Mn Johnson Mine ulng demonstrated her unique hobby or Interested onlookm at lha 1865 Bank Exhibition I45 BRADFORD 5T olNlnAL Moranl VALUI MINESING EXHIBITOR HAS UNIQUE HOBBY 0010 0M0 lokup with tnnon up Custom option New you can llnn your trunk And II It up we um um umo hudmorklnu 0M0 pickup tunform Into humlouu punnnnl mm portulnn wlth bunks lulu conole 1qu nm puma Imam mm Inside Ind ouL BARRIE ONTARIO BE SURE TO WATCH TELEVISED CANADIAN FOOTBALL LEAGUE GAMES SEE LOCAL LISTINGS FOR TIME AND CHANNEL Hero they are GMCs big bold new trucks for 1967 Pickups with allnew styling Strong clonn linoa which further enhance GMCB reputation for Engineering Leadership This great now look carries over into GMCe allnow 06 BBC medium honvy duty cub series shown above On top of this Now ongino transmission combina tions whole new list of standard and optional features 1867is 5131 your for GMCI Mr Johnson save All nvnll able needs such sunflawcr seeds pepper squash seeds and drled flowers which she DEAN MYERS MOTORS LTD uses In create plums The womens committee has also planned many interesting dem onstratluna for 1966 nix20m you authotlud GMC fwd 11ml Aulholeod GMC Truck Dollar In Banlo What dillexence name makes HOMES FOR BARGAINING OTTAWA tcPlTha iedcroi govarnment hope collaotlva orzainina with 600 civil suvants can begin as early as am April iv the treasury board announced today The board raw leased the text of letter to gmajar civil service employee organizations promising high pr rlly in Parliament for final clearance at legislation to make collective bargaining possiblo OFFER SPACE RIDES WASHINGTON tAPJamés EWobb administrator oi the National Aeronautics and Space Administration said Nesday the United States has altered transportation rd US spacecroit to scientists oi other countries Ho said thorn must be doiinlta sequirommt or this typo oi aervlceTiying in space is not something to do lost or tho on oi it PEPIN TAKE STRIP OTIAWA CHMine Mlnls ter PepIn loft Tuavdny on six dny trip to inspect all fields and facilities in South America and to talk about petroleum with or Halal the Venezuelan gov ernment Howns accompanied 112 TIHaIriPFï¬xamimr WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF Allnow 106 WI HindiVan OVWI to 00001lnl IMOn pvpuinr 00 Wn don IllndlVnn now nvnllnbln In largo 1011 wu llno with 47 nu It mom lnmllpnca Nw xoo mnmodcl lullbl In WWII In 0000 lbu Both um rutylnd wlth now wlndnhluld grills lnurlar by Ian Mclflnmm animal thu Naudnnl Enmy Roam HELPSr INDONESIA WASHINGTON AP The Unlted States agreed Tuesday to provide Immediate emer aenw assistance in Indonesia In the arm of additional 1109th ton end epere park or machin ery end to resume the training of the young Indonesian person nel In the 115 SUDBURY op Rodger Mitchell 66 meal MP to mm has been in hmibal Aurhoniuu ma Nesday ha mung Mommy He aurican lrornamphy sum swelling due hn Ihe preyneg air in gym qnn to ArSzomafWhew meclhnï¬ my lmpmve th mdflan um xuluv breathing lnbmd Sudbury MP In Hospital In 15 expeqed Loulo THURSDAY SEPT 29 lm ll WASHINGNN CPI The Woday commence hero ween Presldet mm Informalky has been skewed in an apparem effort to empha she the personal accord be tween the two men wiihout summing Maunm of ma Jor resyflu The 5mm not new $531 Wm 53$ 22 to ose wrm the United Stiles anl It leader Lime both men Lace do mesdc troubles lu which no remiv solutions exist lhey have mutual pmblems of interna tional Immune arising from old coldwar poslum AM the period of drift In Aflamk Mll anoa policy Aside ram any pickme In prestige haL Erhard may In ucdmte more an two leading Informality Siressked At LBJ Erhard Meet PHONE 7261885 Issue on his agenda both with mgutary ovum Wmï¬ermany while it has mod Britain as the warlds rd major Industrial nation after he 11mm Statesand Uh Soviet Unlnnwanu to ease or end an agreement intended to lighten the us mllkarycost burden In Eumpe 1ame mas Av Germany had pledzodl lguy over twoyear period endmg next June $50000000 worth Amerlcan arms la belllnd schedule ln ll puchasu and want to sham out the period as well as ho switch the buying pattern In Include space equlpment The has mt so far been ready to make my amnion For both leaders npparcntl there are piflnlls Brllnln coud speed Ks plan to reduce lbs 5119 of its nrmy of ID llhlne Or there could be an Increase In Amurlcan pullout semlment now Wed by Bl Emu cm resolullon calllnx tor cut baxk in US foam ln Ger many Prst Johnson has opposed the resolnllon an un llmely and capahln further muenlng Allled dodlcallon to on osnan snlull llmo job or on anlflnr 21 year uld nvlnllun bosuna male from St Louis Mo who Is sullen Immgcr chiel un nounm nnd dlsc jockey ABOARD USS CONSTELLA TION Reuters American mum on the giant strewn carrier ConstellaMnn cruan all the Nnrth Vietnamese coast can listen to music they work long hard day and watch Running Iho alullon which has three other volunteer nnA While the carriers crew and pilot the snpursnnlc Jein work at full pressure to launch nlr attnciu against targets in North Viet Nam some ni tho 5000 men on this flouting city Ire creating radio and Icluvlaion program in the ships own siudios The Comiclinilon radio uln liokKCUN radio the im sin UonbrnndcnsLs in hunt day to midnight Program Bra amost enllrely oi music with occasionally recorded variety show lawn In the ship from the United States NATO tummy structum Qunmy vutlnMu ml rull Imvo Ivan urrnnml lnr Ilnmlnul Imlmr nlumlnx II he Sailors Create Own Programs BARBIE SEA FOODS 1967 OYSTERS Are Here Bigger Tmlor And No Sales Tlxl JUST ARRIVED Fuoh Hiddock Sol Turbov Flovmhn Mukuol Salmon Loblllll Whllolllh Plckml Win Me Fm Pan Rudy 5min 109 India Flnul Huh Chips In Town ADMIRE FRUIT EXHIBITS mumm The ether Erhnrd question with Rich concerns the mlng vllgwmoh higher nudwr status for Germany within NATO This delicate qumtflon has been around or several yenrs and Is fled in with the Soviet Unions View on flying timer agreement In dbscnurage nuclear proï¬le on West Germanys role Inside NATO has been held up con ssmnly by Russln as threat to peace panimlmiy If Ger many gets special status in an nuclear picture NATO cammltlee cmnprw lug the US West Germany Britain Italy and Turkey lu ï¬shed unomer diswsmn of the quesflon ï¬lm More Erhan ar rved in Washington Defence Smmry Robert McNamara came back speaking oanï¬denfly of progress The qumflon then ls whether the sort soluï¬ml by the com mmeo now envisaged will sul lsly Dhardot more praw cafly his voting support whether It will be bland enough to lake away the talking pain that the Soviet Union has been using to balk at nudear disarm ament pmpasals RUSSIA FEARFUL Even Ray uric donsnt hnvu much of chaan mm let egglnc hp 5qu nouncers can be dlmcult Job when you have to compete wllh allho othgr noisy qboarq 51mg Midwvbnlng brings break or mmlnula new broadcast mm the ships nmvsmum This may be follawcd by an mm himview MU 1mm hig personality visiting the car or The Consiellallon boasLs doz ens of television sets which put out variety program from any carriers own slallon Law in tho allcrnnoï¬ï¬iralnlna and educational mnvlc nro shnwn In lhe evenlng ha programs Ire devoted In light enlerlnin Input and caluyn fllmx 77 round of lhe days yiuw lug ofllcm nnd men can watch lnlelnlo movie FILM THREE snows CBOTV now prnduclng hm 10 week drama scrim vmck llnlcha mm and Quentin Durxen MP Innlu Fnll Inlr ymllhful mlmlm lmk am wmu Hm lrmpllng Imll RF lva02