Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 29 Sep 1966, p. 11

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very promising the Barrio Fair weekend Smwm an ex pecmitnday and his owing aim storm centre mm our area the unper alurea are expected to dip Mafia Wnday should be dmdy with low slmm and cooler The law recorded at The Exam her office last night Mn 39 de The lempcratwa 7130 5111 was 55 degrees EXCEPT for mm 011 coolsor wateride finmfimmonfiamapln umbia and pans of Album day Mahly mm weather dlm1e ewmm most Canadawdll have hexpcdcdolflyinthoMafl VtwvslodAyJWW vw Synops storm centre wll tonunna rapidly east southeast ward crnsslng northern Genr mnn Day Late this afternoon and flu Into Quebec early to tuglghg TORONTO 101 Forecast Issued by the weather nflice at no mm DISTRICT WEATflfl mum Soulherly wlnds ahead of this atorm will gins rather mild so dzgraa temperatures around thu lower Great Lakes today desnlte cloudy skies and showers How ever strong northerly wlnds wlll drop temprnturcs sharply to nlght the storm passes east word out ol the provlnce Friday wlll be partly cloudy and cooler vlth shower acllvlly lnrmost rcglorls um Lake St Luke Erin Lake Huron Windsor London Molnly cloudy with occasion nhnwers lodny Turning windy and cooler by Me evening day cluudlncs and cooler with few shocrsjlkdy Winds southerly 10 lo 20 becom ing norlhcrly 15 to 30 ml eve ran Ind northwest 10 lo 20 Fri Hay weaflgcr is m1 BALTIMORE Md ANA cdcml juduu said Wednesday Inc will dccldu wilhln cw cckl whdhcr lwoycnrold Ilnndcr lull agnlnsl an agent 10 US Ccnlral Inlclllgenca Agency Ihnuld cum to lrlnl Arguments nn lho qunsllon wm hoard darllcr by Chch Judie Iloszul Thomson us IlleVrlcL Court hulk nine 45 Toronln med lhu gull In ml nxnlnxl Jurl Ilaug He scuklnx $10000 In tompcmnlnry dn mug and $100000 In puthn dnmnm cnnlmdlnn flnus nlandmd him by calllnx him an Agent lb KGII he Savch Unlnnl mm We Judge Will Decide On Slander Trial In lho mm Ilrlnu mm was highly mneded by llw hglnn ol lZuunlnn lhmllun lnc nn Exlunlnn weltmm ounnllnllun and llnul nllugnuou dnmngcd lhln mpvd IIUI run nmtlnl flu vclmnu group mine In mlurnllml Cnnndlnn al Br lanlln ulracllon REFINE PHIIMHRION In henrhmn Ilncn be ml was HIM in lo llnul hill corp mind he xuvu lhn lnIormnllnn About Ilrlno 1n lll mpnclly In an Null ha CM The CIA bout Ilrlno III III mpnclly an Null ha CM The CIA bu Muted In annw llnm In lollfly an llml hln lull mnny wand no he In lho but Inlrml Hm us about finnlonl llrlnnn Inw yer Ind Wulnmlny ulna my Um CIA llnl Ilnuv la 04 NM Iank medan nl Hm liulnnlnn or nnlmllun um 011 mu in In mm lho lump llrlna wm Cloudy With Showers Much Cooler Friday For Mm mu TilJ mm mm om rbuu mom Bury Wed Incn1 ha CM Muted In Now 1y an llml wmulrnolnlm In and All Drug nudl MucKAYS Pharmacy PRESCRIPTION Ntagnra Lake Ontario south em Gnorglnn Day southern Ital lburtom Hamilton Taxunto Mulan dandy with occasional showers today Turning windy and center ear1ytnnlght Frt day vartnbte ctaudiness and coal er with few showers likely Winds snuthnrly 10 to becomingnarttlerly 25 an early tonight and northwest 15 torts Friday Northern Georgian Bay northern Hullburton Killnloe North Bay Sndbury Overcast Luke SupErIol Wlnds north erly 75 tn 35 knots decreasian gradually to northwest 20 knols early tonight Occaslnnal rnln changing to wldzly scattered showers this alternoon Lake Huron Georgian Bay Winds south to southwest 20 lo 15 knots shining lo northwest and then noth 25 to 55 knots this nIlcrnoon and decreasing lo north 74 Ionlghg Showers Vn suuth to southwest 15 to 15 knots becam ng northwut um nunh 25 to 35 by Me afternoon and do crcnslng tn northwest 24 Friday Showers Laka Ontarlo Wlndn mulb my 10 In I5 knots Increasing tn 15 knots this manning and chin inz In norlh 25 lo 35 knots lhl uvcninz and decreasing north west 25 Friday Showers Cnmmunlsl llo snld lhls 11 mm ulmlng rocket nu ma Sanlord nald unless lhn CIA allow nus la lulu lhcrc L1 nu way of knowan clhcr mo nllcgullun lruc He Inld wilhoul he Inle many Him ls no My ol knnw In whether the CIA was dclcr mined In ruln nine or mm mm other than Ihn nllcgaunn that ho was Sovicl fllrnl Dcinncn Counsel Paul Con nclly lmltlml the lnlnrmnllnn Lt rrlvilczcd The two lawyers 1m nlo nn than of millions lhnl tnund Jurlflo Thnmscn In rcmnrk lhnl lhcy hm lllul n11 mu modem they lnlcmlul In In and wcrc now exchnnxln blown lhnl could an lnrpvtr In Ilrp in and Thomxtn Inld JET CPA 10 Bonn CM II In Town nl 93 mm Ilnllmlnu am am In In Tokyq lhzl Many CPA Dvlunllmm waning In dulylam nII Hm lo clwun lmm an you my only $105 down an Tuvnl Aim ur Cunndlln Iwnamy mum Ivlp uInnca lnclllu and In 211 uman MARINE FORECAST ran Risigflflous AND ncKm CALI Travel Sorvlco 72951 707K Joluison ma mm my Am mm AmyImam to 20 mm to north an this eveningand night wm wm dc nnrghwesl 20Frjda my 2s mb man to VIqu WW change in temperfiure mday mostly cloudy and cooler with law shpyggn thsfleaglerl mum Algomn Saul Ste Marie Whiia River Timngaml Coch rnnc Overcast will rain mostly ending ar tapering nit to law showers by late this aimnoon Continuing caoL Friday variable cioudinm and cooler with few rnln showus nr mommies Wind ensiujy 15 lo 20 been 1m northerly 20 lo so by i111 ulteran and northwest 15 tn 25 many Mg Ottawa region Rain begin ning this afternoon Friday cloudy with law runny inter vuis and mi Winds increasinl to easterly 15 with gusts to 25 today shilling lo mulhwesl io night Friday winds nurthwui Forecast empenluru Low uvcmlghl lush FM 40 Windsor Thomas 55 London 40 51 Kllchener 40 51 Mount Forest 35 52 anham 40 52 Hamilton 40 55 St Cnlhnrlnes 55 Toronto 55 Klngston Truman Killalne Muskukn Nnrlh Bay Sudlyury Enrllon Saul Ste Marlo Kapusknslng Vhllu IVEr Mooson Timmlm TRY EXAMINER WANT PHONE mam Ni mumnu omom Many CM Dvllnl bun lo clwun Imm an you Tuvnl Aim ur Cunndlln lncllluand OIL FIND IMPOEIANT REGINA CPDDiscovery Hahquallty crude all In the Mlnton area 95 miles soulh of Ruin was termed highly lm pom by Resourcu Minister Camurnnv Saskatclr awn Ba said at press can mnc wedlscovery In wlldm am not previously ax ploruL HIRE EIGHT DOCTORS TORONTO CF Ontario has hired elght psychiatrlst WORLD NEWS YINWRIEP IN sqrquup CARIONS 12Z$588 45569 PANELLING SPEGIALSI 4m Ughtoned Orleml luyonldl Holeonlol Sparkling While WALNUT ASH AND0R ELM 4x8s Replm old Inky trough now Ind mlly 1m EAVESTROUGH Ti WEE INSULATION Myra binn IN 90 CM 10 LENGTHS NAILS fiémfiiéfl during summer recnfltlnz drlva ln England but olllclall 01 the provlnclnl health depart ment are loaldng or naw way to find more qualified staff Th5 recntltlng team that vlslled England durlng the summer in tervlewed 56 psychlalrlsu In an effort to In shortage of 70 In the health department FIND MOTHER INSANE TORONTO CDJacquellna qnneg Manon 23 alllolzangq Wednesday waa dined by $193 3320 Im 10 um $4 ts iifiSKW$7T3 OIRGIIVILAR SM 32241 III 2325 22 135 251 ARBORITE 0R FORMICA PIIST FORMEU TWITTER TOPS an 52195 m53495 nurommu wmnismu 2x4s 39am hl ill WM Id I1 Iun lnlm 7m NM lnln Cum lull Wm 0m reason of infinity on diam noncapital murder In Aha stranglan nLher th children last January The court was told Tuqsdnymu slayings were commuted two day mar Illa woman wu refused ndnfluanca to Ontario mental hospital 8H In foiunta GAIN IN BATTLE MONCION NB CPIThe president the Canadian Assn dauon or Retarded Children anys tremendous progress ha been made 1h year In the fight against mental retardation in Canada Ruben Jaquea anld was cnnlaxjenca mat the PLYWOOD 93 SHEATHING glad my umllly Hm Grade LE 22 5321 4xa nf illnnnnl GRADE BMH SEIS FEET LONG mm HUGE OFFTHEGAR SPEGIAL VI Wulemaoi Splucc 471x $10495 11mhm1m Exhjiufik WAY my me association in managed to en list the sympathies oi huslnazs wrpwallon to insist iinun ciaily in national made or Cnniadns mcnlully retarded STEP UP RADIO WAR LONDON Millers The government war on Britains comlnercill pirate radio sin lion lninnsiiled Wednes dily when another nation owner Roy Batu at Radio Essex was served with asununonx The government has promised legis lation ioJllanca other pirate gummy mth Hm Grade Va 14 24 66 MAHOGANY DOORS Saul lull AM 101 Pu ENE s339 vmnom 388 huh Culnl hull 100 IboU MflHOGANY was Ungmud Colours ll6 W66 Wm FEOER TILES lmulor FlnLQuullty 0th Colour 716 llll THAN HI ADD NI llln Small MI Add 20 film stallnnrylnslalled In ship am chored ofl tho English coastby ncxr Enater START OFFICER EXCHANGE OTTAWA CPIExternal Al lnira Mlnlslcr Martin said Wed ncsday nlghl that Canada and Frnnca hnva starred preparing program to exchange ofllcerl and cwperme 1n delenca pro curement Hegnva no detail In an address prepared or de livery It ll dinner In honnr Qouyo do Ingnrvflle UM fiend reign Tullliter DIIIM In Nullml HIMI Imullnll IMNIL PLAIN 11 315 1045 ZMNIL Louvn 10 mag 14 156 30 1710 Huim Mm Slm III 240 MM Iuilnll 66 10 I4 In it 96

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