mm ï¬lthnnder Don Mandden list light mastered Smiths Dairy on wu singles as Cllrkson Hm hut out the Dalrymen at arms Park The detendlnl dxnmplom lavMed up In khan oi lha third nun whh kevlew Dairy In IMermedi suflbnll circuit one polnl ck qt lmpe Elslmnn hrer Van hmwul mm Jan My Kama Dunn Uniii Mlm rm MW 11kde mill lint IN Innlnn Buvm rmmlud no mm mm mm and wudvnhuplmdmh livulyn nrmhlm wu mm mmlmul ï¬lmm holler lllh mm plum and In rum DI and Mot1m lrlph and mm Sharon Furlonl than our run wllh two Ilnllu Ind city min on or IM mtuon udlnl hllleu minu 2d mnmununl Ilnlk xbélfn Cube ronjmlad or lurun llnlll Four mm uhr Id um mm by hide vriNrl YIanuvgun By Jan Both 1ch mo Ilnuu drfen duly and he Inninu med by um Iconic dudlack Tho hmu mum1 lhl Ilnlemllv with Ilnllo Ilnh lnnlnï¬ mm than pnrluyed pnlr mtly Ilnlku wllh lwn hum an hill or mm mm in nunlh slmcou rnlnd lbtlr MumI In In In um elnhm Mun nruvm Alued ma rally or htlr nllr In thl nlngh tram sh lauchod alnler Judy Kuwdy And ldlhlndtr Ann Kumy lor olflm hm hlll thII winner Jonn Immlllatflcky Indium htkl nonvm In Iva hum lldusmull clllmed In Alvlkmuu And nlhd mm ovu Ibo nlm mm mm Kmmdy counted hm hm mill lnnlnll urnrt Kenn mirror wllb on am In lhl nunlh Ind lllfllkd om man um on lhm BIMCOE narrla nuvm an Ill mklnz hnlr Hnl vlclnry mm but lhelr bullock Im pmvlnl Ilnylnz hrlr but um to data the loul Imu fell an helharl lid declllon mlmt Slmcno 51m The um mu phymi yesturdny Inernoon at Ihe ueslern Ontario unml Welllnxlnn Pnrk Mm of the damn wu inflict ed In lha Ilqu hall of he um lnnbl Alter leadofl butler Norm Rama muck out Ron Rnycrnfl drew but on MILL Cheeseman lhen fanned or who Itcond out and Merv Broley held out or mother walk McFadden htn rounded or IrlpIa Ind noted on led pllch Clarkson quickly mums Idvmlue zulnlnx thm com In the very um me of mm Wayne Mmun 11 whr an padded the lead wllh all In In the ourlh aï¬el IA man entered me name In mm Clfaan won despih only mum lngdour Mu hm them of bed lubman who lomd nullull our Innlnu How carried Ior exln buu And came at opportune momenu McFadden contribuud In aw vlanry wllh trial Ind dou It norm twice Ind drlvln norm palt Bob Gunman lashed long ulngle and Fumes heal out In Inï¬eld hfl Don Mormon elrned urllch Ilngla Ind Rlck Dunn llnuled or my ufe shot all McFddpn Russell managed five strike nuu Ind issued our win the Elmvnle pitchlnz comth oq Induced ll whkflnu Russell prole led to me by npplnx In runlnmlhlrdmd ptLbauer Guy Rina wnnoclv mm mule Ind ther round ripper Why Adam 111ij Ed Donnelly Iinlled wee BUMALE Barri le glad decision ovu Elm ale Palace Hotel numb Il ernoon Ind ughhned up stand mu In lbs llvodub Birth Ind ism Senior saith114mm win heir tomh unjust ive 1m mm Flu two mufblck Cmdhn1ln and Elmvalo our all tho pm oemm Stewmlï¬tme Elm med men mu me Leo Belem Ind Dun quash while Wayne Russell milled nix EIIINII NM rcrwhmm scum my my Simcoe Produces Narrow Victory McFadden Strbng In Edging Smiths Plazï¬fiReClflgs Senior Victory rm gout Slan wal tho up hitter then uplodod for In to In an mu noun has res cm In the ï¬fth lnml smun AMER 1516mm 11W kal Mmrrh rm Mods in bun wime vul liM In marlbl rn pldny requlrlnl oniy one hour and mlnum For Hm um lllm Mvm lull cm 919mm pIym wdlnblc um um Hither mdy In nva on bench IrIon durlnl wu tho Ilmm mu No1 drum m1 bu mpg Mlvm llnnlly hll lhl Imo boIni III ddormlntd 111 In the nlnllL fllnclllr led on with I1qu Ind Van Mum IMI when mmielder Minn dromd luv Iln rum nlrd Ihlmd balk lnln Imrn mlllan wllll IIctHlu Mn Ind Corill lollnmd Illh mm llnll In mm mm mmllnl lwn rum Form In thrown out In Ind 0w um Wm In Mch hll Inln mm let drum m1 bu 11 Midland Ml CM eul litmmnnmuhomo At no pm lulu luopbn Cm Jamllm Lonlq rglyrn lgmurwllh simm draw um blood In the Rh when Robbin mud on oul IIMII Ilole mend Ind Aton ed on Ilnxlc by Oprah In Ihl hm hill ho nvenlh Kennedy VII vlalbly tired 110b bln led all Illh Inalher llnlll and ndvnmd on well llcod ncrlnm bun by Nine 11nd llabblnl plllercd lhlrd bu Ind noted on wld pitch Aldon bum Dlm Kell Ind Oprenkn boih duvr wIIIu and Ann Kumy mu Aummonetl mm the mum by mud Phil leh Ilnllt In the hula ll lhorhlov by Furlnn Irond Kelt And In mum dll vary pm mllted klmlm ln count flu lounh ï¬lm tun In lha Slmm elmlh mem Ied on with long mm Ian lllld Ind and on Mu Ly 11 round out but lnm ouu prevenlzd aux wring McFadden ad nlnc Ilrikewu and only M1 fly bull surplst the Inï¬eld uldo mm Dunn lham lnale right field Tonlm Lukevlw Duhy cll Ihu wllh frontrunning Consum erl GI ll Queenn Yuk Gama limo II pm McFadden Illowed oMy our men to rad hue and Mm pro mued put the laml lack Gorham war rule to mm the thlrd when McFadden commuted In ermr He remIned here flu ride wal Iddawn In order woout error by McFIdden allowed Dunn to In mlhold the loudh Marrmnvurned ylruinli lnulo with two 3mg Wuym nzbmm was mined by brother Ac utter two com plete innings and the gums inal tally wu counttd in tho ilwrlh McFldden drove lead double Ind moved to lhlrd bm on Em Mccmnol round out passed lull permitted thn nm urou 11w Holelmen launched Anoth er bl Ihml 1n the sixth when It sucks wen ï¬lled wkh two dbmhud Plndrhmer Anderson mlked mud Forbes upped hll lnlleld slnxla Noim Mull also wnked but Forbes wu law ed out It hlrd mm rounder by lion Mum Vlnmevlirxih mil Donny dialed Ma hll lo kid Nn Hm lnmo wu famed second 1mm lamlo annmomdu Ad am hen traded menu lo Icon Elma und noted Jka on passed bull belon Dpwnoy Innuedlo and an In The Imus Ls In action lonlzh ll Queenl Park ledkn mu 5mm Gina lznpm ll Butch Boyd Ind Dog my $0uldlnebt bud ï¬n pitcher duel nl hm rallied or their pair In flu Rh Di Bdewrt led oil with hm on bull and Stone Immked trlplu with on In mm mm with 111 Mon Dav Clmpbdl 1m name Ind Den Amer also named bmhlu on Mull mm 10 Plan palm hend er nixrun cushion ln lbw mm when eight Mk puv lded In the phle Donnell ed on with Huh Ind Funk Rnwn wu uh on nrlnfleld for Human Advneed hem Rmufll mites bunl gnd Hm topowcd gnu mm urti Mum BLOWS LEAD IUTSMTLEB Payer ILrAnxdy was 11 pa FVEHWH Mn NFL club owner hurl And In limos 09min make Mluun 0n Isl thy In their lucrqu mention lurtlnl nu ma 0mm the urn Ilml AH um um ndmltlcdly will In how MIMI their dim put team In In Dllll mnzho will have union her at mid mu ln the In vnlm nl two NFL amen lhtladtlphh Ind micgo 0121ny the AFL upln gurynynlllet 591m up HII M1 bWInt II la umd mm mm mm In 10 In In mm mm moooooo Indium dlm mm Ibo Iv mid mam If ummdlymu udd Inol chi In M7 trluu mm Mun mull pllcnnu or Philldelphll Inn chlu bu Widomr Joe Fan 1m 1141 Miler uman m£°° IV Allin nu ma M14 Mm ca mum his mm to the tiny msltr Gem Simon urinallama moody men em lawln In four 1h mrld mail coll ï¬nesInc U5 and British opens lb men and the PGA limiter wiupajw am me am to win In yum Shodd they lie Inc In holes mum playou be un The plan In uvmlh In In you mugged to gemn lurk alter blowlnl lhrce stroke 1mm wimp lhn dam of hlclimoin tho In three halal and hill We lie vnfll Natl 11 my Wind out uld Player Im lucky in be In Ha lllwlnvlnz lodged NEW YORK AN Im Ioolbllll rival luxuc Ilep up their expuulon umpnmu day with the American Angus wmndar to Nationll In mu lnr 2W ilo aim am ove 119 Em lnllnz yards the Bellerlva CounUy Gd ownu 51 10015 OHA couple cl enigmaGary Player Ind Ice Nashquad on In an 1m for lhe US 15m 19gb In Ihe United ma mune also will uoulnx Aiminm vii IM nx £0 hisbirqt Mywa vic Rival Leagues Bid Expansion mmbm plidnhmer An dy um um collldel Wm Giant shortstop DIijsdmlleld PlaycfliNeeaed For Golf Crown ILA IXCLUIIVI AGINT FOR CROWNDIAMOND PAIN ONEHOP BERTRAM SITDOWN TELK GROWS INTO SCRAP IROIHIRS LIMITED nunnlnmv whyIiian Comumn lm Eulnun La Maw 0mm Coon Smuï¬n lulu mmu Tnnlxhl Lakevluw Con aiwwmxdl 116 flay wag three pm In 16th to EMA Ind aqua the malch Nam pmedhlmhruun Ind Player panel the 11m Men on the MI wilh Nam walchinl and nmdinz par Stewarll Can lln Elmule Pllu GM anm hum camel Clnldiln chnendiyCnnadlan Tm At P1 00 Gall Haven ll Slew elï¬ï¬ï¬‚aEIdHvu FirmW patted 1m 15m in twoover pardxn put him mm 1W in mm Shoa mmlva blmm 11Naflc nld But nu um Mn hey Guy had dobla boggy Add in were All efï¬nwasaln Nash pamd an 16th Malls Player did the um 15 000 81101 Then on the myud bounlul lmn we ngoogpkdll MILL or mall most our days largely Mk5 in interest win uncallapso of Junk Nlckllul Angola Palmerl 1alure But flu 0mm whldl limited vui the ï¬nal number of mm mmda playedwmuumdnm ml um Idaan Audi Owned holes Inbv Edwin on the bud end doubl play The pnlr am down for In arzument Ind their hauled word dewlvped into ammo ammosnows Yemrdul Emu Plul Emu INTERMEDIATE LEAGUE People Do Read Small Ads You AREI SOFTBALL IENIOR LEAGUE 7260154 Tire It Pu lb ll lo Nlcflau outed belnm the event an llw man to but wound up with 239 Will May Ind Hll bull huh In pelccmnkm 11m with umpire Funk smry AP Wirephoiai Why CustOm BIéndedBer Sunoco is now the purest form of power you canbuy foryouf car ®A now whim clam hu bun AM to all Undo Dlmdlulmu Elm NI Idumad nddlun known In unmmmumm urbunlm Knuth You mod our calmlat tunaum You mumAlina uuud b1 dopeIn in rnhmlnr You Mm mllun In mwunumurhuwwlmflulmlunkml Brdbklin Extends 130x1dWinninigs CANADIAN Hum Bah am We Men or Brooklln Merchant run their unddeuadnrenk to no lame Ind Pm 0mm Sailmwon umo WWI only duh plnym 1n weekend OnllrloELIcmm minim unior mien 11 Merchant downed Humo Villa Slhxrdly and For Credit Named 1311mean Sunny Don Cruu Bmokun to In vlmry wllh our 1011 Othar scamI wen Bob Hanna Jimmy Hinlmn Glen mum Dm OBrien Gum Heï¬ernln Km Cr and Don alum Ed HumulDm laugh Ind LIrIy Inland hid two Dill bad for Huntwllle with PM how Inc Tom Oonlln mung the when 1qu KWQIHI mml our Brlmpmn while Don Arlhun Gard Wain Bruce WInlau Inf Kedo tomed an ape COMPETITION SPOKANE WIIh AP CuIAdII bld to hold the Wlnlu Olympus Bull if comm on om sum result at rho us Ski Amde mm which closed here Saturdly 10 06 madam shamed SIM him City Utah with or the Olympic In 1m Both but will to the luluundo Olymie Commluee hr emib mum In mare 10h In mm mapton WEI Rom om Ind Vam Mchry In it Foundryhm nut mm of mu he Ilnlul lmmrldn And with he vlnud Iddlllu now In Him Hunm MI llnu ml pumps Iml rulrurelnn Ill tlrnnmhnn mm mvlmn Flag at Sumo um um ml enjoy the warm form mar you an put In your MI CuntomDlemiod lune Burma New Hunm Comtl do lo lhnt Ideal Imrhm scholar can mlde Sumoa new mum mum mum Unmay drug of Nu Sum la wildly dun whm ll calm WHOMMENUS GASOLINES commrmon SPOKANE Wm up mum bld to hold an Wlnlu Olymwu at Wm ma Stale reouk us su Imam mun which dmd here Sammy 06 madman Mud sun uh City Utah with Jar the 01mm In but will the luluamoral Olvgmxe Commlun MERIT mm mm MERIT165W mom INSURANCE Réhnd Dobwn 7285 ll Collin 57 SEWE SAVINGS SEEMTY