Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Sep 1966, p. 3

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Flu npmml Iqmr la 15 lamr 104 nummd In Miller mm mm MuMal lo ledwr 0d DISI burly umhnnlM In hlulur cl Hth Mu nn l4 lhhzhot lo lmm 0d mu mu PLANTING llnrrlo Public Schnnl Board has Elven npproml to student pnrtlclpnllon tn ccntcxmlul 1m Elnnllng program In Oclnbcr nut 50 grade clpht pupils wlll tnka part In tho Dopnrtmcnt Land and Forest sponsored promm at Coulsvn Out WORKSHOP Ilnrrlu motel nporntnrl urn cx vented to too nmonu Ilmso In at tcndnnco at tourist aporatorl worklth ln Orllllu Oct The program la balm condurtnd by the Onlnrlo Development Cur pornllon ln r04 orntlon with numbcr ol locn nucnclu ATTEND COURSES may Harrlo ubllc rclmol jlcnrhm nltrnded cpnrtmcnt ct Educntlon courm the school bonrd learned lhll Melt and 1mm took unlrmlty cnunu Trullm ertcndnl llrolr npprccl ntlnn la ttnchm ho lmpron tllelr qunlllltullnm qulle GUM Nu motor volrlclo KKXlIlmtI Im lry lthcr movin chl pol or ul wllm tmlay fln flu my film Drpmtmmt nlno mud ImlrkmlIm haunt WINNIIIIO lCI Khlpplnu Iml purl lulrrcll WM quiet dull upcnlnu mm on ha lWlnnl 11 mm Iixclumlo It fdur lull rammmmlu than any lrnrllunnl vnrlnllmu ml rend wal ovltlenl FABM PRICES Md be helm mm mm loam Mm needed to become loci tyfl leaders mum in the schools moni lnx the sumlnlcudont IL not rough to learn verb dcclen tiomn he said Elma last nlpht predch the Barrio Cancer some Imlt was Jack Cain Vlcvyp ImM Ms Stan Rum sacre lary Mm II Smith Treasurer Mm Vflllam Bird and cumin chairman 31 llqun Damian Mr Ramsay who swim dw Ganndlnn Cancer Society urmunl meeting In Darrin said When are neonkd who mnt nlraM speaking out on lm Mimi Baum and being mach 2051 flor yylmll Uwyfiy NW AIME of the unit nra NH GwynmnTxmoJy and Mm Germ Seneca VlizfiNum or my deep ism dawn xgblqct or dLy Aml ll youngsmra come home 21 new wens miramm 05 PM pared can argue it out Edmnflon has he following the wishes way Mr Qumlsu Id nm someony saidwlhev 5911531 system ahmld response lo mqn pgpd unwng modem cnmmm mm mm Edmtkm tho my lrnmm MIVIIV II mum ml mun mull In mun um um llnnnllll 1m Secondary Schwl SMWMOM enl away last night called on teacher create NI almosphem conduslve to Bra mgxt ho schools Suggests New Atmosphere In Classroom Tum INSURANCE MIME UNIIl al the Can Idlnn Cancer Soulcly elm mllqm mum he vmr In an 14 mm mm mm LOCAL AND GENERAL Ihn Barrio Canadmn Club 0d 25 at North Collegiate Audflor lum Mombom 01 tho Darrin DNA11x Owlkginlc Board have been invited to mend uoxs cum Up In 500 onmu Jam and their wlm um exuded lo Imd the am Mr NW on 00L ma Confian Inn CIVIMN cum Next motling 0w Milan duh aimed 0r 0d 61h the Oomlmel Inn dLnntr Unx 130 pm Film will uwwn followlna the mcnl anlE JAYCZEB Hon Stewart Wnnl 1101mm nil nddma dinner mmJng ol Barrio Jaym hi ovmlna n1 Omnmfity Hm dinner will bum 030 and anyone wth to Mn 1M club in kwllcd lo Mlmd V1l1n ijs 11 gddmd Noel Sap man chairman of lhe bonnll management and ed ucnuan comm estimated when the board lubmlmd lu bulldan proposal In May lhll population growth In lhu Area wwld warrant now whom 175mm my PM pmposcd Sanding would house six cleran and an andinum DJarlmcnl of Education rcqulru that thm he 35 chil dren or each classroom balm The Ontario Department Ed ucallon hu liven lcntallve Ip prnvnl or 3110000 xlmluy room puyllcllghoo In Allanrinle2 Thu nhonl ha been proposed or alto In tho Little Avenu Bgyvlgwi Dr nreu times our time In the dust and three times in the back Palm have you unable to induw kipcrlm the cm hir from emf Provde police are 5111 look fur the killer slwenr Michael Kent Whose body was found outalde Elmvale nrgnn elghg mom Tenfative Approval Is Given Public School In Allandale WW mu VUNI um Waylonu tho annual Wing at llllary Oahu president Mm Stan hmuflwrlghtmamflon nmwmmnmm Still Investigating 8MonthOld Murder Ho boqi stqbbefi ODD FELLOWS HALL Hnr nnddlnco On Torontou 051 Mm group SllnhAnTlmu Blg Town Bow Llnlo Cunr and II Conuh Bobby Kill and flu Imp Rlslng 50m The Sun lll THIS WEEK FEATURING THE TRIPP THE TORONTO SOUND IT HAPPENS EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT AT STARTING FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 30 ON COLLIER STREET IN BARRI RED SIGNS AGAIN ST LOUIS MP fled Schocndlenll ha Ilzncd can lracl la manage 5L hm Car dinII or flu m1 union Au nul Dunn Ju pmldcnl of U10 Nullnnnl Leuua club nn munch Wtdnudny ll ulll be Schocndlemll Ihlrd ycnr manner II Loull Nm mount of the Knuth oman Khaan for 00L at mm My In his first mums In the um dub rim taking office he said am MW member mm neuled hoip pmvtde file best In community mm to Barrio Mnoilrm nLaoI MManx Mod mm now an H1 lunwnding mmunlflos for COMES TO BARRIE 1on Fraser Minnacover nor of mo eight the 0pm mlstx nub unpth the mod for now munbm In to In Barrio Optimist ub last nlghL Erection the nuw lnclllllel would bring to 10 lbs number of public ilchoah 1n lha dty Children In tho area nnw at land KIM Edward School on Bur ton Avenue She maimed or the new AI Inndala 001 on tour and hall Acres land Mar the Hur nnln drian theatre Thu 12er my wu purchased earlier by the hunt Emphasizes Need For New Members ln mum which Johlnd Elm vnle OPP in tho miginnl inven uwm Brid dtho la mm is still in charge cl tho Ken investigation MI approve grants for now school wnlrunlun Nu is closed undi nu mlv said an inspectm the Onlmnal lnvasflzatlo 11 Brand val 0M 0m valncla P911 Teaming Ilnf In lho choc now null 139 wllh 106 regular lunch vs npcdnl ulucnllun cl lwo homo economic and In lnl um clnurnoma vvu iunmr In The hour mnnnzemcm nnd educallan commlltco also re pom an lncrrnso In Hmltrflr lcn mmlmcnh with 450 In It ltndnnce Enrolment In lmrrlo Publlc School at an uIIllmo Mull Ichool lruslcc were 10h thlx week The number or pupil wnl 3375 on Sept an Incrcme 01 ovqr Scalbmbcr ms 10 Previous cm at mung um brwmll to fight boy had been nearly ohokud lo death was aha Paxton menu wflhwt mum ml sheik Elmvale but Coast Grcnicr said The wk is dying down Thcma nothing like the oar we had W65 limo final 4111 SENEELFAS It was 14 so tomcless mid Joust firemeni Ms gm summed our nveat wm nothing to work on If someone Wed for money or Acmauy assaulted at least ymHhavo an idea to look or flimwasmmhmdmm lfldud Kmadoahmlime onlydmwm mode ishknlfotoundmdwmdd Polxco eaued on every mm In ElmvnIe seeking my dun WW mean 9° 1mm Enrolment At AllTime High Shnllarly Count 11mm Grader Elmvale OPP and other airmen dont bwesflgute any local ethnlm case IM Mira out any mm with the Km slaying Even in Tammy they must manna on sun case mm 5911110 In and we dmlnle mcmarmmd km on see anyone has seen the per son he said Although has Mutilated many cam since 1219 Kent murder is not low end he has it in mlnd whcnovm he in veglsgtag an slmflm cam the mum ting Nomzzm um acting In lpokexnan for 1h dub said Ha whim did at have to at the bullet Ptvumh mm the bufM and dmw go 11mm mm paynmt on ho dam pool or Lake Jaw cpl Camp mm film and be my eye glasses for the nwdyh ane PM of the and MunMd equipmmt hidl is tho Um nub 310mm taBalrIol 0m humid Park winds hunlhepmcouh Mrs Nancy 0mm Wright W1 be 81w speak be next meeting 11 the A11 Rub 0d 18 pm in the flnary She Maj the 0011059 of Au MY 81 hid Magi Omae mm resavod Midstth mum dim uzmrmt Md lcecoustaflakmflclmuflmn ngmmmfim AftuNfiwingweevldm Muhammadde hkexplwlve tmmid MWWW Car Draw Set For Wednesday mm mrhum ummmwummI IMOnIAIII cm Unbalurdl mom ltdllmdwktflm Art Workshop This Weekend xmflfilfifimmm Robert MKumm Dublin Pinsml My Much ValPnudehl IJmM Donpmlwuulonhm ASSAULTS pomcnmm Hafidedrchtrrié Man Omnnlml In mm hrlvu nnw world project Caopcmom Inmrunco Aunclnllun hnnlmcumo nuhunnllnl writer olhomu nml nulnmobiln lnmmncl in Unlnxio cumlmnlon company Cuvcpernlon Llln Inuurnnw Amcindun wan omnlxnd In 1950 The Auuclnllim hlu dovolul largo uhm In ntlpnllon to fire Mid Itchlmt provenuun Voluntary pnllcyholdnr mmmlum aludy young drlvcr1noblrmn Ind In pramolinl high Ithuol driver mining CM hnl 230000 0th In only 33 0mm across the prmlnm paldin rnpllnl two tumpnnIeI 32000300 earned unplul $1400000 Ilmn ulna cloetrd mm numlnnwl by llLIfln leiv Union League nntnrln lerrnunn nleylrullum nml Unnwl hmprrnllvmvlnmioumllmdlmcluu Ind ludm CIA in um In tucnuuh Innlvumy yuar TWENTY YEARS AGROWIN 1Ymlcclbibd to uk 3r meeting with flu 1mth worh fommlucu to discuss tho policy concerncd or lha saler of chil dran whn must walk Io Ind ram school where than are no lkiwalh mpcdmndent Im zus McKay told the banq nnrd voted lhh week to ask or review ha cilyl xubdlvlslun agreement whlch perqu dcvelnpcn la choose bo twmn chlpped mad wlth ddo walk or paved roads thnut lholponcrcte ynlkm Public school trustees In Ear rlo are concerned about the lack of sidewalk in new sub dleslons on be egal nlrl Gor don Mcturk tnld court lhanc cused had no lather and mother had bctn in mental Institution most of ht lltp let llvtngrln succession of aster hume he recently went outdon his own Mr ltlclhrk Jfll ng rate leshrvcd mm and ordered pre aemenco report The youth was remangeg k1 cysgod Robert Fnldey who has his last address as Peter 51 Or lIa ls plunged with possession of stolen car as mm of In meldethSgplLN Maglslrnla RFosler yes lerday was asked to cnmldor probation and tuspcndcdscn lenco or llycnwld Drfllla laborer who has never had hop an Concemed thut Lack Of Sidewalks Hesaidhtwklmmmldex mwmm 0m cPLc mm one mm who met abbedmflfiswaybutdomw mm humus in the same mmurP the change wan gmn olfance than Mm camng Mom Waugh 00th the evi 6cmme mm bglnobed Hamsmic Pusher was told that new avaflunylbmqn Charla Huflman Hmow flu VIMlien M1 NuNmm II FIHNIM Onluiohwmannmvkuuun ASkS Suspénded Sénfence Probation To 19Yédrold FFitzley grjnlntlyk chmind mm Mum nib no Ray lmhnd lmfiw 1mm lumqu and mm mm um momma 0mm Crown evidence mad that Frlulcy had orlglnalky been chnrgcd with than car owned by Arthur McKnmle but polka later learned the mm was stolen by AMer person Thornbury Sept 25 and admlb 1m being aware the car In his pwscsslun had been xlnlen The car wna laken ram ouLsIda Cal Hey St Unllcd Church with Knren Sapher but the charge against the girl was whhdrnun lhc request of Alslant Crown Attorney Thompson Mr Mcxmmn 35mm mmmvtm mien be him ad mid In Miami per tain amnmt of physical damage an £211 dmzeto Ma scuba iv mmcnr ammung on $315 In Mdithn ihovlm had mama suffering in Lhexcvm munuw new 01 31an MrgMdfimm MrfuckeEém mind put m1 life saving commend ablc mime in 5433 but mmy amid Ball Wm InaId VlnPmlmr ML Bull in mm Onlvla CvaUmonumI bed open Wins gm man EXAMINER munspn mm to DOORS OPEN AT 830 TEEN DHNEE The Citations Music By SKI BESIDBT Friday Sept 30 at Ihe SNIBW VALLEY Amy Ullxldlfll Mmlllm mmm I1 Ditth cud lam mama Onllliy cum Um loam ODzll ll Immiflufil Pul Tm CIA Ind 0mm OnluiutumlUntonlnm flnlnn GCrydun1m Thlmmllll ML Crydumm in human nl umm cwpmflmolOAum Charges of Imam against hw Barrie residents Frank Guy and Viola McBride were withdrawn at the request of tho mphan Camelma Nyman Henry McKean Lapslcy was Involved In minor collision Five Paints ice olilm hr aha exccullon hi my laid ngm Dcmia Gcrvais result of the an incident was whizawn yearold Cnmp Borden man was fined 820 phu $4170 cosLs after he pleaded gullty lo careless driving July muan have hem mmmhgea byqu alum Hawever Mr Thomson an monetnnypcnalw would be out oUhe quosdoq In flow ol pm vlous mvlcuan against new Reid wan umvlcmi 01 mm numnin 1963 and 1961 and of assault ownsth bodily harm yam later In all time cm holmpuived rim Frluley had one previous can vIcLhm of creating disturbance by flghllng uhlch llmc he served days In jail ralhcr than pay the Inc ODlllbnrunnl DRESS CASUAL

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