Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Sep 1966, p. 13

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UNITED NATIONS 1GP The General Assembly In ex pected to vote at IL current session to end South Alrlul mandate over he nelghborlnz tenilnry ol SaulhWesl Alma 11 it does It will give the wofld nrganlzauon kingsized prob lam enlorcemenl them were any doubts tfiey were impelled In the General Assembly Monday by do When Pretoria lawyer who has delended his country at the World Court In The Hague No ane xpcci South Alrch to comply He nld Soul Mrlca livlng up to the sacred trust assumed in League of Nations mandala In many our hog fatten Inn barns olhcr alumnut meth ods are helm lrlui with much am namely the use me chanical zullcr cleaners slotted flour or narrow deep gutters lo handlu mu manure In lho ll uld arm without bedding lechnnlcnl zuucr cleaners me very mummy but 11 is gen emlly commended um they be located ouulga thy pep purgltlon on It during the summer months plenty of slope on ho pen floor dlrcdtd Iowan lhu me dunlm 01mm and Hos Inch an under lhu pur tlllnn Hglogflfllcully lej be ill Dccp gullcn whlch hold one wonkl mnnurn slurnuc hnvo Imam lncrcnslngly popular In lhh dlslrltl also Tho antler usually Innnu ncnr lho back the an nml cumml wllh plan or nlhrr dcvlco to prevent lho hOKI from Inlllnz lnl 111a wldlh ho mm will my from II In 1th and the dm lh from 30 In lndiu llamm whldl mend mm flue 0p the Irmln lo wllhln Inch In bottom Ire mural nl 10hon By RALPH GREGG Agricullunl Enxlneer ODAF There appear to be Increasing interest on lhe part of many hog armors lo Improve upon heir mum of pen cleanwt with less labor One of UM mos limeconsum in procedures by working nmnngs the pigs in thn pen mm shovel or scraper plnclng lhu manun In mm carrier or similar duvke than 111an In lho yard and inter mnvlng and mandlng the pile nvu me Hquld Vtarm tounlcml In Icrnfilngfllnla in trench DEEP GUTTEIIS STERLIQETIIRUSTS CleanOut Method For Hog Barns Siylingioudmsinilunnccdby Mercury and the addition luxury options bring new sim us to the Mercury intermed iate size can for 1967 in this Mercury Caiienie inur door sedan the bright horizom is grille is divided into UN Assembly May Vote On Africas Mandate INTEREST PAID 0N GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES to YEAR TERM 35 Dunlap Slroul Em llmle Phone 71041499 STYLING INFLUENCES MERCURY awo Alter til Second World War South Attica reinsed to place the territory under the new UN trusteeship system Unlike other countries ruling mandated teni tories it took the view that with the end at the beam al Na lions mandates had ceased ta exist and it in dung tn that view in the face at almost uni versal disapproval it maintains it is under nn obligation to re port to the UN on in adminisa traiiun In devnlop Lhe territory econom lcally and provide for the well bclng of IL lnhahllanu nearly all whom are Negroes South Africa look over admlnlslrnuun of the formu Germnn colony alter the First World War term along the length lb trench deurmut lime IL only necessary to pull lha end bank and all content will now to an outside 11qu manure slarv an pl Up um recently It had been generally stated that dolled floor were only lullahln or has Klanhlnz barns Recently mun Agrlculturnl Enzlneers ram Onlnrle vhlmi flurowing barns In lhe Uniled Slate and mud modulatinn to our standard um being succuslully used un der hmwlnz crates FATTENING 1065 The ml um or fallenan hog ll usually mode concrete and L1 or lnchel In width wflh oneInch Ilo hemem slnu ll Wu and however that or arrowan crnlu he idml Illumlanvll lo have concrete slot Inches wldo wflh thu sharp 1m lvnwvod and um spacing between slnu not crow or on Inch Th Ipnclnx prevent lho 1ch 11on v11 from now In lhrouuh the dot and tho narrow npcnlnl doo nol lnjuro no mwl lccl ellhcrr In order lo keep than now wkh mum most Inwlnm la lmlnll lully Ilollcd floor undrr mo Inrrnwlnn crate nlher than having jun Um back out of lhc pen Aloflul For unhrr lnIoranon phone conlncl your Anlmlluml llm rmnlnllvo In your loul omrc nrk among sllullan course usns fully or partially slatted floor and all llquld and drnpp lug are trumped lhmugh the slots to pl hencnlll the floor The contents the pll an lal er mum and removed wllh llqgld mgnun lypc pump bank centred by vertical Mercury crest The Mercury intermediate rlza cars come In three distinct slzes the Mercury Camel at 1964 Intbu 1n overall length the Mercury Caprl Mercury Cal lenle Mercury Cydone and Erine nbave method it Any General Assembly action In the mullet rcqulrcs approval of twaAthrds all member countrlcs present and voting ncessary rmJoer ls ex pected be be than and the ques Uon will In now what Pakistan and Linea Airlcan countries Ethiopia Liberia and Guinea inwo proposed that the Cyclone GT at 1005 Inches and ha Mercury Coma Voy ager and Mercury Vmager slu uon wagons at 19959 Indra The now can an on sale cross Canada at Mercury dell mhlps at the Ford Molar Com panyol Canada tomnruw MERCURY 67 MERCURY 67 COUGAR the challenge to all sports cars the challenge to all medium price cars the challenge to all intermediate size cars YoUr Mercury Dealer THE BARN EXMHNEB THURSDAY 19 use OTTAWA CF Charles Charlie Bishop he first work lng newspaperrepnrter to be named to tho Senate died In hamm Wednesday Hawu 39 and the oldest active senator reportgr on Parliament Hill right to the lime at his appoint ment to the upper chambergand bit beyond Senator Bishop maintained lively interest in daytoday political avenLI United Nnuou administer SnglhWesguflcg gilrecvly But the General Assembly can only recommend termination 01 the South African mandate and ulnbllshmenl of direct LIN ymgeequ lg woug b9up to the Security Councilwhose membn will Includa Canada as of Jun ltn ry to carry out the will the assembly Ilia familiar this is Senior Bishop calling was airequeni signal to press gallery news desk that their former cai ieague was allowing the latest Ansnzmqns mzqun Some diplomats wouldnt be surprised to see Britain Franco and tho Soviet Union ahstaining from the General Assembly vote on the SouthWest Africa issuel Britain la beliavod in lover new and diiicrcnt approach to the World Court in on effort to get an advisory opinion on the morii of the UN case ugninst Souih Airlcan admin lmtian Liberia and Ethiopia lulled to get ruling on the case whenths World Court uo cidod July ill they had no legal right to it Cahadas Oldest Active Senator Charlie Bishop Dies M39 New UNSURPASSED EXTENDED WARRANTY year 24000 mile full car year50000 mile powefiralq comppngnfig humming stury on mute mmlnute He scaaped his parliamentary pres gallery colleagues nn his own npdpointment but only just Ha in gone home to supper utter day which lnduded cov ering prime ministerial pres conierenca Hie caller nnAprii 18 1945 was iiiacktnlie King The then grime minister ininrmed him is appointment He managed to gel the news Mhin editors Just before the otherreportere luran oi it SPANNED 50 YEARS HI repurflng career spanned nearly 50 years beginning in im or the Ottawa Cileen He was subsequently correspondent for lhe Soulhnm newspapers the time of his appointment to the Senate he was éhiei of the Sautham bureau here He re tired an active reporter month after becoming una inr As reporter he wroto or many newspapers besides the Ottawa Citizen They Included he Montreal Shir Winnipeg Cnlgary Hernl Edmonton Journal and Vancouver Prov Ince beside the London Free Press and Toronto Telegram He is survived byhix wfle lhu tamer Antoinette Tesslcr at Ottawa and two daughters Miss Lucille Bishop and Mrs Constance Munow He was born In Bear River NS HI death leaves 51x vacan cles In he 102m Senatu which now has 62 metals Com servaUves lwn Independent and one independent Liberal avoiding the danguws hlylway mums HWY 11 Which on busy Mani night has line tnafflc bath ways wait ing or the WWW the mam1 the ma kmhonthamhmewesfllaq across may he on 11 wmay gymc Ey1967 mummemmhptmn Way 21 and 400 file WI wirimlkmwaommtymadfile fihnndlolhboflxdfflmmla INNISPII NOTES Regonstmctidn Betters CIOSSing 111 ll 8n mmmim fulldolnlk Mercury Cyclone GT special kind of excitement for the youngintspirit Mercury Marquis truly luxurious automobilesets new standard in elegance Cougar personal luxury car Allnew sporty European at popular Canadian price Mum Mama Hardtop Mmury Cyclom Hudlop to knownImamm wring befm the International Pinw mx Am In progress will make our amnde mm being ready for the 12440 pom lauon Much our plannen pro wwsy 1m 1981 More an anticipate visiting Malian slum 0m or wees 10 smmom Elam with the Wu Gwflflmbuzy da vobpm mad wwld make firm mole for am to the city at Barrie for both tawn ships dimmed he madly of taking 1119 highwaw When oop surtaccd it WW lame Wdm Bad Mm the work hag 93 wemmfingmmunymlmd blgfamiflcsmnuwdescm dinan now pmspcnm teams in that 1mm area The himcwuwwmadwnow in the ma was feat meamdwm WWW WP Mcmmumé sconlmygalmmmmmg mnfihwifi mtghvea mum hWhWWJWW mmmwmww mmmmmmm WWW Vmmm mumm he MM WmamemWmmMMmmW mm or can old survem Ha Mar and 01 the he lhe 10 ll mid hm mm mm time and cast an PURCHASE PENDING Had lime mmmmmm mmheydldthefiglnd WW mu Theatemnjdxyonwfldnlho Wpmademofladflr mawnmmmmm mmrmmm

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