ern Ihl In ran mo Mml mm an 1m Aur Iu And mum Campade tumr Million nn lllh my MI Ihl llhflwny Madman kindly ovmlng lulled In In ullmulod dam If IMI Ienl mu mm In Ila Vlclorll llwluL Injuml mu lurlflnphr Im pnkmlu of Full mnxlp mme In rm ti Ibo vmlrlu ll wu mud ll NV and Ill er Mum TORONTO lCl Cflnld mm to have bccorm lmvlnaml mm In wrld mum Toronh mavou My nn men aw umklnl thelr way out lho mm Idmll ml trunk luvmt Inn militia to buck lhc helm Dal Mr uh Man In lnnlnt Mr mu an all out on the mod Ind mm at them In tumhul Away ml lu Mn m4 hauled yur but Mum ml nmm TwoCar Collision On 400 Sends One Man To Hospital lrovlnclnl mam In the Pro xmxiva Consorvnlive Central Dlflrlcl denllon Include Rum Duncrln Smcoe Gray Norm Gny Swill Mmknku rry iou Slmcol 0mm lho president elbo un ol olllccrl pm wnlcr encc for lmmlor nobam at can lul Collezlule ml other gonml bulnm Follawlng rccopllan or Ibo Premier nl pm hm will be dance In the nudllorlum ll Pram John Hobart will at tend the Comm Dlstxkt Pm gmsivc Oonscrvaflve Assocln flons nnnuul mecflng and elec tion or owner to be held In the ludjmrium cl Central Collnglnle The orwday annual mcellng will an Conservative swmmrs 1mm 10 provincial rldlmu In Ccn In 01er men In Enrrla In met flute of office and lo mt lhe Premier Ontario The annual meeting will bnxln ll 5gm undulnqkldp age TOR PC MEETING Movers Enjoying Big Increase In Business nudn turned out for day It Wasaga Beach Sunday to err joy naarly perlect Inmmer mpmm BY um um Prime Minister Coming To City WASAGA BEACH IHMMED 0N WEEKEND hr lullnx In Canad la lb moll moving munlry kl the erd Dav McGowanll umulvl mlmm II II Cnuflln ero hnulhll um um menv hm Hon volt 1mm ldlnIiln twomufl 0d mm In In on Illeg way just north rl mm Baum gvm nilml Bum hum All loot 5L Tumulu Ind DIVM Thuhr lllllrk SI LIMA rnflklnl Ihnrlly nllrr umllnI flnnlnjlr RV with Innu Unnm Ha lulu ukmd Nolfhv Idrlvlu Injurud Ilu mixmp 113 Emphy Bland Unlltd Van Llnu No an In mall such Innuullc damnnd lhm hm been ml year Ha um thm Am Imam lhnl In 23 per cm Cunn dlnn unluu will lva Ihll nu illdlnu XVBums wu lum orly In Wuhan Onlnrlo Simeon Em Wellingtonbulletin and York North PRIME MINISTER 011M weather Cm lémmed along the beach In adqu and chil dren rushed lo the mm The top phnlo aka mm the lap of ma fenIx when show only mfflurc In Milan lnmn In lho 009 tmlu lbs Nun 1m Mule AM Oumllnna mm to ho ulllnl Mn IM In llama mm mm flu In Hy yhorem llulr mt um mm rumm mu manna nrdm Art nm II mum wrl mullanmlnml mu Acmu lb unmlry and Arms thmnllMM Why 10 many vanadium on tho mvfl Mm If mm Iho hr mnml mum gum min nunry 11 to an pm cent lm m1 your lheyn work mm And any Dwyru nl lhdr wllI tnd mud lhayu lumlnl many bull mn boom Hwy but dont run he equipment or the ml to mnlu all ma mowI hm llnclluerum mnlmlkr Mlled Van Um Mt 1mm Camdlln mover with am am VIM on be mad flu mmlwr nhlnnenu hundlnd In Jun wu 10 lo per cm mm Inst yur Mum up lumly lrvm cum sunduy ennui cm mllo Jot Gnlon And In mllo Jot Gnlon In mulch plum Neun 3m year old Murcia engraver mined the ï¬nal round dalm lnl Mike Bnrbrr of Monmall Country Club up In the Sun day morning mnlllnnls RETAle GOLF TITLE MWAL UPIAndy Ne um of 01km nlvcrmend re ulncd hh Quebec Amateur no chqmlonghbnt jljlladnle qll In Mancini the th Map strata 11 Rule said the was not eornmlflod on sudden impulu In deliberately plum nod mywdd Hmnflum youth Innmay with the ROAF Camp Bocdcn was sentenced to six months in the Ontario Mor malory at Guelph in Barri mammu 0mm Nday My Mmflhflg hm Men mvidna wok earlier Menu And mmndcd week or gyman Ha xym urvq 1x mic mum We In Mammary Ha mu untied mar deposib WWWW mall portion the hum seven mile sand The bot tom photo shows hurisu mak hu mmy In the amusement park Examiner Pham flu warm Youth Séntenced To Months In Ont Reformatory Ins lllt mm whole munlry Ilnlln ulrnlmc mum 31 uh 16 ll 10 mm IquullL Demand Mil depnvlnwnl Kim whan Ellded um Calin Gabe mrmn Omynnl TLC IIC vlcnnruldnnl ma Adnml 11 Arwln flunk lulrlu vlroxvmldcnl John Cuvum 1min Unlarlu vlm pmldrnl um Mum Ln lnmla 11 n1 Munlml uuplmc vlgquyidmh ll lnru HE IIIII human ll Calury va lllmlnl Nuknlm and 6mm Mnclhnnhl 20 WOW loo Onl Huludlnn lhl lmnlnl tnnnrmed Mr Mnrluy Mu lch ll Dnlhnum Unlvmfly in ï¬lm and urannlzrr lhn linilrd Strolwnvkrrl Amrrlu 101 rmMAnl The 10 cnunu lonk 1hr 01 um mmlnlnl men exem llvu mull Tth Im lupportlnl cnmlldnlu mining or radial Iorlalm In Ind tlnlmnd lhn rlxhlwlnl mrmberl nl um parly lurl typical the Volt mnoNm CPI Excwllvc demons nan mm In ldcololltfll oplnlan Imonx ha 91 delegate ll Um Innul con unlion the New Dcmocrlllc Ynulh Sunday elcdlnn or pmidcnh wan wIIh lwovola victory by Terry Mutiny 22 Toronw mu Immudlnlely dmllcnud mcmheu Um loll caucul He mid tame L1 being harm pared by cm aloppnl on bridg walchi lrnlllc The ten nan an In future nnyonl napping on lll bridge without awn will be darned with ob Rt Conventiim 01 NDP Youths gloss Voting Driven the other vehldel involved warn Ralph Urul as nl Georgetown and Han Bleck 27 of Toronto 51L Alec Mchlrlck Barrio City Pollen nld lrnlllc wnl hel vler than at any lime this year llhlctlan mm mm imam Jamel Elma 41 Wham has been charged with lollnwlu too dimly Pnumaer In 010 SIme clr Hugh Dentin 1613 Weston aullcred amend abru slons and bruised no but was not hospitalized ow are homes Challisld Marla Koehler Joe Raunlhal PM Bmlly Ferguson Gerald Se vler RON Fenwldx Helen De SW and Elizng Willimolt STUDENT EXCHANGE Fourteen Frenchspeaking and Enzllslrapeakinz hlgh ldwol nudenll lrom Quebec will ar rlva ln Barrie on Thursday or 17day stay This project omnlorcd by the Canadian Councll ol autumn 3114 lawn SALAD QUEEN M15 Wendy Saundm Ontar lna Salnd Queen will be recelv llayoryï¬ Cooke Cily Xï¬lroï¬ WedneSdIEIiia He is out at 12 cenlm MIu Snundm will visit as npmenb An accident Involving three can on BayHeld sum 1050 mm on SuIIdAy clmd $1000 damm resldenta with the work of Can Adinn artist will be held at tho Banlo Library beginning today Ilnti nllnleyg rwhose $1000 Damage In Accident DeVllblsa Prealdzm Hugh Gibson llld today ha Wood Street plant will be expanded by 44000 lquara lnlhe ullrd addluml glue the mnpany mw ed lls manulachuIng headquan bars to Battle 11 yeara 8302 Mr Glbsoq nlé mlnumber employed by the woman will delinllely rise when exten ilon is completed About 10 em The Vaddlunn wfll bring to ma of the Devllhlu lanmo 1mm square eel In emu ofhbnul4o per cent over In pruenHacmliesu Mgngmmvgzs ML Gibsonjaid flu 118 ic Ililies are expected in In inm lrillon ext Bulldozer lodny movod in flu DeVflbLss plan In Blrrla to prepara the ground or $600 ddlllgn FARM PRICES Third Aï¬t DéVilbisSj 15 Costiisésoopoo ma unini Exnmn MONDAY Jim 12 in ART EXHIBITION LOCAL AND GENERHI mllllnun nu nluhlldwl Inllawlnl rmml can Mxlch wu Imde with he Ink Mchwny rounlcr ublninu Ivy mnnnzn Pem mud mm rlly at Hurrle lellmnd wrru cnunlnl rum pm on FrMny In Sunrin ll noon Smxlho hound mill wu numbeml mm Numb man In mlanulyL Awnulmnlcly H000 tan Mu munlnl luvrllln mun lmrrunllni our 15min um 11 Illun obiInn by tho Approxan one per uni of lrnvrllm norlhbound on tho wukend Iloppu In the Tour Inception Centre on lllahwly PETER HEAD mnnngcrol UII Tourist fleccpllnn Contra an lllghway we pom with highway cnunllr obtained alive Ontario grim fresh mm and vegeuble salads HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY The next Wur arranged by the Barrie Horticultural Spciely will ban July 11 when member will OAC grounds Guelph continue on him production of Jullul Caesar at Slrallmd and ï¬nish with smorgasbord Northbound Cars Number 47000 in kfldbener BanIo City Councils ï¬nancn commltleo expected lo bring In recommendation an sub lld request mm Ch Barrle Ambulnnte Servlca at Iconlshtl CMmJI meeting Outing for 1in citizens will be held each ihmdny for the next eight week Any senior citizen wishing to participate is asked in contact MIL Rliph Sneigrnve wim heads the group of volunteers tinrent use shaman mak el mm 00 11mm th tlmc Involved in Construction In said by wark will begin short ly Mr Gibsonesumaled Hal coll ofvtho bufldInL uw flmsnt umpoo The carn any manilach Ill Iypel spray equipmen Ind 13 becoming more Involv in elemo 1ch metal ï¬nish lng according to Mr GIbsrm no new by 100 00 win to be added toula northeast dds the men building will beGneol Heï¬rstbufldlnyof In All to be electrch healed My Gibsannld plgyees arennow he payroll He said the nddillannf men will be med or he mnnutae Iure of products Ilmflar In than now being made at the plan will new product 1111 Mgnvynqa SERVICE SENIOB cmzans Mr ml MM xllflmnu In gum nra mun by war lely of rtnnnL Many prvvplc Mn mw lulu numnwr vau llml lvr lnfllcr mlmll nun wukoml mulnndx do no urn unlll Monday mmnlnx while many other mum on Iill layn mum Ihllvd ML Nud Tho Tourlll ch ru IIM murllrvl 255011 pmpln Mm lunl lllnNI llm HKlllll Ihla year mu 2550 lnqulrm lhh crkmL Mn llrml aald ha wlll mull Hu rmmlrr rmu main mu Mrkrml Till llll Mll moly AMY mun nr hum wr lmll HI Inhl mmm rrlumlnu wulh was Three wheelchaln and 3100 dwqua wen donated bull Wind Royal Canadian Ah Forca Aw Nation to Royal Victoria Hoaph 13 Saturday at the MAP Club moma ngh Irom the City min The mnthlna look count KM nlnl numbcr cm meinK Iaulhbound and Uloln mlurnlnz northbound ud wwkmd 0n hand to steep rho presen tallun were Cammn Ohm Administrator at RV and Miss Ardlel Director of Nurk ng President the club Ken Ml chell Introduced members most responsible or the donation whlch was muted during the regular soc al owning The Wing who sponsor Eu rIcs air cum15 nnd mldgel juv enile hockey have made wheel chair presentation since 1958 to the Independent Order Odd Wheelchairs3 Cheque Ptesented To Barries RVH mo duqna were dmmed by 441 Win Eon Canadian Mr Forceo Royal mm Homimdurlnrtï¬o IOCIAI ev ening the RCA Club norm on gammy Buck mtfrom In wantme ind Illlll 0V MIWAVI CUIWIMION WI All CANADA Injurcd wm Fm Mashan ol 40 Sunnldlle Barrie who rwlvcd ulcmlva Cull John MM ndmlllld to 111 mm ll lamrnflons Ind rum Ind Sally Maury who rmlvbd Incornllonl and put liq hold lnyrla Drmr flu olhcr which Dcnlon Dawn cl Nelnn 51 limit Melved hmknn um and hemmom and pn nnm Wam nmmn who ml collidon on tile 71 Cancer Ilar Em at the Ivy 51 md Sunday Illamoon unl llvo pgopla to My Vlmarh Holpl Gordon Mdmn of 1m Harrie wu muck uhllo walking on the 10m Common Ban qu mym lilmwnyw Drive the on wu Geer Nest Toronto nlneywold Bunlo boy wu Iushcd In Royal Victor Hos pjual In frilly mndllfon Sundny Elam nllcr he was mud ho cur In Em towuhlp nldo Lake 5L Chair Lulu Erie Llh Huron Ningm Lake 0n laxlo Soumcm Georgin Buy iiaiibmton Kiliaioe Windsor London Toronto Hamilton Clear Ioday Sunny with tow ciaudy miervah Tuesday No In cool tonight Wind light Northern Georgian 39 Al iaml Sun Star Marla South em Whlto Riverv Tirnulmh Warm weather will reninb tn thn Barrie mudu the mercury will min ruch dun dazree mIrk under Lune ny with cloudy interVIII Wind will be Usht law lore cast tonight 52 degrees The law recorded at the Exam lnerrofllco Iut night we 49 degrees it was 68 at 10 mm mm Mutly dou um and 75 lo Memo temper atnru laxmu or the granu pm at the province today Shower and thunder showcra will grndullly spread eastward above the upper lake cody Ind tonight Howevcr fair weather expected to per nls through Itsday around thc lowar lakes Althaugh there is small pmbablltty of Ihow or developing late in the day Mm 1m way the rim donl his web Mano llanloflVH from the zone me dam wen acquired by 1th ls Icomlort Win pmjccu comMnlu may 9y pallenll EVIL Just for fun stopover in London before visiting Europe In Hospital After Accidents l0 DUNLOI 51 AREA WEATHER left to right In Mildred Br hr vlcwrefldenhlnck Hammad entemlnmcnlohllr mm Auéroy arm Walden ol Lh Ladlu Auxflhry Alex Shun flnl NINpraaldcflh and Phylllu mum put pre Fly BOAC ucroll lhl Allnullc Hill In and It wont can ponny um In am to VIII London on routs tn Europa Simpler lnthuo Innum It burlIn pvlcu Sn nut yurl Blondwny hlh Ml yur VIII the Main and th Tower of London Shy wuk or monthhm choc01mm 100 MIMI to SJ Europun lllu 730M Johnson Travel Sorvice qum Weiather Will Cbntinue BOAC $3 150 Sm Cnihanne Toronto Paenborough Kingston Trtmon Knlnloe 91mm or Enrltan face lag and chest 13cm Nanhem White River In cnuing cloudlnus today lol lowed by thowenlonighl and mesday Warmer Winds light gelatin lalllhelflerly L5 to sunny Ind wannex badly Cochrana North Bay Suï¬bury Manly clamly with few mow an or lhundeuhowen Nu day Wlndl light today south his web bingo manta ranIm zenenl fund nla ghzqugjs muggy fund or neu Hiya estimated damage Idant of I11 Win front 1mm 1m to risk Ken Mllmollwpresldenl Mlu ArdldDimkorol Human and ME Cameron and Mmlnllmwr It EVIL Exam Mr HMO V1 Flnvum Fonml Tempmtum mum hlxh mg yx mm toll on um on hm mm mm um 7166 um 33 iï¬ï¬