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Sep 1966, p. 4

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firmv mm toldmlnlru Wnflyolflnrk mane mush Columhln the Hunt lawn ln North My mm Chlcam Md north San Francisco The Md pd md Mm BIIjkcrviltd wan demand by lie Ind bccnmn Warm unul MM Mum ll wu mbuul mm It raglan lwmnzmummmmm innummrnr 119 ifiarririExmIIim Barrie Examiner Sept 29 1921 meeting War Memorial Committee lo cation of conotatiih definitely set or west side of Post Oil ce Squm ogposite Gllt station Dr Fred Rosa MacLaron editor of Examiner Mrs Stewart Reeve Harry Coleman 0d Innlsiil and Reeve Charles Wattle ot Vcspra wera named to complete details At To ronto Woodbine $5000 feature event won by Coronzio from DymentrBrooko dale Stables Upon special invitation officers 01 Womens Canadian Club paid visit to Lady Byng wife 01 Canadas now GovemorGenorai who was guest at Ladywood summer cstaté across bay These were Mrs Wismor president Miss Elgood vlcoprcsident Mrs Maclarcn secretary Mrs Daniel Quin lan treasurer Four oungmen from Camp Bordon air force ase partly un dot tho influence engaged in rowd ism at lilinets Point dance pavilion an hit man over head with parttilled bottle in Barrie court Magistrate Radonhutst im posed stiff fines Every school in township was reprmontod at Innlsiil Fair hold in Stroud with mom than 500 an trioa Boys KC of Barrie at large Conservative convention in Cooks town chosen candidate to carry standard at Meighon government in South Simcoo Bell Ewart boomin with many new cottages oing up Spence ap pointed cspra tax collector at $125 per annum Nov Sllcox pastor of ngar Congregational Church 45 year ago returned Sunday to reach with old timo vigor Colonel chard italkos MD ivon Consorvatlvo nomination for East imcoo Miss Hertha Crawford iormcrly Elmvalo soprano soloist return rd home from Russia nlior absence oi lo yuan Town clerk Smith report od not single marriage Ilrcnce was to he had here in response to query by Deputy The council has the authorit to order fluoridation without vote of ea 16 It has the benefit of experience er communities with this form of treatment and formal assurances of both the Barrie medical and dental sodefiw that fluorida tion would ha of great benefit to the peqpieggpecialiy to small children public meeting would serve no use ful purpose other than to provide de hate as to the relative merits or demerits of fluoridation The medical and dental professions have been heard and any thing they might have to say wouid mere ly be re etition of what they have stet ed alren Antifluoridationists may turn up aithough it is worth pointing out that they have been absent from all coun giltgdessiom at which the subject was de This newspaper has already expressed in own views on the subject We be lieve mat fluoridation Li good thing even it we accept only the experience other communities has been proved YEARS AGO IN TOWN As our alderman have suggested Ear rie city council has been evas ve in retus lng to reach dcclslon on fluoridation of thevcitys water supply without first seek ing the views at the general public at an opgn meeting nextvmoml Walln Publisher Pldlnmnry mun mm hurtnu om In Inmll mm ml um 00m Id 0an Time To Stop Pussyfootihg On FluoridatiOn Question Publllhad by Canadian Newspaper Llwilted 16 BuyfiuldStraat Barrie Ontnrlo STUDY HIGH LIVING COSTS DOWN MEMORY LANE McPharIonV Managing Edlior THURSDAY samu 1m PAGEI 99H LU 3m In mi 56m Comm MC mlIm IljolJoqr rmglul mm 11 Normal with du nnl Ilium N0 THANKS GENTLEMEN Windsor Star In the Hay mlnds of police chiefs It might scem great national asset to have cho flngcrprlnL of all Canadian on file Those who would have be finger printcd and filed however may have different Ideas lhanks gcnflem or you in our rolcctlon Wcm sure its an un selfish ntcmst But there may be many lawvnbldmg Cnnndlam who selfisth rc non ha nmsincss and rcglmcntallon of being flngcrprlntcd Reeve Huxlable Childrens story hour started at public library St Marys Club gave enjoyable banquet for members of winning senior church league baseball team Arthur Watt son of Rev Watt of Essa Road Presbyterian Church successfully grew seed from cotton plants in back yard Unveiling oi Oro War Memorial at Mit chell Square attended by large crowd Reeve McKinley was chairman Main skeech was given by Ontario Premier Hon Ernest Drury Crown Hill native son of township Cenotaph cost $3000 paid by council and farm clubs There were 28 names engraved Lady Byng was guest of Mrs Bingham Allan at Kempcnfelt Bay estate last Week Dr Lorne Tyrer bought medical practice of Dr Voodniit in Elmvole New weekly newspaper The Camp Borden began circulation Phelpston and llo Township saddened by death of five yoamld boy hit by auto in the village Chic llalph Boolh of Vancouver ccntli ndvocnlod compulsory anger prlnl ng and Chic James Mnckoy back ed him up vllh prcdlcllon that all Can adlnns wlll shortly accept compulsory flngcrpllnllng or thch own prolccllon ed into community water supglly bring about great 1m rovement teeth Dentists say that th fluoridation they would have muchbeltar chance of handling the heavy patientload than they have today Dentists 33 wellu physlc ians erg in short sqpplyh The feels are on the side fluorida tion Council must make up it own mind one may or another Politically it may be good business to give the anti fluoridaflonlsls an porlunlty to speak These people range mm the outandout crackpots to those as matter of prin ciple believe that no substance should benlficgd inlhcir water sugpiy Ald Jnck MucLarcn ut the situation in bidder taxma He sa if members of council havent the guts to put fluori dation into effect they should not be regfcsentatim offlthe Ecoplc that small quantities of fluorides inject egi 190 comrpuplty water sypply He is right Coundl cannot be all thlngs to all people It must be prepared to take stand wlthout pussyroofing by means of public meeting The major ity are believed to be in favor of fluorida tion It thls ls true and we believe ls then the mayor and councll should exerclsu the power they were granted when they were elected at the polls Other Editors Views Wilson Gonnrnl Manage Bum dulyminim flu nnu nun an rerun la 1m lhmmlmn lhI wink Ind nu lnlo mm lug heir eyes lazily on tho View whlch In their cum stretched across ha Ottawa Illver and lur Into lhe dulky pruplo of hi Gallneall IUIII Nat any longer nnl Ilnu yuu no prim mlnisler nighcd he Inflnlfun cnnsdoul huuxewfle Blqun Pcmaxl Thu lory nrilnmtm iii ism Inug an aptly pinned to induyl chief conversational topic Ind mnnmic complaint HELLYEIILUMH CHORUS From me lo tho Pn clllc they are llnzlnz Folk lore In Ilnmnx snyl ll um found In naval mm on Vnn convex lullnd but In Enqulmull dollar or your Ihoughll gllddMIryon lo her penslvu hus an No dear The flu penny for your Lhaul 11 car rnggd Mlkcl CANADAS STORY OIIAWAAI might any cou flu Iale In lfle lhcy wcro rock nu muy In lhctr garden en 9w ICKUIIEJUH any legal OTTAWA REPORT n1 IIOI BOWMAN 3mm yaw ngo fly By PATRICK NIEIIOLSON TM Cunndlu run In ucluIuly lelM ln Um Im at republic Hon all nm dlnulch ln IMI not mind to or Amdnled PM It Mm IM um lhl Incl mm whllnhed 1min Sing Battle Hymn Of Paul Hellyer Nootka Harbour Important Base At Least We Had Nigerlfip During The Anaesthetic Thu tom they Ire Ilnglnz dny ls callrd The mule Hymn of Paul Hellycr It chorus ll Glnry glory Integrnllan In key lhlrd verso rum Vava lunk Iho lhlpl and mapped the planes nnd Ihaumd he mm In Vovo dlsarmcd not just our crlllcn weve dimmod our selves IEM So hl mard Cluhunn noIdlcn and ma ml can go to hell Paul mum mnku In maul han Oapuln 1M1 Nodh IncImM mvlgaflnl 41 Km I110 lam Imam tum In Oann mum at In noun Ilmlny Another number at Hm lump WM young mldmlp nun loam Vancouver who dMerl of mm lhlnul Ipmn but WM nymka III lhn Nwmflan Ilhukll In 17734 hut llm Jmmmlu hl IN vuy no um pubhnhul In They rauwd all rxvltmwi ln llnlntn 1on van nnllml that HAOfllr lur mm Mr AIM Mn Hm Inllnm MW in Inkm to CMM thou lhq mm bring 00d rm ml lhm Um money ml bu mod to lm rum IN pnfllaua Imk 811po led out mm In in Nod ml mo of warle Ill Jom Mrnm who mm mm muth and Inlnul men It InMlIfi Wm dim Mum IIIWN whimle nrd WM Wm Noun Ind mm le1 WM Amedvu on flawtin mm um to Uni at my hlvinl mum Vnmnm pr Maul and damId Mem luv The In IN mm kl In rm If In Md Mn mnc com dspuio our ll ownmhp ncnrfiy rnmtd war buwccn Drum And Swim Dawn Cook Maul Um 3m 1m 01 trading MI lhu mlhm ur mum Ium when ha x1 mm Novikn In March 1m Ha ruled MI Hm or monlh and um um gxurvy cmfid be nrml by dying nxurivycwldvbé firm drunk lql It brewedfmm bqu at cmnln mu Jncmm 1mm had Inilmtd IN Mm Quin Hun ho winkmd hm ukhnily omrdy Md n93 hm mdq one hum that It originated Cnmp Gunman NB By Ilznlllcnnlly alnlster aymhnllsm ll ls sun to the mm 01 the well known USl Clvll War marchTho Haul Hymn ol the Republlc nut lhls was cerlalnly not wrlllnn by Julln Ward Howe who campuscd lhu orlglnnl ndnplnllun mu pupulur Jnnn Brawnl Body with In lhundeh In chorus Glory glory Hul lelnluh less nmuflnz mnx ha been brought In my Mlcnllan by render This hm been yubllshzd by ma public prlnllnl depart could he mrcntcd as mum mnnoflnl ll Nomka on on WM mm Vnncomrr Hand LN man we mu nan Noah ranked moml to run andsm Ln bushs4 on tha NOT SO AMUSING In nib my cm lhll unmul um nut Um cullamm lhls novel lncnlly wen not leerll clblm mlnlslm and MP1 ercooler In all may aver It tn lhlll lobby Nu lhn omwmm won the denmu nl 21 mom Immblrd lnr lho elzmh antenna of Amcrlcln 51 mnmhm nl lha Inlrrnm uoml Labor Maximum their medlnn Wm ullnl pllCI in lhgr Common thumber What made my curresponden red that under the gum of lhe charmlnz nightingale thI book contain lflnil Insult lnl 1e mnudlu Anglnll um Iccurled Enillsh whlch orig nated In France and warn Io maudfl Rnl dAngictcm um untried King of Enxlnnd who also the King Cnn Eda which minimum In darken Many Canadian British nrizln my tnrrupondent mi gcsu will not be very happy at paying higher laxu la ilmmca tho avercostlier department oi public printing when it pends our In many on lprendinl Iuch lnlului use mom It wu mo Im Ind thm In hamiddle lhu lobby rcro two men and one woman III In whit unllorrn 10an marina lrndu Icllln hard liquor Ind wlnu by the RIM meat1mm menMy nlflclally mulled The Queen Printer which pm or tha fcdaral government Ipparatua and henco operated at he in 1v crl upense Th1 dzputmenl publishes various books chflufld In ha of Interest to all Cum dlnns 0m these In French collection 01k long an lllled La rnulgnol chnnle lhl nggllnznlg Slnzs There LATIN HOSPITALITY lunny lhlng happened lo me when walked Into lhe govern ment lobbfl lho Imoklnl room qr ubm PA loadlnz 91L lhl ior lhl Maria can any flu lhc upcrlmull Will gm luc ml of corn silage or grain In 10 day or loss wlth Now SllUllvGAIN 13 Foodie Stnflcr or Callie Highly orlmcd wnh nnlihlollca Illa pam nblo low energy cod cnpeclnlly mm to help overcome the dress pIncod 0n cattlo when moved lnln mum Dnop In noon and loam how new SIIUMMIN Fm Bhflor can got your calm on full load mncr nmflnu maflmum gain during he mum coding puflod Now you can go mm on lull feed INEWII SHURGAIN 13 FEEDLOT STARTER COOKSTOWN ID MILL IRA WILSON no Miami Added to am he he been an organizer or Wallet Gordon Tallowm 3310 11g Ind 1m aided the lame Mi mm an financialedwlnlstei Lhro Thn mammal not only won 35 mm the nut Um berm who had mum 1m Comm halt ca 1951 waxalm back uv mmmd lmm Igy flu legit slap Then lines he Im been PN ln the lace vlncIal Liberal leudzr Mr mfubegil 13$ auvo candidate lnmued the vol for lha lov unment only law hundred voles he PC candida Leo Hernia didnt win thu mt The Liberals lost by palllnl Ibout 2000 lower votes than Iggy normally receive in 1119 in the blunt Iélbnck wu um the byeledlnn knocked big dant In the hints arzn men the Liberal have had going or them at at least that fidu Andrew Thompson has This argument has been that Mr Thompson an exceptional massroots pollutlnn that In Itrnlum riding fight he master In Win the mm um picked then up mwgm BACK This belief has been grounded on the basis of Mr Thumpsona eiinru in winning his Toronto Duvercourt riding THE LIGHT TOUCH QUEENS PARK 111 AL BOYLE NEW YORK ARLn peep would Ilka to but If assigned my high school chemistry nudenu the task of making In upulment on that qwm Your man aleck sun Sam who was flunkln the 0mm decided hed grow hair an hadboned GEE Well my amazement ho dld It erlclly between us his mixture work on pcoplo as well It does on eggs than may be mullahs In it cure or baldness wonder If you and couklnl ac agcmcr arm quit corporation wllh Snm Sam and Mu Plumlid d1 It wflh gralflylng plea ure inlnrm ynu um your mlpn or mrncdbcclnnd pInaappln casserole has won our grand prize of $25000 and an Allexpense trip to Tnhlu or you And your husband We Il lha lncume lnx do parlmcnt were deeply lm firmed by the clarity nnd rovlly of your 1965 lax re turn Would you he lnlcrulnd In helplng us create slm plcr lnx arm and nlm ad dress Ierlcs lnxpnycr cllnlcl we flan nexl Aprln The woul be consultant ea ob uriai allal type n1 Daddy dan guess you wont hnva lo borrow lhnt money 1mm Ihc bank to lend on my lutnllunnl trip to FrnMo when summer camp Ind nu week cnumllnr MW my in make Indian 5507mm Well one my mu hid nu ThgnNle wu relponslbla to Kénora Byelectiqn Hit Liberals Hard These Are Letters People Like To Get ll nut unler hu not nrflnd by mm plc plum THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS And Copy III In Delivered To Your llama by pm CARRIER MISS YOU feedlot starter 7282433 Then lines he Im been pro vincial Liberal leudzr Mr Thompson has had mm Inscwmxesaté weeva IMPRESSION MISLEADWG 11113 and mu was that while Mn Thompson might not be making much In impres lion otherwm he was mde as good lighting lender on ths downimam leval New this look like line election result Ahaui in crease questions lbw his lead uglipA Far every Imuu handed by tome mnux hul he lhnl hull Mull ll God llehml ACCUEE GI NEW YORK lAPDtherll Elemlc Co WM accused In federal court nulltrust mlt Tuesday cl lelnz price on um bulb through IKCM Igno manta with dlslrlbulou and lailen GEI Iuenty lymm lwlcn More has been lhll 1mm nnd In m1 ha us 5w promo Court It malty The patty held Toronto Bran ondala and Nlplulng lut ynr Ind put up load ugh In Tor nnto Elverdlla though loslnl WIndsobSmdwich NDP or course In mm heart from their showing In tho elgguML Any theydcserveto mwum mm my mm However their shnwlng should not bu regarded as exccpflnnnl Thu old CCF bald Xenon mm 1913 to 1948 And during this vole the my was healed by 11 rail Ilrl in this rl lng In which railway workers are an Important com mudlly dltmaybema Iwwkbm ls 5H Gods r111 Power belangelh Io God He created mo Heaven and he Bank In all ol manl Iurnlna he or the most part falltd mp tdy recognize that he ule iqzon nnonx prypcfly$omg arrowhead under the blanket an my to Ind la down on it andwell guess Ill pow pone going to Rance undl nefglycnr Inca our weekly bingo game the country club havs been data In well an dcgldedjhnt in Iron having to raise our annual dues well be able to reducl them nr Ibo current year WI forwarding to you re bago In the sun BIBLE THOUGHT and Mabel ls oh have an uventh thlld soon we wont be ab bring the family or our nn nunl vle Suro hate to dis appoint you but know ynull underslnnd lhut under 11 clxcumflances mm DIII 77lllll BRADFORD FEED MILL BRADFORD CUMMINGS FEED MILL BARRIE

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